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I found out that dick isn't the only person Damian takes after. Apparently he picks up on Jason too.

u may think this is a joke (which it is) but also jon has managed to literally forgive damian for everything hes done in every single universe hes been in and no one else

jon wasnt the only one who lost something precious in those damned 3 weeks

it's Bully Him hours
Clark is not the stepdad, he’s the dad that stepped up
I've had a brainworm for a few days now so here me out.
After an accidental reveal gone wrong, Danny is forced to flee the country with both his parents and the giw after him. While he's trying to find some place internationally to settle down, he comes across a secluded complex.
Said complex happens to have access to an ectoplasm run off which Danny is in desperate need of. Though it has been corrupted by whatever the people of the complex have been doing to it, that's no problem for Danny as he can easily purify the portion he takes in to survive.
Deciding this is the perfect place to live off the grid, Danny sets to work figuring out how to blend in. It turns out that's the easy part. With his temporary stint as a ninja, his training with his black belt mom, and his general ghost physiology, he fits in pretty well.
He fits in so well in fact that he is told he'll be training someone one of the head bosses has their eye on. A kid his age.
Basically what follows is Danny accidentally ruining Talia's plans for Jason by unconsciously purifying his corruption and just talking him through his emotions. When Jason gets back to Gotham, he returns without a clouded mentally and realizes just how much Bruce went through after his death.
Instead of unleashing his complicated plan, he quietly takes over the underworld. He loves his father but also knows there are situations in Gotham that require a more firm hand. Jason decides to be a firm hand in his dad's place.
(I imagine he is only revealed on accident yet his reunion with his family is just as dramatic as Under the Red Hood. Tbh it probably has something to do with the joker suddenly going missing.)
Meanwhile back at the League of Assassins, Talia is impressed by Jason's training and is under the impression that his failure in Gotham is due to him getting cold feet at the last second so she puts Danny in charge of Damian's training.
Danny this time takes a more conscious role in ruining the league's brainwashing by challenging Damian's beliefs and teaching him he should use his weapons to protect, not to harm. By the time Damian gets to Wayne Manor, there is significantly less deprogramming that needs to be done.
First meetings
Imagine Bruce walking up to Wonder Woman and Superman and being like
"I would like to introduce you to a partner of mine, Red Robin" and gesturing to his side. But because the bat kids like being as uncooperative as possible in any given situation, there's no one next to Batman, which prompts him to pat his legs and sides like a dad who's misplaced his wallet.
After a minute of frantic and yet composed searching, he shoves a hand into his cape and gropes around for a couple seconds until he finally manages to grab onto something.
As he pulls out an entire vigilante out of his costume, Diana and Clark watch on confusedly.
But the vigilante, a young man in a decidedly too tight black and blue suit, doesnt seem to be the right one, because Batman scowls and asks,
"What are you doing in there? And where is your brother?" (At the seeming admission of parentage, Diana lets out a small delighted gasp, and little stars appear in her eyes like in a cartoon)
But the man doesn't answer, instead grinning and shoving a hand back into the cape (seriously, where the hell does it go??) and pulling out the edge of what seems to be another cape.
Batman somehow frowns more, and from where he's holding his presumed son at the scruff, like a particularly unruly kitten, he pulls him further from inside the cape.
The young man in turn pulls another figure from under Batman's arm, this one covered in black from head to toe. They lift a hand to wave at Batman, but the other seems to also be holding onto someone else.
Batman releases the first vigilante on the ground, and takes a hold on the arm the secon figure is holding onto, which after another pull, turns out to be connected to a purple clad girl, the upper part of her face visible under a hood.
"Hey, big guy!" she exclaims with nonchalance like she's not part of the most bizzare display both Clark and Diana have been witness to, and they've both seen a lot of shit.
Batman grunts, and if Batman could sound anything other than mildly annoyed, Diana could swear he sounds downright distressed.
He doesnt answer, instead proceeding to keep pulling masked figures, each one holding onto the next, out of his cape, in a severely messed up imitation of a clown pulling napkins out of his sleeve.
"damn," says the first man, sounding a bit winded from his position under the increasingly tall pile of slumped over vigilantes "its like a clown car in there."
At some point, Batman's finds in his own cape grow more bizzare, including an old man dressed like a stereotipical butler, complete with a steaming teacup in hand, a woman in a wheelchair, and what Clark refuses to believe is a cow with bat-shaped markings over its eyes.
At last, when the room is at least fifteen people (and non-people entities Clark is currently pretending dont exist) fuller he pulls out a young man in red and black, who's furiously tapping away on a tablet.
"There." He sets the boy down next to the amorphous pile on the floor, and his shoulders relax an invisible millimeter.
The boy looks up from his tablet and startles at the sight, like he hadnt noticed the change in settings.
"As i was saying, this is Red Robin, my partner." Batman introduces the boy, acting like the damn cow is not very valiantly trying to eat Diana's lasso of truth.

