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Donna Troy in 4A? (For the ask game :D)

Donna!!! I hope you enjoy :)
Link to ask game

daddy’s girl, part two. jason todd x reader
summary: jason will do anything to prove he’s right, especially when it comes to his suspicion of you.
warning/s: swearing, unedited, gif not mine, very minor mention of sex and drug trafficking
slater’s note: uhh the titans season 3 trailer came out and that kinda gave me motivation to write for jason (even though i don’t take curran as the f/c)

part one, part two
jason watched you go with the flex of his jaw, his eyes drifting to the city lights before looking back through the glass door you had exited through. he tightened the grip he had around champagne bottle to the point his knuckle turned white and he swore he could feel the thick glass crack beneath his strong grip.
he got up fast once you had fully disappeared after sliding yourself between bodies so fast and so easily. he threw the green champagne bottle to the ground, hearing it shatter from contact of the cement.
something was not right.
he shoved people lightly out of the way as he made way to the exit of the ballroom in attempt to catch up with you, and lucky for him, you weren’t in any rush as you were only five feet away once he turned the corner with your dress flying around your waist mesmerizingly.
“hey,” he called after you but you only kept walking while cursing at yourself for wearing the silver chain and going off on him. it was just too easy and he pissed you off enough for you to want to straggle him.. you knew who he was, what he had done, and how he felt so shameless about it.
you almost got away, telling yourself you just needed to cool down but jason had a hold of both your arms, pressing you up against the nicely wallpapered walls before you could get any further.
“i’m going to ask you this once,” you could smell the alcohol practically leaking from his breath as his face was so close to yours, fierce and skeptical. “who gave you that necklace, some boyfriend of yours?”
“why are you so quick to guess it’s a boyfriend?” you quirked a brow, slightly smirking as you leaned closer. “you make all your girlfriends call you ‘daddy’, jason?”
the quirk of your brow and tip of your head in mock almost made him snap, but he suppressed it with the gripping of his hand tightly as he moved it above your head, but he couldn’t erase the light red that slowly spread across his cheeks and it made your smirk expand even more. the red almost wouldn’t be so visible if it weren’t for how close the two of you were.
“right,” you nodded, content with his silence as you slowly pushed him off.
he didn’t resist, watching you slowly make your way back down the hall where the staircase that lead to your rooms were. he contemplated going after you, calling after you, anything to have the upper hand once again but he couldn’t think of anything as he clasped his chin tightly, thinking of how off putting you suddenly were. how angry.
“oh, and jason,” your voice caught him, his eyes lifting to your own as you had stopped in your place halfway down the hall, turning slightly. “the next time you decide to do a run down on your father’s new daughter, don’t use alcohol as a way to get her to talk.. it could give the wrong idea.”
he frowned deeply, walking away before you could.
were you blackmailing him?
jason ran a hand down his face while making his way back in the ballroom, not planning on staying much longer but rather only to say goodbye to dick, who was well out of his mind drunk from what jason could see out of the corner of his eye.
he was dancing, laughing hysterically with girls attached to each of his hips, fully sporting out the true dick grayson he was. jason couldn't help but smile to himself as he grabbed onto a drink from a passing waiter, downing it as he shook his head, always finding amusement when dick got drunk. always flirting and always full of energy, never failing to leave smiles on faces.
“you two seemed to have hit it off.”
jason turned to see tim leaned up against the bar with a bottle of water, his eyebrows raised. it made jason roll his eyes slightly, almost guessing tim knew of the rift that suddenly was put in between the two of you.
“yeah,” jason leaned against the bar with him, “best friends.”
tim chuckled a little before sipping his water, “she’s a spitfire, isn’t she?”
“no kidding,” jason swallowed down the rest of his whisky filled glass before his eyes landed back on dick who was slowly dragging himself out of the crowd of women that surrounded him, making his way in the direction of him and tim. “a little nasty.”
tim shook his head in amusement before dick joined his other side with a rather wide smile on his face. he tapped the top of the bar, signaling the bartender to slide him a drink, “you two enjoying yourselves?”
“not as much as you, dicky,” jason took ahold of another glass of whisky, smirking at his brother who had begun to down another glass of alcohol.
it wasn’t exactly a usual thing for dick to get drunk out of his mind, but it was christmas after all and there was no sign of alfred or bruce’s figure to offer a shameful glare to him.
“loosen up, jason,” dick clapped the boy on the back, “you looked like you were out on the balcony with y/n... where is she anyway?” his eyes were going everywhere at once, reaching the ceiling, the floor, and sometimes lightly grazing tim and jason’s faces as he spoke.
jason exhaled sharply, “i wasn’t going to say this, but there is something very off about that girl.”
tim looked to dick before they both looked back to jason, both very amused at his words and tone. dick downed the last of his drink before scoffing lightly, “you sure you aren’t just jealous that bruce found a new stubborn, hard headed teen that soaks up most of his time?”
jason scowled before dry laughing along with them.
“what’s up, jay,” dick fell from his drunken state by the snap of his fingers, turning serious as he put down his glass, elevating his body so he’s facing jason better. “not so fond of the girl who can beat your ass?”
tim and dick giggled lowly.
“no,” he dipped his head a little low, dumbfounded at the fact they weren’t taking his words seriously, “she’s fucking weird.”
“weird?” tim’s eyebrows raised, sipping his drink as if trying to hide the redness in his cheeks, “wow, okay, we're getting a little.. technical here.”
“look, i’ve met many weird girls and she definitely isn’t one of them.”
