I started this account bc I wanted to learn how to write disabled characters. Now I rant about reading and writing.
278 posts
Excerpt From My WIP
Excerpt From My WIP
Feel free to critique my writing :D
Have you ever seen someone's vulnerable interiority? Those few moments far in between where a human decanter has been abused and left to pour their despair at your feet. As if you were a God? As if they were praying with their cries as hymns?
I always feared those moments. I feared many interesting things growing up.
I feared the day when mom would die. How I would be the only person who could be at the funeral.
I feared the day when someone would confess their love for me. How the light in their eyes would be twirling like flames with hope, or maybe shaking with fear?
I feared the moment when I could see someone in their purest moment. How I would be left with the choice of saying "I see you" or letting the moment fall past.
I feared those moments not because I was scared of grief, or scared of romance, or scared of another person.
In reality, I was scared of myself. Or my lack of self to be more apt. Confused? Don't worry. I'll explain myself.
To say that I "lack" emotions would be inaccurate. I can feel annoyance whenever a distraction interfers with my necessities. I occassionally have pangs of joy. I have felt grief. Joy. Love
My emotions aren't strong.
When I was confessed to by a school companion in my youth with a two dollar flower and a million dollar smile, I felt an underlining of annoyance at this lackluster gesture. I quitely rejected them. I still made sure to grab the poor flower and put them in a vase as my mom always told me I should. Although, I never thought about them since that moment.
When a radiant sunshine revealed a tiny little hint of deeper awareness beneath their conspicuous joyfulness, I ignored it. That was the only time I had ever seen a pained smile of their face. There were some tears lighting up their eyes. I would never have that moment again. I ruined it.
The moment that sealed my fate was when my mother died after forcing her way through torturous chemo treatments and her own deterioration. At the bedside of own of the most loving angels that could ever grace this world, I couldn't even wring enough emotion out of me to cry authentically. I felt genuine sadness for her passing and joy for her rewarded sufferance, that was true. But it didn't feel like enough. This was the woman who raised me and I didn't even have the heart to be sad for the rest of my life.
At that moment, my greatest fears had come true, I was a grotesque monster who couldn't even bring myself to cry genuinely at my own mother's funeral. I spent more time in my childhood cottage thinking about my father more than my mother.
My father always called me a "nothing child" when I was younger. I still remember the exact words my mother said to me after she chased my father out of the house for the last time, "you aren't useless".
Maybe that was what my father meant when he called me a "nothing child" Maybe he really was trying to call me useless. But when my angelic mother died, when my companion was lost in romance, and when I lost the opportunity to discover humanity underneath my friend's exterior, I truly was a nothing child.
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More Posts from Imbecominggayer
Practice Writing!
Today, I'm practicing some writing in the first-person.
Finally, two days ago from the time I am writing this, my dearest mother kicked the bucket. In two more days, I might have to give a speech, a testimonial, on the life of my mother.
I am meant to stand on a stage only I can see as I narrate on emotions I've never known. Then again, I’ve always been segregated from the emotional expression of others.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that this world is entirely comprised of unhappy people. But those people can fight their unhappiness with society fairly and squarely, and society often offers its sympathies for such struggles. My unhappiness stems entirely from my own conglomeration of human culture misappropriation and alien understanding of what humanity is. I have no way of fighting anybody.
But I refuse to fall into the ploy of others. The particularly god-fearing friends of my mother would say it's blasphemy towards life to choose death before choosing life. “It is a violation of the natural order”. They say that those who choose to abandon the free will God has given us will be tortured in hell for all eternity
It’s raining. I guess I’m going to hell soaking.
(If this is actually Mature, I can edit it to be mature ok?)
Hello this is me Aya.. 🇵🇸
having everything and suddenly you wake up with nothing left.That's exactly what happened with us .we moved from having everything to having nothing.In a blink of an eye ,we lost everything, our house ,dreams,
memories belongings and our works. We are starting from zero and need your help to climb the leader step by step from scratch.
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Please continue to support us by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.
From a person that doesn't claim to be verified, we have a gofundme,
If their potentially unverified status scares you but you still want to donate, feel free to check out my account which has several desperate palestinian individuals with verified accounts
How To Write Supressed Memories
From @differentnighttale we have a new ask: "How do I write a character who becomes a murderer without knowing while dealing with his repressed or surpressed memories?"
The condition that causes "repressed memories" is called dissociative amnesia.
A) Dissociative Amnesia
Dissociative Amnesia is caused when a traumatic or stressful event is so emotionally overwhelming that the brain builds walls surrounding the memories. This either blocks out severe or long-term trauma.
In most cases, the person still has the memories but they're just kept seperate from the everyday consciousness. Ultimately, dissociative amnesia is one of many different kinds of coping mechanisms that the brains adopts whenever a situation is so deeply traumatic and life-altering that the brain needs to shove it away.
