Bruno - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

work in progress on a series for the sleeping slaves

Sleeping Slave Bruno- character model is not mine, its pulled from Eyes over Heaven, I retextured and made some adjustments
wish I had the bond Dolores has with tio Bruno
Some Dolores doodles bc she 🥺 Also hc that Dolores and Bruno used to be besties before he disappeared so when she finally got to see him again she gave her favorite Tio a big warm hug :)

Have this too ig

Mirabel, age 10: *sneezes*
Bruno, in the wall: Bless You.
Mirabel: ...Casita?
Mirabel: You can talk! Finally I'll have someone to talk too when everyone is gone!
Bruno, internally: "sh*t sh*t sh*t! I cant ignore her now!"
From that day on Mirabel thought she was speaking to Casita, but it was actually Bruno in the walls. Bruno told her only she(Mira) could talk to Casita, and casita only had the ability for one hour each day. Mirabel was jazzed, and super proud, she tried telling everyone but they thought it was just a way to comfort herself, except Dolores but she knew it was Bruno and Mirabel just looked so happy she didn't want to spoil it for her.
Fast forward to when they rebuild casita and Mirabel shoots up from bed one night, runs down the hall, and ninja kicks Bruno's door down while screaming "It was you!"
Can I request a oneshot for Bruno doing facemasks and such with his s/o?
Self Care — Bruno Bucciarati
Author's Note: pls this request is just what i needed. it's so cute <3 hopefully this suffices bc i know that my break long and out of nowhere. luv y'all!

The cold glob of face mask in your hand made you shiver, the temperature contrasting the warmth of your room, or rather the warmth of the person beside you. After the countless nights of Bruno getting home late and leaving early for the sake of his job, you had managed to convince Don Giovanna to let the man rest for a day. Ever the hard worker, Bruno hadn't been made aware until he had shown up to his job only to be turned away by his superior.
Maybe it was Bruno's posture (which was admittedly getting horrible from not having as much to do in terms of field work) or his eye bags from countless restless nights that sealed the deal because Giorno was not going to let the capo come into work until he was rid of some of the strain on him. That's why the two of you wound up on your bed with tubes of face masks, oils, and lotions scattered about. The diffuser was on as well as an additive to the calming effect you tried to have on your boyfriend, though he was still rather hesitant to relax.
"Bruno, just let loose for a little. You're not going to be able to go back until you've calmed down."
"I know, amore. It's just that I feel like I'm missing on something big at work. I wouldn't want the group to get hurt because I wasn't there to offer any assistance."
You sighed and took his calloused hand into yours, "Look, there's no guarantee that something won't arise, but the best you can do is try to relax for now so you can be your best self when you go back."
"I suppose you're right," he replied, offering a small smile. He tilted his head, and you took that as your cue to put the gel on his face. His shuddering did not go unnoticed and you gave a slight chuckle. His bangs had been pushed back with a wraparound headband, so there was no trouble in getting the mask on.
Once you had evened out the mask to your liking, you sat back and wiped your hands off on a towel before throwing the tube you had used to him. He smiled and squirted some on his hand before returning the favor of putting your face mask on. You grabbed the kitchen timer and twisted it to the instructed wait time, fifteen minutes.
You looked at your boyfriend and rubbed your thumb on his knuckles.
"I love you, Bruno."
"I love you too, amore."
I've no idea what he's saying, presuming about training , confidence etc but he's hot as fuck & in my head he's getting cross about something hence raising his voice, pointing & telling me to get upstairs.... 😉

Encanto vibes ✨✨🕯️🏡

Encanto vibes ✨✨🕯️🏡
no no no but Bruno leaving not because he didn't love his family, not because there was a vision that would hurt his family, but leaving because his vision would change how the family looked at his sobrina is the most heartbreaking thing
if the vision had just shown the Miracle fading, Casita cracking, but had no one else, he would have stayed, and probably helped to figure out what that meant.
and i'm sure he thought about that as the vision was being created, he thought that he'd show his mother, and they'd figure things out.
but then Mirabel appeared in the vision, and all bets were off.
Bruno saw a grown-up version of his sobrina.
his kindhearted sobrina who wore glasses his color green so that she'd match everyone in the family in some way.
his little sobrina who spent the night after her ceremony crying in her room, all alone.
his wonderful sobrina who did her absolute best to light up every room she entered.
his precious sobrina, who was only five, and who was struggling to make her family proud.
If it was just the house, Bruno would stay.
But he refused to put Mirabel through more heartbreak, more ostracization.
and the fact that finding that out shocked Mirabel is so sad, because to her, she was the ungifted Madrigal. She was clumsy, always in the way, and nobody special.
So someone putting her first, someone doing something to take care of her, to protect her, is so out of the ordinary, so unfamiliar to her, that it takes a moment for her to actually understand.
And I don't think she really did understand.
The only people who truly loved her after her ceremony were her parents and Antonio. She couldn't fathom one of her gifted family members actually thinking about her and putting her in front of everything else.
Bruno's thought process of "protect Mirabel first, save the Miracle and the Family second" is so incredibly bittersweet, because Mirabel can't imagine why anyone would do that.
(it's the same with Antonio saying "I need you" during his ceremony because no one's ever needed just Mirabel)

Bruabba Week Day 3 - Vacation
I get two “Switzerland is an expensive hell hole” jokes per year, let me have this
(wasn’t logged in yesterday so this is posted a bit late!)

The results are in! Now to talley the awards and such:
The order from numbers 1-6:
Griffith's Betrayal (Berserk)
The Ending (The Boy In The Striped Pajamas)
Cedric Diggory's Death (Harry Potter)
John Coffey's Execution (The Green Mile)
The Ending (American History X)
The Ending (The Mist)
The winner for saddest scene in the poll is Griffith's Betrayal!

Congratulations you....miserable tragedy you....
The loser for least saddest scene in the poll is the ending for the movie The Mist!

Sorry The Mist, it seems not enough people know about your tragic end.
The winner for my personal saddest scene is the ending for the movie American History X!

It made me ugly cry for 17 minutes before and after the movie ended.
The winner for most underrated sad scene is the ending for the movie The Mist!

Seriously, it's so sad. People really need to watch this movie, it's great.
And lastly the winner for the objectively least sad scene goes to John Coffey's Execution!

Sorry John, your scene was definitely heartbreaking, but compared to the least you got somewhat of a happy end to your story. Even if you were executed as an innocent man.
That's all, thanks for participating in my poll y'all! 😁😁😁