Anti Severus Snape - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

anti jk rowling/hp post under the cut for those of you who want to keep your childhood nostalgia untainted

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6 years ago

Insight on the character Snape or KP organized their feelings on the fucktard that is Severus Snape

So I recently finished Daredevil S2, and I absolutely fell in love with Frank Castle (aka the Punisher). The Punisher is one of the main villains in S2, and when a friend questioned why I liked him so much, I was stumped. Said friend continued on to ask what made Castle win a place in my heart opposed to Severus Snape from Harry Potter, who in my opinion, is one of the worst characters.

What makes a mass murderer better than a double agent?

What makes a serial killer better than a man continually putting himself in danger for the greater good?

And what I concluded the deciding factor is: intention.

A character can be a major screw-up, but if their intentions are good then they are going to be a good person. They’re trying to change, trying to be better. But if they are an average, or even nice character, and their intentions are bad, they are automatically malicious and shady.

Frank Castle is a man driven by vengeance for the death of his family. He is a man hellbent on punishing those who are to blame for his continual suffering. But, he is not a bad guy.

Now granted, he does violently murder many people, and of course that’s not ok in any sense of the word. But, they’re all bad people. The Punisher’s victims are rapists and drug dealers and murderers, people who will harm others with little self regard. The Punisher “prevents deaths before there is a possibility of them happening”. His intent is good.

Besides the fact that Castle is a mass murderer, he is also a decent and honorable person.

-He does not want his actions used to represent or diminish people with PTSD even though it will save him from going to jail

-He is willing to be tortured, but does not allow a dog to get hurt

-He is very respectful (of good people). Calls women ma’am

-He is aware that he is a killer and does not make excuses or play victim (ie family murdered in front of him, shot in the head at point blank (yes, he’s alive. long story), war vet)

-He kills a guy who offered him child pornography

-He has a Medal of Honor

In conclusion; Frank Castle, yes is a serial killer, but also is a good man with good intention, which is why I respect and love the character.


Snape on the other hand….

First let me start off by saying yes, Snape’s character adds to the plot and JK Rowling wrote an interesting character. He has some redeeming qualities for instance, he did put himself at risk to help the Order, he did save Harry many times. But, like Castle, it comes down to intent.

Almost every action, every decision is driven by the man’s love obsession for Lily.

-He continually saves Harry only to help destroy the man who killed Lily/because Harry is the last piece of Lily

-He makes every Gryffindor’s life a living hell (which stemmed from his hatred of the Marauders)

-He joins in teasing students (bc he’s bitter?????)

-He bullies Neville because Longbottom inadvertently caused Lily’s death (but actually not at all)(some could argue because of Snape’s actions, he killed Lily)

-He uses his power as a teacher to assert dominance over fucking 11 year olds

-Traumatizes students enough to legitimately consider harming themselves to get out of seeing Snape (Sorcerer’s Stone chpt. 13 pg 217)

-He threatens to poison Neville’s toad (animal cruelty and probs not allowed at Hogwarts) and then takes points away from Gryffindor because he suspects (w/o proof) Hermione helped Neville save Trevor

-He continually bullies and verbally abuses a thirteen year old boy because the boy isn’t able to work magic quite right using his father’s wand

-Insults students (in this case Neville) right in front of other teachers (Remus) and classmates

-He becomes a student’s (someone who is supposed to feel safe around teachers) worst fear, even though said student’s parents were tortured to the brink of insanity, something he is constantly reminded of

-Snape then makes fun that he is the student’s biggest fear

-Immediately blames Remus when Sirius broke into Hogwarts

-Harshly criticizes Remus’ teaching style, infront of students who admire him

-Ignores Remus’ teaching plan and skips to werewolves

-Docks points for Granger “being an insufferable know-it-all” when she answered the question he asked

-He has students purposely write essays on how to kill werewolves for Remus to grade when he gets back from recovering from the full moon

-Blames Remus (and wants him locked up) for Sirius’s major fuck-up

-Takes credit for saving the Golden Trio from Remus


-Hints that he might poison 14 year olds to see if the antidote is correct

-Immediately blames Harry and his “determination to break rules” when his name comes out of the Goblet

-Makes fun of student’s appearance (“I see no difference” to Draco’s curse that enlarged Hermione’s teeth)

-Teases Harry for his (unwanted) attention from the press

-He provokes Sirius about being housebound, when Sirius would give his left arm and leg to go fight


-He picks apart a minor’s (who has had no experience blocking people out nor has even been explained it very well) memories  

-After seeing how the Dursely’s abuse Harry, still believe the child is self-entitled

-Mocks Harry’s first strong romantic feelings (?????)

