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9 months ago




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5 months ago

this lyric in Noah Kahan's Homesick is the modern-day version of Richard meeting the Greek class:

This Lyric In Noah Kahan's Homesick Is The Modern-day Version Of Richard Meeting The Greek Class:

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I wanna be that grown-up that calls everyone "babes." like. friend? babes. niece? babes. little boy at her niece's preschool? babes. her client on trial for murder? babes. heck she'll call the devil babes when she dies and become his secretary or smn.

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10 months ago

Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol

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10 years ago
These Are A Few Drawings I Had On My Old Tablet. The Most Recent Is The Girl With A Chameleon. I Hope
These Are A Few Drawings I Had On My Old Tablet. The Most Recent Is The Girl With A Chameleon. I Hope
These Are A Few Drawings I Had On My Old Tablet. The Most Recent Is The Girl With A Chameleon. I Hope
These Are A Few Drawings I Had On My Old Tablet. The Most Recent Is The Girl With A Chameleon. I Hope

These are a few drawings I had on my old tablet. The most recent is the girl with a chameleon. I hope to find time to draw more- maybe after finals. 

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1 year ago

More of these-

More Of These-
More Of These-
More Of These-
More Of These-
More Of These-
More Of These-

I ran out of hairstyle ideas so I drew random angst instead, don't take it too seriously-

Charlie facts under the cut cuz I gotta put em somewhere.

She likes to give people nicknames, and after she comes up with a good one she really likes to use it.

She lives in a treehouse somewhere in the woods, beneath the tree is a cave in which she hides her treasure. The treehouse doesn't have a kitchen or a bathroom, so to do that stuff she breaks into some rich peoples house. The rich people are always traveling somewhere and they just made the house to show off their wealth. The house itself is some fancy smart house that restocks itself, so Charlie has unlimited use of it. And the owners were stupid enough not to install cameras or a security system, so she goes in and out undetected.

She has a flip phone.

She always says "Bingo." whenever she finds the thing she wanted. It's basically her catchphrase.

Sometimes she puts on a "innocent little girl who's never done anything wrong in her entire life" act if someone is onto her.

She has binoculars that she often uses to see her targets from the rooftops.

She often has ideas that are far more large than what she can pull off. It's her basically biting off more than she can chew, but she acts so overly enthusiastically about it that she might try 100+ times before giving it up.

She likes to eat cereal... nothing more to add to that one-

Much to everyones dismay, she has a pocket knife, but she mostly uses it for opening stuff.

She's really not the most athletically talented or smooth thief, and she often falls of off things, gets stuck somewhere or gets entangled in something, but she's fine in the end.

She's not too good at skateboard tricks but she keeps trying... someone is like "Can you do tricks?" she's like "Bet." and then she steps on the skateboard only for it to smack her face.

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1 year ago

hey!!!! remember standing rock water protectors and the dakota access pipeline?

the massive, poorly constructed environmental risk that spat all over the Standing Rock Sioux people's treaty rights? that dug up their sacred burial sites? the one where the oil corporation who owned it bought out a private company to do a sham of an "environmental analysis" and never consulted the tribe and STILL didn't actually get approval? the one that's literally operating illegally and without proper permits right fucking now?

Hey!!!! Remember Standing Rock Water Protectors And The Dakota Access Pipeline?
Hey!!!! Remember Standing Rock Water Protectors And The Dakota Access Pipeline?
Hey!!!! Remember Standing Rock Water Protectors And The Dakota Access Pipeline?
Hey!!!! Remember Standing Rock Water Protectors And The Dakota Access Pipeline?

yeah, that.

you remember that.

surprising absolutely no one, the army corps of engineers this week (September 8, 2023) released an EIS (environmental impact statement) draft for public comment that takes into account absolutely 0 of the tribe's concerns, and in fact did not consult with them once in the process!

they're going to officially approve the pipeline.

what's the good news?


This link RIGHT HERE ( will take you to a Lakota Law Project page where they've set up a form to make it easy to submit a comment.