“no one cares about the weird girls you’ve slept with, grayson,” jason waved him off, his eyes closed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “this is different, there’s something off about her, alright?”
“there's something off about all of us, todd,” tim put down his water bottle, also maneuvering himself to face jason a bit better, “i mean bruce picked her himself, why would she be anything normal?”
“you both are alike jason, maybe that’s why you think she's odd,” dick nodded, diverting his attention from the two of his brothers, more specifically jason before pushing up and off the bar, ready to submerge himself with women once more.
the air was cold and the last of the gotham snow was melting away as spring was slowly setting in with the lessen of snow fall and increase of rainfall. this was something that jason always enjoyed as he would watch the slush fall into the sewer drains with the push of the rain while he drove through the city on his motorcycle.
it had been months since jason had made an appearance in the old wayne manner.. like usual and something none of you were quite surprised by, especially you.
it didn’t take long for you to figure out the habits and insights of jason todd. despite only having three occurrences with him, you were smart enough to fill in the pieces you hadn’t figured out yet from asking your rather opened mouth brothers who took your questions as a curious mind.. and it was a given for anyone who has encountered jason todd to ask questions.
with your last occurrence with the man, you would have guessed you would have never saw him again, but with your readings on him, you would have also guessed you would being seeing him very much with his obvious curiosity as to who you were.. he was very unsettled by you.
you weren’t home when he had first arrived but rather at the gotham private school bruce had enrolled you in almost immediately after you had been adopted.
you hated it.
alfred had dropped you off at the front door before driving off toward the garage, leaving you to your after school routine that concluded sulking in your bedroom for an hour before you emerged back into the real world where you did your homework and helped alfred with dinner.
you were quite the treat, well behaved, and well mannered despite jason’s belief that you were anything but that. a liar to be more specific, or even someone who knew how to manipulate people real well. whatever it was... he knew you were hiding something.
you entered the manner with your lips pressed into a thin line as you ran your fingers through the pages of the book you held, deeply soaked in the words that you whispered to yourself before you stopped walking, reading the last of the page before looking up and over rather quickly into the parlor where you saw the familiar figure of jason.
he was staring at you blankly, making it hard for you to read him.
you returned the expression, looking him up and down before allowing your backpack to slowly fall from your shoulders to your forearm, stuffing your book into the bag, “long time no see, todd.”
he stays silent, keeping himself comfortable with his arms stretched across the top of the couch.
“bruce isn’t here if you were-”
“i’m not here for bruce.” he said nothing more creating the atmosphere to be even more uncomfortable and strange than it already was.
you rose your eyebrows, slightly leaning back, “okay..?”
you walked away.
within the couple months jason had been absent from your life and the rest of the adoptive children of bruce, he had been conducting business that circulated all around you.
no matter how he tried, he couldn’t get you out of his head after the stupid christmas eve ball. with your silk green dress and that stupid familiar looking silver chain and-and your quick spiteful attitude after he had trashed bruce’s name. he couldn’t stop replaying your words and body language in his mind.. all in attempt to get a better read on you, but he failed... leading him to-
“where have you been, kid?”
jason looked up to see dick with his shoulders sunken and looking rather exhausted through his eyes. the whole reason he had came to the manor in the first place was because of dick, wanting to finally prove that there was something up with you.
“sit down, grayson.”
he sighed, quirking a brow, “what is it this time?”
“you seen that chain around her neck?” “who's neck?” dick took a seat in one of the parlor leather chairs across from jason.
he sighed again, diverting his eyes from jason as he thought about how ridiculous this conversation just got, “what about the chain, jason?”
“you know what’s on there right? what it says?”
“’daddy’s girl’, yeah, so what? a gift from bruce, he got all of us a piece of jewelry,” dick rose his left hand for examination, showing the gold ring that laid on his index finger that bruce had gifted him years ago.
jason scoffed, “’daddy’s girl’? c’mon grayson, you know that’s fucking weird, especially for bruce. besides he’s not cheap. he got her a gold locket, not a silver chain,” he watched dick frown, now thinking about it a little deeper, “your a detective grayson, you’d think you’d be just as skeptical as me in the first place.”
dick crossed his arms, “boyfriend..?” the thought was mortifying to him sense dick felt like an older brother to you, but he couldn’t rule it out.
jason looked at him, licking the inside of cheek as his face lightly turned red at the memory of him saying the same thing and your reply, “no. she said no.”
“okay then don’t look at me like i’m some weirdo when i know you thought the exact same thing.” “i never said you were-” “but you looked at me-” “dick, don’t,” jason gave him a pointed look, “it’s deeper than that.” “what is?” “the goddamn chain.”
dick stayed silent before nodding his head, signaling jason to elaborate.
“i thought it looked rather familiar, and i had been kicking myself all night the moment i saw it, knowing i had seen it before somewhere until i finally looked back through all the old missions bruce and i had been through and.. goddamn fucking bingo,” jason threw a file on the parlor coffee table, causing it to slightly slide closer to dick. he stared at the manila folder hesitantly before looking back up jason, “the old reodem rich case.. sex and drug trafficker who owned at least a dozen strip clubs, each with twenty girls all branded the same with a silver chain all engraved with ‘daddy's girl’.”
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Donna Troy in Dark Nights: Death Metal - The Last Stories of the DC Universe

