operagirl - OperaGirl

She/her age 18

61 posts

Operagirl - OperaGirl - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

One thing ao3 has done to me is make me really critical of library archives. Like I try to do research in my university library archives and I end up sitting there like “your tagging system sucks.”

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11 months ago

thinking about that post of people assuming ao3 has an algorithm and also about how bonkers persistent the view is that ao3 is social media lite. like with startling regularity I get comments saying something along the lines of "it's probably weird to comment on a fic this old--" no it isn't!!!! this is an archive I am literally just assuming you searched for a selection of specific tags or sorted by kudos or looked back on my pseud or any other number of completely normal ways to use an archive site ?? kill the tiktok ghost in your brain and comment on old stuff it's NOT weird

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11 months ago

Jason Todd

Plush Wonderland design

Jason Todd

↓ You all chose and I delivered ↓

【Only First 30 orders can enjoy the 20% discount ,Discount code--Jason20】 This product production has been approved by the artist on Instagr

Only the First 30 orders can enjoy the 20% discount, with the Discount code--Jason20

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1 year ago

Once I had a dream that I was in middle school and my Counsellor was Hannibal Lector.

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1 year ago

Batfam fic idea

Jason mysteriously dies at the hands of some random criminal. But Jason prepared this time and in his will states that if he is murdered they have to avenge his death by killing his murderer. The rest of the family reluctantly accepts this and goes after the poor guy. Who is now being talked about as if he was Jason’s greatest enemy and the battle they fought was an intense emotional fight. Then when confronting the guy he says something like “he wouldn’t want you to do this.”

The batfam just stare at him in confusion and say “have you ever even met him?”

Long story short they kill him. Then a week later Jason shows back up and everyone like “you’re alive!? What happened?”

Jason admits that he had meaning to take a break for a while. Due to feeling burnt out and when he got beat by that complete nobody it was his sign to take a vacation. He left a message with Damian who wasn’t listening to him and forgot completely about the call. Hence why when the rumours of his death came and no one could get a hold of him they just assumed that he was dead.

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1 year ago
1 year ago

You know how before Jason died he had started to get kind of violent and Bruce started to feel like he wasn’t being a good enough parent.

Will I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now as I reflect on my experience with healing and trauma. Even though I’m not proud of it for time when I would end up in situations like the one that traumatized me I would get angry and respond in a kind of violent way. But that’s just part of my healing journey and feel that it was probably part of Jason too.

When Jason was with living Bruce Jason’s brain felt safe enough to process the emotions that it hadn’t because of the traumatic circumstances. So when he started to become violent it was just an unfortunate side effect of his processing of these feelings and a sign that he was healing. Bruce and Alfred take these as signs that they were not doing enough for Jason. When in reality it was a sign that were helping Jason heal.

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1 year ago

That weird maze those owl people tossed me in was pretty good no one bothered me for weeks or however long I was in there.

10/10 would recommend

Rating mental breakdown spots in Gotham

Gotham subways: 5/10. Can blast emo music through your headphones. Train occasionally stalls. Other passengers too burned out to notice you. 

Gotham U: 10/10. You're likely not the only one. School mascot hands out free tissues. 

Batburger: 8/10. Semi-public depending on seating. Tears make the fries soggy. Line cooks are wrestling in the background. 

Crime Alley: 0/10. People think you're drunk. You're a prime mugging target. Kids laugh at you.

Sewers: -2/10. Smells bad. 50% chance of Croc attack. 

Iceberg Lounge: 3/10. Judgy rich snobs. Bathroom full of people doing coke. Drinks too expensive to drown yourself in. 

Wayne Gala: 4/10. Also judgy rich people. Must dress formally. Can't stick your head in chocolate fountain. Dick Grayson will become your therapist whether you like it or not. 

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1 year ago

Do you ever think Hannibal was happy when everyone found out he was a cannibal because they could finally understand his cannibalism jokes and understand what a comedic genius he is

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1 year ago

Has anyone else seen the show Found on Amazon Prime? Because I watched it with my mom over the winter break and the main character hair is stunning.🤩 I (a white girl) don’t know a lot about black hair so maybe it’s just that I don’t have enough knowledge of it. But her hair looks amazing. I feel like when I hear about black women hair in tv and movies it’s always kinda negative. But I think she looks great and wanted to share and maybe get some others opinions.

Has Anyone Else Seen The Show Found On Amazon Prime? Because I Watched It With My Mom Over The Winter
Has Anyone Else Seen The Show Found On Amazon Prime? Because I Watched It With My Mom Over The Winter
Has Anyone Else Seen The Show Found On Amazon Prime? Because I Watched It With My Mom Over The Winter
Has Anyone Else Seen The Show Found On Amazon Prime? Because I Watched It With My Mom Over The Winter
Has Anyone Else Seen The Show Found On Amazon Prime? Because I Watched It With My Mom Over The Winter
Has Anyone Else Seen The Show Found On Amazon Prime? Because I Watched It With My Mom Over The Winter
Has Anyone Else Seen The Show Found On Amazon Prime? Because I Watched It With My Mom Over The Winter

She is beautiful 😍

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1 year ago

How do you know when to cut someone off? They are not the person that hurt you anymore but you still can barely look at them. They traumatized you and now you’re suffering because of it. They have changed though-(and they want you to love them so desperately).

