I Am So Normal About Them - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

things matt has canonized for shadowgast (that i can remember):

essek and caleb have been living together since they got together (so roughly 7 years) and essek hasn't been back to the dynasty since before the mighty nein ended

caleb is cluttered and messy but essek tolerates it for him

essek bakes sweets (because i can't picture caleb being the one to do it)

essek wears caleb's clothes because they smell like him

essek and caleb have a portrait of the two of them together in their shared lab

essek has learned enough zemnian to curse in zemnian (and actively chooses to speak it)

essek and caleb have sat for couples portraits together

essek regularly sends messages to caleb when they're apart

essek has picked up some therapist habits (likely from caduceus) and has talked caleb down from a ledge during bad mental health problems

essek now wears bits of orange and caleb wears bits of purple

beau and yasha regularly come over and spend time at the shadowgast household

there's enough space in their house for guests (and jester has been by enough times to draw dicks everywhere)

they fuck in every room of the house

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1 year ago
I Was Digging Through My Files And I Found This Oldie That I Drew When I Craved Some Comfort, So I Made
I Was Digging Through My Files And I Found This Oldie That I Drew When I Craved Some Comfort, So I Made

i was digging through my files and i found this oldie that i drew when i craved some comfort, so i made some. im probably not going to finish it so enjoy it raw ig.

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2 years ago
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun
The Night Is Still Young And The Funs Just Begun

“The night is still young and the fun’s just begun…”

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1 year ago

Blah blah blah “I’ve got you baby girl” blah blah blah “It wasn’t time that did it” you know what the most poignant line of this whole show was? Right after when Ellie says, “Well, I’m glad that didn’t work out,” and Joel says, “Me too.” After he told her that when Sarah died, he couldn’t see a point he couldn’t be more ready, he wanted to die, he was ready to end it, but now, sitting on this concrete wall with this kid he didn’t even want to take on a two day trip, he’s so thankful that he flinched, that he lived, that he met her, that he gets a second shot at a life with her. Ellie says I’m glad you didn’t die, and for the first time in twenty years, he is too.

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5 months ago

"Okiura" (沖浦)

沖 - The open sea. 浦 - The seashore.

Do you think Pewter, freed from jail, would go to the beachside and talk to the waves?

Would he count their breakings as Renju's answers to his questions? Would he see the calm sea as his steadiness, the nerve it takes to remain alive and prosper while witness to the horrors of the world? Would he see the raging sea as his unwavering motivation to protect the lives and legacies of those he was loyal to?

Would Pewter step into the water, covering only the feet, and feel the temperature of a summer's whole day of sun as Renju's warmth when he would feel his touch? Would he wish to step in just a little deeper, to try and recover the feeling of the embrace he fears to forget?

Would he, little by little, get more of his clothes wet each visit? Sink too far into his own mind, using every other sense to invoke Renju's presence as his vision refuses to let him catch another glimpse of his beloved?

Would he get scared? Fear the prison of his brain, feel the handcuffs around his wrists once more as he is chained to a past he cannot forget?

Would he try to escape?

Would Pewter once more indulge himself in the nightlife of the bars, buying drinks and hopping tables, looking for a man who could caress him? Would he judge his suitors too harshly, feel unable to find anyone qualified to spend even a mere single night by his side?

Would he eventually give up on standards and choose anyone who was somewhat acceptable?

Would he take them to a bedroom and lock lips, exchage words of teasing, and start the process of undressing? Would he think this is the step he needs to move on? Would he be afraid of it? Would Pewter, in the very moment their hand touches his bare skin, feel the greatest discomfort he has ever sensed?

Would he run away?

Would he find himself returning to the beach, not knowing how he got there or how long of a drive it was? Would he run towards the sea, not caring about temperature, sand nor clothing, and try to wash off the feeling of this stranger's fingers from him? Would he be begging Renju to take it away, to make him his again?

Would the sea maybe be violent that night?

Would Pewter, in his desperation, not notice how deep he treaded?

Would a wave, high and mighty, engulf him entirely before he could even notice its approach?

Would it be so sudden he wouldn't know how to swim back up? Would he swallow water, have it invade his nose, have his eyes burn from the salt? Would he fight it, try to writhe against the waves and cling to the small part of him that has always wanted to live?

… Would he, at some point, give up?

"Amanoma" (天乃間)

天 - The heavens. 乃 - Belonging. 間 - An interval.

Would he count their breakings as Renju's answers to his questions? And so, would he take this as Renju trying to get him back to his side?

Would Pewter take it, and accept that he belongs not on earth, but the heavens if that is Renju's will? Would he gladly drown in Renju, smile at this moment in which he finally got embraced like he craved for ages?

Would he think it took too goddamn long for this to happen? Would he think this gap in time was useless, just wasted time trying to keep living a life that was not worth it? Would he thank the seas as his consciousness fades?

… And when he wakes up, coughing water from his lungs and lying down on the sand, safe and alive,

Would he thank whoever saved him, or would he think it was damnation?

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9 months ago
MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONspecial Gifset For @crowley-anthony
MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONspecial Gifset For @crowley-anthony
MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONspecial Gifset For @crowley-anthony
MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONspecial Gifset For @crowley-anthony
MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONspecial Gifset For @crowley-anthony
MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONspecial Gifset For @crowley-anthony

MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION special gifset for @crowley-anthony 🎁

We'll be okay. We found each other again before, hundreds of times. We can do it again.

MARELLA'S 12TH TUMBLR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONspecial Gifset For @crowley-anthony

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1 year ago
Peter Sandys-Clarke (aka Havers' Actor) Tweeted A Poem...
Peter Sandys-Clarke (aka Havers' Actor) Tweeted A Poem...

Peter Sandys-Clarke (aka Havers' actor) tweeted a poem...

Peter Sandys-Clarke (aka Havers' Actor) Tweeted A Poem...

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5 months ago

I hate when people when people way that coryo wasn’t into sejanus in the books…. That boy was obsessed with everything that sejanus did, I know a bi panic when I see one, and that man was panicking in bi.

Oh I agree 1000%. I just think that Coriolanus did such a good job hiding his feeling from himself (even though they weren’t too hidden from the readers) that some people took it as “Coryo didn’t like Sejanus at all.”

It’s evident that Sejanus is someone Coriolanus generally enjoys the company of, even if he hates himself for it, what with Sejanus being district and all. And it’s clear in the book a bunch of times, but especially when he sees Sejanus for the first time in District 12.

Here’s an excerpt from that scene-

“Coriolanus had never been so glad to see anyone in his life. “Sejanus!” he burst out. He launched off his bunk, landed shakily on the painted concrete floor, and flung his arms around the newcomer.”

^^That is not the reaction of someone who doesn’t care.

That being said, I do still think that Coriolanus had a very skewed mental image of love and care and affections. He viewed everything as a transaction, and saw Sejanus as someone he could use and manipulate and walk all over. He saw Sejanus as below him, even if he did care for him.

So- his affections certainly weren’t healthy! But they were there :)

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5 months ago
Angbang Warm Up Doodle

angbang warm up doodle

patreon | ko-fi

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8 months ago
New OC!
New OC!

new OC🎸!

my friend @onzze and I are combining our mutual obsession with 80s classic rock bands with our love for lesbians, so we're creating a fictional band full of them!!!

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1 year ago
Hannibal 3x13 - The Wrath Of The Lamb
Hannibal 3x13 - The Wrath Of The Lamb
Hannibal 3x13 - The Wrath Of The Lamb

Hannibal 3x13 - “The Wrath of the Lamb”

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