However, despite the fact that the consciousness can't actively recall the memories, the traumatic event would still impact their behavior subconsciously.
For example:
giving them a phobia with seemingly no beginning
a refusal to enter in locations for no obvious reason
an avoidance of certain types of people
Most people aren't aware of their missing memories until outside circumstances remind them. For example, military men with PTSD might forget the days following the return until someone mentions it.
This time can stretch from days after the trauma to months to even years.
B) Can Murder Be Traumatizing?
Answer: it depends
If the person is murdering people with a cold-hearted attitude and generally fine with murder, then they probably wont be traumatized.
However, if these murders were commited by a person when the tensions were high then it might result in dissociative amnesia.
Another contributing factor in this hyperspecific scenario might be the person's own internal beliefs of themselves! If someone is so convinced they are a great person, then they might shove down memories where they weren't a good person.
How To Write Time Skips
From @ravennova7: How to you handle time skips in stories? I can write out scenes happening in real time, but narrative summarising isn’t something I’m good at. I just can’t seem to write exposition properly. "
And so, this post will be dedicated to how to write time skips!
A) Introduction
It's important to properly weave time skips into the story. Without the proper set-up for time progression, the audience can quickly loose their footing. Even if you are trying to write a story where the audience gets thrown of their feet, the readers need some type of directioning.
In order to incorperate time skips into the story, you need to soften the edges between here and now.
If you are writing a time skip in one chapter, you could use an expository phrase such as "three months passed...", "one day morphed into the next and suddenly...", "by the time...", and all those other types of phrases.
When you are writing the time skip across different chapters, in my opinion, it's easier to write a skip in time due to the fact that's more weaved into the formatting of the story.
You could change the perspective to a new character or return the perspective to the original holder.
One example of a time skip I really liked was when a character was trapped in time. From their perspective, we see them walking up to and shattering a hourglass. When we meet up with another character, we learn that some time has passed.
It felt jarring but not as jarring as it could have been if that scene wasn't in there.
Overall use section breaks to establish that the flow of the narrative has changed. I also try to use running themes throughout the time skip as a way of linking these two scenes together. It could be through the same character being the focus of the scene. It could be a "before vs after" type of comparison in which a character tries to do something two different times to show change. Basically, a training montage.
Another example of a time skip that was used effectively was "What Remains Of Edith Finch". Specifically, the ending monologues. The protagonist's ever-present narration guided the audience through the many years that passed. The story keeps the same emotional through line as everything feeds into one another. It feels like a conversation.
B) Limitation And Usage
Time skips are used to skip over detail that isn't providing necessary information. Movies often use montages to communicate that time is passing.
Time skips and montages are necessary tools because readers don't want to sit through weeks of the same character going to the gym.
Time skips, in my opinion, should be used sparingly and only when necessary. It's exceedingly jarring. It can smack down on the emotional threwline. It's messy.
REMEMBER: Don't use time skips to skip out on character growth.
I remember this one f*cking time when the protagonist got injured. Then a second later. He's healed. This would be fine. UNTIL
They had this protagonist undergo MASSIVE character growth WITHOUT ME! This guy wasn't my protagonist. He was suddenly nice! He was confident. He was best friends with everyone now!!?! He was suddenly besties with this guy who was his enemy just two seconds ago!!!!?!
I had to drop the story.
Try to keep character relationships the same through the time skips if you are "going to black". If you are pulling a montage move where you pass through the events of their friendship building then it's fine. If you have a character think about why their relationship changed, fine.
BUT NEVER just randomly have your protagonist suddenly change! Explain the change. I'm in your character's head to see their progression. To be there on their journey, dont make me skip the big action sequence!
Use time skips to skip over the in-between steps. Skip over the characters buying a ticket. Skip over the character's walk up the stairs. Skip over the fight sequence.
But don't skip over important and potentially engaging character development!!!!
C) Selective Conclusion
Remember, narrative isn't real time. Our experience of time isn't real time. Five minutes could be too soon to say everything you need to say or it could be the most agonizing amount of time to hold your breathe.
You probably skip over time naturally. You don't write a character's every errand nor their every thought. The only time the camera touches down on a character is when it's narratively relevant.
To decide when a scene is important, establish what information you need to know in order to fulfill the plot.
If you have a character you want to show as both in love with Girl and bad at school. You can have a character walking out the school, textbooks heavy in hand, who suddenly bumps into Girl.
Then use a transitional sentence to show the audience that we are done. "Well, at least there's one good thing about school".
I did a post on a new villain character who happens to be autistic and a murderer.
So, my question is: How do I write a character who becomes a murderer without knowing while dealing with his repressed or surpressed memories?
Thank you.
I finished it :D
Sorry if it's not that good, I'm not feeling too great right now so that might have seeped into the writing :(