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Sinsmas prediction (I'm really hoping this one is right!)
Something I've seen a lot of people talk about is that fact that Blitz fixing his relationship with Fizz and Stolas now being able to give Blitz a crystal means that they'll have less reasons to see each other and thus have a harder time working through the issues between them.
But I think this chain of accidental self sabotage will carry over to Stolas, I think The Full Moon, Apology Tour and possibly Mastermind might help rebuild the trust between Blitz and Stolas, but at an unseen cost.
And now we finally come to the actual season finale prediction I promised. I believe Sinsmas will show Stolas planning to spend the (un)holiday with Via only for her to not show up and him thinking Stella and Andrealphus are behind it. The twist being is that she herself chose not to spend time with him since he basically focused his entire life for a while around his boy toy and virtually abandoned her. The ending will leave Stolas to wallow in the consequences of his shortsighted actions as Octavia spends Sinsmas with her mother and uncle. This will set her up as a central character in season 3.
Things I find funny and/or appreciate about the Serbian Helluva Boss dub by Paradajzcity Dubs
The show itself is given the title "Đavola Rabota", roughly meaning "Devil's Racket" or "Hellish Racket"
Blitz is renamed to "Žark", which makes his original name "Žarko", not only is Žarko an actual Serbian name, but it's also an adjective to describe a bright light, like that of a fire.
Blitz is voiced by Željko Popović, who's basically the Serbian equivalent of the Angry Video Game Nerd, the same actor (who co-founded the dubbing team in the first place) also voices Loopty, just like how Brandon voices both Blitz and Loopty in the original series.
Loona and Millie share the same VA, so Loona is given a different Balkan accent to help make the voices further distinct.
Several episodes are given new titles referencing well known Serbian literature.
Stolas is renamed "Buljina" which is the Serbian name for a type of owl known for wandering into urban areas and annoying people, very fitting.
The band Via listens to is renamed from Fuck You Dad to Go Fuck Yourself Dad.
The contract Robofizz holds up (the one with Mammon's signature) is fully translated and contains even more and harsher profanity than the original.
When Blitz throws Millie the van keys in Spring Broken her jump is accompanied by a Mario sound effect.
In line with the last one, the monster fish uses Bowser's roar from Mario 64.
Before we get the doodle sequence explaining the plan in episode 3 you can see writing on the whiteboard which reads "Don't look at this text, it moves" which it indeed does, likely due to issues with the sinking of it's movement to the camera movement in the original episode.
During Wally's commercial at the start of episode 4 instead of saying "where you make the things and I make the money" he says (translated, of course) "where you'll fare worse than Tesla with Edison" which is extra funny given that Tesla was Serbian.
The dub's versions of the cherubs share the first names of their VAs.
Dearie is even more condescending than her English counterpart.
Since they've only done the first 4 proper episodes this is all for now, but those folks have done one of the best dubbing jobs I've seen in indie animation.
HOLY FUCK!!! I never thought about how awful that would be for her. Poor Stella... :(
I think the root of Stella's more toxic behaviors is that, with the possible exceptions of Andre and Octavia, literally no one has ever valued Stella as an actual person. I'm pretty sure if Octavia ever hugged her and told her she loved her, Stella would just started bawling.
And if Stella really was a fussy kid, it's possible she's so bratty because her parents were so emotionally detached and neglectful that they just gave her whatever she wanted to avoid provoking her temper instead of teaching her to manage it and channel it into something positive.
Fuck it imma be the one to say it Vivi you can use as many excuses as you want try and justify it as much as you like but it wont change the fact Stolas still cheated !!!
Actually, the first show in the trilogy, "A Very Potter Musical" has a duet between Quirrel and Voldemort that sounds almost like it was written for Series!Stolas and Pilot!Stolas. LINK
I'm not sure how familiar, if at all, you are with Team Starkid. There a musical theatre group who got their start with a trilogy of Harry Potter parody musicals while still in college. I bring them up because I recently rewatched a bunch of their shows and started thinking about a potential HB fan-musical with the basic premise of Stolas NOT getting woobififed and also some other changes to characters, either to make up for the flaws in the series writing or to mock said flaws.
One idea I had was Stolas using his higher rank to force Stella (and Octavia, when she chooses to be with her mother) into hiding, possibly with Striker. Partly for character exploration potential between the three and partly for strella because I'm am feral for them.
I was hoping to get some ideas, even if individual or running gags, from you :)
Of course hon bounce ideas off me anytime :3
I haven’t heard of that before. Nothing better than some cathartic satire. I am also interested in the Strella but I wouldn’t want to keep pushing the Goetia x Imp thing it seems a bit excessive now
I imagine Moxxie being the first to point it out and Blitz tells him off but later tells Stolas that Mox is right and they need a proper gig soon but Stolas just gives him a bunch of money and gaslights him about it.
Also, you know that I wrote this right before going to sleep when I forgot that the word "fulfillment" exists. The fuck is wrong with me?
Now Some More Stuff!!!
Every time Octavia tries to talk to Stolas he interrupts her before she can finish a sentence and reacts to what he assumes she was going to say, which is, of course, something that assumes she agrees with his self-pitying view of his life.
An inverse of the ending of Seeing Stars, as in, Loona's occasional aggression towards the rest of the team is resolved (at least partly) through her interaction both with Blitz and with Via.
I'm still working out the Harvest Moon Festival/Pain Games equivalent, but the idea is that Striker participates to act as a diversion for IMP and potentially someone else who could be after Stella and Octavia, speaking of them, they could be disguised as imps in this segment. Maybe Blitz and Moxxie compete together since Striker taunted them both (I like the idea that it takes Striker some time to respect either of them, making him slightly more dynamic and helping with Moxxie's arc and his dynamic with Blitz)
To clarify the last one, the mid segment of the show would have Blitz slowly realizing he's being exploited while he and the team search for the mother daughter duo since Stolas passive-aggressively threatened and/or guilt-tripped Blitz into feeling he has to find them.
Also, to give Mills some actual characterization and more chemistry with Moxxie, she has MAD shop skills, customizing IMP's weapons and later her family tell her she can't be in the Pain Games... Because she' been chosen as the lead organizer, which in Wrath's super rugged nature, means she literally constructs all the event courses herself.