-Through what JK has said, and context we can conclude that James, although a major dick, wouldn’t go as far as killing Snape. But Snape, casted an unstable, unknown curse (Sectumsempra) with the intention of extremely harming James. (also Snape is the only one with the counter curse) (Order of the Phoenix pg. 647).

-Offers to poison Harry since he’s out of Veritaserum

-Insults Tonks’ new patronus (saying it looked “rather weak”) that changed to a wolf to support/pair with Remus

-Docks 50 points from Harry, before the year even starts, for being late

-Makes fun of Ron’s struggle to apparate

-Claims Harry’s knowledge of Inferi v. Ghosts is something a five year old would know (kids raised by muggles don’t learn about magic until they’re 11???)

-Harry sees Snape’s memories of when Snape told Voldemort about the Prophecy and subsequently caused James and Lily’s death (the only thing Snape seems to regret)  

These are just the main points that have been drawn up, a lot thanks to @greygryffindor

Now this post is purely a reflection of Snape and his actions. Not James’, not Lily’s, and not Sirius’.

That being said, I believe this commonly used quote perfectly sums up the whole James/Lily/Snape triangle:

“James was willing to sacrifice himself for Lily and Harry, while Snape was willing to sacrifice Harry and James for Lily.”

Back to the original point.

Castle is a bad man, with good intentions. Which is something I find very important in determining the worth of a character, and determining the worth of a person.

Snape was a bitter man, to which his intentions only ever benefited himself.

“‘After all this time’, Snape shows Dumbledore that he cared nothing for anyone who wasn’t Lily. He hadn’t grown as a person, or made any attachment whatsoever to the boy who constantly battled Voldemort because of him. He hadn’t made any real attachment to anybody, because he was still living in the past, driven relentlessly by the ghost of a young woman whom he never actually understood as a person - because if he had, he wouldn’t have thought she would find becoming a Death Eater impressive, let alone think she’d consider it acceptable to bully the son she gave her life for.

“Even worse, if he hadn’t mentally matured by now, he wasn’t ever going to. Because spying is a dangerous business and the chances were that Snape wasn’t going to last long once Dumbledore was gone (not a guarantee, there was certainly a chance for his survival, but realistically, not a large one). He was ‘always’ going to remain this same man, frozen permanently in a stage of bitter petty hate and punishing the innocent for the crimes of the dead until the day of his death. JKR herself confirms that Snape held onto his hatred and didn’t let it go until his literal last breath - far too late to do anything about it.”

- @lupinatic

And yes, the Marauders were petty, crude and obnoxious towards Snape. However, Snape was not innocent in the feud too. He was just as cruel back. The Marauders grew out of their teenage bullying, Snape’s aged with him.

The final issue I (currently) have with Severus Snape is his relationship with Lily.

He is obsessive, abusive, and unhealthy.

His persistence, even after her death, is honestly gross. She rejects him and he continues to pine over her, making her (and in this case, the reader) uncomfortable. 

Part of the reason I have such a strong opinion about this, is because of how revered the Snape/Lily relationship is. His stalker behavior is romanticized and glorified as ‘true love’ and ‘devotion’.

But in reality, the basis of Snape’s personality are the fundamentals of rape culture and domestic violence.

No means no. 

Bullying someone will not win them over.

Treating people badly does not equate to love. 

Obsessing in private is not romantic. 

Hurting people because you were hurt is not ok.

So many people praise Snape and view his actions as romantic and inspiring. This character is glorified as a hero and it scares me that some impressionable reader will mistake this man’s actions for proper behavior.

