Groundcontrolpoetry - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Poem: Waiting for the Rain

I sat waiting for the rain to come

Because the rumbling of thunder

Seemed to come from just beyond

My door; I expected the darkness

Of the sky to produce some kind

Of downpour, but none came.

I sat waiting for the rain to come

And wash away my expectations that

The sky would stay so dauntingly gray;

That life would be this way until

A wave of relief flooded it; that I

Would continue to spend my days

Like this, waiting for the rain.


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6 years ago

Poem: Love Letters

Love letters have a sort of magic

about them. Each one is an attempt

by the mind to simplify a sentiment

so consuming. They’re almost as

bold as language itself for assigning

a single word to summarize such a

filling feeling. How can I reveal to you

my heart with one letter and describe

all of how I feel with the word love

alone? It would hardly be enough.

I could fill a library with love letters

and still have more to say to you,

and still have more love left over,

and still love you just as much.


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6 years ago

Poem: Breeze

Daydreams of you drift

Into my mind like the breeze

That rustles the curtains

As it welcomes itself in.

I have finally found peace

Enough to close the windows

And let my thoughts of you

Be whisked away by the wind.


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6 years ago

Poem: Hot Cocoa

Trust your chilly fingers

As they wrap around

The warmth of a mug

Steaming with hot cocoa.

Let your cold weather blues

Melt away like bits of

Marshmallow goop

That float at the top.

Watch the steam rise

As your chest does

When you don’t forget

To take deep breaths.

Trust your chilly fingers

As they let the heat

Seep through the glass

And right to your heart.


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6 years ago

Poem: For the Stars

Stars above, paint a picture of light

Against the obsidian night sky.

Watch us wish on meteors,

Thinking that they’re you,

And show us little twinkles

As you shine down on us

Through the atmosphere.

We’ll reach for you again

And again and wonder if

Our hopes have reached

You, too. Stars above,

I wonder if you wonder

About and watch us as

We love to gaze at you.


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6 years ago

Poem: Hope

My heart has hope enough

To rise over mountains

And sweep across oceans,

Never to fall to one’s knees.

My eyes grow wide enough,

As this hope begins to

Rush through me, that

They send a signal

To everyone I meet.

I watch this hope, and

As I rise, I lose my will

To whine and cry.

My mind has come to

Realize that to rise with

Hope is to rise and shine.


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6 years ago

Poem – For Autumn

Spooky trees have lost their leaves,

And the breeze tousles my hair.

The smell of pumpkins drifts about

And sweetens the autumn air.

We gather with our mugs in hand

And sip warm tea on the stairs.

Your neighbor’s kitten watches us

From a nearby front porch chair.

Someone lights a cinnamon candle,

And we cannot smell from where.

Spooky trees have lost their leaves,

And we walk on autumn air.


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6 years ago

Poem: Chime

The chime above the door sings

As you come gliding through,

Bringing along the velvet breeze

Of the autumn winds outside.

Your hands cradle your cheeks

As your arms rest on the counter,

And your coffee breath wafts

To me like a whispered secret.

The chime above the door sings

As you float away through it,

My heartbeat carried on the wind

To you like a whispered secret.


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6 years ago

Poem: Autumn

The summer wonders shine like sunlight,

flickering through the clouds in our memories

of ice cream dripping down our fingers

and slipping off onto our clothes.

We shiver as we consider the chillier days

and earlier nights that are waiting to bite,

whispering into our ears from the shadows

of the hazy fog of the oncoming winter.


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6 years ago

Poem: Breathing

She told you to take deep breaths –

throw a few minutes of air at your problems

and watch as they sink into the ground –

but you stretched your face into a yawn

and roared your deepest breath in her direction

in peaceful protest of her airy approach.


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6 years ago

Poem: Pink Lemonade

You poured out your pink lemonade

and placed the glass inside the sink,

where the faucet rained down on it

and washed the memory away

of puckered lips and the sour kiss

between you and that cold bottle.


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6 years ago

Poem: Breathing

She told you to take deep breaths –

throw a few minutes of air at your problems

and watch as they sink into the ground –

but you stretched your face into a yawn

and roared your deepest breath in her direction

in peaceful protest of her airy approach.


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6 years ago

Poem: Pink Lemonade

You poured out your pink lemonade

and placed the glass inside the sink,

where the faucet rained down on it

and washed the memory away

of puckered lips and the sour kiss

between you and that cold bottle.


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6 years ago

Poem: Solo

She danced around the room,

looking people in the eyes

as she twirled past them,

never meeting the same gaze

twice. In the flashing lights,

spinning late into the night,

she was untouchable,

her tears dripping like sweat,

catching light like diamonds,

slipping, unseen, to the ground

as she kept gliding forward,

spinning late into the night.


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