More Song Ideas!
A comedy ensemble number with all of IMP in act 1 with them doing a regular hit.
Another comedic song with Blitz, Moxxie and Striker in the pain games, maybe Millie's family joins in during the chorus. While still comedic, this one would mainly develop Moxxie and to lesser extent, the other guys.
Of course, Stolas has a proper villain song (one that starts with him pouting that Via is mad that he forgot something she was excited for, Azatoth's Tears or otherwise). The song itself would have Stolas lament relatively small things in his life while saying that "Blitzy" makes him forget them, tacitly admitting that he views Octavia as a problem, and how he's happy that Blitz is his and his alone, and that that's perfectly just since it makes up for his own personal suffering.
Both a song and a joke, Moxxie tries to sing to Millie multiple times and gets interrupted each time. However, he only starts the song once, every other time he sings it it's actually the next verse, a non-live viewer could piece it together and the song could be a bonus on the soundtrack.
Rest assured, there will be more to come.
More ideas for "Helluva A Rewritten Musical":
Jokes, Running Gags and Story Moments With A Comedic Twist :
After the Ozzie's equivalent Stolas' actor would wear a different wig after every two scenes, with each having more grey feathers than the last, until, by his final scene, all his hair/feathers are grey
The first time we see the M&Ms is their morning routine, Millie enters the scene first, with curlers/rollers in her hair, then Moxxie enter with curlers/rollers in his hair AND in his sideburns.
Wally appears a few times, he's exactly the same as in the show but has a much deeper voice to contrast with the high-pitched, scratchy voice Don Darryl Rivera does in the actual series
We only see Andre once, during a half and half split of the stage to show his phone conversation with Stella, later, in hiding (Yes, I'm going with that idea for the time being), Via asks why they could ask him for help and Stella reveals he got in hot water for drunkenly hitting on one of his cousins.
If we go down the Strella route, we could have some early bonding when Striker hisses at a minor frustration and Stella very obviously finds it attractive, because both snakes and swans hiss as a defense mechanism. In response to this Octavia let's out a sharp exhale that ends up sounding like a hoot.
A member of IMP pointing out how little actual hits they've been carrying out since getting pulled into the divorce drama, poking fun at the show abandoning it's original premise, maybe build on it by having Stolas be the only character who doesn't seen an issue with that.
Song Ideas (The Good Stuff):
An opening number or at least early song where Blitz sings about how, by running his own business, he has freedom to make good life for himself. The song would immediately be followed by some form of bad news.
A flashback duet between young Stolas and Stella, meeting for the first time, promising to make their situation work. Stella's lyrics make it clear she hopes that she will find some form of personal fufilled-ness in the relationship, while Stolas' make it clear that he plans on taking every chance to distract himself from what will be his family.
Striker having a song where he tries to console Via, because he can tell that she is in no way personally responsible for the shit she's going through, big stepdad energy, slightly more comedic elements towards the end of the song. This would play into Striker's arc, realizing that not all royals ae truly malicious and finding sympathy for them because he comes to view them as too sheltered for their own good.
A climactic duet between Striker and Blitz, after Blitz realizes that Stolas is a complete shitsack, during the song they're fighting over a blessed revolver to see who gets to kill the jizz-soaked feather duster.
That's all I got for now, more to come :D
Very beautiful. Your mind. Your vision.
Especially the meta commentary I NEED that scene to happen
The part of HRM I've had the most fun developing
There's a particular part of Helluva Rewritten Musical that I've been thinking about more than any other. That being the sequence that focuses on Stella and Octavia's relationship and personal issues while their hiding out in Wrath.
Some of this I've only previously shared with @pinkandpurple360 , whose insights about HB's writing and general willingness to help me develop these ideas has been invaluable to HRM as a whole, and especially to this scene.
Bare in mind this is just an early outline, though I plan to keep the specific lines of dialogue as I'm really proud of it.
The sequence begins with Stella, Octavia and Striker entering a hideout Striker had prepared for the Goetia women while they were in hiding with him as their bodyguard. Towards the back of the stage there's a door slightly to the left and a couch slightly to the right.
Stella is very anxious as she recognized Blitz in an earlier scene and decides that for the remainder of their "exile" that she and Via have to disguise themselves as lower rank hellborns, something Octavia says she doesn't know how to do.
This revelation infuriates Stella as she lashes out in indignation that Via can't manifest a disguise, she says she'll explain it to Via later but that in the meantime, Striker has to find a succubus and off them for their asmodean crystal.
Striker nods and exits the scene.
Here Octavia reveals that she tried to learn on her own but couldn't get the hang of it and, due to his self-absorbed and neglectful nature, Stolas never actually helped her manifest a disguise, something Stella herself only learnt by watching her brother practice, as typically only a Goetia's heir is taught the skill.
Stella yells at Via that she needs a moment to collect her thoughts and that they'll back to the disguise talk later.
Stella then goes into another room in the hideout, something depicted with Stella walking through the door at the back of the stage as Via exits stage right, then Stella re-enters through the same door, representing her entering another room and the scene changing.
Here the show arrives at Stella's solo number, wherein she vents her frustration that she's never been listened to despite being a noble, during the song she comes to the realization she isn't frustrated that she hasn't been listened to, but that she's never had meaningful agency over what matters to her (her status, the respect of the Ars Goetia, etc...), except for her relationship with Via.
I've yet to come up with any satisfactory titles for Stella's song, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
After the song ends Stella decides that she has to smooth things over with Via. The scene changes in the same way as before, this time, while Stella is behind the door Via enters stage right, sitting down on the couch, frustrated trying to manifest a disguise. Her attempts are represented by brief moments of purple lighting illuminating her corner of the stage, that's when Stella enters and sit down next to her. The lights only illuminate there half of the stage.
