Obey Me Thirteen - Tumblr Posts
An Unexpected Visit
(Takes place between Lore VI and Lore VII. Major characters: Solomon and Thirteen. ~1200 words)
Solomon: [Michael?]
Solomon: [Michael?]
Solomon: [Michael?]
Solomon: [Michael?]
It had been one hundred and eight days exactly since Solomon had sent his first mildly-panicked message to Michael. Exactly one hundred and eight days that Michael had ignored him. No, not ignored him. The messages didn’t show up as “read” like they had with Raphael. It had been at least one hundred and eight days of Michael not checking his messages.
No one else was responding to messages anymore, either. Solomon had tried reaching out to Simeon and Raphael again, only to be met with silence. He’d tried contacting Asmodeus, who he’d been sure would have called him immediately to explain everything, eager to talk to him again... only to be met with silence. Day in and day out, Solomon had been surrounded with silence.
Today was no exception. Once again, Solomon got no response.
Solomon sat at his desk, his drooping, tired head held up only by the hand obscuring half his face.
What is going on?
The words rattled in his head like an obsessive chant, holding him together just as much as they were destroying him. It was all he could think about anymore. It was shattering his brain and holding it together with weak glue.
It had started out with the power of the realms. Solomon had detected major disturbances in the power balance, disturbances that continued to fluctuate over the days. One day, it was the Devildom being more powerful than the Celestial Realm and throwing off the balance; the next day, it would be the Celestial Realm. At that point, Solomon had been worried, but not concerned.
He got concerned when the power jumped a tenfold. Then twenty-fold. Soon, thirty-fold. Before long, Solomon had to ask whether it was possible for either realm to sustain these power levels safely, even if they were in balance with each other.
The answer was no.
Every bit of research Solomon had done pointed to the obvious. The power levels he observed were not safe nor sustainable. Either his power estimates were innacurate- and his magical intuition had never been wrong in his two-thousand-year life- or something was very, very wrong.
Books littered the floor, pages dog-eared and spines cracked from books held open by the floor. Papers were strewn everywhere, a vast sea of white and aged beige leaving hardly a crack of wooden tile left. Sections of floor that were exposed bore large footprints, worn into the wood by countless hours of pacing.
None of it had gotten him anywhere. Well, nowhere useful. All of it gave him more and more reason to be concerned.
The sorcerer dug his nails into his face.
What now?
The sound of shattering glass rang through the air.
Solomon froze up, considering the possibilities. Was it an aggressor? Was it some angel or demon, finally ready to give answers? Or some human looter taking advantage of the chaos?
It wasn’t long before a familiar voice rang through the hall.
“Solomon!” It was Thirteen. And she sounded none too happy.
Despite her angry tone, the sorcerer breathed a sigh of relief. If Thirteen was here for another game on his soul, perhaps he could get some sense of normalcy, even for a second. Maybe seeing Thirteen’s indignant pout of defeat could cheer him up, even just slightly.
“I’m in here.” He called out, standing up from his desk, pushing out his chair and turning to face the door.
Fast, light footsteps pattered down the hall, followed by the whoosh of sliding paper.
“Wha- AAAH!”
The reaper was sprawled out on her stomach on the floor, having slid on Solomon’s carpet of research papers. The wind was knocked out of her for a moment before she vigorously pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, and then to her feet.
“Hey!” She yelled, lunging herself forward a few steps in his direction. “What was that about?! Setting traps is my-” She paused, her green, lizardlike eyes widening as her head tilted slightly to the side. “You don’t look so good.”
She wasn’t wrong. The sorcerer’s eyes were sunken and weary, drooping into dark circles from countless sleepless nights. He’d lost weight- he’d forgotten to eat a fair few times while studying. The absolute mess that was his workspace certainly didn’t help.
“I guess not.” Solomon said with a frown, stepping away from his desk.
“Uh, anyway...” Thirteen said with an awkward blink, before her tone hardened once more. “I came here to ask you what the hell is going on.”
“If this is about what I think it’s about, I wish I knew.” The sorcerer said soberly, casting his eyes across the books and papers scattered around the room.
“All my candles are burning super fast now.” Thirteen said. “It’s insane. Usually they burn at a steady pace, but now I have candles that were nearly full the other day rapidly burning below halfway! The death rates have been ridiculous! Do you understand how hard it is to be a reaper, even when conditions are normal? Trying to keep up with all of this is so aggravating! What’s going on?! Is this some prank?!”
For a moment, Solomon just looked at her with wide eyes. Then, with a soft sigh, he lowered his head into his hand. The only thing the wise sorcerer could utter was, “Fuck.”
