Card Games - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago
I Finally Have My Very Own SquidPope Themed Playing Card Backs!

i finally have my very own SquidPope themed playing card backs!

now to see about printing some card-type things.

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4 months ago

Played the board game Arcs for the first time yesterday! There are a lot of good things to say about this game's design. The turns are snappy, the trick-taking action system is genius, and declaring/scoring ambitions makes you think long and hard on the hand of cards you're given. But I wanted to draw attention to one specific design choice that likely went unnoticed by many, but is invaluable in my eyes.

The design choice in question is the way which HP is tracked on buildings and units! For those of you who have never played a war game before, HP can be a pain to track for individual units, and Arc's entire design philosophy is to deliver the war game experience while minimizing the busywork. And when you have up to a dozen individual pieces on the board per-faction, that can become a real problem.

How Arcs solves this is to use the geometry of the game pieces. Every ship can either be upright (2 HP), on its side (1 HP), or removed from the board (0 HP).

Likewise, every building token is double sided, having both "healthy" and "damaged" sides which you can flip over when taking damage. This also simplifies the math in the game to mere counting. No need to use a calculator here!

Choices like this, while not particularly impactful with how players interact with the rules of the game, are vital to how players interact with the experience of the game.

Simply put, when making a game, keep in mind the physical space your players will be playing in. It might alert you to some problems, and if you're wise, might even offer you some solutions!

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1 year ago
Finally Beat My Solitaire Game

Finally beat my solitaire game

I've been playing for the past year or so and I've never done this

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3 years ago
A Picture For One Of My Other Game Projects, Mr. Valentine, Playing Cards With His Fellow Villains.

A picture for one of my other game projects, Mr. Valentine, playing cards with his fellow villains. 

On the right, Caesar, on the Left, Fib. (My “human” version of Fib from the VeggieTales universe).

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1 year ago

And I thought these games were just for nerds.

well-i-like-it - Well, I Like It

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1 year ago

Never in my life have I seen a passionate speech to rivial ever be not just a little bit gay- and today that doesn't change.

Yeah I love Shadowverse Flame episode 68

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Uno really doesn't know how to play uno who do they think they are trying to tell us how to play

murderouspurplecinnamonrolls - All my random thoughts

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6 months ago

caratblr i fear this is far too niche so if u even Slightly gaf plz let me know..... so me and my family really love this card game called fluxx and my dad has the star trek version bc he loves star trek . Seventeen is to me as star trek is to my dad so i was like. What if i designed a seventeen themed fluxx deck ..... IT WIJLD BE SO FUN BRUDH

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4 years ago

It’s the card game version of Calvinball

Sero, setting down a card: Ace of spades

Ashido, pulling out an Uno card: +4

Kaminari, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you

Midoriya, trembling: What are we playing

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6 months ago

I need to ask, how is Tumblr not all over this man!?

I Need To Ask, How Is Tumblr Not All Over This Man!?

He's hot, he's always shirtless, he's from an obscure property with deep, interesting lore that you could spend hours infodumping about, the main thing he does is gaslight and manipulate the truth, often by just telling the truth, and at one point he turns good and gets with the lady with immense magical power that controls birds Tumblr needs to get on him asap and ship him with every OC you've got

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sweethoneysuckledreams - I Am Now A Member Of The Mile High Club

Okay so like

As a child my friend and I played some yugioh and she had (still has) this beautiful card that we absolutely loved. It’s still my favorite card today.

Okay So Like
Okay So Like

Honestly St Joan is such a pretty card to my young self since I was so involved in religion back then too this made my heart soar.

I really want her to be the first card I ever cosplay but I’ve never seen her full body? So I decided to look it up!

Okay So Like


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Yugioh characters and how I think they would stand on the Flat Earth argument:

Started the online thread with “Is the earth flat? Let’s discuss. 🤨🤨”: Atem, Pegasus

Pretends that they believe the earth is flat to make others extremely upset: Joey, Mai

Argues with Flat Earthers online about how stupid they are and genuinely gets frustrated: Seto, Ishizu/Isis

“Guys it’s not that serious”: Tea, Grandpa Muto

Likes to read the argument: Yugi, Odion, Yami Malik, Yami Bakura, Mai

Gets convinced by the trollers that the earth MIGHT ACTUALLY be flat: Tristan, Mokuba

Actually believes the earth is flat: Marik/Malik, Wheevil, Rex

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Im reposting my video about my Madolches. Enjoy :)

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