The two talk about the frustration they've been suppressing for as long as they've been living with Stolas, which unfortunately for Via, includes her whole life up to that point, she also expresses anger at her mother and how distant she's been during the affair drama. This gets Stella emotional and prompts this exchange between them:
Stella: I just hope you can understand, Dear. All I've ever had is my place in the world, and now-now I've lost my own and cost you yours. * Stella rests her head in one of her hands as the other stays between her and Via on the couch* What could I ever have now? *Stella's voice is shaky and she clearly feels she's lost everything, she's on the verge of tears*
There's a moment of silence between the two
Octavia: *Takes hold of Stella's free hand and gently moves it over her chest* A place in my heart, mom. You'll always have that. *She lets go of her mother's hand but Stella holds in there for a moment before she slowly pulls it back*
Octavia starts leaning in for a hug but Stella quickly hugs her first, Via is surprised but than happy to finally see her mom feel something positive again.
The lights over the other half of the stage light up showing Striker holding the crystal he was sent to get, he's seen at least part of their exchange, and though he tries to hide it, has obviously been emotionally impacted by it himself.
Striker: I-uh-I ha- *His voice is noticeably warbly before he clears his throat* I have the crystal, ma'am. *He holds it up and pauses for a moment while processing the emotions brought on from seeing such a loving moment from people he'd dismissed as emotionally vacant and vapid husks up until that point* Jus' thought ya should know.
Stella thanks him but also makes a comment about how Via likely won't be using it very long. She than asks Via to remind her of what part of the disguise spell she was having trouble with.
The stage goes dark as everyone and everything is prepared for the next scene.
And that's where the scene stands for now. Really hope someone enjoys reading this as much as I did writing it, there's more HRM to come so keep your eyes peeled! And remember that I'm accepting asks about the project!
Any thoughts on the revised version in comparison to the version we discussed, @pinkandpurple360?
I'd really appreciate any feedback. :)
The part of HRM I've had the most fun developing
There's a particular part of Helluva Rewritten Musical that I've been thinking about more than any other. That being the sequence that focuses on Stella and Octavia's relationship and personal issues while their hiding out in Wrath.
Some of this I've only previously shared with @pinkandpurple360 , whose insights about HB's writing and general willingness to help me develop these ideas has been invaluable to HRM as a whole, and especially to this scene.
Bare in mind this is just an early outline, though I plan to keep the specific lines of dialogue as I'm really proud of it.
The sequence begins with Stella, Octavia and Striker entering a hideout Striker had prepared for the Goetia women while they were in hiding with him as their bodyguard. Towards the back of the stage there's a door slightly to the left and a couch slightly to the right.
Stella is very anxious as she recognized Blitz in an earlier scene and decides that for the remainder of their "exile" that she and Via have to disguise themselves as lower rank hellborns, something Octavia says she doesn't know how to do.
This revelation infuriates Stella as she lashes out in indignation that Via can't manifest a disguise, she says she'll explain it to Via later but that in the meantime, Striker has to find a succubus and off them for their asmodean crystal.
Striker nods and exits the scene.
Here Octavia reveals that she tried to learn on her own but couldn't get the hang of it and, due to his self-absorbed and neglectful nature, Stolas never actually helped her manifest a disguise, something Stella herself only learnt by watching her brother practice, as typically only a Goetia's heir is taught the skill.
Stella yells at Via that she needs a moment to collect her thoughts and that they'll back to the disguise talk later.
Stella then goes into another room in the hideout, something depicted with Stella walking through the door at the back of the stage as Via exits stage right, then Stella re-enters through the same door, representing her entering another room and the scene changing.
Here the show arrives at Stella's solo number, wherein she vents her frustration that she's never been listened to despite being a noble, during the song she comes to the realization she isn't frustrated that she hasn't been listened to, but that she's never had meaningful agency over what matters to her (her status, the respect of the Ars Goetia, etc...), except for her relationship with Via.
I've yet to come up with any satisfactory titles for Stella's song, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
After the song ends Stella decides that she has to smooth things over with Via. The scene changes in the same way as before, this time, while Stella is behind the door Via enters stage right, sitting down on the couch, frustrated trying to manifest a disguise. Her attempts are represented by brief moments of purple lighting illuminating her corner of the stage, that's when Stella enters and sit down next to her. The lights only illuminate there half of the stage.
The two talk about the frustration they've been suppressing for as long as they've been living with Stolas, which unfortunately for Via, includes her whole life up to that point, she also expresses anger at her mother and how distant she's been during the affair drama. This gets Stella emotional and prompts this exchange between them:
Stella: I just hope you can understand, Dear. All I've ever had is my place in the world, and now-now I've lost my own and cost you yours. * Stella rests her head in one of her hands as the other stays between her and Via on the couch* What could I ever have now? *Stella's voice is shaky and she clearly feels she's lost everything, she's on the verge of tears*
There's a moment of silence between the two
Octavia: *Takes hold of Stella's free hand and gently moves it over her chest* A place in my heart, mom. You'll always have that. *She lets go of her mother's hand but Stella holds in there for a moment before she slowly pulls it back*
Octavia starts leaning in for a hug but Stella quickly hugs her first, Via is surprised but than happy to finally see her mom feel something positive again.
The lights over the other half of the stage light up showing Striker holding the crystal he was sent to get, he's seen at least part of their exchange, and though he tries to hide it, has obviously been emotionally impacted by it himself.
Striker: I-uh-I ha- *His voice is noticeably warbly before he clears his throat* I have the crystal, ma'am. *He holds it up and pauses for a moment while processing the emotions brought on from seeing such a loving moment from people he'd dismissed as emotionally vacant and vapid husks up until that point* Jus' thought ya should know.
Stella thanks him but also makes a comment about how Via likely won't be using it very long. She than asks Via to remind her of what part of the disguise spell she was having trouble with.
The stage goes dark as everyone and everything is prepared for the next scene.
And that's where the scene stands for now. Really hope someone enjoys reading this as much as I did writing it, there's more HRM to come so keep your eyes peeled! And remember that I'm accepting asks about the project!
You fool! You released my brainrot about them! Now you must bare all these cute ideas!
