217 posts
I Wish Older Men Would Give Me Attention So That I Can Actually Feel Better About Myself :,]
I wish older men would give me attention so that I can actually feel better about myself :,]
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More Posts from Nozomi-vents
your tone changed your tone changed your tone changed just say you hate me
When you are a borderline
Sadness feels like suicide.
Anger feels like murder.
Distance feels like abbandonment.
Joy feels weird and unknown.
Being in love feels like being an inconvenience.
Loving someone feels like losing control.
Losing someone feels like dying.
Happiness feels like unbearable euphoria.
Feeling normal feels like feeling nothing.
Now put all that in a single week.
One thing that genuinely pisses me off is how my dad will constantly point out me, my sister, and my mom's shortcomings and be so quick to blame us for it, yet when we point out his shortcomings that are genuinely harmful, all of a sudden he's "being invalidated", and that we "hurt his feelings" and shit, AND HE DOESN'T EVEN CONSIDER HOW WE FEEL EITHER WHICH FUCKING SUCKS!
Literally just today my parents were arguing about how my mental health was affecting my ability to attend school, and he's over there saying "oh, we should put [him] in a boarding school", "[he]'s doing this on purpose" yap yap yap, basically blaming me for all of this shit. (I put m pronouns in the brackets cause he was misgendering me the whole time btw)
And then I go an step out to get something, he calls me over, and basically just starts shaming me (in front of my mom an sister btw) for getting suspended and sharing how I feel about mr. Gonzales n shit, and when my mom tried to explain and elaborate on something to him, he completely blew her off.
And my mom (bless her heart btw) was literally trying to defend this asshole because she loves him, like a lot, and I feel bad that she has to put up with this tbh.
Also, I accidentally bought $20 worth of shit on Thursday because he gave me his credit card to buy a soda, and he got in trouble for letting me go out and spend that much, and instead of holding himself accountable, he decides to drag it to today (TWO DAYS LATER) and complain about him "being thrown under the bus", like I'M SORRY BUT YOU'RE THE 50 SOMETHING YEAR OLD MAN BEING PUT IN CHARGE OF MYFINACIALLY IRRESPONSIBLE MENTALLY ILL ASS, YOU WERE THE ONE THAT GAVE ME THE FUCKING CREDIT CARD AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO STOP ME.
and oh man am I getting genuinely tired of his fucking trauma dumping.
He talks about how his mental health and how angry he is at something, yet when we have the AUDACITY to try and talk about how WE feel, instead of taking the time to listen and understand, he basically dismisses us and does this thing I personally call "fake praising" (which is basically when he gives someone praise but it's in such a condescending and almost sarcastic tone to where it doesn't feel like genuine praise at all), and even straight up invalidates us n shit, it's fucking infuriating man.
And the fucked up part? whenever my mom does these things, all of a sudden it's this horrible abusive thing and that he's a selfish bitch, which upsets me because unlike him, she doesn't have as much control over it (though she's working on it), and both she and I have BPD, which makes this even more fucked up because he's so quick to judge us for the same shit he does just because we have a mental illness we can't control.
It infuriates me so much how he's quick to dismiss other people's struggles and sometimes tell them it's their fault, and then the minute he receives ANY amount of criticism against genuinely shitty actions, all of a sudden he's a victim?? FUCK THAT!
I'd say he has a big ego and it's becoming an issue, but i don't want to give the NPD community any shit (since they already got so much stigma on their hands), and I'm not gonna say he's faking any of this either, cause that's not okay, but he REALLY heeds to get a therapist to talk to instead of dumping his issues on the rest of his family.
OH! did I forget to mention he makes weird comments bout my body without my consent anytime I dress alternatively, and he's told me in the past that I have an "athlete's body"? Yeah, kind of weird..
He does ALL of this, and yet still wonders why I hate him.
man is it infuriating...
EDIT: forgot to mention that he doesn't even go to my appointments, nor has he even MET my therapist, or any of that shit, so he has no right to even talk about my mental health like that.
Also, he's extremely invasive about how my medications are working and if I took them n shit, and he says it's "so I can know if my coworker Brian can be prescribed them".
like first off the medications working bit is something for my doctor to ask, not you, second off, I get if you're reminding me, but for you to basically come at me and yell at me for not taking them and then acting like I got angry because I didn't take those medications because "I can tell that you're off them", and third off, if Brian really wanted to talk about my medications so that he can speak with his doctor about it, he should talk with me directly so that he can know first hand how it works and what the side effects are, he doesn't need to have my dad (who has no knowledge about mental health medications whatsoever) come and ask invasive questions about my medications and risk spreading harmful misinformation that's gonna get him killed.
Let's just say I'm probably gonna have him talk to my therapist on my behalf so that he actually, yknow, LEARNS NOT TO BE A FUCKING DICK TO THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM??
"I encourage Ana/SH/Mia/!!"
You're a bad person, and a bad role model for younger girls and boys, you're just teaching them to hate themselves. There's a difference between encouraging and supporting btw (You can support someone and help them during bad times,) but encouraging them to go further is absolutely horrible, and you aren't a good person. Idc if shit like that is mainstream now, it really SHOULDN'T, in no way possible should this generation or any other think that it is normal to put a blade to their skin or count their calories. In no way should it be normal for younger kids to feel uncomfortable in having a natural body. In no way should kids be introduced to sex work and porn at a young age, I find it repulsive that people have to say this and that it isn't common sense. Making mental illness a trend was never going to be fun, we were supposed to give them a safe space and instead people use it as an option to show their superiority complex through trauma, it's vile and horrible behavior and should NOT be at all be normalized. Men being abused by women or other men, whether sexually, physically or mentally should not be normalized. What happened to the weird great revolution where everyone agreed we wanted to ve better people and provide safe spaces, and talk about your experiences without making yourself seem better than others, trauma shouldn't be a competition, and what happened to encouraging those with curable mental illnesses to solve their issues and making them feel loved. And i know there will be one person justifying that pedophilia is a mental illness, it is not. You had the option to be a good person, a child should never cross your mind nor your hands. It never will be. 1/3 post