Yogamen - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Frog Pose. One Of My Favorite For Legs Stretch.

Frog pose. One of my favorite for legs stretch.

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6 years ago
#garlandpose Variation An Amazing Pose To Stretch Hips, Calves And Find Balance. Photo Taken By @artsousa_
#garlandpose Variation An Amazing Pose To Stretch Hips, Calves And Find Balance. Photo Taken By @artsousa_

#garlandpose variation an amazing pose to stretch hips, calves and find balance. Photo taken by @artsousa_

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4 years ago
Ao This Is My Best 9. Most Of All Photos Are Naked . But Just Because Of That I Dont Want To Be Always

Ao this is my best 9. Most of all photos are naked 🤣. But just because of that I don’t want to be always naked to make photos. I want to share my passion that is yoga and not nudity. Making these session of nude yoga it was a big step in my development and leaving my conforto zone. Who knows what 2021 will bring. Thanks for all your likes and thank above all to my followers. Share, put a ❤️, and comment if you like. 🙏🏻 Photo taken by @artsousa_ and @paulasslopes #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #instayoga #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #yogamen #meninyoga #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #beardman #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys #yogaintegral #hotmenportugal #menatyoga (em Portugal)

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4 years ago
You Cant Separate Peace From Freedom Because No One Can Be At Peace Unless He Has His Freedom(Malcom

“You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom”(Malcom X). Are we really free? Can we be free? Who can we go in a trip around the globe just because we want and be out for months? Can we with the people we love all the time that we want? Can we go to make our hobbies everyday for the hours that we want? Most of all aren’t free at all but it’s our goal to achieve that. Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #worldyoga #yogfitmodels #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogainspiration #instayoga #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #yogamen #meninyoga #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #beardman #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys #yogaintegral #hotmenportugal #menatyoga (em Bacalhôa Buddha Eden)

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4 years ago
When The Sea Is Calm, You Can Afford To Float, Swim Easily , Or You Can Let The Currents Guide Or Cradle

When the sea is calm, you can afford to float, swim easily , or you can let the currents guide or cradle you. When the sea or the river is tumultuous to stay afloat, you have to fight harder, swim harder and it gets complicated but don't stop swimming if you don't want to drown. So, when life seems to be in turmoil and the whole world falls on you, you have to swim more vigorously and fight harder to stay afloat. Do not give up because the storm does not last forever and the calm and serene sea is waiting for you.(Lino Martins) #acroyogalovers #acroyoga #yogfitmodels #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #instayoga #acroyogaflows #yogaportugal #yogamen #meninyoga #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #beardman #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #acroyogalove #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys #yogaintegral #hotmenportugal #menatyoga (em Baixa da Banheira)

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4 years ago
When You Are At Home In Lockdown You Have A Lot Of Possibilities To Entertain Yourself. You Can See Movies

When you are at home in lockdown you have a lot of possibilities to entertain yourself. You can see movies or series, you can read, you can practice yoga, you can@work on your freedom plan or just freaking out. It’s your choice to what to do with your free time. It is easy to do it? No. But small steps day by day and you’ll get there. Just sit down, drop your phone, close your eyes and ask yourself “what I’m gonna try now? Try something that you never done. 🙏🏻 Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #worldyoga #yogfitmodels #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #instayoga #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #yogamen #meninyoga #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #beardman #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys #yogaintegral #hotmenportugal #menatyoga (em Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

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4 years ago
When You Are Aware Of The Environment Around You, You See Things That Normally People Dont See. Normally

When you are aware of the environment around you, you see things that normally people don’t see. Normally we are looking down thinking in the life and we don’t see the wonderful things that happen in the sky. This day I was paying attention to all around me and I saw this amazing ring around the sun and I had to capture this. Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #worldyoga #yogfitmodels #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #instayoga #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #yogamen #meninyoga #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #beardman #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #realportuguesemen #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys #yogaintegral #hotmenportugal #menatyoga (at Bacalhôa Buddha Eden)

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3 years ago
Yesterdays Practice. Keep Moving Towards My Fears And Shame. Open Your Heart, And Let Go Your Fears.

Yesterday’s practice. Keep moving towards my fears and shame. Open your heart, and let go your fears. Be vulnerable.