Stella spent two and a half decades with a man she can't stand and who can't stand her, this combined with her daughter becoming closed off means it's been a long while since Stella felt genuine affection. Why am I bringing this up? Because we all know that Mam is touch-starved, there is no way in Heaven he is not spending every available moment reminding his swan that she's the most perfect demon ever, this would be doubly significant for them since Mammon's primary love language is 100% touch. Hugs, kisses, nuzzles, gently stroking her hair, every imaginable way someone could appreciate Stella's body and general presence is something Mammon does. Including in the bedroom ;)
Matching. Outfits. So many of them! Stella gets at least as many as Mammon has, same shade of green but with her white and pink accenting it, instead of Mam's black and yellow. If she complains about a given outfit even once the finest tailors Greed has to offer are already at the palace doors and the ones who originally made it just so happen to get dead in an accident with some "faulty wiring".
Since the Sins generally have a less formal and up-tight life style than the Goetic nobility it takes some time for Via and especially Stella to adjust, this actually helps the two bond more as Stella finally feels comfortable enough to let herself actually explore those slight "peasant" interests that have been piling up in the back of her mind her whole life.
Mammon becomes an honorary member of The Gossip Girls(tm) with Stella and her two besties. (Wish someone would make some fan content that expands on those two BTW) Because you just know he has tea to spill.
Via is pleasantly surprised when Mammon first tries to bond with her because, unlike Stol-ass, he comes clean that he doesn't really understand teens and is willing to let her explore her interests and join in on any they happen to share. Initially, as part of his father complex denial, Mam tells himself he's doing it for Stella's sake, but eventually finds himself genuinely having fun with Octavia and soon he's as protective of her as he is of Stella. And yes, he does teach Via how to FUCKING SHRED!
When Mam and Stella eventually get married it's Hell's biggest event in well over two centuries. All of Greed turns into a massive parade celebrating their new queen for at least two full days. No sounds of gunfire, no one getting mugged in allies over 5 souls, no one typing away at new adds for their pyramid schemes, just a celebration of seemingly impossible love.
The actual wedding itself ends up being the biggest non-business expense in Greed's history, every single person involved in the reception is handpicked by Mammon to make sure every single aspect is perfect.
And closing off with some Stol-ass hate: He basically becomes a hermit for a week after the wedding, trying to act like he doesn't care. He does, he so fucking does. To his surprise, he gets a card a few days later, It's a photo of Stella and Mammon kissing at the altar, Mam is holding her in his lower arms while one of his upper arms strokes her hair, she's caressing his cheek. They're both flipping the camera off with their free hand. Stolas turns the card around to see this message written on the back:" I would say sorry, but you don't deserve it. -O".
Mammon x Stella is so fuckin cute, neither of them have to budge even a little from how evil and despicable they are. But they can just be cute together and evil in their own little world
Plus the stepdad thing and Vias rant about corporate shame I saw in one of Chai’s anons makes it even better
Golden Goose (Mammon x Stella) Headcanons
You can see my first batch of thoughts for these two here.
This particular batch is quite general and will have some family stuff and how the relationship effects those around the lovely couple.
Mammon is, ironically, more of a night owl than Stella and she often falls asleep first.
Before they got together, Mam would usually sleep with a large pillow in his arms for slight emotional comfort. Stella's presence comforts him far more, calling back to the last one, though it still takes him a bit to nod off it's still quicker than before.
Mam always brags about Stella to the other Sins, especially Ozzie. Even her smallest achievement is something Mammon cherishes as much as possible.
Speaking of Ozzie, the first time he talked to Mammon after he started dating Stella, he made a crack at Mammon going blind to a gold-digger over her own "assets". Before he could properly register it, Mam had him pinned to the floor with a hand tightening around his neck, Ozz immediately took his joke back. It was then that he realized that the seemingly impossible happened, Mammon was in a loving relationship.
Expanding on the concept of Stella sating her curiosity about "peasant" things, she tries to play a fighting game with Via and struggles. Via tells her not to worry about it, but the lose activates Stella's competitive nature and she starts practicing in her free time (Something Mammon makes sure she has plenty of) . She absolutely demolishes both Mam and Via at the next family game night. And that was how Octavia learned how quick of a learner her mother is.
This one was originally an ask for @pinkandpurple360 but it seemingly went the way of HB's original premise: While he got to see Charlie grow up and now has a daughter in Octavia, Mammon wishes deep down that he could raise a child of his own blood. It's not that he doesn't love Charlie and Via, he just can't help but feel he's missing something he wants. He considers asking Stella about having another kid, but knows that she was forced to have Via. This makes him confront the dilemma of pursuing his wish or not reawakening the trauma of the woman he loves. This idea definitely deserves more exploration, maybe in a fic.
After Stella and Mammon get hitched, people returning their Robofizz becomes a far rarer phenomenon, mostly because word gets out that Via personally "deactivates" any returned or recalled Fizzbots, who start going above and beyond to please their owners to avoid the princess' coulrophobia-fueled fury.
Me again, before you yell at me, read to the end of the sentence I had nothing against Stolitz when it was simply a CRACKSHIP.
Realistically, Stolitz could never have worked, but it was interesting to see how it could, the problems only started when the entire show began revolving around it, and it only got worse from there.
Now Golden Goose I can see genuine reasons why, especially with Octavia:
The main reason being Mammon genuinely treats her like a daughter, where as Stolas only really does when she's at risk of abandoning her lineage and going on her own path, thus incurring Paimons wrath.
(I'd also like to point out he's just flat out a coward, he's the 5th prince of the ars Goetia)
It was inevitable that some fans would ship Stolitz even from the pilot, what shocked me was Viv literally derailing her show to appease said fans.
Stolas is truly an awful father, I understand both he and Stella were forced to have a child, but that doesn't change the facts.
He's an even worse father than Paimon, at least Paimon tried, his attempts were misguided and shallow due to his worldview, but he genuinely tried and took pride in being a good dad, at least in his own eyes.
Stolas is only seen ignoring his daughter or making excuses and empty promises to change. We never even get concreate confirmation that Stolas wants to be a good dad, just that he's willing to do the bare minimum when Via snaps from how miserable her life is now. Said instances of snapping being her only appearances in the show thus far btw.
Mammon and Stella are both such fascinating characters that deserve better, especially with each other :)
That and Stella and Mammon getting together, Mam and Via's love and support giving Stella the confidence to take Stol-ass to task. He, of course, can't make any legitimate counterpoints and loses everything.
