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Applejack in a Dress Appreciation Post

Bc she shouldve worn dresses more often like. she eats
I decided the kind of person I want to be is someone who can be calm and rational even under duress. For example, I once got my hand stuck in a gate, and found it better to say, "open the gate right now," than to swear because my hand was released sooner than if my word choice had been different.
Enthusiasm (or anger or any other deeply felt emotion) doesn't have to be big and bold and loud and swearing when there are a myriad of words and expressions in the English language which can more accurately depict emotions than the more commonly phraseology. Using a swear is creating a shortcut which cuts right past true meaning instead of hitting it dead on.
Also, the best advice I ever got about not swearing came from my dad. He said, "When you think a swear word, bite your tongue and make it hurt." This leads, some days, to having a really sore tongue. But it also leads to having a cleaner vocabulary. And I think when expressing oneself, preciseness instead of vulgarity goes a long way.
Anyway, my point is:
tl;dr preciseness in language creates greater understanding and connection between people
how do people not swear??? like where does their anger go?? how do they show their enthusiasm??? what if they stub their toe??? like saying golly gosh isn’t really gonna cut it barbara

And once again the day is saved...
So, basically everyone thinks that Danny is John Wick.
Like he starts getting a legend, despite not having done anything, and the legend just gets bigger and more unrealistic.
"I once heard he killed eighteen people with a cupcake, a freaking cupcake!"
"I heard that if he doesn't like a contract, he'll make you disappear." (He gets them arrested but the arrested ones think their lucky and that the others actually got killed.)
They start calling him 'The Ghost '
If it's dpxdc then the Bats totally have a file on him (his occupation is labelled as Hitman)
Hitman vibes
Because Danny is half dead, he has some serious doom and gloom vibes without trying.
He smiles and wishes you a good day? Holy shit this kid just said this is my last day holy fuck.
Give you hot chocolate? Is this kid implying that this is the last warmth I'll ever feel?
It boils down to this; Danny had Hitman Vibes.
This is both hilarious and concerning, especially when people try to contract him to perform assassinations. He has gotten so many people arrested with that shit.
More to add, because I just had an idea! Danny's POV Jazz had said that moving to Central city might be a bad idea, but now he could tell her she was incredibly wrong. He was able to find a nice apartment (The people who owned it insisted on giving him a discount for some reason), he even managed to score a job in a cafe while he tried to get his masters degree, and he even got a friend! Sure, Barry was involved in law enforcement and Danny was a bit wary of him because of that, considering he kept getting shot at by law enforcement in past, but Barry turned out to be a nice guy. "Danny! Hurry up and finish cropping that fruit, we need your help with orders." Danny's boss, Pam, yelled into the kitchen where Danny was currently cutting up a random assortment of fruit for the cafe's smoothies and fruit salads. "Got it, Pam." Danny called back taking his eyes off the knife in his hand for a split second.
A second too long apparently, because when he turned back there was a large cut in his hand. "Dammit!" He hissed grabbing some paper towels to stop the bleeding. It didn't really hurt, after the accident that made him a half-ghost his pain tolerance became god tier, but that didn't mean he hadn't done some damage but that should heal fine on it's own...Probably. He was going to have to take a look at it to properly tell, he was more upset about having to get rid of all the fruit now that his blood contaminated all of it. Danny left the kitchen tightly holding his injured hand to his chest. "Uh, Pam? I got a bit of a problem." He started sheepishly, nearly flinching when the cafe owners attention snapped to him. Pam's eyes flew over him trying to pinpoint the problem, her eyes finally landed on his hand, and he tried not to chuckle nervously, thank the ancients his blood wasn't green when he was in his human form.
