Helluva Octavia - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

АHHHHHHHH! OP I love this!!!

The suit, the hat pattern, the little baubles on Mam's shoes, Fizz's face, THE WAY VIA IS SMILLING WITH HER OWN FLOWERS! Love the way Stella is drawn here too.

I love them so much (except for Fizz, no offence, but I just don't like him)

Had To Draw This Ship At Some Point ;)

Had to draw this ship at some point ;)

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1 year ago

I’ve been compiling a bunch of random headcanons & theories regarding the Sins. Just a heads up, it’s going to be kind of a long list:

Like Lucifer and his family, the Sins have surnames. The only exception is Mammon, whose legal name is ‘Mammon TM’, for branding purposes.

I don’t know if it’s been confirmed if the Sins are Hellborn or not, but I like to think that the Hellaverse sort of draws from Paradise Lost in that they were originally angels loyal to Lucifer before getting the boot after the stunt Luci and Lilith pulled in Eden. This would effectively make them the first sinner demons, which could be used to explain why sinners rank so high on Hell’s hierarchy.

Working off of the above, I thought it would be funny if Leviathan was originally a cherub prior to falling, either looking like some form of small fish or maybe even a prawn. Over the course of thousands of years living in Hell, he slowly grew into the titan of the deep he is in the present.

Speaking of Levi, I’ve mulled over what we discussed the other day, and I can picture him being the designated “creepy one” of the group. After all, still waters often have terrible and dangerous things lurking just below the surface. Given there is a lot of talk of Levi being a surfer dude, I feel like the thin veneer of a beach bum barely conceals something much darker. Everything he says and does just has this edge to it, which is just reinforced given he’s a massive sea serpent. Is his personality and use of surfer slang an act? Is it genuine? No one knows.

I like to think all of the Sins can naturally fly, regardless of whether or not they have wings. The only reason they (barring Luci and Bee) don’t regularly use this particular ability is a matter of practicality. Continuing this thought, I like the idea of them leaving trails when they fly, sort of like the Night Entities from Orion and the Dark. Like, Mammon leaves a trail of currency symbols, Bee’s trail resembles honey being applied by a bony wand, Satan leaves a trail of smoke and volcanic ash, etc.

Mammon is ridiculously agile, acrobatic, and can scale walls like Spider-Man. Most people don’t realize this given how he prefers to just teleport everywhere to get around.

While Wrath’s culture (when not geared towards agriculture) is centered around conflict, specifically martial conflict, I can easily picture Satan as trying to create conflict of all kinds. I mean, just imagine this giant, draconic demon cowboy/gym rat hopping on an internet forum or comment section just to start a flame war and watch the chaos unfold. This even extends to the other Sins, as he’ll just say or do minor shit to rile the others up.

I was thinking about your interpretation of how Belphagor and Baphomet could pan out and how Bel is fixated on efficiency. I feel that an outsider looking in would wonder why a laidback (and morally questionable) woman of science like Bel would go for a peppy and inviting guy like Baph, the answer being he’s efficient. Very efficient. The guy runs the ring and likely does far more behind the scenes, all the while finding time to keep a stable relationship with his wife, maintaining the Sloth ring’s facade of being a placid vacay spot, and being something of a large scale host and possible tour guide to people that come to Sloth to relax and likely roping them into/abducting some of them for his wife’s sketchy practices. Bel finds this workaholic level of efficiency very attractive.

When Charlie was little and the Sins took turns babysitting her, Satan and Belphagor were the only ones to actually dislike the duty. Satan didn’t want a kid around cramping his style & cutting into his workout regimen and Bel felt taking care of a child wouldn’t be conductive to her research & refused to let Baph watch her because it would cut into his carefully planned work schedule. This isn’t to say they don’t love their niece, they just aren’t the kind of people that want to deal with kids.

I’ve seen a lot of people joke about what’s under Mammon’s jester cap and my theory is that he basically has a bunch of spider legs growing out of his head like this:

Ive Been Compiling A Bunch Of Random Headcanons & Theories Regarding The Sins. Just A Heads Up, Its Going

Mammon’s “head legs” are probably one of the few things he’s actually self conscious about.

Given it’s been confirmed Bee’s stomach basically digests everything she eats almost immediately, I like to think that her weight and build actually fluctuates based on how much collective ambient gluttony is in a given area. In places/times where the majority of people feel gluttonous, she starts gaining weight, while gluttony being at its lowest causes her to start wasting away.

I remember you once suggested Andrealphus was incapable of having kids, hence Stella was born to keep the bloodline going and possibly try and climb the social ladder. It actually gave me the idea that Mammon is incapable of having kids of his own, hence his fixation on becoming a step-dad. With this in mind, I can picture his clown pageant being his way, through the lens of greed, of getting his own step-child, with the added bonus of getting a face for his brand. It’s debatable whether or not the thought of just adopting a kid ever crossed his mind.

