Rapeawareness - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

TW : Rape,Abuse,Sexual assault and harassment,pedophilia, alcohol etc

Hello everybody it’s Babette here So apparently Percy the actor for Xavier Thorpe has sexually assault MINORS and has raped girls which half of them are underage, him and his group of friends use to throw parties and get girls drunk/high to fuck them, this is fucking disgusting,search of cancelpercy on twitter or tumblr, the fact Percy disabled his instagram comments after women have come forward with sexual assault allegations on twitter says enough about this fucker, I feel so bad for everybody that has experienced and witnessed his abuse, he is a monster if you support him please don’t support,read,like or interact with me or my post, as obvious as it is I will not be writing about the character Xavier Thorpe or Percy

Here is the link of all the things he has done

Please spread the word #cancelpercy

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1 year ago

If you don't think men can experience this horror as well, you're demented.

Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t

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1 year ago

ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.

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2 years ago

Does anyone else remember when one of America’s most famous science communicators, Neil deGrasse Tyson was accused of rape and many other chases of sexual misconduct.

And then nothing happened to him. He was barely investigated. He just kept his job as DIRECTOR of the Hayden Planetarium (the 3rd largest Planetarium in the United States). He also kept his job on the Cosmos continuation (which aired in 2020) and his podcast/tv show StarTalk.

And while I will admit that their is no definitive proof of the allegation of rape, the two other public reports of sexual misconduct have not been denied by Tyson. He has however said that he did not intend for his actions to be sexual in nature.

The four brave women that came forward with these allegations are Tchiya Amet, Katelyn Allers, Ashley Watson, and the fourth woman who remained anonymous. Please make sure that these women are not forgotten.

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2 years ago

TW : Rape,Abuse,Sexual assault and harassment,pedophilia, alcohol etc

Hello everybody it’s Babette here So apparently Percy the actor for Xavier Thorpe has sexually assault minor and has date raped girls which half of them were underage, him and his group of friends use to throw parties and get girls drunk/high to fuck them, he has also sent minors inappropriate pictures and has dissed his fans and girls who have turned him down, this is pretty disgusting if you ask me, search #cancelpercy on twitter,tumblr or instagram and the fact Percy disabled his instagram comments after women have come forward with sexual assault allegations on twitter says enough about this fucker, I feel so bad for everybody that has experienced and witnessed his abuse, he is a monster if you support him please don’t support,read,like or interact with me or my posts, we should focus on these victims and hope Percy is ended because him and his behavior is not okay and what he did to many girls is horrible lastly this is the least important part as obvious as it is I will not be writing about the character Xavier Thorpe or Percy

Here is the link of all the things he has done

Please spread the word #cancelpercy

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4 years ago
MeN CAnT CoNtRoL ThEmSeLvEs SHe WAs AsKiNg FoR IT ShOuLd HaVe CoVeReD UP WhAt WErE YOu WeArInG? HoW CAn

MeN cAn’T CoNtRoL ThEmSeLvEs sHe wAs AsKiNg FoR iT ShOuLd HaVe CoVeReD uP WhAt wErE yOu WeArInG? HoW cAn wE CoNtRoL oUrSeLvEs WhEn YoU LoOk LiKe tHaT? Look can we just agree that rapists deserve to be castrated? We can? Ok great! #rape #rapeculture #rapeawareness #rapists #rapistregime #rapistsarentpunk #rapistscauserape #rapistshouldbehangedtodeath #sexoffender #sexoffenders #sexualpredator #sexualpredators #punishrapists #punishrapistsinpublic #punishrapistsnotvictims #punishrapistsprotectsurvivors #punishrapistsnotwomen #consent #consentissexy #consentmatters #consentculture #consentismandatory #clothingisnotconsent #clothingdoesnotmeanconsent #sexoffense #sexoffenses #rapes #rapistsrapepeoplenotoutfits #rapistsdeservesdeath #rapistsrape https://www.instagram.com/p/CCE8XKNJM6Z/?igshid=d4ohq17opa8r

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6 months ago
lady-of-blossoms - Lady Of Blossoms

「 ✦ whispers of heartbreak 5✦ 」


WARNING!!⚠️: Rape, Forced abortion, bleeding, Angst.

Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4

lady-of-blossoms - Lady Of Blossoms

the next day when you wake up, you don’t get greeted by the disgusting sight of gojo and Rebecca, instead gojo sits on a barstool by the kitchon island.

"Gojo?" you say confused, as you walk over to the fridge to get yourself Some breakfast.

"Oh by the way gojo, where is rebecca-" you ask but get intereupted by gojo wrapping his arms around your waist intimately.

"Since her baby wasn’t mine there was no point of keeping her in this house. And talking about babies that arent mine, that pregnancy of yours, Abort it, since its not mine" he says as he rests his chin on your shoulder.

you tense up, what the hell did he just say??? "what!? No !!" you nudge him off of you.

"YIN, You don't have a choice..."

you didn't have a choice did you now?, well it doesn't matter now anyways, because you aren't pregnant anymore.

You have no energy whatsoever, you barely eat anymore, and you refuse to talk to gojo, you just hate that you had to abort your first miricale baby.

As you sleep one day, in the middle of the night somebody crawls into your bed, the somebody being gojo, he unbuckles his belt and drags down his pants, he pulls down your panties.


"Chill I’m not even doing anything…Yet" he smirks as he holds your wrists in place keeping you unable to move or do anything else than say stop and cry.

"GOJO, DONT YOU FUCKING DARE, IM TELLING YOU" you scream at him loudly, as you cry and struggle aimlessly to get him to let go of your wrists.