"Ha, ha, oops?" He said with a shrug, Pam sighed tilted her head upwards as if looking to the heavens for guidance, Jazz did the same thing a lot. "Go home." "But-" Danny tried to protest, it'd be healed soon anyway, but Pam was having none of it. "But nothing, you aren't working like this, you go home, you get your hand fixed if you need too, and then you can come back to work, I don't need you bleeding all over the place." She told him, she said it in a no-nonsense kind of way but there was a glimmer of concern in her eyes that made any other attempt at protesting die on his tongue. "...Fine, I'll go." He agreed reluctantly, he left the cafe with a poorly wrapped hand and a slice of cake. He stopped by a store for a bandage that wasn't made of paper towel, thankfully it didn't seem to be deep enough to need stitches. Which was good since he hadn't given himself stitches in years and the skill had probably gotten a bit rusty. Danny sat on a park bench a random park and ate his cake. "I think there's something I'm forgetting..." He murmured as he watched the sun go down, it was something big, something important. What was it again? "Oh shit!" Danny leapt off the park bench like he'd been electrocuted.
"I forgot Batman!" The Dark Knight had reached out to Danny, not Phantom, Danny, and requested a meeting with him, something about a murder? Danny didn't really think he did something wrong since the furry hadn't shown up on his doorstep to arrest him, the ecto-acts had also been destroyed so he wasn't breaking the law by existing. So maybe the Bat needed help with a ghost related murder? His parents were the leading experts on the subject, even if they were mostly wrong, if Danny had to choose between getting help from two mad scientists or their son who was considerably closer, he'd probably pick him too. "Should I get changed?" He looked at his work uniform and decided, yeah, that was probably a good idea.
Didn't want to make a bad first impression after all. Batman's POV "You sure he's even coming, B?" Nightwing asked as he moved to lean on the batsignal. "Hn." Bruce replied, there was a small part of him that would prefer it if the person didn't show up. "Sorry I'm late, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long?" The two of them whirled around to face the newcomer with batarangs at the ready
Seemingly appearing out of the shadows like he was part of them was the man they were meeting. Daniel Fenton Codename: The Ghost Occupation: Hitman. Statis: Unknown, possible meta. His file was laughably empty, and Bruce wouldn't have chosen to contact him if he had no choice. Ghost held his hands up in a 'I mean no harm.' The man was dressed in like any normal person on the street would be, he wasn't fooled, Bruce caught sight of the bloody bandage wrapped around the hitman's hand and Bruce's hands tightened around the batarangs to the point that his knuckles were probably white. Whose blood was that? The Ghost's? or someone else's? was it the blood of someone in his city? who had he failed to save? "How about you put the sharp objects down and tell me why I'm here?" Ghost asked giving them a smile that promised a fight if they didn't comply, Bruce lowered his weapon but didn't put it back in his utility belt. Nightwing took that as his cue to put his own weapons away and hand over the case file they were working on. "We were hoping you could give us some insight on this." He said with a smile. Bruce had to stop himself from stepping between them to shield Nightwing from the hitman. "I'll see what I can do." The Ghost replied taking the file from Nightwing.
He went through the file with critical eyes, scanning the words at a leisurely pace, humming and tutting at certain points like he was giving a review. "Joe Carter." Nightwing jumped at the sudden sound while Bruce stiffened. "Come again?" The bludhaven vigilante asked politely. The Ghost glanced up from the case file and clarified. "Joe Carter is the one who killed Agatha Evens." He said, snapping the file close and placing it on the ground. "How do you know?" Bruce demanded, all leads had been dead ends, there were no witnesses, no camera footage, nothing. How did he know? The Ghost tilted his head so that his hair fell in front of his eyes and then he smiled. "Agatha told me, of cause." Bruce clenched his teeth, the hitman was mocking them. Nightwing glanced uncertainly between him and The Ghost, making no move to get the case file in case it left him open to an attack. The Ghost stepped back away from them and towards the roof's ledge. "Well if that's all, I've got to go now, busy day tomorrow and all that." Bruce froze, was the hitman still active? He had assumed that the blood on his hand wasn't his, was he right? The only reason he had let Nightwing convince him to meet The Ghost was because of the assumption that he was retired. "Welp, bye!" The Ghost said before flinging himself off the roof. "Wait!"Nightwing shouted as both of them raced over to the edge only to find no trace of the hitman. It was clear he hadn't hit the ground, and they hadn't seen him use a grappling hook. "Well, that's spooky." Nightwing commented as he peered over the edge. "Hn."
