Jim Gordan - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Say what you want about DC Titans but this is the most literal embodiment of Dick Grayson I’ve ever seen

Say What You Want About DC Titans But This Is The Most Literal Embodiment Of Dick Grayson Ive Ever Seen
Say What You Want About DC Titans But This Is The Most Literal Embodiment Of Dick Grayson Ive Ever Seen
Say What You Want About DC Titans But This Is The Most Literal Embodiment Of Dick Grayson Ive Ever Seen

Like this man IS Dick Grayson this is literally one of the most perfect castings

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2 years ago

I like the idea of magic! Batcape (Bruce refuses to admit it's magic, there has to be a scientific explanation)

Batman, shows up at a crime scene: What do you need, Jim?

Gordon: Well, me and my men will need to look over blood spatter and try to find some DNA on the crime scene. The perp was caught on camera and-

Batman nods and opens his cape and, like a clown car, out stumbles Nightwing, Redhood, Blackbat, Red Robin, Robin, and Signal: Is this enough?

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2 years ago

The way the police figure out which of Batman's criminals to send to Arkham is a Buzzfeed quiz.

How important is your theme to you?

Theme? What losers have a theme

Babes, my entire lair is on theme, my henchmen are in theme, my daily clothes are on theme

My name and costume are good for me

I am my theme.

What do you think about Batman?

He is a thorn in my side, I want him dead

We're totally dating and share custody of the Robins, he just doesn't know it yet

I get why he does what he does and I respect him but he's annoying

We are the same yet opposite, we are light and dark, intrinsic to nature

All of the criminals take it as seriously as me taking an "Am I gay?" quiz in middle school

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4 years ago
For Those Of You Who I Dont Talk To On The Daily... We Got These Bad Boys Sunday. Another Ozzie For My
For Those Of You Who I Dont Talk To On The Daily... We Got These Bad Boys Sunday. Another Ozzie For My
For Those Of You Who I Dont Talk To On The Daily... We Got These Bad Boys Sunday. Another Ozzie For My

For those of you who I don’t talk to on the daily... We got these bad boys Sunday. Another Ozzie for my collection along with this Jim and Batsy one I also grabbed. Plus my little brother got Harv and insisted that he had to be in the center of the room because he’s his favorite!

The penguin army continues 🌂

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2 years ago

the way I couldn’t control myself from squealing and mentioning that the twins from Teen Wolf were in the new Batman movie, I love them so much ahhhh

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5 years ago

Jim: If you order them around like a cop, then they're gonna rebel, it's just what they do. Bruce: What, so i'm supposed to let them do whatever they want? Jim: No, I didn't say that i think you should.... talk to them.                            Bruce: No. NO. cause talking doesn't work!                                                            Jim: Not yelling. Not ordering. But talk to them, you know, like a heart to heart.  Bruce: Heart... to heart...? What is that?                                                                Jim: You sit them down and you talk to them, like you're their friend. I find if you talk to them like you're on their level, then they really start to listen... and then you know, you could start to create some boundaries.                                        Bruce: ... boundaries                                                                                         Jim: yeah but Bruce, it’s really important that no matter how they respond you stay calm, you cannot lose your temper.                                                              Bruce: uh... maybe you could do it for me.                                                          Jim: No. 

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5 years ago

This Marshmallow of a Human is my new favourite Dick Grayson descriptor 

Commissioner Gordon's Guide To Dealing With Robins

Robin 1 - Nightwing - Dick Grayson

Give hugs

Smile at him

Must protect him at all costs.

Likes granola bars

I can't believe that my daughter dated this marshmallow of a human.

Robin 2 - Red Hood - Jason Todd

Hates the police

Establish trust via supplying peanut butter cups

Very cautious, put at ease by telling him of the times that batman tripped on the roof edge while trying to be dramatic

One you get to know him, a sweet kid

Robin 3 & 5 - Red Robin - Tim Drake

Oh lord

Always hungry, partial to coffee

A little creepy

So small

A bit sadistic, keep an eye on those weapons he comes up with

Laxative bullets should not be allowed

Robin 4 - Spoiler - Stephanie Brown


Irreverent towards batman

Keep chocolate on hand

Dating the Orphan, asks for dating advice. I am very good at this, I also have a daughter.

Have become “favorite uncle”

Robin 6 - Damian Wayne

Lord have mercy

This boy

I can't

So violent, like a snippy little kitten

Dislikes: everything. Likes: Nightwing

Talk about swords and nightwing

After establishing trust, give head pats

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