All you have to do is add your name, email, and zip code, and it pulls up a form with a pre-written message you can just click and submit, listing the most pressing concerns. You can also personalize it if you want, but you don't have to. This will take you two minutes. Please.

you can also access the comment information on the USACE website here, email yourself, or call Brent Cossette, the contact for the draft, at 402-995-2716!!!

you can also donate directly to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe here.

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6 months ago


Archive #27 | copyright to saturnfairycat

Author's note: poem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I really focused on the structure for this one, as it is one of the many ways of conveying feeling. lemme know what you think! enjoy >:D



back then I couldn't remember the last time I was happy without trying to link it back to you.

every shining moment of mine was your stage and moment.

made me think that my life was taken over by someone who never truly tried to talk to me about me and how I impact their life.

empty words, empty promises, god and I was desperate falling for it all.

to imagine someone who was great with flaws was just broken, nothing more.

the inner thoughts I had when it came to your actions makes me curl up into a ball in disgust and shame.

how does one really mess up so badly it causes that much pain?

do you even get how that even works?

that reaction alone is scary enough as it is. you seem to know everything about trauma and bad bad things,

so tell me, if you're just a collector to all of them feelings,

and I am just your keeper of your unwanted feelings.

my present and future is looking at my past in such pity it's levelled to how I feel about you.

you ruined someone who tried to help you out,

gave all their patience, love and laughs,

for something that wasn't even recycled-

just waste.

like a floating useless oxygenated suit in space.

you know, one oxygen tank isn't enough to keep going just to get the same result every time.

the kindness, and emotions, I had before the consequences of being naive,

were wasted on such premature things.

I can't look at anything the same anymore.

no more butterflies, and no more pain.

I wished I had saved that bit of extra kindness, and patience, I had for myself.

that extra bit was like the best biscuit you left just for yourself.

that was the last time I was ever selfish,

and I regret it




I can't even- set boundaries without seeming like the bad guy,

who wanted space

and to be loved just the very same.

if I had treated me like how I treated you, I would've been so much better,

as a person whose been through hell and probably more even later on.

I can't even get exposure from you because you wouldn't listen,

you can't even let me get closure for me because you couldn't get the same from those who you blamed.

so I sit in my room, reminiscence at what I would've been missing if it weren't for you.

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1 year ago

if your boycott has an expiration date there is something really wrong with you

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1 year ago

Trying to telepathically will my best friend who is sleeping right here to dream he is a baby again. And I am carrying him in my arms, but I drop him and he lands on his head. And then he wakes up with inexplicable brain damage the doctors can't explain.

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1 year ago

Guess who's here again. DAISY!!!! WHO ELSE??!!!!! :3

Back with more Jonatoast stuff... And this is the only Jonatoast edit I have left. How bad... Gotta edit the creature again... Soon...

Also I need to stop yapping. Like. Really...

Anyways... Okay... I'll stop :(

Guess Who's Here Again. DAISY!!!! WHO ELSE??!!!!! :3

He is very friend shaped indeed :33

He looks comfortable...

That's good.

The silly is comfortable.



Oh oh!! Credits!!!!!

Art: bunny.spine (On Tumblr !!)

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9 months ago

You just KNOW Laios would sign off on this immediately (if he has authority over that) ((hard to tell what power he actually has))

Church Is Waiting

Church is waiting 💒

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1 year ago

Big boss coconuts.

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6 months ago

I know Regulus and Sirius just were dropping crucial pieces of lore in front of their friends without even thinking, like:

“You know this reminds me of the time mom cursed me for not eating dinner haha…. those were much simpler times”

“I hate going outside late and by myself because it reminds me of the time I had to run away because my parents took things too far.. anyway, yeah I am free tomorrow.”

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10 months ago

fine. fine. fine. here it is. DON’T watch this

mp3 download / youtube go nuts my friends.

also if you like this but you also hate it why dont you umm check out my real music i have a new instrumental album coming out soon :D

[video description under cut, written by @starberry-skies​]

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