When Alfred isn’t home….
Part 4 of Ghost Kid in Gotham
<<1 Previous Next
How to catch a baby brother
Richard 'Dick' Greyson had a problem. It wasn't a nuclear level of problem but it also wasn't a paper cut level of problem either. Because apparently he had a baby brother no one in their family but Damien knew about. Granted Damien had confessed that said baby brother was dead and had supposedly died eight years ago.
The explanation that Talia had apparently pulled another Jason was not helpful at all. According to Damien, in response to Tims findings, there was no other way for the twin to be alive other than Talia having preserved his body and then decided after eight years to drop it into the pits. Well lets just say his opinion on that woman if it was already down in the depth it certainly was now.
Which, considering the glowing Lazarus green eyes, could mean that there was now an eight years old child running loose in the Bat Cave with Pit Madness. Not just a simple feral eight years old that looked like perfect B adoption material and so happened to be blood related.
"Guys we need a plan. We can't just let our little teethling run loose."
"Richard, do not refer to my brother as little teethling." Dick only grinned. "Well the little biter needs a nickname and until I find something else fitting its teethling. Or do you have a better suggestion?"
Sweet little Baby Bird was now glowering at him. Oh protective were we, his little brothers definitely were the cutest. He was definitely going to tease sweet little Dami about this later once the first phase of new little brother crisis was over. For now they had to find the little guy first. The Cave wasn't exactly childproof.
"Let's use Jason as bait." Tim suddenly suggested causing the second oldest to grimace. "The little guy apparently likes biting him. We could use that as an advantage."
"Absolutely fucking not." Little Wing disagreed and Dick chuckled in good humor.
"Aw come on Little Wing, this is your chance to make a bond with our new baby before any of us can."
"For once I agree with Todd. Absolutely not, who knows where he has been. I will not have my brother become sick from biting him." He would have cooed at this, if Jason's face change from surprise at the agreement to a purely offended scowl wasn't so funny.
"Okay no biting bait. But we gotta draw out the little guy and calm his Pit Rage." If that feralness the kid displayed had even anything to do with Pit Rage.Considering the glowing eyes though he would think so. Dick eyed Jasons for a moment, he didn't seem to be affected at all nor had he said anything about the Pit being upset or feeling anything strange. So maybe the little guy wasn't suffering to an extrem from it? But he had apparently been brought back by a Lazarus Pit, so the likelihood with their experiences so far was slim.
"Well we gotta find a way to secure the little guy before B comes back or Alfie finds out." Jason mentioned still scowling at Damien. "By the way, I want to be here when you guys tell B about this. I wanna see his face and make fucking sure the little biter won't be turned into another kid soldier."
"Jason." He scowled, this was definitely not the right time for that sort of discussion but he had a point, they needed to find little… what had Damien said his name was? Wait did Damien even tell them the little guy's name? They all had just been using nicknames so far.
"Dami, what's the little teethling's name again?"
"I haven't told you yet." Ah okay so he didn't have a hole in his memory. "It's Danyal, but when we were younger he didn't like the way grandfather and our teachers called his name and insisted on being called informally as Danny."
"Okay right, so we better find little Danny and get everyone together to introduce-"
"Might I ask who this 'little Danny' is, Master Dick?"
He did not scream. But his heart rate shot up with Alfred just appearing behind him like that. Really sometimes Alfred could be as bad as Cass in the ways of sneaking up on people without them knowing.
"Alfred, hey hi what are you doing down here?" He was not nervous, no he wasn't. The way the butler narrowed his eyes at him did definitely not scare him at all, nope.
"I was informed that all of you returned uninjured." Though his eyes narrowed at Jason's hand that got cut earlier and his brother instantly tried to hide it behind his back when he noticed Alfreds eyes on him. "But the four of you, despite having returned to the Cave, have not come up yet. So I was merely checking on you, to make sure nothing was wrong after all."
He gulped. Really there was no way of ever hiding anything from Alfred.
"Jason brought a child to the Cave that we found out is Damien's twin that had died eight years ago but was brought back to life and is now feral and hiding somewhere in the cave."
At least it was Timber that blurred out everything they knew so far.
"His name is Danyal." Baby Bird added and the four of them waited for Alfred's reaction.
"I see. I will go prepare one of the rooms then and inform Master Bruce to return sooner from his meeting with the Justice League then. As well as prepare for a family dinner as soon as possible, I assume. Will my help be needed in finding young Master Danyal?"
"No worries Alfie, I think I have an idea on how to draw out the little shiiii-biter. You made cookies, right?" Jason at the last minute corrected his words because of the look and Dick couldn't help but snicker.
"I indeed did. If my help is not required then I will be on my way."
Giving them all one last look over, the Butler smiled before he turned to leave. Dick, Tim and Jason let out a sigh in relief once Alfred had left again to which Damien only eyed them strangely.
A little while later Jason went to get the cookies and came back with the plate and staring at a green post-it note. "Since when does Alfie stick green post-it notes with cryptic shit on plates?"
"What?" His brother only shrugged offering the note to him. Tim was looking over his shoulder at it and the two stared at the strange writing.
"I think Cass or Steph might be pulling a prank on us? These look just like random squiggles."
"Let's leave this for later and look for the little teethling." He passed the note to Tim, noticing the curiosity in his eyes. Oh boy, he probably should make sure his little brother gets some sleep instead of trying to encrypt whatever was written on that little note all night.
"Now everyone lets take a cookie, resist eating it and go hunt down our little teethling."
Damien narrowed his eyes on him. "I told you to stop calling Danyal that." The little baby bird still took a cookie though and marched away into the bat cave. They had separated wandering through the Bat Cave trying to cover as much ground as possible and by this point Dick was ready to call for Cass to join them, maybe even wake up Duke just so they would finally find the little kid.
That was until a familiar yowl of pain resounded in the Cave. The direction made Dicks stomach sink once he remembered just what was in the Cave in this direction. "Jason!"
Once he arrived there he feared for the worst. Jason avoided the area, because B had placed their Lazarus Pit there and his brother had often said that it was one of the reasons he didn't like coming to the Cave that much anymore let alone into this area of the Cave. To hear his brothers shout of pain from that area couldn't mean anything good.
Well that was until he got to the scene. Dick didn't know how long he stood there frozen but at some point he knew he took out his phone to take some photos of what was happening. Tim was already laughing and Dick was pretty sure that Babs was most likely recording this with one of the many cameras B had in the Cave.
Jason lay with his back on the ground, with one hand his brother was still holding the cookie waving it desperately before Danny's face who was biting down on the other arm sitting on the downed vigilante's chest. Little hands gripping onto the arm in an attempt to make sure no one was taking his chewtoy away from him. Meanwhile Damien was trying to lift the little biter off Jason by holding him with his hands under the kids armpits.
"You little shit! FUCK! Come on, here is the cookie! Take the fucking cookie! OUCH FUCKING HELL! How is he resisting Alfies cookies!"
"Danyal, No! You do not know where Todd was or how dirty he is. Let go of his arm this instant. We do not want you to get sick!"
This was gold, Dick decided, and would go straight to the black mail as well as family memories folder.
dick: there’s only one thing worse than dying
dick: *rips paper off to reveal the words ‘Damian dying’*
jason: demon spawn
steph: bat brat
damian, nodding: myself
The Batfam dressing up for Halloween. Bruce lets them, under the condition that they still wear enough of their uniforms that people are able to recognize them
Nightwing- He owns a sexy maid outfit for this night only. Nobody believes he only wears it one night a year. Despite the fact that he does
Red Hood- His old Robin costume. Complete with cobwebs and smudges of dirt to make it look like he's a ghost. Yes, he's breaking Batman's rule, but he doesn't care
Orphan and Spoiler- They switch uniforms. The bright purple, snarky hero being silent and able to appear out of nowhere is almost as terrifying as the normally silent shadow speaking and giggling
Red Robin- He wanders Gotham covered in blood. Everyone preys it's fake blood. No one's had the guts to ask
Signal- He has a collection of slasher flick masks. He likes to go through the batcave and pick out weapons to match each mask
Robin- He doesn't want to dress up. At all. Dick convinces him to at least wear cat ears
Batman- He put large googly eyes over the lenses on his mask. The people he busts that night have never been more scared in their lives
My firm and very sincere belief that Tim Drake and Damian Wayne are the brothers that completely affirm each others paranoia fuelled contingencies for really inane situations. Its the most irritating thing ever. Like Damian will say “what if this girl scout is really just a means for someone to poison us” and Tim will instantly say “you’re so right, we need to do a homeland security level background check on the entire girl scouts chapter in gotham immediately”. The definition of bring out the worst in each other.
They’re not allowed to be in any living situation together without supervision because the last time they were left alone in the manor together, they literally created such stringent security measures that not even Alfred and Bruce could get into the house.

