Feminist - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

6 years ago
Woman This Is For All The Old Women. For All The Young Girls. For All The Women Who Have Just Started

Woman This is for all the old women. For all the young girls. For all the women who have just started to realise what it is to be an adult.

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1 year ago

“Ken wouldn’t do that to Barbie, it’s out of character!” Babes, that is the point.

Ken and his discovery of the patriarchy and the way it changes him is the exact same as what happens with adolescent boys. You have these guys who were so close to you, wether through friendship or family become people that they aren’t due to both peer pressure and the desire to hold power. Especially with the whole “podcast bro” thing he had going on in the Ken Dojo Casa House scene, Ken represents all the boys that lean into the patriarchy and change for the worst.

Ken was always so sweet, he was stupid and lovable and would do anything for Barbie. Then he got roped into toxic masculinity and all of a sudden he was cruel and pretentious. This is the same path that many of the guys I was friends with as a kid fell down. Barbie represents growing up as a woman and Ken represents growing up as a man.

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3 years ago

Most of the world's problems are caused by the men who think they're somehow better than women.

More problems would be solved if a group of people stopped believing that they deserve to live more than another group.

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3 years ago

Parents and relatives wonder why I so obnoxiously rebel and get so easily riled up when denied something I need. They mistake it as "tantrums of a spoiled child". Scandal erupts when I'm "rude and impolite"and "disrespect"elders.

I'm not spoiled. It is because I've seen my mother and my aunts never raise their demands because they were led to believe that their wants' were secondary. I will scream obscenities at men older than me, for questioning my clothing.

I'm everything they could have been, I'm doing everything they weren't allowed to do, I will never forget my worth. The Internalized misogyny ends with me.

I acknowledge you've had it hard. I'm just making sure it doesn't continue.

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1 year ago

”This isn’t ladylike, that isn’t ladylike”

Well you know what also isn’t ladylike? Being a bitch. Sit down.

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11 years ago
I Collaborated With The Awesome Meredith Nudo To Do A Five Page Short For The Latest Issue Of Space City

I collaborated with the awesome Meredith Nudo to do a five page short for the latest issue of Space City Nerd! If you are local, come by the release party this Friday! I'll have a table there selling original art, commissions, art cards, prints and issues of The Class, as will awesome peeps like Jamie Kinosian, Isaiah Broussard, Toni Shelton and many more!

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11 years ago
Here Is The Colored Cover To Psycho Girlfriend, Written By Meredith Nudo And Illustrated By Me! It Was

Here is the colored cover to Psycho Girlfriend, written by Meredith Nudo and illustrated by me! It was misprinted without a page in the latest issue of SCN, so we are working on a way to get the full story to you guys soon! Stay tuned for details and enjoy the pulp-tastic cover in the meantime. :D

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1 year ago

In the past 24 hours, I learned that the IOF freezes the dead bodies of imprisoned Palestinian people and keeps them in fridges so they can "serve out their sentences."

I also learned that multiple Israeli environmental organizations and interconnections worked to BAN herbs that are an intrinsic part of Palestinian cuisine, and despite it being overturned, they diligently STILL tried to.

On top of that, IOF soldiers recently looted over (what I saw reported on Al Jazeera) just over one million dollars in jewelry/goods -by robbing Palestinian homes in Gaza for THEIR IOF 'treasury.' I also saw the story about one silver necklace that was stolen by IOF scum for HIS girlfriend (of which he bragged about on social media) -only to find out it belonged to a Palestinian woman, who was supposed to wear this on her wedding day -she was killed during an IOF bombing.

When I say the IOF is one of the world's embodiment of evil incarnate and exemplar of moral depravity, this is just the tip of the iceberg because this is just beyond insidious.

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2 years ago




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2 years ago




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5 years ago

Lol if DC wanted to be successful they should just make a movie about these four

I'd very much like to punch a feminist.

I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.