Do you tell them how you’re feeling? Knowing that what you said is going to kill them and knowing that they are not the same person that hurt you.

What do you do when you’re traumatized by someone who can’t know or be avoided? How do you deal with that fear you feel when they are in the room? How do you be polite to them when you’re trying not to cry and every single part of you feels like it’s screaming at you to run away?

What do I need to do to make this feeling stop?

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1 year ago

As a girl who likes other girls and person who has boobs I have a bone to pick with some comic book artists. You need to start understanding boob physics better. I get putting female characters in clothes that show off a characters boobs. It’s fun and lets you show off all the results anatomy work you have done. But I hate putting big chested women in these nonsense bra situations. But in order for you to get what I mean you must understand why boobs are so great.

They are soft, squishy and nice to nap on or hold. But because they are soft and squishy they move around a lot and need support (in bigger chests) so they don’t get in the way or cause pain.

So when you draw these characters doing things like fighting and flying in battle with nothing holding her boobs in place. I’m going to have a few questions about why her boobs aren’t moving. Now you might say she an alien/bulletproof/non human. but now I know that a bullet cannot make her boobs move like I sure in hell have no chance of being able to squish them or lay my head down on them. Because those things are not boobs they are pointy rocks. They are hard and seemingly have none of the other qualities that make boobs enjoyable. So instead of drawing a character in a good (possibly sexy) bra situation you have now created a character with rock tits and taken all the joy out of their boobs. 😔

Also another thing is that some artists can only seem to draw one maybe two types of boobs and it’s usually skinny with boobs or fat women with boobs. Which makes me mad because there are way different types of bodies and boobs. Also it can be confusing for example I was reading a comic where one female character goes “I know I am not busty like her..” and I had to step back from it because I genuinely think that their boobs were (or maybe just looked) the exact same size.

I know this is a weird thing to get hung up on but I think it be great to see more diversity in character boobs. Like you can have two different characters who are the exact same height, weight and bra size and their boobs are still different. I think all boob types are beautiful and deserve to be represented not just the type that the artist has chosen.

Sorry if this didn’t make sense or sounded weird I just wanted to get it out. To see if maybe other people have noticed it.

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1 year ago

I know I'm late but after rewatching mamma mia i have to say this and i know I'm not wrong

I Know I'm Late But After Rewatching Mamma Mia I Have To Say This And I Know I'm Not Wrong
1 year ago

At what point does it change from maladaptive daydreaming about a specific character to you being 19 years old and having an imaginary friend.

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1 year ago

Every once in a while I get discouraged about my fan fictions because I have way more reads than kudos then I’ll go through my ao3 history and see that I have read a fic over 150 times and think to myself that maybe just maybe there’s a person that likes my work enough to reread it.

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1 year ago

adhd gothic

you want to watch a movie. you put it on. two hours have passed. you haven’t watched the movie. there are five new tasks in front of you. you want to watch a different movie.

there is an object in your hand. it is extremely important you don’t lose it. you look down. there is nothing in your hand.

you don’t know your friend’s name. you’ve been friends for months. they just told you their name. you do not know their name.

your friend doesn’t laugh at your joke. why didn’t they laugh? do they hate you? they assure you otherwise. you know they are lying. did they ever like you?

someone asks you what you just said. did you say something? you said so many things. you said nothing. you said everything.

there is something you’re forgetting. you check. you check again. there is nothing you’re forgetting. there is something you’re forgetting.

you had something to say. you can’t remember. it was important. wasn’t it? you can’t remember. 

there is a task that needs to be done. it should take ten minutes. you check the clock. it’s been five minutes. you check the clock. it’s been two days.

1 year ago
operagirl - OperaGirl
1 year ago

one day I’ll finally write that ridiculously elaborate fanfiction that I’ve been carefully constructing in my daydreams for months and then you’ll be sorry. you’ll all be sorry.

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1 year ago

"Cass, Jason and Damian bond over their time in the League of Assassins"

ACTUALLY they bond over all 3 of them being theater kids (Real and canon, I'm dc comics)

"Cass, Jason And Damian Bond Over Their Time In The League Of Assassins"
"Cass, Jason And Damian Bond Over Their Time In The League Of Assassins"
"Cass, Jason And Damian Bond Over Their Time In The League Of Assassins"

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1 year ago

favorite thing when i start reading a book and immediately clock the author as a fanfic writer

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1 year ago

if you draw damian white that is a stabbable offense

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1 year ago

I hate being in a weird lesbian slow burn relationship! 😡why god would you put me next to the most beautiful person in the world and not

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1 year ago

Bruce: I pissed off Jason to the point he decided to take out stitches in my uniform… it fell apart as soon as I put it on

Dick: That’s the thing with pissing off a ‘dead’ man. He’s got nothing but time