People try to put us d-down (Talkin’ ‘bout my generation) Just because we get around (Talkin’ ‘bout my generation) Things they do look awful c-c-cold (Talkin’ 'bout my generation) I hope I die before I get old (Talkin’ 'bout my generation)
The Fab five based on Darwyn Cooke’s art below the cut
Keep reading

🪩Miss Donna Troy🪩
✨please do not repost or use in any AI programs✨

So, I decided to open commissions! Please consider liking or reblogging this post so it can reach more people 🙏
Dick being the cheerleading captain of his high-school
Wally being top in track

i want them to be each other hype man and biggest supporters and just adorable idiots cheering each other on

oh and I would love if Donna and Kory are the spotters (I'm not sure if that's what they're called, but like the people that hold him up and throw them in the air and stuff)
they would be unstoppable

ok that's all I have for this AU 😅 I really love school AU's^^
Garfield: Do you guys ever imagine stabbing yourself?
Rachel: No, Gar…I haven’t. Who would even think that?
Wally: I occasionally do.
Dick: I do too.
Garth: Same here. It ultimately depends on my mood.
Roy: Sometimes I think of stabbing myself just to spite Oliver. He’s always on my ass because he’s my ‘father.’
Kory: In planet Tamer-
Donna: What the hell is wrong with you guys?
My favorite people in one video!^^
Song: "Trees and Flowers" by Strawberry Switchblade
18 y/o Roy Harper and Donna Troy joining the Teen Titans with 13 y/o Dick Grayson and Wally West:

they're finally letting Clark age and for Jon to replace him, and Bruce is starting to act more like the middle aged dad he is, with Damian being his obvious successor. of course there are always going to be Classic Young Guys Bruce And Clark comics for Money Purposes, but the main timeline seems to finally be accepting that Bruce and Clark are in their 40/50s
full kudos to the writers for letting Wally, Starfire, Raven, Donna, and Victor age in the new Titans series. I hope they continue to have characters age up- they've made a lot of improvements in the last few years
stop making characters with important historical backstories immortal or completely changing their backgrounds so they're "young"
charles and erik keep their original birthdates but continue to fight, argue, and age as the years go on eventually figuring out who they are and that they love each other in the early 2010s they foster children (there are so many mutants who have estranged parents)
being disturbingly powerful, they live into their early 100s, and one dies first with the other following a few years later. their children, of all various ages, must deal with the power vacuum and legacies of their foster parents. plus all the issues that come with living in the 2020s/2030s- climate crisis, current wars, rise of authoritarianism, etc.
see how easy it was to keep their backstories and let them age? see how there are new problems that naturally arise? Marvel could never
This hurts on so many levels, so many...
Since I’ve become known on here for making lists here’s a list of comic panels that make me so horrifically and inconsolably upset that I wanna rip my own face off
(fair warning a lot of these involve child death because this is dc we’re talking about)
1. Dick comes back from a mission in space and finds out that Jason died

The New Titans #55
2. Bruce promises a dying Steph that he will ensure the baby she gave up “will never want for anything”

Batman: War Games (2005) Act 3 #8
3. This specific artist’s version of Bruce holding Jason’s body

(I can’t find the source no matter how hard I look I’m so sorry)
4. Bruce hugs Damian’s torn Robin uniform to his chest shortly after Damian died

Batman and Robin (2011) #18
5. Roy wonders if Lian’s last words were “daddy help”

Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal #1
6. Also, Roy saying “love you, Lian” when he thinks he’s about to die

The Flash 2021 Annual vol 1 #1
7. Donna snaps her zombified baby’s neck

Blackest Night: Titans
8. Barbara gets frustrated with Cass’s inability to read and calls her stupid

Batgirl (2000) #54
9. Bruce beats the Joker while yelling Jason’s name

Batman: Knightfall vol 1
10. Alfred promises 8 year old Bruce that he’ll teach him how to use a rapier “like Zorro” if he agrees to go to his parents’ funeral

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #7

𝐂onor 𝐋eslie as 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐘 in Titans
── 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚: 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚/𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜
── don’t clame as your own.
─ credits in @caotichuman in Twitter
RIP to Jayna and Zan but Dick and Donna will always be the true DC Wonder Twins

repost from my Instagram 2022
I'll assume you're talking about Artemis from RHatO.
Artemis is an Amazon from a break-off group of the Amazons of Themyscira/Paradise Island. They split from Themyscira thousands of years before Diana's birth and were led by the Amazon Antiope, and after her death the group relocated to Egypt to found the city Bana-Mighdall. They tend to be more violent and vengeful than the "traditional" Amazons and managed to evade detection from the mainland Amazons for quite a while. It seems that since they left Paradise Island, they gave up their immortality.
Donna Troy is very, very tricky, but from what I gather she's had three main origin stories that take different forms:
a) She is the magically birthed twin of Diana to be her playmate. IIRC this was her Silver Age origin.
b) She was a living weapon of some sort given powers by the Titans of Myth, and
c) She is a mortal who was empowered by the gods.
Her origin story got so complicated and contradictory that someone at DC just decided, fuck it, what's Donna Troy's origin story? Yes. All her origin stories are canon, and her memories were manipulated to make her believe she lived a normal life with a normal family.
These days Donna is treated as a true Amazon separate from but very close to Diana, and a demigod in her own right. She also has a magical lasso of her own, the Lasso of Persuasion. This blue lasso has the power to make anyone caught in it to be compliant with the user's demands. Donna can effectively make people do what she wants, but their will has to be weaker than her own.
Recently, she used the Lasso to join the amnesiac form of Beast Boy with a preserved starfish arm that he lost, transferring his memories to his actual body because starfish can regenerate neurons or some shit. I don't know. Comic book magic.
As far as I know, Donna's lasso does not project lightning.
ok, i think i understand a bit better. wonder woman’s thing is only using the necessary amount of force.
“Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it.”
that’s her thing and her backstory is.. daughter of zeus and she is either sculpted from clay or she is actually his kid. i get cassie sandsmark and her origin, i’m a huge fan of young justice 1998.
can someone explain donna troy and artemis to me? i know what they’re in and i have a vague idea of the relationships they have with their teams but i don’t really know them.

the Titans by Stjepan Šejić
Hi, I love your art! Would you ever consider drawing the Fab Five as adults?

hell yeah

They sent these two to the store, they regret it.