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My Favorite Part About Being A Factive Of Someone Who Did Shit To The System Is When I Talk Shit About
My favorite part about being a factive of someone who did shit to the system is when I talk shit about them and then someone ask my name, and when I told them the name I'm my source they normally end up "Oh-." cause for a bit of moment it's like someone talking shit about themselves
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More Posts from Persmo
I find so interesting how many times you don't get the proper credit just because you're an alter in a system
Like you do something but other alter, normally the host, takes the credit of that thing you did, and because you all share body you can't say nothing, and if you do people would say "well is a collective thing" so you don't get the proper credit
Sometimes is funny, sometimes is sad, sometimes is frustrating, but at the end you learn how to accept it as your fate
Syscord/Systok sucks and I don't care anymore about them, I'm fucking done with the bullshit is there
Thinking I would find some good community (I'm always aware community spaces aren't completely safe, but I know some non-safe spaces that are good spaces to) I ended up in a shitty place
Syscord and Systok are one of the worst things the CDD community has to offer, and I'm telling it as someone who was in both the spanish and english syscord/systok community, they're shitty
We have a lot of fucking and horrible personal experiences with them, and also we have seen a lot of things and many problems, it's fucking toxic and taking something good is difficult as hell
You want a tip? Don't be part of syscord nor systok
Get your point, but as we stated we feel more comfortable using brainmade rather than introject in this cases, labels and roles for alters aren't obligations and you have to follow them exactly as they are, what you have to priotitize is your comfort and what works best for you and your system in order to heal and understand
Maybe for you they're introjects, for us not, and that's ok cause everyone has different points of view and preferences regarding labels
Labels like brainmade and introject aren't obligatory and are just for the alter comfort and understanding, so if isn't affecting you nor the other system in a bad way, let's learn not to correct things about preference and personal understanding :) /nbr
I'm curious, do you have a "verse" in your system?
Explanation: A verse is when you have multiple alters from the same source and/or are classified as similar or the same; it's not always about introjects cause we have brainmades who are a verse
We have like 10 verses lol
Brain doesn't have budget to make original ideas /j
Sometimes we have this thought and it's weird...
Are we trans because that's what feels right or just because we're a system?
Are we trans because it's just that way or is it based in our trauma and our phobia of women?
Idk... It's strange all of this and every time this question gets in our mind we can't answer it
I'll never understand why people get angry when systems have a problematic alters with a problematic/anti-recovery way of coping, or act horrible
It's all a trauma response, it's all based on what they understand and know as a way of trying to live. It would be normal to have this kind of parts cause CDD it's a disorder caused by a severely traumatized kid, and if their environment is that horrible of course the kid won't know how to cope in healthy ways and problematic/anti-recovery/horribly bad alters will appear
Am I saying that this alters should front and do whatever they want without consequences because they're traumatized? Of course not!!
What I'm trying to say is don't invisivilize this alters, don't say like they're a horrible thing that shouldn't happen, don't stigmatize alters that are like that, they're like that for a reason, and try to ignore them and treat them bad is just going to make worst the process of healing for them and you
You should acknowledge this parts, recognize they do wrong but they also have to heal. There gonna be alters that don't want to heal and are gonna be a dick head trough the process, but that doesn't mean you won't include them in the healing process, just put them aside for another part
And is they do wrong or something nocive for the system, body or externals you have to take accountability and try to control that best, I know it's difficult and sometimes you can't control this parts, but taking accountability and trying to repair the damages they made it's a very important thing
Please, let's stop pretending like this kind of alters doesn't exist or if you know they exist stop treating them like someone who doesn't deserve healing, sometimes treating them worst because of what they are makes so much difficult or worst for them to acknowledge they're doing wrong and help them grow and heal
That's my opinion, have a nice day/night :D