Subsystem - Tumblr Posts
Reflections Beyond One Could See: A Detailed Post on Subsystems
"Just like a mirror, capable of depicting a whole scene.. once shattered, it shows many other angles and views that also made the initial reflection less coherent and fragmented."
Before you proceed, this post is the continuation of the previous post , here we cover many other details and information that people had never talked about for these 4 types. If you had seen it, let's begin!
The purpose it has..
I will be talking about the type 1 and 3 first.
Subsystems can be said as a different variant, though a related form to splitting (where it popped a part off someone) which may or may not be related with the initial alter, usually more distinct/unrelated.
In general means, subsystem is emphasized as a form of splitting for the specific alter to cope from distress, or to keep functioning, that isn't involving the whole collective.
All about type 1 & 3..
A reminder that the frequency and severity of how many facets it can break off, or how easy it can create subsystems come from the alter's own stress tolerance; which means some can form them easier (like me), while some are still holding on and stable.
Type 1 - Polyfaceted Subsystem
This type happens to be inside an alter due to still having reasons of feeling intact or together, usually different sides of the same alter. This is made to understand that there might be conflict with some thoughts or views, or due to instability with no intention of rejecting its own sides of selves.. fragmenting to each facet one has, now more autonomous that makes it easier to organize/understand each facets.
(Selfmade name from Poly in Greek; and facette in French, means "many face")
The common obstacles found in this type:
Switches are not as noticeable, especially in lesser distinctions between each facets
Prone to be blurry, or struggle with communicating as the opinions are not synchronized
often causing confusion or disorientation in decision making, due to having many sides but one body trying to operate its own ways
Type 3 - Monodive Subsystem
This type happens when there has been a rejection of identity/trait, or no longer able to cope with the presence of the problem to the core, trouble moving on or trouble keeping other facets together,, so in order to adapt, it splits distinct alters that separates from the main in order to lessen the burden/symptoms. Now all independently autonomous, it may have a similar appearance or an incredibly different look along with it's personality.
(Selfmade name from Mono in Greek; and Divisus in latin, means "separated one")
The common problems found in this type:
Contrasting views and opinions, which creates difficulties finding the middle ground
Problems with gathering evidence due to compartmentalization of memories, or traits, as it is harder to identify or understand fully autonomous splits
May follow with memory loss or skill for the initial alter, if still existing, and foregoes a personality change which can be confusing/distressing
The other meaning..
Okay, now I'll talk about 2 and 4 here.
Subsystem can also be defined by a group of alters by any means, for the most frequent examples such as having the same set of roles, or origins.
Theyre different from polyfaceted and monodive as these two types of systems can extremely vary from one system to another, there is no 'general' rules or requirements and only by reason of grouping.
All about 2 & 4..
Type 2 - Tersynd Subsystem
This type is about a set of specific alters that can traverse out-of-reach innerworld regions with ease that most people couldn't access, or have a hard time reaching to the destination, even staying for a prolonged time, and especially if it needs that specific alter to bring others there. (Also knew from personal experience)
This can also be applied to communicational barriers as some can talk easier compared to others, as it might sound more distant or blurry or can't 'click' nor mediate.
(Selfmade name from Iter in latin; and Syndedemenos in greek, means "travel and connected")
How tersynd works:
It is based on the level of connectedness to a particular area of interest/origin, which is made to be a home or area for similar kinds of alters exclusively. Be it origin or roles
Other folks may not be able to enter or stay in an exclusive area due to a different purpose or off-synchronized with the intention of the area, as there is no personal significance to connect with
Barriers do not only exist in worlds, but also communication too. There might be ease of conversing with a similar group of alter than to the less connected ones as it might have different jobs/roles, thus lesser importance to interact (This can be practiced to build better communication, as the brain loves compartmentalizing and keeping alters separated for survival)
Type 4 - Neofamile Subsystem
This type is for those out there, who developed a connection, or a familiarity who all belonged from different origins,, for example, elves and vampires may not be directed by the same species but they have similarities that connects them together such as longevity and supernatural/fictional beings.
This one is rather self explanatory too.
(selfmade name from Extraneo in latin; and familia in latin, means "from outside but family")
Last words..
I hope that covers every part of what people rarely talk about in this topic, and has been informative from start to finish!
Also, what do you guys think of the names? Should we keep them or stick to "types" instead??
And thankyou for reading to the end, i tried my best to make it as compact as possible.. let me know your own subsystem experiences, or your thoughts on this topic,, i wish you all a good day <3
I can elaborate in a separate post on how to integrate subsystems for healing, just let me know
- j
Discovering a new subsystem is like:
"woah, who tf are you?"
"Oh- :')"
Like love you guys but where the fuck did you come from??
Sorry this probably makes no sense, we found a subsystem recently and just needed to say something to someone, in this case, Tumblr
Started this Tumblr💖 7/6/2023
Hello 👋 | We Love New Friends😊
Simply Plural is Ashla-Interweb-bois | Pexels has free to use photos. Some uses these 😊
We are a OSDD-1b now leaning towards more DID System because of discovery but still not sure🧡 Discovered on 11/29/2022
The Ashla System🧡 aka Interweb bois🌙 -🖤🌙
Not diagnosed Professionally📝
Majority of Us are Christians and God and Jesus Makes Us Happy☺️ and is 1 of Our Main Coping Mechanism other @mental-health-and-jesus ✝️ 1/17/2024
☺️Personal Blogs
And a new blog @co-conscious-culture ⭐️3/14/2024
Hope You Have Fun wiTh Me @steven-granty-boi 💚01/19/2024 :)
Hang out with yours truly @jake-in-the-know 💜5/06/2024🌹
Orange Cat & Guitar in hand @llewyn-with-a-cat 🩵6/01/2024🎸
A Bookmark 🔖 in Moi Hand @levy-with-a-book 🩶6/08/2024 ^_^
Apps That Help Us🧡
•Simply Plural 🏹 •Pexels 🖼️ for Non Copyright Photos •GIF Maker🤳🏻 •Pinterest ✂️ •YouTube ❤️ for the Playlist •Alarm Clock ⏰ •Spotify 🎶 •Notes 📝 •Google Slide ✍🏻
Our Hyperfixations are :)
Star Wars💫 especially Rebels⚡️
Moon Knight🌙 of Course (How We Discovered Being Plural✨)
Ultimate Spider-Man🕷️ (2012-2016)
Sherlock Holmes 🔎🎻 (reading The Complete Sherlock Holmes)
Wonka 🍫 & the Soundtrack🎶
The Chosen✝️
Disney🏰 and Pixar🖼️ especially Monsters, INC. franchise🧢
Night at The Museum🌕
Brooklyn Nine-Nine🕵️
What We Love to Do🫶 Our Interest🎶
Playing the Guitar🎸 and Singing🎼
Everything about the Filming Process🎥 Voice Acting🎙️ Psychology🧠 Writing✍🏻
American Revolutionary Era🇺🇸
Bible Era
Egyptian Mythology
Taylor Swift | Disney | Old Songs | Musiclas | Orchestra | Religious
Our Playlist Mix 💿
1st Taylor Songs Thus Far 2nd Jesus Music 3rd Source Music Isaac🖤☺️
YouTubers❤️ We Watch
•McJuggerNuggets •stampylonghead •PopularMMOs •JStuStudios •Watcher •Taskmaster •Kendall Rae •BOZE vs. the WORLD •Patty Mayo •Matt Rose •Scott Cramer •Pente Patrol Star Wars •Dry Bar Comedy •The Chosen •Heart Dive with Kaneo Gibson •Saturday Night Live •Karen Puzzles •So Uncivilized •And DID/OSDD Content Creators🎥
System Members Who Are Comfortable Saying Who They Are✨
Our YouTube❤️ Channels🎬

