Creepy weirdo & weird creep who loves media where bad things happen to good people
693 posts
(Little Via With Her Parents At A Celebration Waiting Anxiously For Mammon To Show Up)
(Little Via with her parents at a celebration waiting anxiously for Mammon to show up)
Stolas:(into the microphone) well it appears that Mr. Mammon will not be joining us today so we will have to start already, let the celebration,
(Stolas stops when he hears screaming everyone turned their heads to the source of the noise. And right then Mammon comes shooting out of the pipes. After bouncing back and forth between banners he heads straight to the royal family, specifically Stella, and lands right on top of her head smooshed between her bosom)
Mammon: (muffler) hello Stella
Via: he made it!
Ahh, the idea of Mammon and Stella having interest in each other prior to Stolas and Stella's divorce isn't something I've done much with... This might just lead me to another Golden Goose wip, and make no mistake, that's not a bad thing.
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More Posts from Prof-ramses
6 Days to Hollow Sorrows
So, with the episode itself finished, all we have to do is wait out the captions for the premier. To celebrate, I'm doing a bit of a bigger hc today.
Today's headcanon: The house Skid and Lila live in was originally that of Lila's mother, due to her and subsequently Lila's financial situation, Lila never moved out and decided to focus on making the place as comfortable for her own family as she could. This is why grandma's body was in the house in the first episode.
Also, now we have the question, what are the credits?
My guess is either zombie or demon versions of the episode cast.
Don't worry about SM 6 being a prank and not the actual episode, when going onto the episode on YouTube sometimes before the trailer pops up you can see how long the episode is, it's 29:44
10 Days to Hollow Sorrows
I'll be dropping a random SM headcanon every day until the new episode comes out!
Today's headcanon: Out of the Hatzgang, Ross is the biggest anime fan, and he's doing his best to keep this knowledge away from Robert and especially Roy.

LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're probably getting the premier page, and the thumbnail with it, tomorrow or Wednesday.
It's OK, the vibe's still there and it's still adorable.
Great job!
Request: Vox and Val, on a date at little cafe, making their popsicles kiss (these)

I love these idiots so much

After reading your ask i immediately had an idea!! I was trying to go for a cotton candy background but i hate it! Oh well 😅 (also i just now realized you wanted a cafe, sorry bout that 😅😅😅)
Hope you like!!