I can think of no better punishment for a scumbag who lords his power over others while painting himself as powerless, than for two of his victims to transcend him in status and leave him genuinely powerless to avoid the consequences of his own shitty actions.
For me Mammons mid season musical special is the peak of the show and the finale for me. After this point it’s all downhill. I like to think Ozzie gifts Blitzø a crystal offscreen and sets him free.
The end
Headcanons for Stella's friends because these two deserve some love

While we all love Stella here, I have to say I'm slightly disappointed that not one person, that I'm aware of, has taken the chance to do something with her friends. Especially when exploring the more tragic parts of her character, as her besties would be an important part of her support network. So I decided to name them and give them some uniqueness. For anyone curios I also plan on using them in my "GoldenGoose-verse".

Let's start with Camio. Like her real life demonology namesake, she can manipulate fire and increase or diminish the clarity of others' memories. Her duties mostly revolve around the latter ability, often to enable or prevent certain people to take certain actions.
Personality wise, she's quite bubbly and easy-going. Despite this, she's fiercely defensive of those close to her and gets a kick out of pushing people's buttons from time to time.
She actually has a lot of interest in human history and the evolution of their cultures. This is partly because she occasionally shapes human history and partly because she's always had a fascination with relationships, both between individuals and between groups.
Her and Stella have known each other basically their whole lives and can, consequently, get away with a lot more when it comes to messing with each other.

Now, onto Furfur. She's biologically male and nonbinary, cool with any pronouns but with a preference for female pronouns. Possesses electric powers. He's the most physically powerful of the trio and has several forms, similar to Paimon*. While their primary duty is weather manipulation, they also have the important task of keeping track of angelic activity on Earth.
*To expand on this, I like to think that every goetic demon has several forms, with one as a "base". Paimon's base form is indeed more humanlike that the form we see in The Circus. The reason most of the Ars Goetia are birds in the show is because bird forms are "in" at the time of the series. Furfur's primary form is a fluffy cloud deer
Furfur often comes across as aloof or inconsiderate, but that's mostly because of his belief in pushing her friends to improve themselves, this is frequently compounded by their snarky streak.
Loves playing with their and Stella's hair, they've both tried to convince Camio to grow her out.
She also has a habit of taking Stella and Camio on daytrips to Earth, everything there is her treat, she just loves swindling humans. After Stella and Via, their the most pissed at Stolas for being a sex pest.
I have some more stuff for their overall dynamics and how Mammon gets involved when he and Stella get together, but I feel that should wait for another time.
His constant lying and failure to educate Via is just another example of how Stolas is a worse father than Paimon. I think he lies because he thinks Via not knowing how toxic the Ars Goetia are will shield her from it's toxicity, when it will only make it a thousand times worse when it actually hits her.
Also, yeah, it's really sad to see that Via has essential zero social life, especially with how many parties Stella throws. You'd think that at least some other noble would've taken their kid to meet Via when they were young.
Side note, if Stolas and Stella were engaged at 10, why has the fact that Via should've already been engaged for the better part of a decade not been addressed at all? Will we see her get engaged against her will in season 3 and have this plot point used to make her like Stolas again and turn on her mother? Probably.
What really bothers me about Octavia is, like, does she have no friends, no peers?? If she’s heir to the Goetia family, has she been doing any training or studying for her “role” if something did happen to Stolas?? Does she even know what that role is, because Stolas had clearly been preparing for his job since he was a very young child (even though we have yet to see him do anything related to his job outside of the Harvest Moon Festival)??
Like Stolas with Blitz, her only existence is to be completely obsessed with one another character and never shut up about them. She has never passed the Bechdel test. I love via but her one personality trait is ‘i love my dad’ that’s it. Viv won’t let her have anything else. And if she does give via something it’ll either be her hating other women (probably her mom) or her getting a obsessive crush on a boy.
Yeah, stolas has been preparing for whatever his job is, reading stars or some shit—his whole life, and it’s clear that even Paimon had to have stolas out of obligation. Maybe even as a ‘precaution’ as well considering he had many children, this usually means plenty are needed in case anything happens to them.
No, she knows nothing. Stolas does nothing but lie to her by omission every single day of her life. He makes Stella do the same. And still sees himself as the victim.
All of her training and studying is impossible if the grimoire is in someone else’s possession. Stolas doesn’t even tell her that his marriage was arranged, and why she was born. He can’t even tell her about the divorce, unless it’s all offscreen. For some reason he thinks it’s better to just keep it all a secret and lie to her face every single day, then turn around and say “I’ve endured so much for that girl!!” He waits until she has a horrific mental breakdown, cuts him out entirely, and has to come to the conclusions all alone. She asks if she was an obligation and he keeps fucking lying saying “no” instead of “I had to have a child, it’s true, I’m so sorry. but you were the best thing that ever came from this awful situation.” Just tell her the truth
I think it's because Paimon's heart is in the right place, he just doesn't know where to go from there.
Stolas only cares about Via as a get out of jail free card for the scrutiny and responsibilities that come with being a goetic prince. Either that or he's trying to delude himself into thinking he's a good father because he can't fathom the idea that he's in any way as bad as someone he dislikes.
When you stop and think about it, spending some time with her grandfather would probably do Octavia at least some good.
Unrelated, but I sent you some messages with some ideas from HRM and would love your feedback. (It's about a certain gangster)
What really bothers me about Octavia is, like, does she have no friends, no peers?? If she’s heir to the Goetia family, has she been doing any training or studying for her “role” if something did happen to Stolas?? Does she even know what that role is, because Stolas had clearly been preparing for his job since he was a very young child (even though we have yet to see him do anything related to his job outside of the Harvest Moon Festival)??
Like Stolas with Blitz, her only existence is to be completely obsessed with one another character and never shut up about them. She has never passed the Bechdel test. I love via but her one personality trait is ‘i love my dad’ that’s it. Viv won’t let her have anything else. And if she does give via something it’ll either be her hating other women (probably her mom) or her getting a obsessive crush on a boy.