Danny's POV Danny stood Infront of a grave that looked about a week old. "I think They'll catch him now." He said to the ghost hovering next to him. "I hope so, young man." Agatha replied with a sigh.
Hitman vibes
Because Danny is half dead, he has some serious doom and gloom vibes without trying.
He smiles and wishes you a good day? Holy shit this kid just said this is my last day holy fuck.
Give you hot chocolate? Is this kid implying that this is the last warmth I'll ever feel?
It boils down to this; Danny had Hitman Vibes.
This is both hilarious and concerning, especially when people try to contract him to perform assassinations. He has gotten so many people arrested with that shit.
AO3 Etiquette
It would seem a whole new kind of AO3 reader/writer is emerging and it is becoming clear not everyone quite understands how the website community works. Here is some basic guidance on how most people expect you to go about using AO3 to keep this a fun community archive that funtions correctly:
Kudos is for when the story was interesting enough to make you finish reading. If it sucked or was badly written, you probably left. If you finished - you kudos.
If you liked it, you should comment. It can be long and detailed or a literal keysmash. Writers don't care, we just love comments.
No critisism unless the author has specifically asked or agreed to hear it. Even constructive critisism is a no-no unless an author note tells you it's okay. Many people write as a fun hobby or a way to cope with, among other things, insecurity. Don't ruin that for them.
Do not comment to ask the author to write/update something else. It's tacky and off-putting and will probably have the opposite effect than the one you want.
There is no algorithm, it's an archive. Use the search and filter function to add/remove the pairings/characters/tropes etc. you want to read about and it will find you the fics that fit the bill.
For this to work, writers must tag and rate stories. This avoids readers finding the wrong things and missing the stuff they want. I don't care how cringy that trope is in your eyes - it gets tagged.
Character A/Character B means a ROMANTIC or SEXUAL relationship of some kind. Character A&Character B is PLANTONIC, like friendship or family.
Nothing is banned. This is an implicit rule because banning one thing is a slipperly slope to banning another and another, until nothing is allowed anymore. Do not expect anyone to censor for you. Because of the tags system, you are responsible for your own reading experience.
People can create new chapters and sequels/fic series any time after they "complete" a story. So it's considered perfectly normal to subscribe, even to a finished story. You can even subscribe to the author instead just to cover your bases.
Do not repost stories or change the publishing date without an extremely good reason (like a complete top to bottom rewrite). It's an archive, not social media. No one cares what's the most recent, only what fits their tag needs.
Avoid deleting a story you wrote if you hate it - orphan it so others can still enjoy it, without it being connected to you anymore.
This is a creative fanfiction archive. No essays on your insights or theories please. There are other places for that.
I KNOW there's plenty more I missed but I'm trying to cover most of the basics that people seem to be struggling with.
I invite anyone to add to this, but please explain, don't berate.
One benefit of having a crush (besides that warm fuzzy feeling and daydream fuel) is that it keeps me from letting myself dress in sweatpants every day

Some Non-D&D roleplaying games that don't use the Open Gaming Licence (v1)
RuneQuest - One of the oldest and most popular D&D alternatives, with a ruleset that its many fans swear by; now in its 7th edition
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - now in its 4th Edition; WFRP's 'The Enemy Within' is a strong contender for the title of 'Best Fantasy RPG Campaign Ever Published.
Chivalry & Sorcery - a more realistic, crunchy and grounded take on fantasy roleplaying
Symbaroum - super-atmospheric Swedish fantasy RPG
GURPS - Generic Universal Roleplaying System, " one set of clear, comprehensive rules to cover any background"
Rolemaster and HARP (High Action Adventure Roleplaying)
Savage Worlds - another multigenre system and the rules set behind the Deadlands, Weird Wars and Monster Hunter International RPGs among others.
7th Sea - "swashbuckling & intrigue, exploration & adventure"
Cypher System - a modern multigenre system with an innovate rules set Numenera - standalone RPG but uses the Cypher System rules, "set a billion years in our future…a roleplaying game about exploration and discovery"
Troika! - a gonzo science-fantasy RPG with "built-in wonder and room for everyone at the table to go wild!"
Fantasy Age - as run by Wil Wheaton on his Tabletop show!