A character can act badly but still be a true person. A character can also act true but still be a bad person. It all comes down to intent. And Severus Snape’s intention is anything but good. -KP

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10 months ago

please read the whole thing they are sooo right

debunking pro-snape/anti-james arguments and putting it on the internet because clearly i hate myself. buckle up. this is gonna be a VERY long post. im ready for the amount of hate i will get; im willing to take one for the team. 

Afficher davantage

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Harry: Rubeus Regulus Potter, you are named after the man who showed me nothing but love and affection with absolutely no ulterior motives and one of the bravest men I've ever heard of WHO WHILE HE WAS DYING IN THE MIDDLE OF A LAKE TRYING TO TAKE DOWN THE DARK LORD CHOSE TO SAVE THE LIFE OF A HOUSE ELF AND HE DIDN'T DECIDE TO TAKE DOWN THE DARK LORD OUT A SENSE OF OBLIGATION OR GUILT HE GENUINELY SAW THE ERROR OF HIS WAYS and he was in Slytherin so it's all good I don't care what house you're in, you're my son. I love you.

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James and Lily Potter fought for the light, because they believed in the light.

Severus Snape fought against the dark, because the dark had offended him.

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2 years ago

Me, a marauders fan: I don't like Severus Snape. My Sister: What!??! He's a good person though!! Did you even read the book?? Seems like you need to read it again if you think he's a bad person!! He helped Harry!! Me: I don't like Severus Snape. My Sister: Well then you might as well say Dumbledore is a bad person then, he's also a grey character!! Me, also a dumb-ly-doof basher: I don't like either.

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2 years ago

A comprehensive compilation of why Severus Snape is an awful person that doesn’t deserve redemption, pity, or any kindness ever (not in any particular order):

- He is obsessed with the Marauders when they are younger, and tries to compare their antics to the actions of very real, blood supremacist, dark magic-using bullies that Snape was hanging out with and found amusing. (Edit: I’m adding that I’m not saying James and Sirius were right in their actions, I’m simply pointing that Snape wasn’t either. This post isn’t about the marauders, this is about Snape)

(DH, The Prince’s Tale, p673-674, Arthur A. Levine Books edition)

“‘They sneak out at night. There’s something weird about that Lupin. Where does he keep going?’ ‘He’s ill,’ said Lily. “They said he’s ill—’ “Every month at the full moon?’ said Snape. ‘I know your theory,’ said Lily and she sounded cold. ‘Why are you so obsessed with them anyway? Why do you care what they’re doing at night?’”

- Snape was very clearly trying to out Remus and actively trying to prove his case about knowing Remus was a werewolf. (More on this later)

-Calls Lily a mudblood, and then tries to excuse his actions. Then Lily says “ call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?” Snape says absolutely nothing to defend himself on this statement, so we can only assume that it is accurate and he commonly uses a slur to describe other students around him.

-We know Snape invented Levicorpus, which we later see James use. How do you think James learned it if not because Severus had used it on him or another student before? We even see Snape use Sectumsempra on James. Sectumsempra, aka the spell capable of cutting someone open and leaving them to bleed to death. This is the kind of experimentation Snape did with Dark Magic.

-Snape was willing to sacrifice the life of a BABY without a second thought until he discovered that the child was Lily’s. Even after this, he prioritizes Lily’s life and isn’t concerned whatsoever about the life of Harry, who at this time is less than a year old.

-If Voldemort had decided that Neville was the Chosen One instead of Harry, Severus Snape would still be a death eater. He didn’t think being a Death Eater was wrong in any way- it wasn’t until he was directly affected by a childhood crush did he reconsider. James and Lily Potter fought for the light because they believed in the light. Severus Snape fought against the dark because the dark had offended him. Had Voldemort gone after the Longbottoms instead, Snape would have lived and died as the most loyal Death Eater in history. Edit: I understand that we can say ‘if’ all day long. The point here I’m trying to make is that Severus Snape is only supporting the light side because it benefits him in this situation. I’m simply pointing out that he’s selfish by nature.

-The prophecy states that the child will be born to parents that have thrice defied the Dark Lord. So therefore Lily in some way defied Voldemort 3 other times. And only now Snape wants to save her? No. It has more to do with the guilt he’s feeling for telling Voldemort about the prophecy. It wasn’t her death that phased him as much as how he’d feel if he caused her death.