The above point could also cause some Golden Goose angst.

I get the show kinda debunked the fanon idea of Lucifer playing the accordion, but I’m just going to ignore that in favor of a long-standing headcanon I’ve had. In essence, I thought it would be funny if Luci was a fan of polka to the point he actually made the other Sins learn how to play instruments traditionally used to play polka so they could all perform together. The others all hated it, but after Lilith left and they tried to get Luci out of his funk, they repeatedly offered to perform with him to no avail.

Continuing the music ideas, I can picture Bel being a fan of EDM.

As a testament to the Sins sheer level of power, if sufficiently motivated to do so they can actually reshape and restructure their respective domains. This naturally causes near incalculable damage and upheaval, while taking a lot out of them.

At some point early into Hell’s existence, Lucifer just kinda… snapped. He became a cruel tyrant that lined up more closely to traditional depictions of the devil, while Lilith and the Sins were at their all time worst as people. After several thousands of years of unspeakable evil, Lucifer and the others eventually grew out of their “tyrant phase”, eventually becoming who they are in canon. The event that got Lucifer, Lilith and the Sins to change (to varying degrees) for the better? Charlie’s birth.

I get that this is a lot and that your schedule has been thrown out of wack, but inspiration hit me like a speeding truck. Hope you like some of these.

Oh, I have a TON of thoughts about these! So, I'll spread out me responses in a 1 to 1 pattern

I always liked the idea of the Sins having full names, and the TM is perfect to Mammon

While I don't know if we'll ever get confirmation one way or the other, the Sins will, to me, always be found siblings who were once Heavens greatest circus before they were outcast for standing by their leader.

My design idea for Levi range from having transparent skin, to being partial rotted (like those videos of bottom feeders picking apart whale bodies). I'll be talking more about Levi's appearance in it's own post

At this point I'm starting to think the surfer thing is something the fandom gaslight itself with, because I can't find anyone genuinely claiming any such content was leaked. Personally, I see Levi as more of a sleazy editor/publisher, running the non-Pride news channels and most of Hell's print media. So basically, J. Jonnah, but he's a giant glowing eel.

I also think all the Sins have magical flight, but I also think that, like how Ozzie can manifest as a flame, Mam can manifest and move around as a lightning bolt.

YES! I love acrobatic Mam headcanons! My idea of him having needle like feet and his curly shoes being padded actually works really well with that. He can be very graceful when he wants to be.

Yeah, I think Satan would likely have a formalized way of doing this too, like, at some point personally declaring one side of a flame war the winners.

Yep, that's Bel and Baph in a nutshell. A lot of the mannerisms I envision for Baphomet come from the gag of Captain Fun and Activity Boy from the Jack Frost 2. (Look it up)

Again, I totally agree, I actually have a lot to say about Charlie and Bel's relationship, but that's for another time.

I like to think Mam has hair made of static electricity, it tingles to the touch, much like his webs.

Bee's consumption of emotions being what actually affects her body is a new idea to me, but one I love. Also kind of gives the impression she eats actual food mostly for the sensation of eating, which works pretty well.

My idea is that Mam can have kids, but always wanted it to be with someone he was absolutely sure about. However, Stella's trauma with essentially being forced to have Via gives him pause, it's a touchy subject for both of them.

Hah, nice. Also, I just leave this here, before rock existed, Mam was mostly into and performed opera.

Yeah, EDM is a good fit for Bel.

Oh, that's a new one for me. It's great! Might actually have a somewhat similar idea in the works....

This one I don't really jive with. I don't really like the idea of Charlie sparking all the Sins' character growth, but I do think they've all gone through a lot of "phases".

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1 year ago

Here’s one last round of headcanons & ideas I want to share before the grind of my classes really sets in:

Back when they were still a circus troupe, Asmodeus and Mammon had a stand up act wherein they would respectively take the role of the straight man and wise guy. Ozzie eventually grew sick of being the punchline to all of the act’s jokes and he eventually quit. This would be the start of Ozzie’s resentment towards Mam. Mammon for his part sort of had a Jack Fenton like fondness for Ozzie that made him oblivious to the patter’s growing disdain, at least until the events of the mid season finale caused them to come to the surface.

Prior to falling, Bee was a completely insectile angel. After getting exiled from Heaven and becoming a demon, adjusting to the fact she only retained a handful of her original buggy features was a major hurdle for her to overcome, with the creation of the Hellhounds being a major step in her coming to terms with her new body.

You mentioned Levi potentially undermining the others as part of him being the embodiment of Envy, and it got me thinking that this isn’t a behavior exclusive to him (granted, he’s probably the most active when it comes to tripping up the others). The Sins and what they embody don’t always gel well with one another, so, whether it be intentional or not, they tend to sabotage one another just as often as they manage to work together.