Yeah, stolas has been preparing for whatever his job is, reading stars or some shit—his whole life, and it’s clear that even Paimon had to have stolas out of obligation. Maybe even as a ‘precaution’ as well considering he had many children, this usually means plenty are needed in case anything happens to them.
No, she knows nothing. Stolas does nothing but lie to her by omission every single day of her life. He makes Stella do the same. And still sees himself as the victim.
All of her training and studying is impossible if the grimoire is in someone else’s possession. Stolas doesn’t even tell her that his marriage was arranged, and why she was born. He can’t even tell her about the divorce, unless it’s all offscreen. For some reason he thinks it’s better to just keep it all a secret and lie to her face every single day, then turn around and say “I’ve endured so much for that girl!!” He waits until she has a horrific mental breakdown, cuts him out entirely, and has to come to the conclusions all alone. She asks if she was an obligation and he keeps fucking lying saying “no” instead of “I had to have a child, it’s true, I’m so sorry. but you were the best thing that ever came from this awful situation.” Just tell her the truth
Trying to make Akinator guess Stella's friends
attempt 1:

A valiant effort.
attempt 2:

Again, not quite.
attempt 3:

Sudden detour, also, can anyone tell me where this art is from?
Apparently, he gave up.

Helluva Boss but it's actually Jontron moments
Stella: *playing with dolls* "Hey, Alejandro, I was thinking about, you know, maybe taking a year off, going back to college, starting my career." "Nonsense, Monica! You're staying home and having my kids!"
Andrealphus: Stella, What are you playing?
Stella: Systemic oppression :)
Wally: *selling a carpet that a guy was stitched into* Yes, okay, he had a bit of an accident, but, I say, it's one of a kind! I'll give you a good price!
Mammon: *on the phone* Oh, okay. So I guess what you're telling me is that I should NOT make a game about the Titanic sinking!
Mammon: Hey, you know what, I think you're right. On second thought, I don't think it's gonna work... But I got one for you better! Schindler's List: HD Remix!
Moxxie: You can count me in.
Blitz: Okay, one.
Moxxie: What even?
Blitz: I counted you in :)
Moxxie: Go to fucking Heaven.
Stolas:*picks up a packet of sunflower seeds* Via, what is this? Where did you learn to do this? have you been doing SEED?!?
I request more golden goose, thank you kindly
I've actually been meaning to get some more Golden Goose stuff out, but was fighting myself over whether to post something on it's own or officially start my GoldenGooseVerse.
So here's some stuff I can share without spoiling anything:
Stella frequently tries new hobbies and takes a particular liking to sculpting. Her first attempts were supposed to be small vases that she wanted to gift to people close to her. Even though they turned out somewhat lopsided, Mammon, Via, Andre, Camio and Furfur all kept them and use them as pen holders.
Via and Mammon's main form of bonding is playing guitar together. They workshop songs, talk about (and often bash) new songs they've heard recently, and just chat about their day, their interests and life in general. When they first started doing this, Octavia would sometimes have moments of "Wait, is this real life, right now?", because she wasn't used to having this form of positive experience with a paternal figure.
Before Mam and Stella officially started their relationship, Stella would often talk to her friends about her recent bonding with Mammon. Whilst Furfur was completely on board, Camio was slightly apprehensive about the whole situation, she wanted to be sure Stella's past traumas weren't making her see Mam through rose-tinted glasses. Because of this, she once asked Stella to invite Mammon to one of the friend group's meetings, Mam agreed and shortly afterwards befriended Camio and Furfur, as well.
Mammon takes more of an interest in improving Greed's Goetic social circles for 2 main reasons: 1) He wants to create an environment that would make it easier for Octavia to socialize with her peers and 2) He wants to give Stella some autonomy as a ruler and involves her in these reforms to ease her into it before officially making her the ultimate authority on any Goetic matter in the Greed ring, as well as it's Goetic representative.
There more on the way, it'll be more complex and take some time, but I promise it'll be good.
АHHHHHHHH! OP I love this!!!
The suit, the hat pattern, the little baubles on Mam's shoes, Fizz's face, THE WAY VIA IS SMILLING WITH HER OWN FLOWERS! Love the way Stella is drawn here too.
I love them so much (except for Fizz, no offence, but I just don't like him)

Had to draw this ship at some point ;)
I’ve been compiling a bunch of random headcanons & theories regarding the Sins. Just a heads up, it’s going to be kind of a long list:
Like Lucifer and his family, the Sins have surnames. The only exception is Mammon, whose legal name is ‘Mammon TM’, for branding purposes.
I don’t know if it’s been confirmed if the Sins are Hellborn or not, but I like to think that the Hellaverse sort of draws from Paradise Lost in that they were originally angels loyal to Lucifer before getting the boot after the stunt Luci and Lilith pulled in Eden. This would effectively make them the first sinner demons, which could be used to explain why sinners rank so high on Hell’s hierarchy.
Working off of the above, I thought it would be funny if Leviathan was originally a cherub prior to falling, either looking like some form of small fish or maybe even a prawn. Over the course of thousands of years living in Hell, he slowly grew into the titan of the deep he is in the present.
Speaking of Levi, I’ve mulled over what we discussed the other day, and I can picture him being the designated “creepy one” of the group. After all, still waters often have terrible and dangerous things lurking just below the surface. Given there is a lot of talk of Levi being a surfer dude, I feel like the thin veneer of a beach bum barely conceals something much darker. Everything he says and does just has this edge to it, which is just reinforced given he’s a massive sea serpent. Is his personality and use of surfer slang an act? Is it genuine? No one knows.
I like to think all of the Sins can naturally fly, regardless of whether or not they have wings. The only reason they (barring Luci and Bee) don’t regularly use this particular ability is a matter of practicality. Continuing this thought, I like the idea of them leaving trails when they fly, sort of like the Night Entities from Orion and the Dark. Like, Mammon leaves a trail of currency symbols, Bee’s trail resembles honey being applied by a bony wand, Satan leaves a trail of smoke and volcanic ash, etc.
Mammon is ridiculously agile, acrobatic, and can scale walls like Spider-Man. Most people don’t realize this given how he prefers to just teleport everywhere to get around.