-Snape hates Harry simply for the fact that Harry looks like his father. Have you ever considered how Harry would’ve been treated if he’d been a girl that looked like Lily? Edit: I AM NOT INSINUATING ANYTHING PEDOPHILIC. I am making the point that when Harry come to school, Snape saw him and recognized his childhood bully, and instead of making the mature decision and not making judgments about Harry beforehand, he just assumes that Harry will be like his father was in school. If Harry had looked like Lily, Snape would’ve been more inclined to favor him the way he did Draco or Pansy. Not in a creepy way, just in a confirmation-bias kind of way.

-Severus snape once intended to publicly kill a student’s pet as punishment for getting a potion wrong. This pet was also a gift to Neville from his Uncle for getting into Hogwarts- something that his family didn’t think would happen because he wasn’t “magic enough”. So to him- Trevor is a reminder that he is a wizard and that his family is proud of him. Then Snape wants to kill him because Neville got a potion wrong, reinforcing the idea that Neville isn’t “magic enough”.

-When Snape covers for Lupin's class (told you we’d be back here), Snape taught the DADA class and made all the students write essays on how to kill werewolves so that Lupin would have to read these when he came back from going through an incredibly painful time.

-Snape did everything in his power to get Remus fired despite the fact that Remus had spent 16+ years pretty much homeless and without a job.

(OotP, Percy and Padfoot, p302, Arthur A Levine Books edition)

“‘I know she’s a nasty piece of work, though—you should hear Remus talk about her.’ ‘Does Lupin know her?’ asked Harry quickly, remembering Umbridge’s comments about dangerous half-breeds during her first lesson. ‘No,’ said Sirius, ‘but she drafted up a bit of anti-werewolf legislation two years ago that makes it almost impossible for him to get a job.’”

Edit: So let’s do some basic math here. This happens in Order of the Phoenix. The anti-werewolf legislation was written two years prior. This would’ve been during or around The Prisoner of Azkaban. Why would somebody randomly write a piece of legislation like this? Let’s just say that there was a teacher that was outed as a werewolf and people were not happy about it. That would give pretty good reason for someone to write a piece of legislation that would make it hard for a werewolf to get a job. Not just Remus. Every werewolf. Who outed Remus to the wizarding world at large? Severus Snape. So for anyone suggesting that what I wrote below is as good as fanfiction, maybe actually read the books and pay attention to smaller plot lines.

-When Snape tells everyone that Remus is a werewolf, he’s not just telling students or their parents. He’s telling the wizarding world. Because of this, Dolores Umbridge wrote a law that made it almost impossible for Remus to find a job. So not only did he ruin Remus’s life. He ruined the life of Every. Single. Werewolf. in the UK.

-Neville Longbottom’s greatest fear is Severus Snape. Not the woman who tortured his parents into insanity, not the worst wizard of all time, not even any of his other followers. His TEACHER. And this is at an age where Neville doesn’t know everything about Snape and all he’s done. That speaks VOLUMES.

-Condones and takes part in bullying a CHILD when Hermione had enormous teeth EXTENDING PAST HER CHIN growing because of a hex, Snape says, “I see no difference.” After this, Hermione permanently modifies her teeth.

(HBP, Snape Victorious, p160, Arthur A Levine Books edition)

“‘I was interested to see your Patronus.’ He shut the gates in her face with a loud clang and tapped the chains with his wand again, so that they slithered, clinking, back into place. ‘I think you were better off with the old one,’ said Snape, the malice in his voice unmistakable. ‘The new one looks weak.’”

-Mocks Tonks when her Patronus changed when she fell in love with Remus despite the fact that his changed to match Lily’s.

-“Snape took the page bearing Lily’s signature, and her love, and tucked it inside his robes. Then he ripped in two the photograph he was holding, so that he kept the part from which Lily laughed, throwing the portion showing James and Harry back on the floor, under the chest of drawers…” She was laughing at her husband and son. People she loved dearly enough to give up her life and Snape took that and cut them out of it so he could pretend she was laughing for him. Her love in the letter was for Sirius who was the best man at her wedding and her good friend in the order. Snape took that so he could pretend her love was for him. This isn’t romantic. It’s creepy. Snape feels entitled to Lily’s love even though he’s done nothing to deserve it.

