I am not a newbie here - I have memories to cherish
68 posts
Blindfolded-nakedtruth - Arthur - Tumblr Blog
"You are respectful, lovable, and gentle unless you don't speak up for yourself."
I haven't been seeing a lot of posts here about the latest Kolkata case where a 31-year-old doctor, Moumita Debnath, was raped and killed in her workplace. I'm not from India but this type of news is not uncommon where I come from. A hundred cases like these get buried under the rug because it's always "the woman's fault" or at most she is victim blaming and I just couldn't not talk about this. This case also got my attention because people were asking "Well, what was she wearing?" to this DOCTOR who was ON DUTY.
I urge everyone who sees this post to look into the case. The condition in which she was found, the hospital's disgusting attitude towards this, the sheer darkness in which her family was kept in before the hospital even let them see their daughter's body and the fucking way the government is handling this like it's some sort of political agenda is just too horrific. They're out here wiping out evidence and the CM herself is trying to play this like it's some opposing political party going against HER.
I see many things from India trending here and appreciate it, but this case should also get more exposure. Sure, South Asia is getting appreciation in the world for many things but women are still so underappreciated and are being feasted upon every single day. This case too only came forward because the victim's colleagues were brave enough to go against the college which was threatening them with their marks if they spoke against them. There are a million other cases that never come out, million other victims whose voice never get heard but let's not make this one of them.
Dont Skip,,please help my sons !!🇵🇸🍉
Hello! I am motaz from Gaza.
My house was destroyed and I lost my job and everything we had in this country. I feel great pain writing for you, as I have to start this campaign to save myself and my people from this human disaster. We live in harsh conditions, and we only have hope after being displaced several times from our home. Now, we are fighting for the most basic necessities to survive - drinking food and water.. Imagine with me that you wake up every day and don't know how to get a meal for your kids. Imagine the anxiety that grips you as you try so hard to protect your family from hunger and thirst. This is our daily reality. Your donation, no matter how small, can have a great impact. It can provide us with a meal, a clean water bottle, or a moment of safety under these difficult conditions. Every donation brings with it a ray of hope, alleviates our suffering and gives us strength to face a new day. Please donate and support the resilience of the Gazan people, especially citizens in the north of the Gaza Strip, and share this campaign with your friends and families. Together, we can make a difference and help my family get through this ordeal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and support. My warm greetings. Motaz
I want to save the lives of my family and escape death.
I hope you will help by donating and reblog
Every 1110 kr= 100$

Middle-class economics: rich on the 1st, poor by the 31st – a never-ending cycle of feast and famine!
"I'll choose the thorns; at least they remain constant in their presence, unlike the fleeting nature of beauty."
Of course, it does
I think your parents relationship really do determine your view of love and relationships.
"Imperfection is Perfection"
“A beautiful thing is never perfect.”
— Egyptian Proverb
"If happiness were the currency, we would all be bankrupt"
We mask our naked truths with gentle lies,
But our conscience sees through the disguise.
For integrity is rooted deep within,
A constant pulse that echoes through our veins and skin.
No curtain separates heart from mind,
No hiding place for the secrets we design.
Our deepest thoughts and emotions intertwine,
A complex weave of truth and subtle design
What is your "Naked Truth"?
“In any given moment we have two options: To step forward into growth or to step back into safety.”
— Abraham Maslow
“You can’t be strong all the time. Sometimes you just need to be alone and let your tears out.”
— Unknown
i’m a very observant person, so if you think i didn’t notice, i did. i just decided to keep quiet.
"We are not weird, we are just wired differently."
"People begin to notice you when you stop noticing yourself."
I said, "I am hungry."
And she made a steak of my emotions
Logical thinking comes from Imagination and observation. Illogical thinking and blind-following may kill reasoning and imagination.
“The habit of logical thinking kills imagination.”
— Lev Shestov, All Things Are Possible
The night is when I truly meet myself. With the world asleep, I'm left alone with my thoughts. The silence and darkness help me understand myself better. It's time for introspection, and I find comfort in my own company.

“People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.”
— Aldous Huxley
"Humans are paradoxical - we proclaim life's unpredictability, yet relentlessly try to predict it."
Funds for rebuilding life in Gaza are important!! Posts after posts of Free Palestine doesn't do anything, if you do not at least interact with campaigns where a Gazan is saying that he plans to stay on and rebuild his life in his homeland.
@siraj2024 has a short term goal of 10 thousand CAD
10k is all he is asking for now because he wants to relocate safely to another camp!!
At this very moment when you are rushing to go to work or spending a lazy afternoon, a father from Gaza is using what little data there is left on the e-sim to scroll through an unfamiliar website, going blog to blog to request people to care about his campaign.
Siraj has been forced to move six times during this terrible genocide. Everytime a place starts to feel safe, the occupation attacks it via bombing and shelling. Do you understand how much of a psychological torture this is??? Not to mention how financially devastating it is to flee with a stagnating campaign? Tents need money, threadbare mats for sleeping are expensive, medicine (what little is left) drains away so much resources...THIS IS WHY HE NEEDS 10K !!
Siraj dreams of living on in Gaza. He plans to rebuild his house on the soil that is rightfully his !!! No matter how much Zionists gnash their teeth and mock him and goad him in his DMs, Siraj is steadfast about surviving and rebuilding his children's life in Gaza.
This is why he needs your help! Help him relocate because Gaza is not dead!! There won't be those ugly Zionist beach resorts, there won't be any ugly settlements for colonizers to move into no matter how much they whine. Palestine will be free and Gaza will be rebuilt but for that to happen, campaigns like that of Siraj's need your attention!
There are two raffles being held for Siraj if you need further incentive!
@sheplaysbassdotmp3 is holding an art raffle for Siraj
@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness too is holding a raffle of a giveaway of the Collector's edition of Time quintet for Siraj and other Palestinian families.
So please give Siraj your attention. For Palestine to live on, for Palestine to be free campaigns of families who want to rebuild their lives back in Gaza, are tremendously important!!
Currently at $7274 CAD