While Wrath’s culture (when not geared towards agriculture) is centered around conflict, specifically martial conflict, I can easily picture Satan as trying to create conflict of all kinds. I mean, just imagine this giant, draconic demon cowboy/gym rat hopping on an internet forum or comment section just to start a flame war and watch the chaos unfold. This even extends to the other Sins, as he’ll just say or do minor shit to rile the others up.
I was thinking about your interpretation of how Belphagor and Baphomet could pan out and how Bel is fixated on efficiency. I feel that an outsider looking in would wonder why a laidback (and morally questionable) woman of science like Bel would go for a peppy and inviting guy like Baph, the answer being he’s efficient. Very efficient. The guy runs the ring and likely does far more behind the scenes, all the while finding time to keep a stable relationship with his wife, maintaining the Sloth ring’s facade of being a placid vacay spot, and being something of a large scale host and possible tour guide to people that come to Sloth to relax and likely roping them into/abducting some of them for his wife’s sketchy practices. Bel finds this workaholic level of efficiency very attractive.
When Charlie was little and the Sins took turns babysitting her, Satan and Belphagor were the only ones to actually dislike the duty. Satan didn’t want a kid around cramping his style & cutting into his workout regimen and Bel felt taking care of a child wouldn’t be conductive to her research & refused to let Baph watch her because it would cut into his carefully planned work schedule. This isn’t to say they don’t love their niece, they just aren’t the kind of people that want to deal with kids.
I’ve seen a lot of people joke about what’s under Mammon’s jester cap and my theory is that he basically has a bunch of spider legs growing out of his head like this:

Mammon’s “head legs” are probably one of the few things he’s actually self conscious about.
Given it’s been confirmed Bee’s stomach basically digests everything she eats almost immediately, I like to think that her weight and build actually fluctuates based on how much collective ambient gluttony is in a given area. In places/times where the majority of people feel gluttonous, she starts gaining weight, while gluttony being at its lowest causes her to start wasting away.
I remember you once suggested Andrealphus was incapable of having kids, hence Stella was born to keep the bloodline going and possibly try and climb the social ladder. It actually gave me the idea that Mammon is incapable of having kids of his own, hence his fixation on becoming a step-dad. With this in mind, I can picture his clown pageant being his way, through the lens of greed, of getting his own step-child, with the added bonus of getting a face for his brand. It’s debatable whether or not the thought of just adopting a kid ever crossed his mind.
The above point could also cause some Golden Goose angst.
I get the show kinda debunked the fanon idea of Lucifer playing the accordion, but I’m just going to ignore that in favor of a long-standing headcanon I’ve had. In essence, I thought it would be funny if Luci was a fan of polka to the point he actually made the other Sins learn how to play instruments traditionally used to play polka so they could all perform together. The others all hated it, but after Lilith left and they tried to get Luci out of his funk, they repeatedly offered to perform with him to no avail.
Continuing the music ideas, I can picture Bel being a fan of EDM.
As a testament to the Sins sheer level of power, if sufficiently motivated to do so they can actually reshape and restructure their respective domains. This naturally causes near incalculable damage and upheaval, while taking a lot out of them.
At some point early into Hell’s existence, Lucifer just kinda… snapped. He became a cruel tyrant that lined up more closely to traditional depictions of the devil, while Lilith and the Sins were at their all time worst as people. After several thousands of years of unspeakable evil, Lucifer and the others eventually grew out of their “tyrant phase”, eventually becoming who they are in canon. The event that got Lucifer, Lilith and the Sins to change (to varying degrees) for the better? Charlie’s birth.
I get that this is a lot and that your schedule has been thrown out of wack, but inspiration hit me like a speeding truck. Hope you like some of these.
Oh, I have a TON of thoughts about these! So, I'll spread out me responses in a 1 to 1 pattern
I always liked the idea of the Sins having full names, and the TM is perfect to Mammon
While I don't know if we'll ever get confirmation one way or the other, the Sins will, to me, always be found siblings who were once Heavens greatest circus before they were outcast for standing by their leader.
My design idea for Levi range from having transparent skin, to being partial rotted (like those videos of bottom feeders picking apart whale bodies). I'll be talking more about Levi's appearance in it's own post
At this point I'm starting to think the surfer thing is something the fandom gaslight itself with, because I can't find anyone genuinely claiming any such content was leaked. Personally, I see Levi as more of a sleazy editor/publisher, running the non-Pride news channels and most of Hell's print media. So basically, J. Jonnah, but he's a giant glowing eel.
I also think all the Sins have magical flight, but I also think that, like how Ozzie can manifest as a flame, Mam can manifest and move around as a lightning bolt.
YES! I love acrobatic Mam headcanons! My idea of him having needle like feet and his curly shoes being padded actually works really well with that. He can be very graceful when he wants to be.
Yeah, I think Satan would likely have a formalized way of doing this too, like, at some point personally declaring one side of a flame war the winners.
Yep, that's Bel and Baph in a nutshell. A lot of the mannerisms I envision for Baphomet come from the gag of Captain Fun and Activity Boy from the Jack Frost 2. (Look it up)
Again, I totally agree, I actually have a lot to say about Charlie and Bel's relationship, but that's for another time.
I like to think Mam has hair made of static electricity, it tingles to the touch, much like his webs.
Bee's consumption of emotions being what actually affects her body is a new idea to me, but one I love. Also kind of gives the impression she eats actual food mostly for the sensation of eating, which works pretty well.
My idea is that Mam can have kids, but always wanted it to be with someone he was absolutely sure about. However, Stella's trauma with essentially being forced to have Via gives him pause, it's a touchy subject for both of them.
Hah, nice. Also, I just leave this here, before rock existed, Mam was mostly into and performed opera.
Yeah, EDM is a good fit for Bel.
Oh, that's a new one for me. It's great! Might actually have a somewhat similar idea in the works....
This one I don't really jive with. I don't really like the idea of Charlie sparking all the Sins' character growth, but I do think they've all gone through a lot of "phases".