-The ONLY reason Snape protects Harry is that he’s under an obligation to by Dumbledore (who is blackmailing him, so Snape doesn’t have a choice). Snape isn’t doing it because he wants to. He’s doing it because if he doesn’t, Dumbledore could sell him out to Voldemort and he’d be killed.

-Again, when he kills Dumbledore, it’s not out of the kindness of his heart or his care for Dumbledore. It’s because he’ll be killed or severely punished if he doesn’t.

-Snape may have done good things, but it isn’t because he wants to. It’s because he doesn’t have a choice.

Essentially, at his roots, Snape is a self-centered blood supremacist who bullies people and only does good things when being threatened and emotionally abuses children because he can’t get over somebody he was attracted to in middle school and is perfectly fine killing adults and infants alike when it’s in his best interest.

I’d like to say that much of this is heavily borrowed or inspired by other writers on this app. I have tagged every user I have access to. However, if you see anything you have written on here or anything please feel free to message me or leave a comment. :)

@sadgaywerewolf @mrsmarymorstan @jamespotterwearsglasses @lance-the-kanto-dragon-master @coffeeinanebula @warmhappycat @pleurocoelus @madamebomb @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @whoopsrobots @harrypotterconfessions @beekeepermarycatherine @honeybadgersdontgiveashit @tonksnymphadora @barricadeponine @jadedlights07 @dobbysclothes @hogwartsandrec @kago-make-dean-some-pie @prongsmydeer @girlswillbeboys11 @siriusblaque @upsettingthedementors @marauders4evr @maxxiegalaxy @ghost-of-bambi

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Yoyok is Sirius this, yoyok is Reg that ...



summer went away, still the yearning stays, I play it cool with the best of them

She's homesick, she doesn't want to loose Snape cause that's everything that connects her with her home, but...

I wait patiently

Hes gonna notice me

It's ok we're the best of friends.

About Snape ignoring and avoiding her before their friendship ended

I hear it in your voice, you're smoking with your boys

Snape and Mulciber/Avery

I didn't choose this town, I dream of getting out

She didn't choose to be a witch or go to Hogwarts, she wants to reconnect and fix her relationship with Petunia

There's just one, who can make me stay

Remus, Mary, Marlene...

And then

From sprinkles splashes to fireplace ashes I gave my blood sweat and tears for this

To become the greatest witch and prove her bullies wrong

I hosted parties and starve my body

Plus size Lily being insecure in like 6th year

Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss

Lily was a lesbian. She didn't know it yet and tried to get a boyfriend to 'be normal'. She thought she just ' hadn't found the good man yet'

The jokes weren't funny, I took the money

Ok, hear me out - CANONICALLY she got with one of the richest wizards (I think they had a very close platonic relationship and Lily was with Mary and/or Pandora and James was with Regulus)

My friends from home don't know what to say

Petunia and Snape. I'll leave you with that.

I looked around in a blood-soaked gown

In my head they survive the war, so like shes been through a lot

And I saw something they can't take away

Her friends, loved ones, family

Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned

The war ended, a lot has changed

Everything you loose is a step you take

She lost Snape and Petunia she got a new family

So make the friendship bracelets take a moment and taste it you've got no reason to be afraid

You're on your own kid

Yeah you can face this

Your on your own kid

You always has been

Make new relationships, enjoy the moment, it's up to u.