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3 years ago
Actress, Miriam Margolyes: When You Know Your Worth, You Know Your Worth.
Actress, Miriam Margolyes: When You Know Your Worth, You Know Your Worth.
Actress, Miriam Margolyes: When You Know Your Worth, You Know Your Worth.
Actress, Miriam Margolyes: When You Know Your Worth, You Know Your Worth.
Actress, Miriam Margolyes: When You Know Your Worth, You Know Your Worth.
Actress, Miriam Margolyes: When You Know Your Worth, You Know Your Worth.

Actress, Miriam Margolyes: When you know your worth, you know your worth.

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3 years ago
TERFs Don’t Speak for Women – But Don’t Take It From Me, Look at the Polls | Novara Media
Britain’s reputation as TERF Island isn’t wholly unfounded, writes Stats for Lefties founder Ell Folan. The good news, though, is that transphobes are firmly in the minority.

As this article points out, TERFs don’t speak for most women in the UK. In fact… well, let’s look at the data collected in this article, shall we? 


Based on these stats, TERFs not only don’t represent most women in the UK, they represent the majority of men’s perspective on trans rights. Which, when you consider how TERFs have created a gender binary based on women = good, men = bad, would be ironically hilarious if their bigotry wasn’t literally costing trans lives. The overlap in the venn diagram between patriarchal oppression and TERFs co-opting it is made up of whatever the color of anti-trans violence is.

It’s important, however, to do all we can to make sure more people are aware of this information because not only are misogyny and patriarchy a threat to trans people’s safety as much as TERF ideology is, but for all the women out there who are middle ground because they don’t know enough about the issue, for all the women out there who are confused because it seems like the dominant social conversation is coming from TERFs and they aren’t sure they can do anything, they need to know with confidence: TERF ideology is the minority. Take away the mirage that they represent a silent majority and you take away their power. Mirrors and smoke is all they’ve got, but unfortunately with the right marketing, that can still get people killed.

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7 months ago

Men: *says something vulgar and crude*

Women: *react*

Men: Omg, women are so emotional!

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5 years ago


Being a feminist is horrible. People think that you hate men and you want them all to die or something, but it’s nothing like that. Being a feminist means that you want to be equal with everyone, men and women, equal rights are what we all want and no one should be left behind because of their gender. There are different types of feminists, one does include women thinking that men are the weaker sex but that is only a small part of feminists, most feminists are what we call liberal feminists, they believe in equal right. And that is what it means to be a feminist, to want equality for everyone, to be seen as the same, to be paid the same amount of money, to finally live happily and in peace from all types of inequality.

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5 years ago

Can I just say that as a future engineer, and hopeful candidate for the NASA space program Katherine Johnson, and NASA engineer Mary Jackson are the women I look up to. Every day I go to class I get my male peers treating me like I do f have the capability to understand the coursework. I get declined internships because they don’t feel I could handle the workload like the “strong men on the floor.” However none of these small inconveniences even pale in comparison to the suffering these brave, brilliant women had to go through to garner the respect they so deserved. Despite all the hardship, injustice, prejudice, and hate they received from a society who refused to see their worth simply because of what they looked like, these women kept fighting. They fought the good fight, and helped pave the way to a better future. A future where men and women alike could touch the stars. These are the women I want to make proud. These are the women that I want to succeed for.

Katherine Johnson (b. 1918) Is A Physicist And Mathematician Who Has Made Crucial Contributions To Several

Katherine Johnson (b. 1918) is a physicist and mathematician who has made crucial contributions to several NASA missions, assuring their success with her highly accurate calculations. She worked with NASA for several decades, and helped advance the rights of both African-Americans and women.

She initially worked as a human computer, and later as an aerospace technologist. She calculated trajectories for missions such as the 1961 Mercury mission or the 1969 Apollo 11 flight. She was portrayed by Taraji P. Henson in the 2016 film Hidden Figures.

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