Earthdawn - sort of the fantasy prequel to the cyberpunk-fantasy RPG Shadowrun
The Hero System and Fantasy Hero - another multigenre ruleset, also used in the Champions super hero RPG
Legend of the Five Rings - famous RPG based roughly on feudal Japan with influences from other East Asian cultures.
The One Ring - roleplaying in Tolkien's Middle-earth
King Arthur Pendragon and Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne - roleplaying the Matter of Britain and the Matter of France
Forbidden Lands - "a new take on classic fantasy roleplaying…an open-world survival roleplaying game".
Legends of Avallen - inspired by Celtic mythology in Roman Britain
Man, Myth & Magic - a roleplaying game "set in the ancient world"
Overlight - A fantasy roleplaying game "of kaleidoscopic journeys: a visceral, dangerous and brightly coloured setting"
Paleomythic - "grim survival and mythical adventures in…a harsh prehistoric world"
Romance of the Perilous Land - "magic and adventure set in the world of British folklore"
Robert E. Howard's Conan - Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of - probably the best of several Conan RPGs, now coming towards the end of its licence.
Swords of the Serpentine - "a sword & sorcery game of daring heroism, sly politics and bloody savagery" using the investigation-focused Gumshoe system
The Black Iron - grimdark fantasy in "a world broken beyond repair"
The Dying Earth Roleplaying Game - roleplaying in the world of Jack Vance's Dying Earth stories
The Witcher - roleplaying in the world of Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher stories
Someone has made fake London Underground signs, and whoever did it is a ruddy genius.

I met a traveller from way the hell off
who said: two gigantic, fucked-up rock legs
be out there in the middle of goddamn nowhere
right next to them covered in shit some kinda big face
looked pretty pissed & upset & whatnot
all damn covered in words
"yo ozymandias here, this my shit"
"better than your shit, get fucked buddy"
not much else tho, just sand
shitloads of sand all over the place
MS PAINt doodles

My level of self control matches that of my cooking prowess
One of my headcanon for the dyad AU is that sometimes Obi-wan and Anakin’s emotions and memories blend together, making it impossible to untangle their sense of self and it results in a lot of shenanigans, like:
One time Obi-wan called Ahsoka ‘snips’ by mistake and she made the weirdest and most horrified face he has ever seen.
It’s not rare for the Council to summon one of them and have the other one showing up instead, clueless about his mistake.
Anakin doesn’t even bother to remember any of his meetings’ time anyway because he knows Obi-wan will remember for him.
It is sometimes a problem, like that time Anakin planned to be at Padmé’s apartment at a precise date and time but still forgot, so instead, Padmé found at her door a very confused Obi-wan who couldn’t remember why it seemed so important to come here at that precise moment.
Ahsoka gave up on separating them in her mind and thinks about them as Anakin-and-Obi-wan and not two different people.
I mean, she had to deal with so many weird things, like that time Obi-wan said “…Just like when you left me with Rex on Maridun, and it— ” and she had to correct him “that wasn’t you, that was Anakin, you’ve never been to Maridun” and Obi-wan looked at her funny for a second before carrying on, “Oh right, well, you did very well, especially when you— ” like he was here the whole time.
The Council has stopped sending them alone on missions for more than a few days because when they come back they forget they have to actually talk to communicate with other people.
Every time someone tells them “don’t tell Obi-wan/Anakin, but…” they instantly reply “I Physically Cannot Do That”
“I mean I could, but then I will focus all my energy on hiding it and not projecting it through our bond and he will know something is up and it will put me under too much stress and pressure so please don’t tell me”
Right before the Rako Hardeen arc, the Council said to Obi-wan “so, we thought that you could fake your death and not say anything to Skywalker” and Obi-wan said “I’m afraid it’s already too late for that” one second before Anakin popped up out of nowhere to yell “YOU CAN’T MAKE OBI-WAN DIE AND NOT ME, IF HE DIES I DIE TOO”
They both faked their death
Anakin dramatically dying of a heart attack at the same time Obi-wan got shot was explained as “he lost the will to live” and a shrug from the Jedi Council.
“Yes, that makes sense,” said everyone without asking any questions.