Description Semi-Fictional Interject are Parts at the Beginning didn’t Identify with any look and or a Fragment that turned into an Alter by adopting a body :)
Body’s Info
Age: 20 in 2023
Birthday: 11/22
Race: Half Japanese🇯🇵 & American🇺🇸
Language: English🇺🇸 & Japanese🇯🇵
Most of Us identify with being Japanese and American🇯🇵🇺🇸🇬🇧
Religion: Christianity
Gender: Non Binary Presenting
Pronouns: Mostly They because Co-Con a Lot
Sexuality: Gynesexual for Outside Folks
Alice🩷 Identifying with Body
Ashla🧡 Collective Name
Doesn’t feel Emotionally Attached aka The Face
Fictional Interject/Adult
Fictive: My Virtual Escape/ The Devil Inside S1
Age: 20 in 2023
Birthday 10/29
• Edgy Humor •Punk Rock •Kinda with Steven💚 & Llewyn🩵 & Levy🩶 | 8/01/2024 Dating💝
Co-Host/Subsystem/Semi-Fictional Interject/Adult
Fictive: Moon Knight
Age: Late 20s
Subsystem with Llewyn🩵 and Levy🩶 and Co-Host also with Levy🩶 •Watches over Marc 💙
•Makes Us Laugh •Old Cozy Songs •Kinda with Isaac🖤 8/01/2024 Dating💝 (The Relationship in the Marvel TV Series Universe of Steven, Marc and Jake are really different in Our System💫 It’s more separate and it’s more after Season 1)
Co-Host/Subsystem/Semi-Fictional Interject/Adult
Fictive: Scenes from a Marriage (Haven’t actually watched all of it sooo)
Age: Late 30s
•Sophisticated •Taylor Swift •Has a Daughter in System •With Alicia🍯 taking care of Littles🌸 / Co-Parent
Subsystem/Fictional Interject/Adult
Fictive: Inside Llewyn Davis (Doesn’t identify with from his source but the covers the Littles love 🍊)
Age: 20s? 30s?
•Lyrical •Kinda with Isaac🖤
Marc💙 (Woffie❄️ might have fused with Marc? Still figuring things out) | /Marcy🌨️
Semi-Fictional Interject/Adult
Fictive: Moon Knight
Age: Late 20s Early 30s
Identifies with the Body but younger than the body.
Woffie❄️ (might have fused with Marc? Still figuring things out)
Age: Age Slider not sure exactly but it’s a pretty wide
• Loves Snow •Mountain’s with Snow (pretty much Snow haha)
Age: 17
•Daughter of Levy🩶 •Can’t really interact with Levy🩶 •Book lover
Semi-Fictional Interject/Non-Human/Adult
Fictive: Moon Knight
Age: Late 30s
Age: 30s
•With Levy🩶 taking care of Littles🌸 / Co-Parent
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for to this you were called as members of one body. And be thankful." COLOSSIANS 3:15✝️
“That there should be no schism in the body; by that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.” 1 Corinthians 12:25-27✝️
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. For if one falls down, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to help him up! Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one may be overpowered, two can resist. Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12✝️ [5/07/2024]