Words from “In Blackwater Woods” by Mary Oliver
Headcanon that when Tim first started as Robin, he promised himself that he wouldn't die like Jason, and then proceeded to live out of sheer force of will.
He gets shot in the heart or blown to smithereens, and fifteen seconds later, he is picking himself off the floor like it's another Tuesday. Won't even acknowledge it happened. The type of guy to slap a bandaid on a stab wound and walked away with a flat line on a monitor.
He lives out of spite, solely so he can look at his siblings and go "Well, at least I didn't die" whenever one of them annoys him. With the amount of improbable stunts Tim pulls, Damian doesn't even think he is human anymore.
(Bruce loves his son, but sometimes he adds holy water into the coffee maker just so he can be sure Tim did not join the demon realm. Jason is less subtle about pulling Tim into churches to see if he will burn and melt. He does it a grand total of 7 times before Dick hosts an intervention about how loving your brother means you have to stop trying to exorcise him.)
Damian: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this f*cking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’ Jon: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Jason: 'You'll never find the body' is such a boring threat. A better threat would be; 'You'll never stop finding the body.'
Tim, bored: Or just say, 'They'll be finding parts of you for at least four months...and you'll still be alive for three of them.'
Jason: Now that's a threat!
Dick, covering Damians ears: *horrified silence*

