Lydia | 20 | Virgoyou care and it’s all over the place
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Prinsessanrosamunda - Tumblr Blog

August this year is long walks in nature, green juice, hair oil and body milk, evening sunlight, organic fruits and vegetables, the scent of earth, warmth and serenity, honey and apples

If you have to sacrifice your voice ‘to keep the peace’ it’s no longer peaceful : You’re internalizing the chaos instead
-Zara Bas
moving abroad diaries part 2
study plan

my courses for the first year:
1. Criminal Justice
2. Essential Skills for Criminologists
3. Psychology for Criminologists
4. Social Psychology
5. Understanding Criminology
a typical week
it is recommended to spend at least 35 hours studying/week including the 9 hours/week that is scheduled - which makes for about 4 hours of studying/day outside of scheduled lessons to spread across the day
some general study tips & guidelines
keep a study diary where I make schedules and clear task lists, for every project and every day of studying
make my desk a neat and ideal place for studying (desk makeover/layout as a separate post) & finding other quiet nooks to study at the library, university and cafés
study studying-techniques and document in study diary what works best for me
! don’t stop reading outside of coursework !
rest and take small breaks + reward myself when reaching a milestone, accomplishing a goal; a sweet treat, a movie etc
try to help and receive help from others more (God knows I struggle with asking for help)
eat enough, focus on nutritious foods and prioritise sleep and movement (helps with studies in the long run + prevents burnout) especially when stressed
watching videos, mood boards, generally cute and motivating posts about studying helps me a lot
note taking
before class/lecture, review any assigned readings or materials. identify the main ideas and concepts that will likely be discussed
check the course syllabus to understand the day's focus. note important topics
briefly revisit notes from previous class sessions to connect new ideas
write down the main concepts, helpful details, and examples
organize your notes strategically for post-lecture annotation and later review
use visual aids, such as pictures and diagrams, throughout your notes to illustrate concepts visually
include your own questions, observations, and reflections
pinterest motivation


you look like you’ve eaten the sun, like you drank so much sunlight you’re drowning in it

my foot injury is finally getting better - ran 11k today
july is balmy nights, shimmering dragonflies, warm wine, sun-bleached locks, old money-fashion, reading in the warm sand, afternoon naps, the taste of salt and citrus

moving abroad diaries part 1
I'm moving to England by myself in two months. Two months - that's nothing. There'll be regular updates like this because I need to soothe my anxious mind and writing/planning things out usually helps a little
First, a short list of things I need to check/plan for/stay on top of:
visa application
living accommodation (ask about date so I know for when to book my flight)
flight booking
study info, (like schedule, course literature etc)
plan for what to pack, (fall/winter wardrobe)
sort out the renting-situation for my current apartment
start up a bank account in the UK (upon arriving)
get all my insurances
start up a phone subscription (upon arriving)
clean out the apartment I’m renting to a lovely couple


going to my cousins' summer house to celebrate midsummer in two days
there's a perfect lake and everything is so scenic, especially during the evenings when the sun is low

applied for my student visa for England today and it’s starting to feel really real
met with the psychologist for the last time before the summer holiday. I told him I lower my head at passing cars when I walk outside, as if to hide from them - among other things. God, I wonder if he thinks I'll be able to handle it, moving abroad alone for three years and all. he told me he was an anxious child too once and I asked him how he grew out of it. 'Kind of just stopped caring as much about what others thought of me'. lowkey bull answer if you ask me but at least we spent some time talking about him for a change.
now I'll just be pining away all summer, 'glowing pink in my room' at night etc.


current summer vibe is Julia Roberts in Sleeping with the Ememy (1991)
June is…
open windows, angelic energy, iced herbal tea, champagne and strawberries, looking like a daydream, glowing skin, juicy fruit, morning runs through woods and across meadows, tennis shoes, daisy bouquets, charcuterie boards

summer night routine 2024

this one is made from request by @thisisneededfmr
morning routine Summer 2024


sunny breakfasts with the newspaper, bare legged bike rides, picnics, white linen and cotton
believe in your healing


my therapist that I’m in so into sent me a message on self-compassion and I keep rereading it with increasing anger and frustration (it’s utter shenanigans, will probs copy it onto here later)
he also promised me I could reach out to him whenever, when I’ve left the country post-Summer, and have therapy sessions with him online
my friend says he just wants that juicy, thick pay check my mom gives him aaaand… yea she’s right IknowIknowIknow
May is…
the scent of cleaning products, fresh air coming in from an open window, waking up in a sunlit room, baking cute pastries, green meadows and wild flowers, morning runs, diary writing on a balcony, iced coffee, cream and vanilla coloured everything, freckles, productivity, peace and patience, falling in love again

next week is back to historical literature studies and I want to do a studyspo board for every period we work with
first one is
Victorian (1830-1901)

frilly white dresses and hats, casually reading even when standing up, studying late at university, the light from the classrooms yellow in the evening, dark libraries and studies, fresh ink, perfect cursive notes, bedside table overwhelmed with books and candles, polite conversations with teachers

(sorry history people if I got something very wrong, it’s likely)
famous works:
jane eyre, wutherhing heights, great expectations, dracula, the picture of dorian grey, sherlock holmes


you’ve got these fake rules in your head
you shame yourself, you block emotions, push them down
break these mental chains
(April’s been what the cards predicted for me: challenging in terms of anxious thoughts and worries but I can see the sun through the foliage, I know it’s only easier from here)

you can’t convince me she’s not literally an incarnation of Aphrodite

saw swan lake at the ballet last night, was so gutted by the end of it 
DAMN it why didn’t my parents force me into ballet when I was three years old?????

happy late Easter!
here’s some signs of repressed anger because why not:
never feeling angry, but often feeling sad or depressed
overuse of sarcasm or cynicism
being uncomfortable with conflict or confrontation
feeling the need to control a lot of things
experiencing chronic muscle tension or headaches
having difficulty setting boundaries, expressing needs or saying no
shutting down, avoiding people or isolating yourself when upset
high levels of chronic stress or anxiety
feeling guilty, ashamed or bad when you are angry

prayer to Aphrodite
goddess of love, beauty and the wild seas,
let your glowing, calming light of pearls reach me,
your foamy waves lull my mind at ease,
your ever ample supply of rosy, warm adoration fill me, fill him - it’s only fair:
soft as you are you have almost killed me with love for him.
please give me the ability to see more of your pink, shimmering beauty in the world, in others, in myself, I could use it right now
thank you