⬇️ It’s kinda weird that We created this Spotify Playlist before Knowing that We’re a System💫🌙 now of course adding way more to it

Top made by @sysboxes and bottoms Hehe made by @zero-templates
Like every System Parts there’s always a reason, for their looks, names, ages, gender, se*uality it’s never random and connected to the body’s story thus far but for Us it’s probably because getting vulnerable just like in Moon Knight it represents having siblings, twins because for me my mom had a few miscarriage before and after me and one of them was my twin 🥹 so that’s probably why and also Oscar Isaac talks about in Saturday Night Live “They all deal with pain loss and confusion” 🧡
Video That Help Us🧡

List Of Dissociative Identity Disorder & Otherwise Dissociative Disorder -1 & Post Traumatic Disorder | DID , OSDD-1 , PTSD

collective name → sam
pronouns → she/they
age, orientation → 26 bisexual
system name → the sourpuff girls
system type → subsystem; polyfrag did
main system → @whiterabbitsystem
endos dont interact <3
The moment when your brain decide is time to get a flashback and dreams about that person/system who hurt us a lot so all the system gets triggered and now all the subsystem of introjects of that person/system is frontstuck alone feeling like they're their source even though they know they're not
Help us, we don't want to front like this
When brain's so silly that because you're in a horrible moment when you're scared for your life and you saw Spiderverse movie in the middle of that crisis moment you end up splitting a spiderverse subsystem to deal with that trauma and situation
🎋 for your ask game !!! :D
🎋- Free question!
Uuuh, well well, I think I found super funny the fact that I'm one of the keys of our whole system
I've been host for like 9-10 years by now. and I think the brain got super used to me because now we can't function without me LMAO???
This means I'm always have to be near front or fronting, I am super important and I have like 8 alters guarding my back that have a lot of power and influence in my system
Not only that but I'm that important to my system that is normal to split more "mes", we call them Nameltives at this point XD
Like most of them share specific characteristics with me that makes them "a Namel" so we can be sure of them, all the Namels are part of the subsys Namelverse and I'm the host there too
It all started with me leaving more the front so the brain started forming and splitting new Namels to keep up with the roles, things and problems I couldn't hold, also to help the system in a way the brain found comfort even if my system kinda hates me and the rest of the Namels lol
The first Namel besides me was a Spiderman Namel and he's my brother :3
So now we're like a subsys of like 30 recognized Namels and like 100 I think in general?? We don't count fragments Namels as part of the subsys but ig they are
Bonus point of all of this, we talked about this Namelverse a lot on tiktok and in a friend server that there's a bunch of Nameltives in other systems, probably they're not active anymore but I know at least 10 other systems with their own Namels
Double bonus points because there's a anti-Namels grouping in the system LMAO 😭 (They wanted to do a blog about hating me an the rest of the Namels, I didn't let them, silly them)