Batfam: Oh sure we can! (track Jason)
Bruce: You know you can stay, do you?
Alfred: Indeed, but I'm sure Master Jason might take care of them.

Barbie and ken meme idk <333

batboys but they’re this specific cat pic
sometimes, alfred isnt around to do the grocery shopping / is sick. theyre all adults though, they can buy their own food
it’s easier to go grocery shopping after patrol, when there arent as many people around in stores
that means they go buy groceries in costume because going home to switch clothes and then come back to shop is such a waste of effort when all you want to do is crash into your bed and sleep for hours
on one such occasion: the red hood and nightwing walked into a walmart, already arguing (”we’re not getting fucking 10 boxes of cereal, screw you–” “you won’t survive the winter.” “–you can have one.”)
they bought vegetables and fruits at the red hood’s insistence. also a strange amount of corn?? and cat and dog food.
they stopped at the milk section. “what percent of milk does A usually buy?” “uh. the normal percent?” “fucking shit.” they spent the next 15 minutes trying to deduce what kind of milk batman would like based on his personality. (”listen, i’m certain it’s whole milk.” “no, that asshole would absolutely buy organic gotham milk to support the local farmers or whatever.”)
“fuck.” “what?” “is robin vegan or vegetarian.”
neither of them remember so they end up arguing about vegan options while already holding two milk cartons (whole & nonfat; “listen, if they want something in the middle, they can just mix these in a glass, it’ll be fine.”) “almond milk sounds promising.” “what if he’s allergic to nuts?” “soy then.” “no, bad memories. coconut.” “the milk isn’t for you anyway, you asshole.”
after they decide on one almond, one coconut, they realise they have to choose if they want the milk to be sweetened or not.
cue another 15 minute argument deducing milk preferences based on personality
the coconut ends up being unsweetened (”it seems like it’d already be sweet, right?”), while the almond would be sweetened.
a long pause. “is anyone lactose intolerant?” “i hate you.”
as theyre looking at the lactose free options for milk, around 10 minutes in, the red hood exclaims, “fuck, the vegan options already are lactose free!” nightwing startles, but seems too tired to even reprimand him.
its 6 am
theyve been here for 2 hours
they buy 4 milk containers, a shitload of fruits and veggies, animal food and 10 boxes of cereal.
the red hood is not amused
(damian really starts liking almond milk and refuses to drink any other version.)