“What the hell kind of answer is that?! Tell me what’s going on, now!” Thirteen stepped toward him.
Solomon shook his head grimly, taking a step back and looking back up at Thirteen. “Something is seriously wrong with the power balance between the realms, and both the Celestial Realm and the Devildom appear to be launching attacks on the Human World.” He explained.
“Okay, the attacks explain the deaths. But what about the candles burning so weirdly? Usually, I’d know far in advance if something like this was going to happen!”
“Magic is woven so deeply into the three realms that any disruption of it can prove dangerous. With the magic of two of the three realms severely skewed, it’s likely they’re suffering immense consequences. With how high the Celestial Realm and the Devildom’s power are right now, I’m surprised either realm is even habitable; no being should be able to withstand that much power asides from God and the Demon King themselves. This power boost only started a few months ago and very likely wasn’t meant to happen, so it has severely interrupted the lifespans of angels and demons alike.”
Thirteen’s eyes widened.
“Now that I think about it, it was getting quite cold in my cave. I couldn’t help but feel something was off” She frowned. “I guess my cave was somewhat sheltered, and I hadn’t left it at all the past few months until I teleported to the human world to come get you.”
“I have to say, I’m flattered you came to me first.” Solomon said with a smile that immediately earned him a nasty glare from Thirteen.
“It’s not like that!” She protested. She took a deep breath and composed herself, “It’s just… you’re the most powerful sorcerer around, right? I figured that if this wasn’t just some prank by you to make my job harder, then you’d at the very least be knowledgeable enough to help.”
“Unfortunately, you may be disappointed.” Solomon replied with a bitter smile. “I’ve been researching this every since the first signs, and I haven’t made much progress. Everything I’ve read points to bad signs, and it doesn’t help that I can’t get any information out of anyone.”
Thirteen scoffed. “Well, you’d better find something soon, sorcerer.”
“Say, Thirteen...” Solomon cracked a smile. “How would you like to work together on this?”
Thirteen’s eyes widened, and for a long moment, she was silent. Eventually, she let out a soft sigh and stepped toward him.
Thirteen and Solomon getting into a bad situation in the Armageddon and it’s just like
Thirteen: Before we both die, I just wanna tell you-
Solomon: aw, I know 🥰
Thirteen: that your cooking was absolutely AWFUL and I’m glad that at least the world will be rid of it!!!
Solomon: ...
Character File: Thirteen
Thirteen, as a reaper, had much more distance from the events than the other characters did. Though she did reside in the Devildom, her deep cave did shelter her from the effects that ravaged the rest of the realm. However, Thirteen had to get involved when the Armageddon interfered with her job. She took notice that her candles were burning out at an alarming rate, across all three races in all three realms. She was absolutely dumbfounded- she was an experienced reaper, she couldn’t have messed something up this badly; what was going on?
Given her hermit lifestyle, there were few people she could go to about the situation. Her older sister Candy was out of the question. As the situation grew more and more troubling, Thirteen eventually had no choice but to go to Solomon. She confronted him angrily, wanting to believe he’d just pulled some prank as part of their rivalry, only to find Solomon disheveled and disturbed.
After exchanging their knowledge of the situation, the two of them formed a begrudging alliance. Thirteen still very much held her grudge on Solomon, and she had no real emotional attachment to the wellbeing of the realms, but she understood that as a reaper she could not allow the situation to continue. Life and death was her domain, and it was her job to keep them in balance. A reaper could not be a reaper in a world with nothing left to die. As such, she fought fervently to end the war, Solomon at her side.
Within their duo, Thirteen was much more of the front-line fighter. As Solomon researched and attempted to form political allegiances, Thirteen focused on battle. She fought against the armies of Father and the Demon King, as well as rogue human looters. Due to her more rough-and-tumble approach, she needed clothing much more suited to battle. Her exposed midriff was a strong disadvantage in battle; even a reaper wasn’t immune to physical attack. Her crop top was replaced with a full-length plated breastplate made of unknown material that was off-white in color, looking like bone. In the middle of the chest was a black skull shape. Thirteen also donned a dark mauve-purple cloak, made of thick fabric to defend from attacks. The inside of the cloak was lined with rows of pockets for storing her various traps. Though she very much still relied on her traps, she also took up a melee weapon, a large black scythe. Later in the war, an incident would happen that left her missing her left eye. After this, she also wore a black eyepatch.
Looks about right 😂

