69constellationsinatrenchcoat - misadventures of a queer disabled DID system
misadventures of a queer disabled DID system

No, there are not 69 of us but we are hiding in a trenchcoat.. medically recognised adult DID system studying to become a clinical psych. We are aware we make mistakes, we know we make mistakes, we're open to kind discussion!!!! 🇳🇿🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Please remember, there is a person behind almost every post on the internet, including syscourse. Be kind.

1611 posts

Hello! One Question About Systems With Cdd/did That I Have And Which Bothers Me A Lot, As A Person Who

Hello! One question about systems with cdd/did that I have and which bothers me a lot, as a person who mostly have been in tulpa spaces and don't have CDDs is, well.

How do I support a fellow system with fictives, and treat them with respect without making them uncomfortable on accident if they share their source, or introject art? How do I even approach it?

Welcome!!! Welcome to the trauma side? na, na, just gonna forget I said that and move on..

A good start is ask them what they're comfortable with, or ask one of their system (if they know).

Introjects are a bit of a mixed bag - sometimes you'll get introjects who are fully comfortable with the fact they're in a system and others who despise it, or haven't accepted that they are in a system.

It's always good to remember introjects aren't their source even if they feel if they are - when my Link appeared in our system he had no idea that he wasn't at home in Hyrule, we had to explain to him what was going on and pick apart his confusion and discomfort around his new home. He eventually came around and he now understands that his memories and links (pun not intended) to his source character are due to our DID.

If they share art of themselves, it's usually to be celebrated! Just be aware of the tone of the message etc. If they're saying things like "I don't like how I look here :(" then treat it how you would any other friend.

Approaching an introject reallyyy depends on the introject, but a good start is to find out what name and pronouns they use, and if any of the system they belong to know what their role is and how they appear in source- that can be a good indicator of how they'll respond to interactions (eg. If they're stubborn and cut off in source, they're likely to have the same thing here).

Hope this helps! Feel free to DM me anytime if you need other help!

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More Posts from 69constellationsinatrenchcoat

Sorry about all the anon hate. How's your day going? And whats the most interesting thing you've done this week?

It's been okay?? Minus the several assessments (it's that time of year) lol, exams next week


omg i didnt even make that link.. at least it's not as bad as the 'super straight' flag

that's so cool!!!! do it!! atp i feel like people just make their own system flags and im so here for it

Do you have a preferred CDD flag? considering there's.. a bunch 😆

i would be stereotypical and pick the orange, white, and black flag, but i truly don’t like the colors. reminds me of a menacing website….

Do You Have A Preferred CDD Flag? Considering There's.. A Bunch

but i’ve been thinking on making my own flag! i love choosing colors and patterns. but to answer your question, no, i don’t have a preferred flag! i might make my own to represent system and dollkin :3

I got way too excited about these so you're getting Amber rambles

1- teal (or orange/red/yellow)

2- neither, hot chocolate or just water.

4- the hours of 11pm until 4am: it's quiet, soft, allows you to stare at the stars.. or sleep. It's personal time, the world is sleepy and the night is quiet, there's less interruptioms. It's the perfect time to curl up with a friend or partner, where people's guards drop and people become more honest and the perfect hours for cuddles. They're the hours where children relax, where adults relax and the world is silent ,m💕

5- lock screen: simple, fine line rainbow heart hands created from images of three of my closest friends hands. Home screen: constellation themed legend of zelda art.

6- "what do you make of me?" by Beth Crowley

7- find the owner: if the owner can't be found, depends on my financial situation at the time but donate it

8- yes: ear lobes are pierced, and I have three tattoos (a love letter to fandom and neurodivergence' with a book, sword and dragon on the back of my leg, a tiny uterus made of flowers on my ankle, and a rainbow semicolon feather on my forearm)

9- depends on the kind of kiss. make out sesh? bad idea by girl in red. tender kisses? why am i like this by Orla Gartland

10- Another one bites the dust by Queen (obvious reasons)

11- about 8 hours ago

12- being a good person, being kind, enthusiastic and intelligent, and sharing it with others as best as i can.. and my dedication to causes I'm passionate about.

13- I don't know. Maybe robbery of Elon Musk? Distribute it throughout people who need it? Or arson.

14- cause

15- depends on the situation, either way I'd be alarmed, alert the staff and check for signs of life

16- depends who you ask. I think it slow death most of the time, but then there are times where I feel truly alive and everything feels worth it.

17- lol yes

18- okay no one says we can't lose a fingernail, right? haha. I assume in the spirit of the question they're asking about major limbs/etc, which in that case, my left leg. I'd lose the tattoo though :((

19- drowned in a place so cold my body shuts down before I have a chance to react

20- i don't know

21- on the assumption the "proper" way isn't available.. fire.

22- if the person I'm to kill is threatening my loved one, and the only solution is to kill them? Yes. Otherwise I don't know.. possibly.

23- die peacefully without memory. I've always believed I make very little impact, and that would prove it.

24- assuming I could cook it: heart

25- tell me everything from your side.

Asks That Start Off Normal But Progressively Get Dark

1- What’s your favorite color?

2- Coffee or tea?

3- If you could live anywhere and cost wasn’t an issue, where would you live? 

4- If you were a time of day, what time of day would you be?

5- What’s your phone wallpaper?

6- What’s a song that you relate to?

7- What would you do if you found a 100 dollar bill on the sidewalk?

8- Do you have any piercings or tattoos? 

9- What song would you want to get kissed to?

10- What song would you play at your funeral?

11- When’s the last time you cried?

12- What do you want to be remembered for when you die?

13- If you could commit any crime without consequence, which crime would you commit? Or would you not commit any crime at all?

14- Would you rather know the date or cause of your death?

15- What would you do if you found a dead body in a hotel room?

16- Are we really living or are we just slowly dying?

17- Do you like the taste of blood?

18- If you had to lose a body part, which one would you choose and why?

19- Would you rather be frozen, burned, or drowned?

20- If there's hell of some sort, do you think you’re going there?

21- How would you dispose of a body?

22- Would you kill someone you don’t know to save someone you love?

23- Would you rather be burned at the stake but die a saint beloved by all, or die peacefully but have nobody remember you?

24- Would you rather eat part of a human heart or a whole human eye?

25- What question would you ask the devil?

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( me / @beetinnit, @metfell / @nuclearblast and geese / disco )