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3 years ago
The Best Thing Of Following People That Inspire You Is To Be Able To Learn From Them To Improve You To
The Best Thing Of Following People That Inspire You Is To Be Able To Learn From Them To Improve You To

The best thing of following people that inspire you is to be able to learn from them to improve you to be a better human everyday.

Pose inspired in @laetitia_channel_model3

Do you follow people that have the life you want? 🧐

What inspires you? 🤩

Coment, like and click the share button. 🙏🏼

#yogachallenge #yogapractice #yogaathome #yoganaked #nudeyoga #yogaintegral #yogaeveryday #yogaeverydamnday

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3 years ago
Theres Always Space For A Twist. Spine Twist Are A Healthy Variation In Every Pose. Gives You Spine #flexibility

There’s always space for a twist. Spine twist are a healthy variation in every pose. 🔄 Gives you spine #flexibility 🔄 Massage your internal organs 🔄 Increase your defenses 🔄 Take fresh blood to organs 🔄 Gives you energy 🔄 It gives strength to your abdominal muscles #yogalovers #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogainspiration #instayoga #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #yogamen #meninyoga #yogapractice #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys #yogaintegral #menatyoga (at Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

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3 years ago
You Shouldnt Fight To Look Good, You Should Fight BE Good.(Edison Tobon) When Im Talking Of Be Good,

“You shouldn’t fight to look good, you should fight BE good”.(Edison Tobon) When I’m talking of be good, the goodness is attached to everything in your life. I speak in terms of love, self love, money, physical and mental health, inner peace, etc... 👉🏼 You can achieve everything you want 👉🏼 Don’t listen people that don’t have what you want 👉🏼 Everybody have problems like you, and not everything is going to be ok in the process 👉🏼 You deserve everything in life Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogainspiration #instayoga #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #yogamen #meninyoga #yogapractice #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #yogaintegral #menatyoga (at Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

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3 years ago
The Only Limits In Our Life Are Those We Impose On Ourselves
The Only Limits In Our Life Are Those We Impose On Ourselves

“The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves”

(Bob Proctor)

If we challenge ourselves everyday, we grow everyday.

If someone says that YOU CAN’T, and if you believe him, that is YOUR FAULT, not his. You can achieve everything you want for your life.

Do you have afraid to fight for it?

Go anyway. Everybody feel the same and you are not alone…

😱 What do you feel leaving comfort zone?

😱 Did you panicked? Laugh?

😱 What did you felt after the challenge?

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3 years ago
Aulas De Yoga Nu Para Homens Em Lisboa. Aula Focada Nas Necessidades Do Homem Nvel Fsico, Mental E Energtico.

Aulas de yoga nu para homens em Lisboa. Aula focada nas necessidades do homem nível físico, mental e energético. Aula adaptada ao nível de todos

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3 years ago
Today I Shared Different Perspectives Of My Morning Practice. Go To My Onlyfans Page To Check It.

Today I shared different perspectives of my morning practice. Go to my onlyfans page to check it.

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3 years ago
Last Post Was About Self Massage And Many Asked Me About Self Massage. I Know You Want To See Penis And

Last post was about self massage and many asked me about self massage. I know you want to see penis and testicular massage but we going to start with feet massage. Next it will be calves, then it will be thighs and then the most expected one. Penis and balls. 😁 go to

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2 years ago
#utkatasana (chair Pose) Its An Amazing Asana To Challenge Ourselves. It Helps You To Connect The Muscles

#utkatasana (chair pose) it’s an amazing asana to challenge ourselves. It helps you to connect the muscles of your legs, core, arms with the breath. “Ut”it means intense, powerful. So be all this when doing it. 👉🏼Improves muscles strength 👉🏼Cardio workout ⚠️-Be careful if you suffer of high blood pressure ⚠️-Keep knees behind the big toe ⚠️-Head aligned with spine ⚠️-Keep belly in #yoga #yogaeveryday #yogalife #instayoga #boysofyoga #yogamen #nakedyoga #nudeyogaman (at Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

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8 months ago
Im Waiting For You In My Classes.

I’m waiting for you in my classes.

Several options for all levels of experience

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7 months ago
Do You Dare To Be In A Room Full Of Naked Men To Do Yoga?

Do you dare to be in a room full of naked men to do yoga?

Lisbon, Monday and Wednesday 7.10pm

Challenge yourself

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