Just made some obey me memes, your welcome >:3
Levi: You think you've got a free pass just because you're a woman?!
Thirteen: *hugging MC*
Thirteen: ...
Thirteen: *smirks* Yes. And I can kiss them too.
Thirteen: Like this. *kisses them on the cheek*
MC: *blushes*
The brothers except Lucifer: AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

i call this one "two ends of the human tolerance meter"
since you said you’ll write for thirteen (YAY) how about something to do with mc’s favoritism for her, idk how to phrase this but like she’s the only girl and stuff and mc just likes her more? if this made no sense that’s cool 😭
a/n : yesss f! mc is a girl's girl til the end of the world 🤟🤟
cw : none !
thirteen (obey me!) x f! reader

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Girls Talk!
it's summer in devildom, the ac in thirteen's lair buzzes quietly in the background while her playlist changes to the next song - her hands in yours as you painted another nail a pretty pink, matching her colorful roots. "...he really thought he ate with that fit, seriously, solomon looked like a divorced dad! for all the time he spend alive, surely his taste would be better." she huffed as you giggled in agreement.
thirteen's always been your best friend, ever since you got to know her. of course, you love everyone else too, but no matter how deep your love runs for the boys, the relationship to the grim reaper always outmatched it. girls just click, you know? it's something else entirely. you listened to her dragging solomon's outfit a bit more while you blew on the polish, trying to get it to dry faster.
"I love it!" she beamed, examining the glittery-pink of her nails and threw her arms around you. immediately, you hugged her back, kissing the soft skin of her cheek. "of course! I always put in the most work for you." as her cheeks turned a slight red, your heart jumped - maybe this is more than friendship, after all.

i did a little sketch of Thirteen in Kafka's outfit because i really liked @/godhatesyouandi 's idea
i probably won't have time to finish all of them this week because i'm working on some other projects, but I can't wait to get to it soon <3
Headcanon that the demons and angels don't have that instinct when somethings wrong.
MC *feels the hairs on their arms stand up*: Somethings wrong
Solomon *feels a pit in his stomach*: I agree
Demons and Angels: What the fuck
*Something goes wrong*
The Demons and Angels: What the F U C K 🤯😱🤯
Guys i just realised somthing. So we all know Thirteen right, and she a grim reaper, correct?
What does the thirteenth tarot card represent? Death. And what number is it? 13 (obviously).
What is Thirteen? A grim reaper, a being that brings death to you.
Isnt that awesome! The only reason I’ve figured this out is because of JJBA. So what else does that make her? A JoJo reference. Sicckkk

It's been months since part two of the bunny event and she lives rent-free

Happy Birthday to me I guess, *crawls away to play the current event in GranBlue Fantasy because it's one of the members of The Dragon Knights centered event*

Happy Anniversary to Thirteen!!!!!!
I need to draw you more often. : ‘ )
MC : So, when I die... You will come pick me up?
13 : Yes.
MC : What happens after that???
13 : Marriage.
MC :
13 :
MC : I'm dying right now—
5 year old MC
13 : I've decided to adopt MC.
Lucifer : No.
13 : MC needs an ACTUAL mother.
Lucifer : MC doesn't. And MC has enough fathers that could take the role.
13 : Oh?
13 : You mean 3 chaotic kids, one angry bookworm, one makeup obsessed chick, a giant who would probably eat them and one overworked "single mom"?
Lucifer : Did you just call me an overworked single mom?!
13 : You instantly got that.
13 : Anyway, MC needs an actual mom therefore I'm taking em with me.
Lucifer : As if I'd give MC to you.
Mephisto : *crashes through driveway with a car* HEY, I TOOK THE CHILD, LET'S GO.
Lucifer : ?!!!
MC : *happily sitting in the backseat with Raphael and waving at Lucifer* HI LUCI!
Raphael : ...
Lucifer :
Lucifer : *turns into his demon form*
Solomon : ...
Solomon : At this rate MC is going to make god fall in love with them.
Lucifer : No way.
Barbatos : ...They've already got : Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, The demon king, Michael, Thirteen, Raphael, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Leviathan, Satan, Me, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Solomon, Belphegor, And that guy from majolish, also Simeon.
Diavolo : *sighs* How is it even possible...
Raphael : ...
Raphael : It's because of their fluffy pink coat...
Diavolo : I don't understand how they got my father wrapped around their tiny....sheep...hoof?
Solomon : *muttering* Their fluffy soft pink sheep wool...
Luke : *walks into the room* Wah... Why are you all sulking?!
Lucifer : *slams fist on table and breaks it*
Luke : *is terrified and screams*

Ya girl thirteen 💕💜

"I always thought that whatever angels and demons did had no bearing on me, but I always like seeing you do your best."
Gotta post Thirteen on Friday the 13th! (`∀´) she's such a cutie haha who knew reapers could be so precious ( ´-ω-)💕 anywho, drawing Raphael next!
Anti Solomon league