Annie - Tumblr Posts

Yeah, that’s Annie. You know how hard life is when your boss’ favorite word is ‘No’?

Anne Hathaway in Love & Other Drugs (2010) dir. Edward Zwick
Guestbook: Annie Rose
General Information:
Full name: Annette Rosalina Kirkland
Gender: Female
D.o.B/Age: December 25th/17
Height/Weight: 5′6″/120lbs
Physical Appearance: In contrast to her sister, Annie gives off a scared feeling to whomever she’s around. She has long, dark hair that is stylized with two braids starting at the sides of her head, being tied by a blue ribbon in the back. She is modest in her dress, wearing long-sleeved shirts and full-length jeans. No piercings, she wears a single heart-shaped necklace that hangs underneath her shirts.
Place of Birth: Manchester, England
Race: European and African American
Education: None
Occupation: Housemaid
Strengths: She feels like she is only strong when she is by herself and can lose herself in her cleaning.
Weaknesses: She is afraid of everyone, hiding behind her sister most times. She finds it hard to speak in large groups.
Talents: She is an excellent cook, usually cooking for the house.
Fears: People, life, darkness, men, her sister when she’s angry, herself at times.
Likes: Gardening, Cleaning, Cooking, her sister, music, Kay
Dislikes: Loudness, Her sister and Kana fighting, eggs, sour things
The thing that makes them special: The blue ribbon in her hair was made for her by Ingrid.
Key personality traits: Timid, Obedient, Caring,
Backstory: See Ingrid
Family: Twin sister to Ingrid
Relationship Status: Single and Ingrid will keep it that way
Sexuality: Hetero
What they look for in a relationship: Someone that won’t abuse her niceness and turn her into a slave. She hopes for someone that can make her feel confident in herself
Top or bottom? Bottom
Romantic or Sexual? Romantic.

g-lindas’ favorite musicals | Annie
I’m poor as a mouse / I’m richer than Midas / But nothing on earth / Could ever divide us / And if tomorrow, I’m an apple seller too / I don’t need anything but you /

Grown-up Annie Pin-up
Speed-art HERE Part of my Ladies of League series for Machinima Realm.
Elizabeth B.

Custom Championship Skins
Speed-art HERE
Custom Championship Skins: SK Telecom T1 Ahri Royal Club Annie and Tibbers for my speed art series on Machinima Realm
Elizabeth B.
Attack on Titan Headcannons:

- He’s actually great at Ice skating, he just doesn’t usually have any time to go. He will never tell anyone that he can skate either.
- After Erwins death, Levi vowed to never love someone ever again because the pain was unbearable.
- When Hange died, he decided not to get attached to people anymore; because they always seem to leave him anyways.
- When Levi was put in a wheelchair for life, instead of taking it like a retirement; he became suicidal
- Sometimes when he misses everyone, he asks for someone to push him to the beach; and he sits there, talking to everyone as the waves crash against the shore.
- Levi died young- around the age of 55-65, because he stuffered from a ton of physical and psychological damage that messed up his immune system.
- Even After her marriage to Jean, Mikasa often has dreams about what life would’ve been like if she were with Eren instead. (Obv she doesn’t tell anyone this)
- Mikasa developed Anxiety after Eren’s death, and is a little over-protective of her children.
- She totally taught her kids to fight. (She beat up Jean as an example)
- When Armin became the new Commander of the Survey Corps, she only stayed for another year or two before leaving.
- Jean and Armin have forced Mikasa to go to a couple sessions of Therapy, and she traumatized the therapist instead.
-Mikasa has frequent Night terrors of having to cut off Eren’s head.
-Mikasa never grew her hair out because it reminded her of Eren.
-Mikasa hand washes her scarf often, because she’s afraid someone else will ruin it; and it means too much for her to lose it.
- He was actually a great commander, because after the wars and Eren’s passing, He became more stern and less playful like he used to be.
- Armin still has the inner child in him, but he only lets it out with his S/O, and the other cadets that were with him when he was going through everything.
-He tends to have nightmares of when he became a burnt chicken nugget.
-He’s forced Mikasa to go to Therapy a couple of times; and it helped a little bit, but the therapist ended up traumatized too.
- He is still obsessed with the beach, and secretly he hopes that Levi can hear him from the other side when he talks to the water about how life is going on so far.
- He’s had a diary all along, and writes down everything into the book.
- By season 4, since Eren was no longer able to show his emotions to anyone he trusted, he decided to write everything down in a Diary, since he’d read Armins and liked the idea.
- Eren was actually a very emotional person, but he shielded his heart in hopes that he could set everyone he loved free. Even if it killed him inside and out.
- Eren turned into a bird because a flying bird represents freedom, and his one goal that he managed to do wasn’t kill all titans, but rather see his people free. It was a representation of his spirit.
- Eren loved Mikasa too much to put into words, so even if it meant hurting her, he would do anything to keep her safe.
- He wrote down this on one page of the diary, “I wish I could tell everyone how sorry I am and how much I care about them, but it will ruin my mission. I know that Jean and I never got along, and I’m sure he hates me but; Mikasa, I really hope that you learn to love Jean. If anyone is worthy of your love, it’s him. Jean is a great guy, and when he looks at you, Mikasa, I can see it in his eyes. I hope that you understand that I’ve always loved you, so I need to give you Freedom. Even if it means we can never be together. Armin, Im sure you will be a great commander, but I hope the idea of sending people to their death doesn’t overtake his heart. I will miss you all, Eren.”
- He was the one who opened Eren’s diary after his death; being petty and all- and began reading it out loud to Connie and Reiner because he was hoping to find something to tease his ‘Frenemy’ with after his death. Instead he ended up putting the book back and later crying alone in his room. He respected Eren the most after that incident. He told Connie and Flotch not to tell anyone about that.
- He did like Eren, but they argued a lot and was pissed about when he talked down on Mikasa the way he did.
- Jean had fallen in love with Mikasa in season one, and knew that Eren had her heart all the way; so when he found out that Eren wanted to give her heart to Jean because he trusted him after all of those years they seemed to hate each other, he couldn’t hold in his emotions.
- In order to protect Mikasa, Jean made sure to hide Eren’s diary and gave it to Armin for safe keeping. (Armin cried when he read the diary too.)
- Mikasa mean everything to Jean; she was his whole world, so he would commonly buy her gifts- and never asked for her to take off the scarf.
- Jean was actually really good at art, and would commonly paint pictures of his memories during his Survey corps. He would hang them in the walls of his house as memories of everyone, and had even managed to paint Sasha year one. That painting meant a lot to him.
- Connie developed PTSD after the war was over, and left the Survey corps.
- He was pen pals with everyone after leaving, but he usually talked to Jean to see how his life with Mikasa was going.
- Connie was The Godfather of Jean’s kids
- Although Connie never liked returning back home, he did it regularly for holidays, and eventually rejoined the Survey corps.
- Connie sometimes went to see Levi, but Levi seemed to be getting really sick by the age 48.
- Sometimes at night, he would look up at the stars and talk to Sasha hoping that he could hear him. (Sasha never left him, and would listen to him speak to her as a ghost)
- Connie regularly left food out on his porch for the poor kids to eat, hoping that Sasha’s spirit would find him that way.
- She ended up marrying Armin, but commonly avoided most of the new cadets in fear she would be judged.
- After leaving her Crystal, she was devastated to hear how many of her friends had died or changed.
- Annie taught Armin more about fighting, and in return, Armin would educate her in math and science.
- Armin would tell Annie stories about things that happened while she was in the Crystal, and Annie was always up to listen to them.
- Annie was still in the Survey corps, she was just too nervous to talk to most of the new cadets.
- Most days when she thinks about the titans, she remembers and regrets when she killed Sasha.
- Gabi goes to gun ranges to practice shooting, and lets out all of her emotions that way.
- Gabi joined the Survey corps at 15 under commander Armin, and became a proud Cadet in memory of Sasha.

Shingeki no kyojin
The anime that helped change the way I view the world. The anime that made me realise that dreams are dynamic too. The anime that made me learn, that forever is never. The anime that made me think about seeing change in a different light, as a possibility of becoming something new. The anime that made me rethink the way I judge people based on how little I know about them. The anime that made me see the very people I share my life and meals with in a different way. The anime that taught me what friendship is meant to be. The anime that I feel is the epitome of what workmanship and dedication should be. The anime that I'm so glad didn't end in one volume like isayama first wanted it to. The anime that made me appreciate anime music. My 2nd anime but 1st to ever make me fall in love with the process of making an anime. The voice actors who do a marvellous job. The musicians, vocalists and composers who do an irreplaceable job. The animators who only keep the story interesting. The first anime (probably because I watched it early on in my anime journey) that I am attached to.
I can see how much I've grown in the past 3 years. Definitely aot has something to do.
Infact it had many things to do.
I have many instances when I spoke wisely thanks to aot.
I can't thank aot enough for being my icebreaker and getting me a good friend.
Aot made me appreciate japanese music and culture.
The night I watched the lyrics of season 1 ending:
"Ustsukushiki zankokuna sekai"
That's when I cried and felt some emotions I never could verbally explain until that point.
I watched it while I was 17 maybe?
The summer of 2021 is ❤️🔥
I can't believe aot is ending sooner than my mbbs 😭😭😭😭😭
Then again, didn't it begin in 2013? Guess this is my fate and just like the scouts have it, I have to respect my fate and do the best I can.
Shinzou sasageyo ❤️🔥
Why does it just seem like yesterday that i was singing shogeki, red swan and akuma no ko?
Aot became my ritual and religion (religion especially when life gets too much for me)
I will miss you scouts 😭😭😭
(We've come a long way kiddos)
(I'm almost 21 and I've grown up with aot in a way)
Thank you Hajime isayama 🙏

jean is so shounen in the beginning of his OVA episode lmao ash ketchum ass poses

umm sorry I'm die
this fucking school going to kill me🤏