Here’s one last round of headcanons & ideas I want to share before the grind of my classes really sets in:
Back when they were still a circus troupe, Asmodeus and Mammon had a stand up act wherein they would respectively take the role of the straight man and wise guy. Ozzie eventually grew sick of being the punchline to all of the act’s jokes and he eventually quit. This would be the start of Ozzie’s resentment towards Mam. Mammon for his part sort of had a Jack Fenton like fondness for Ozzie that made him oblivious to the patter’s growing disdain, at least until the events of the mid season finale caused them to come to the surface.
Prior to falling, Bee was a completely insectile angel. After getting exiled from Heaven and becoming a demon, adjusting to the fact she only retained a handful of her original buggy features was a major hurdle for her to overcome, with the creation of the Hellhounds being a major step in her coming to terms with her new body.
You mentioned Levi potentially undermining the others as part of him being the embodiment of Envy, and it got me thinking that this isn’t a behavior exclusive to him (granted, he’s probably the most active when it comes to tripping up the others). The Sins and what they embody don’t always gel well with one another, so, whether it be intentional or not, they tend to sabotage one another just as often as they manage to work together.
While the entirety of Sloth is basically Belphagor’s personal Petri dish, I doubt she’d stop at experimenting on her own subjects. I think she’d probably find a subtle way to broaden her test groups without upsetting the other Sins. Namely, by marketing experimental (and highly sketchy) pharmaceuticals to some of the other Rings. Like, anabolic steroids for Wrath, dietary supplements for Gluttony, “performance enhancers” for Lust, etc.
For some reason I can’t explain, my mental image of your interpretation of Baphomet looks like goat headed version of this guy:

Also, working off of your idea that Mammon used to perform opera, I think it would be neat if either Camio or Furfur were fans of/familiar with his older musical works.
I also like to think Mam’s opera career was his way of proving he wasn’t just a comedic clown, but also a dramatic clown. The mixed reception his operatic works received also could have contributed to his distaste towards performing.
Building on my idea of Lucifer going through a tyrannical phase, I feel he’d try his hardest to keep Charlie in the dark about that chapter of his life out of fear it would drive her away.
I also had the idea of Leviathan’s having a small inner circle of demons that resemble remoras he works with that are basically just a bunch of yes men trying to coast on their boss’s success and status.
My personal theory for the Ars Goetia’s origin in the Hellaverse is that founding members were angels that sympathized or identified with Lucifer and the others, and were consequently exiled to prevent further dissension in the ranks.
You cannot convince me that Mammon and Mimzy have not met at least once. With Mimzy’s ego, she’s probably convinced herself that she and Mam are as thick as thieves. Mammon, for his part, finds her overbearing and grating to be around, but lets her live her little fantasy as it makes her easier to con out of her money. As an aside, I like to think the Loan Sharks she was indebted to in Dad Beat Dad were on his payroll.
I don’t know why, but I kinda picture Satan as having glassblowing and possibly smithing as a hobby, with his personal dwellings have a lot of his work either on display or directly incorporated into the structure. All of it is done with his own barehands too.
I’m rather fond of the idea that Octavia got her taste in music from Stella (one of the few less refined indulgences she could manage growing), with the two bonding over their shared interest after leaving Stolas.
Since Mammon undoubtedly has strong ties with the crime families that inhabit his ring, I think it would be funny if at one point when Charlie was little there was a bit of a schedule overlap, wherein he has to babysit her at the same time he had a meeting with a mob boss. Shenanigans naturally ensued, which eventually led to a moment like this:

That’s all I’ve got for now. Hope you enjoy them.
I really like you idea for the Sins having more than 1 act tied to them. I love exploring Ozzie and Mam's dynamic, I especially like the idea of Asmodeus developing gradual resentment for Mammon, while he latter just sees him as an occasionally annoying younger brother. There's also the added irony that Inside no.9 has an episode about a failed comedy duo reuniting.
Ohh, Bee only getting canine traits after the fall is such a great idea! We could do a lot with this idea.
See, get what you mean and I agree, the Sins being a chaotic found family kind of comes with that. The point I was specifically trying to make it that Leviathan would probably be the only one to do it both intentionally and on the regular. Hope this clears things up.
Another great idea. I think Bel also forbids Bee from taking her party drugs is because the stash is always full of untested concoctions and she uses reverse psychology to make Bee take as much as she can for the parties so she can take stock of what was taken and track the side effects when they show up (because they always do) by comparing samples from patients to the testing samples she kept.
Yep, that's hitting the nail, but I must say, my favorite Baphomet idea is easily your concept of his Hawaiian shirt having medical patterns on it.
YEAH! Mam's older works still have plenty of fans. He tries not to show it, but he's always really happy to see his older projects being enjoyed and respected.
Yeah, he's a great creative, but his performances don't always stick the landing.
Absolutely, Luci would do literally anything to keep this from Charlie, he'll avoid the topic around the other Sins like the plague.
Levi's assistants being literal parasites like him is great, maybe he has cleaners who look lie deep sea prawns, too.
I really like the concept of the original Goetia being "lesser" rebels. Nothing more to say, really. Just a really solid idea.
Mimzy is one of Mammon's more recent disaster patsies, he keeps her around not just because she's easy to talk into pretty much anything, but because she's genuinely loyal to him, and most importantly, when he wants to test new loan sharks, he sees if they can survive tracking her down, they never catch her, she's too unpredictable for that, but making it out of chasing that walking disaster alive is an impressive feet for an average hellborn in it's own right.
Interesting, I had this ide of him having a thing for reenactments, since they're another great reason for fights and destruction.
This is so wholesome! I can picture a scene of Stella listening to something with earbuds and when she takes them out because Octavia wants to ask her something, Via is so surprised that she forgets what she was going to ask and they just end up talking about music.
Oh, that's amazing. This has a whole fic worth of potential, I can just imagine Charlie accidentally doing something that gets the most important gangster at the meeting killed and Mam, now with the big issue out of the way, just barks some quick orders to the ones who are left and they wordlessly shuffle out the door, making sure to avoid Charlie in the process. Of course, this would all happen when Charlie's too young to remember and Mammon wants to keep it that way, he knows she wouldn't be proud of it
Great ideas, all around, as always!