Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone - Tumblr Posts
i feel like people forget that harry did call draco my his name once in harry potter in the philosopher/sorcerer stone when they were in the forbidden forrest for detention harry said to draco if i didn’t know any better draco i’d say you were scared☺️
my favorite drarry moments from harry potter and the sorcerer/philosopher stone film
when they first met
when harry actually called draco by his name in the forbidden forrest
their broom ride
#Mira-Marathon | Harry Potter
Yes, I'm watching Harry Potter again
Film Name: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001); Production Studios: Warner Bros., Heyday Films, 1492 Pictures; Director by: Chris Columbus; Screenwriter: Steve Kloves; Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Richard Harris, Alan Rickman; Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Family; Running Time: 2 hours, 32 minutes;
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is a great movie, an excellent adaptation of JK Rowling's first novel. It is charming for all age groups, with a captivating story, wonderful characters, beautiful sets and costumes and a captivating soundtrack. The main plot revolves around Harry Potter, who enters a school of wizardry, where he and his friends try to stop the evil wizard Voldemort. The film also impresses with charismatic characters, enchanting scenery and music, and is recommended for all who love fantasy and exciting stories.
My rating: 9/10

~Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone & Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Illustrated Edition :) ~They are so Beautiful! ! 😍 I rlly love how this picture turned out ! <3

“Actually I’m highly logical which allows me to look past extraneous detail and perceive clearly that which others overlook.”

Hehe! This made me laugh way too much lol!
Ok so. my friend and i were rewatching the harry potter series. we were talking about how Harry should’ve been in slytherin and we made an entire concept for how we would write harry potter. i felt it was simply too good not to share. it’s literally just a bunch of somewhat connecting bullet points, but i might actually write it down in the future.
this came to be after we watched the second one, (mind you i’m an english major and my roommate is an Art history major) and talked about how we personally don’t like that one, and so much could’ve been improved with the chamber of secrets plot in general if harry had been in slytherin. The bullet points start with the first movie.
Part 1: Childhood/ Hagrid
- vernon and petunia more neglectful, no room “if you don’t bother us we don’t bother you” deal
- when harry was a baby and would cry the fuses would go out
- at age 8, harry gets left at school, walks dejectedly to bus stop. Gets on bus has no money bus driver angry random stranger(LUPINN) pays for ticket.
- harry sits and looks for man to thank him (lupin was behind) doesn’t know where he went
- aunt and uncle afraid of harry. (aunt worse)
- aunt and uncle treat him better in public to be seen normal
- dudley intentionally getting harry in trouble, mommy complex. notices mom is nicer to him when she gets mad at harry.
-Aunt is an alcoholic, afraid of her nephew. aunt feels melancholy for her sister.
- harry shows symptoms of ADD(Attention deficit disorder) and GAD(Generalized anxiety disorder)
-Dudley’s birthday at zoo still happens. harry still talks to snake there. afterward harry locked in room.
- Dudley first sees harry’s letter, and reveals to parents. Excess of letters happens, Harry locked out of house in retribution.
- harry walks to park, hears motorcycle, flips tf out bc yknow, it’s flying.
- hagrid finds harry+ introduces him to the wizard world
-Gringotts still happens
-harry and hagrid go to train together. Hagrid and harry wave.
- ron and harry bump heads, (harry leaving his lil compartment to find bathroom, ron looking for a seat) ron realizes harry’s identity when seeing his scar.
- harry happy to make a one friend, but confused as to how ron knew who he was
- ron explains legend vaguely
-Trolly shenanigans ensue
-Hermione sees trolly shenanigans(both of their faces are chovered in chocolate) and is disgusted , talks how her parents are dentists.
- hermione sees scar freaks out
-harry and ron slightly dislike hermione
- forces herself into it, hermione keeps asking weird questions, harry confused, hermione leaves
- “i’m so excited for sorting i want gryffindor” - ron
- harry confused. sorting mentioned but not much
- harry still doesn’t know his hair is messed up, notices draco looking at him. looks at him then looks away bc mcgonagall is there.
- as they’re going up the stairs, Ron explains houses. Loves Gryffindor, slytherin worst of worst(evil if you go to syntherin.) hufflepuff kind, ravenclaw smart
- Mcgonagall sorting people, draco making his way through the crowd for harry with crabbe and goyle following. Harry sees.
-when harry walks in the great hall, he feels eyes on him. it’s snape.
- Ron gets called, taps harry”I’ll see you later” energy
-Ron in hufflepuff, confused, can’t make eye contact with harry.
- ron looks over to brothers in gryffindor, (all near eachother) they’re disappointed
-harry really confused
-hermione sorted ravenclaw
-harry gets distracted as he tries to figure out the houses from who he’s seen her sorted into them. Draco gets called up, bumps harry, looks back at harry + eye contact.
- harry called, sorted into syntherin, Malfoy smirks and gestures next to him. Harry is panicking bc of what ron told him earlier
tis the end for now
tysm for reading this

Jajajajajajajajajajajajajaja hilarious!!!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) dir. Chris Columbus

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone dir. Chris Columbus | 2001
Christmas throughout the years

🎄 ⚡ ✨ (1991—1997)

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
Dumbledores thoughts about how he could save the sorcerer's stone :
Okay, I'll just have the teachers create obstacles that even a smart first-grader can overcome...
Dumbledores thoughts about how he could save the sorcerer's stone :
Okay, I'll just have the teachers create obstacles that even a smart first-grader can overcome...