Thinking Out Loud - Tumblr Posts
Maybe I should start posting longer stories again
love with no place to go. when i hear you say that you love someone but you’ll “never say it with words” and “they’ll never know because you’ll never show it”, i realize now that that feeling is very real and there but what is the point of loving someone from afar when you can touch them in your palms? why not take the time and effort to love them? to make them feel loved? why let your love sit around inside of you with no place to go? it becomes grief. it wants to explode into others. now you have to feed the growing monster that just lusts to love more and more. what is your love anyway? is this about yourself or truly the other? is this about your family and the love they couldn’t give you? what does your love look like? does it harm? does it hurt? is it genuine? is it gentle? is it kind? is there room for error? is there limits? is it sweet? is it proud? is it chipping at you? is it weighing you down? is it in the way? is it going to eat you alive?
i want to love you so loudly, but since you’ve let go now where do i put this stupidly intense love now?
in myself?
If you've never poured yourself a bowl of cereal and found at least one dead or alive bug in there, then you've lived a protected fucking existence let me tell you. 🪳🪲🦗
I’m thinking of making a little drabble series about you being the only female of BTS and the different ways each individual member is protective and caring and all around loving of you with a variety of scenarios highlighting the difference of being a female kpop idol and being a male kpop idol.
Idk this idea has been stuck in my head for awhile now but never got around to actually outlining it.
I genuinely fell for someone when I wasn't searching for love, I was searching for peace.
I was searching for myself and found a friend, who became the love of my life.
Sometimes you need to focus on growing yourself and you run into what is destined for you.
~ unknown via (blueeyescleo) (the gentleman wolf)
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Lastimarnos es rutina, el dolor es parte de la vida, nos movemos por el, nos ayuda a avanzar alejándonos de lo que nos duele. Ese dolor es natural, no podemos evitarlo, por más que lo intentemos no se puede huir de el.
Shipment Delay & Update
Slumber Party Podcast won't get posted until next week, I want it to be perfect. Might be a three-part series, we'll find out together.
After Monday, the next New Shipment post will be released. I'll try and complete that before the 5th because midterms and schoolwork come first.
Might take a hiatus until November, but I'll still be here posting headcanons, those are unplanned.

September 2024
Sleep is one of the most important foundations of our health and well—being, so take care of yourself and do not neglect this natural need of the body.❤️ After all, no TV series is worth your dark circles under your eyes, and the news feed does not overcome fatigue!😉
Сон — это одна из важнейших основ нашего здоровья и благополучия, поэтому берегите себя и не пренебрегайте этой естественной потребностью организма❤️ Ведь ни один сериал не стоит ваших темных кругов под глазами, а лента новостей не побеждает усталость!😉

July 2015
Old photos from a summer evening🌌 A pleasant find when tidying up files and folders🍀 A lot of pleasant memories, including graduation and admission to the university, in general, the year was bright, kind, and full of changes 🥰
Старые фотографии с летним вечером🌌 Приятная находка при наведении порядка в файлах и папках🍀 Множество приятных воспоминаний, включая выпускной и поступление в университет, в общем, год был яркий, добрый и насыщенный переменами 🥰

Favorite traditions, rules, moments and features of autumn:
1. The rustling of leaves underfoot and their bright iridescence over the head with fire and gold🍂🍁💛🧡❤️;
2. Cozy evenings under a blanket with a book in hand. Enjoying hot drinks while it's raining outside;
3. Harvesting, and then cooking compotes, jams, marmalade, salting and pickling. Winemaking. Pies😄;
4. For me, it's time for dates. I was born in September. It's my parents' wedding anniversary in October and this month I met my love 7 years ago. Besides my best friend's birthday in November🎂;
5. Long nights, it's time for candles and garlands;
6. The finest hour of accessories is coming: scarves, gloves, hats and caps, oh, and an umbrella (I love umbrellas☔️);
7. Every autumn we go out to some picturesque park, manor or city, catching the "golden autumn". This is the name of the period of maximum leaf staining in trees before falling off. It lasts 1-2 weeks🍁;
8. Fairs, festivals and exhibitions;
9. Seeing off the migratory birds and enjoying the sunsets, which have now become brighter and more contrasting;
10. Helping the plants in the garden overwinter;
11. Thick fog and the first frost on puddles and in the grass;
12. Halloween🎃 It's usually a horror night for us. We watch various horror movies in a row until morning, and then, of course, I'm afraid of any rustle😄;
13. At the same time, autumn brings changes and makes you think about the future;
14. First thoughts about Christmas gifts!🎄🎁;
15. Rapid heartbeat when you see the first snow❄️
And what are your traditions and favorite moments in autumn?❤️ I'll be very glad to read about them😉
Любимые традиции, правила, моменты и особенности осени:
1. Шуршание под ногами листьев и их яркие переливы над головой огнём и золотом🍂🍁💛🧡❤️;
2. Уютные вечера под пледом с книгой в руках. Наслаждение горячими напитками, пока за окном дождь;
3. Сборы урожая и осенних грибов, а затем варка компотов, джемов, варенья, засолка и маринование. Виноделие. Пироги😄;
4. Для меня это пора дат. В сентябре я родилась. В октябре годовщина свадьбы моих родителей и в этом месяце 7 лет назад я встретила свою любовь. В ноябре день рождения моей лучшей подруги🎂;
5. Длинные ночи, пора свечей и гирлянд;
6. Наступает звездный час аксессуаров: шарфы, перчатки, шляпы и шапки, ох, и зонтик (обожаю зонты☔️);
7. Каждую осень мы выбираемся в какой-нибудь живописный парк, усадьбу или город, ловя "золотую осень". Так называют период максимального окрашивания листьев у деревьев перед опаданием. Он длится 1-2 недели🍁;
8. Ярмарки, фестивали и выставки;
9. Провожание взглядом перелетных птиц и наслаждение закатами, которые сейчас стали ярче и контрастнее;
10. Помощь растениям в саду уйти на покой перед долгой зимой;
11. Густой туман и первый морозец на лужах и в траве;
12. Хэллоуин🎃 для нас это обычно хоррор ночь. Мы до утра смотрим подряд разные ужастики, а потом я, конечно, боюсь любого шороха😄;
13. В то же время осень дарит перемены и заставляет думать о будущем;
14. Первые мысли о подарках на Новый Год!🎄🎁;
15. Учащенное биение сердца, когда видишь первый снег❄️
А какие у вас традиции и любимые моменты осенью?❤️ буду очень рада почитать😉
We never really get to see Narinders domain, his temple etc.
But I think it's interesting to think what it would look like. Maybe the plants and trees are constantly decaying or dead...he would definitely have the bone decorations but also...I can imagine an equivalent of spider lilies to grow in his domain. His followers not being afraid of death as it accures as natural. In a way its even death is not the end but only the beginning of something new.
I absolutely adore poetic, lyrical writing styles that are fancy, romantic, full of rich vocabulary that enhances and adorns the scenes, the emotions, the characters. I wish to master this way of writing one day, it fascinates me, it's so beautiful
When humans see animals
we kind of treat them like celebrities. “ OMG wow so beautiful can I get a picture?” Or “ look it’s ______ so cool never thought I would see a _____”
So does this mean we treat animals like celebrities or we treat celebrities like animals?
- I used to be brave. - And what happened ? - The World happened.
Rae Earl & Kester
Não me subestime, às vezes me faço de cego para enxergar mais longe.
Cazuza (via brooklyn-babys)
Já fui traída uma vez. Mas era tão bom sabe, acreditar no amor, acreditar que tudo o que tivemos era real.