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3 years ago

let’s get this all cleared up:


-was a bully

-tried to hurt snape

-was quite arrogant

-true to his friends

-grew up

-tried to make amends

-fought wandless against fucking voldemort because he would protect his family if it was the last thing he did, dammit

what a brave man :)


-was bullied

-was abused

-joined a fascist and racist club

-called his best friend a slur because he was embarrassed

-clung on to said best friend for showing him kindness

-was the boggart of his thirteen-year old student

-reduced a student to tears for fucking answering a question

-bullied a whole generation of kids for no reason at all

-bullied the son of his old crush and his bully because he reminded him of them

-obsessed over a woman who was kind to him, for the rest of his life

-if voldemort went after the longbottoms, he would have stayed a loyal death eater for the rest of his life


what a brave man :/

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3 years ago

let’s get this all cleared up:


-was a bully

-tried to hurt snape

-was quite arrogant

-true to his friends

-grew up

-tried to make amends

-fought wandless against fucking voldemort because he would protect his family if it was the last thing he did, dammit

what a brave man :)


-was bullied

-was abused

-joined a fascist and racist club

-called his best friend a slur because he was embarrassed

-clung on to said best friend for showing him kindness

-was the boggart of his thirteen-year old student

-reduced a student to tears for fucking answering a question

-bullied a whole generation of kids for no reason at all

-bullied the son of his old crush and his bully because he reminded him of them

-obsessed over a woman who was kind to him, for the rest of his life

-if voldemort went after the longbottoms, he would have stayed a loyal death eater for the rest of his life


what a brave man :/

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1 year ago

Amen. The logical conclusion was for Harry and Draco to reconcile Gryffindor and Slytherin. But JKR doesn't do logic, she does revenge fantasies and childish protagonist favouring.

Snape was given a chance but was reduced to being a Gryffindor worshiper, someone who should have been a Gryffindor and was remembered and honoured for his Gryffindor qualities.

The only good Slytherin is a dead Slytherin.

Eta: also, every good thing Snape did was to atone for the horrible things he did before he became a spy. The worst things Draco did (torture) were under coercion while Snape was happy to let a baby die. He's the reason someone's parents are dead. Snape stans are gone in the head to believe that man deserved anything more than a literal child who didn't know what he was getting into and then wanted out. Just completely mad.

Snape didn't truly love Lily, romantically or platonically. If he did he would spare a thought for her baby. What he felt was a reaction to someone finally showing him positive attention and then guilt.

Jkr can say all she wants that Snape wasn't a hero but the way she wrote it (which is what matters), Snape was lionized in the end.

reminder that draco malfoy deserved the redemption that snape got

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2 years ago

The amount of Snape stans I’ve blocked just keeps growing. Yes, James and Sirius were bullies when they were younger. Yes they weren’t good people. But guess what? Neither was Snape. All I see are justification posts for his behavior and being a death eater. Lemme repeat it again, there is NO justification in the world for joining nazi’s. None. You can argue that Sirius also came from an abusive home but somehow forget that when defending your greasy fave. Especially when his family was full of death eaters. If there’s anyone who should’ve joined the death eaters, it was Sirius. Pureblood, rich heir Sirius who grew up surrounded by darkness yet chose the light. You know why I stan the marauders? Because despite them being little shits when they were younger, they all redeemed themselves more than enough. They matured, stop being assholes, and did great things. James Potter fought the wizard Nazi’s that Snape joined. He gave his life fighting Voldemort and lost his family. Sirius came from an abusive home and lost everyone when he was disowned. He spent 12 years in Azkaban for a crime he didn’t commit and then gave his life fighting the death eaters that Snape joined. Remus was a werewolf who didn’t have friends until the marauders. He gave his life fighting the death eaters and lost his life doing it as well. Remus, Sirius, and James all fought the death eaters and lost their lives because of it. I prefer the people that were bullies when they were younger but grew out of it, instead of the bully who continued being a bully and abused children. The bully who used his power as a school teacher to make his students lives a living hell. The bully that threw Harry on the ground. The bully that terrorized Neville to the point that he was his boggart. The bully that mocked Hermiones teeth so much that she permanently changed it to avoid his bullying. The bully that egged Sirius and taunted him while living in his abusive childhood home. The bully that tried to expose Remus for being a werewolf, knowing it would ruin his life.

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1 year ago

I just wanted to say that my page is a Drarry hate area. Drarry? Horrible. Draco? Disgusting. Dumbledore? Hell no. Snape? Yuck.

(Jsyk, I honestly don’t care if you do or don’t like these characters and this ship, like everyone has their own opinions, but I’m always up for a fun little debate :) )

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