"If he could get you pregnant, than I can too, and nothing will stop me" he thrusts his length into you harshly.

"No…No!…NO!, stop I dont want this. WHY???” You scream as the pain shudders like lightning through your whole body, it hurts, when geto did it, he was much more gentle, but gojo didn’t even try to hold back.

he moans and groans as he thrusts in and out roughly “take that, hngh~, such a good fucking slut"

He moans out as he twists your nipple and thrusts harder.

Tears stream down your face harder than ever, you feel as if he is tearing you apart, why, what did you do to desserve this, the pain of the abortion still hurts, but then this on top, you feel as though you are being punished for something you did in your previous life, you cry, cry and cry, it hurts so much, it burns the only thing you can think about is the pain, is it normal for it to be this painful, probably not, but it doesn’t matter because gojo does it anyways, even though you say no and don’t give consent.

“Stop…stop…no…I don’t want to….why me?….no…consent…." Your words come out slurred as you pass out from the pain and crying.

When you wake up, he is asleep, either his cock still inside of you, you flinch as you pull him out and stand up, the concoction of blood and cum drips down your thighs and onto the floor, leaving a trail behind you as you walk to the bathroom. When you get to the bathroom you look in the mirror and all you see is bite marks, bruises, red crying marks on your cheeks and the concoction dripping down you legs, you throw up into the toilet bowl.

What did you do to deserve this, you keep throwing up until your wheezing and crying, you sit down on the toilet and put a pad in your panties, your not on your period but you don’t want anybody to see the pain and suffering your going through, so you hide it.

You put bandaids on your red and bleeding nipples and puts some clothes on, you walk into the kitchen and get yourself water, it doesn’t taste the same anymore, it used to give you meaning to life but not anymore, three days is what it takes to die from dehydration right?, well that’s a long time but it’s gonna have to go, from then on, no more water.

When gojo wakes up he groans as he feels the throbbing in his cock, he doesn’t understand why, he sits up he’s in your bedroom, he doesn’t remember why, he sees blood on his pubic hair, and he doesn’t remember why, she stands up and follows a trail of red and white stains on the floor, he doesn’t remember why, he hears noises from the kitchen, he walks in and sees you, you look broken with a big cut on the left side of your face under your eye, he doesn’t remember why.

"A-are you ok, Y/n?, what’s wrong?" He reaches out for your arm but you flinch and he retracts him arm back, he doesn’t understand or remember what he did or didn’t do

"You don’t remember do you, well then don’t mind if I drop a fucking bomb of information, you raped me last night, remember now?" You said in a hiss as you stare into his soul with your empty eyes.


Rape prevention hotline

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11 months ago

I’ve never really went to detail on my experiences with sexual abuse and I don’t necessarily plan on it anytime soon. All in all I am a victim of it and to this day it really affects me. I went unknown to the abuse I endured as a kid cause I was a naive child who grew up around it so to me at the time “it was normal”. It wasn’t till I made friends that I realized it was actually incredibly wrong. When you’re a child growing up around sexual abuse and that being your only source of knowledge you began to think that’s “normal”. It’s not until you get an outside perspective till you realize that it actually really isn’t normal. On top of the sexual abuse I endured growing up I had other situations with other people where I was sexually harassed. It affects me so much that any grown man who show me affection makes me genuinely scared that they’ll end up well… you know. Mixed with that fear is anger, anger that all of my offenders are able to walk freely without consequences. Angry that I’m not the only one but dozen upon dozen of people have the similar experiences. Angry that I was forced into silence for so long, angry that so many others are forced to be silent. I am no longer gonna be silent, I refuse to stay quiet. I speak for myself and the people who are forced into silence to this day.

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8 months ago

I make this post for the men who have trauma and constantly get discredited for it or ignored, silenced, and told to be quiet just because they are a man. Anyone who thinks vulnerability is weak is ridiculous. Show support for all victims no matter their gender.

Mens rape, abuse, and sexual assault matters just as equally as it does for women. My platform is for both men and women, and for anyone in between. It’s for people who need a voice because they are scared to speak up, because they are told their story doesn’t matter, because they are forced to stay quiet, because they are told it’s their fault.

I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault, that your story’s valid and there are dozens of people who understand, who gone through similar, who are here to support you through it.

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7 months ago

Direct message for kick, It’s always great to have competing platforms. It forces these platforms to find ways to improve and attract an audience.

But it’s also important for a platform to have guidelines and boundaries. Without guidelines, without rules, you are risking the safety of others. The concept was great, but your concept means nothing when it jeopardizes the safety of others.

It’s been shown that people will take advantage of the freedom you have given them on your platform to do disgusting and illegal activities. Change it, Give restrictions, give people rules so you don’t have to worry about more than half of the people who are streaming on your platform doing something illegal. Such as recording revenge porn, child pornographie, harassment, and even raping people.

The audience you attract are these kind of people because you allow them to do this. Because you don’t give them rules. So change it, for the sake of the safety of human lives.

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1 year ago

ik this account is new and ik this post probably wont get any traction but its still worth a shot

mass report @/tribalscrivx10

if you even take a look at his account you'll understand why but I'll still just do a rundown or what this acc is dedicated to

this man goes around (what I think is a college campus somewhere near the coast) and takes pictures of women's asses (W/O ANY SIGN OF CONSENT) and sells videos of them. makes me genuinely sick.

trying to tag a bunch of things even outside of nsfw Tumblr so that this shit can get taken down and hopefully raise enough awareness to just take down every acc this guy makes.


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