While the entirety of Sloth is basically Belphagor’s personal Petri dish, I doubt she’d stop at experimenting on her own subjects. I think she’d probably find a subtle way to broaden her test groups without upsetting the other Sins. Namely, by marketing experimental (and highly sketchy) pharmaceuticals to some of the other Rings. Like, anabolic steroids for Wrath, dietary supplements for Gluttony, “performance enhancers” for Lust, etc.

For some reason I can’t explain, my mental image of your interpretation of Baphomet looks like goat headed version of this guy:

Heres One Last Round Of Headcanons & Ideas I Want To Share Before The Grind Of My Classes Really Sets

Also, working off of your idea that Mammon used to perform opera, I think it would be neat if either Camio or Furfur were fans of/familiar with his older musical works.

I also like to think Mam’s opera career was his way of proving he wasn’t just a comedic clown, but also a dramatic clown. The mixed reception his operatic works received also could have contributed to his distaste towards performing.

Building on my idea of Lucifer going through a tyrannical phase, I feel he’d try his hardest to keep Charlie in the dark about that chapter of his life out of fear it would drive her away.

I also had the idea of Leviathan’s having a small inner circle of demons that resemble remoras he works with that are basically just a bunch of yes men trying to coast on their boss’s success and status.

My personal theory for the Ars Goetia’s origin in the Hellaverse is that founding members were angels that sympathized or identified with Lucifer and the others, and were consequently exiled to prevent further dissension in the ranks.

You cannot convince me that Mammon and Mimzy have not met at least once. With Mimzy’s ego, she’s probably convinced herself that she and Mam are as thick as thieves. Mammon, for his part, finds her overbearing and grating to be around, but lets her live her little fantasy as it makes her easier to con out of her money. As an aside, I like to think the Loan Sharks she was indebted to in Dad Beat Dad were on his payroll.

I don’t know why, but I kinda picture Satan as having glassblowing and possibly smithing as a hobby, with his personal dwellings have a lot of his work either on display or directly incorporated into the structure. All of it is done with his own barehands too.

I’m rather fond of the idea that Octavia got her taste in music from Stella (one of the few less refined indulgences she could manage growing), with the two bonding over their shared interest after leaving Stolas.

Since Mammon undoubtedly has strong ties with the crime families that inhabit his ring, I think it would be funny if at one point when Charlie was little there was a bit of a schedule overlap, wherein he has to babysit her at the same time he had a meeting with a mob boss. Shenanigans naturally ensued, which eventually led to a moment like this:

Heres One Last Round Of Headcanons & Ideas I Want To Share Before The Grind Of My Classes Really Sets

That’s all I’ve got for now. Hope you enjoy them.

I really like you idea for the Sins having more than 1 act tied to them. I love exploring Ozzie and Mam's dynamic, I especially like the idea of Asmodeus developing gradual resentment for Mammon, while he latter just sees him as an occasionally annoying younger brother. There's also the added irony that Inside no.9 has an episode about a failed comedy duo reuniting.

Ohh, Bee only getting canine traits after the fall is such a great idea! We could do a lot with this idea.

See, get what you mean and I agree, the Sins being a chaotic found family kind of comes with that. The point I was specifically trying to make it that Leviathan would probably be the only one to do it both intentionally and on the regular. Hope this clears things up.

Another great idea. I think Bel also forbids Bee from taking her party drugs is because the stash is always full of untested concoctions and she uses reverse psychology to make Bee take as much as she can for the parties so she can take stock of what was taken and track the side effects when they show up (because they always do) by comparing samples from patients to the testing samples she kept.

Yep, that's hitting the nail, but I must say, my favorite Baphomet idea is easily your concept of his Hawaiian shirt having medical patterns on it.

YEAH! Mam's older works still have plenty of fans. He tries not to show it, but he's always really happy to see his older projects being enjoyed and respected.

Yeah, he's a great creative, but his performances don't always stick the landing.

Absolutely, Luci would do literally anything to keep this from Charlie, he'll avoid the topic around the other Sins like the plague.

Levi's assistants being literal parasites like him is great, maybe he has cleaners who look lie deep sea prawns, too.

I really like the concept of the original Goetia being "lesser" rebels. Nothing more to say, really. Just a really solid idea.

Mimzy is one of Mammon's more recent disaster patsies, he keeps her around not just because she's easy to talk into pretty much anything, but because she's genuinely loyal to him, and most importantly, when he wants to test new loan sharks, he sees if they can survive tracking her down, they never catch her, she's too unpredictable for that, but making it out of chasing that walking disaster alive is an impressive feet for an average hellborn in it's own right.

Interesting, I had this ide of him having a thing for reenactments, since they're another great reason for fights and destruction.

This is so wholesome! I can picture a scene of Stella listening to something with earbuds and when she takes them out because Octavia wants to ask her something, Via is so surprised that she forgets what she was going to ask and they just end up talking about music.

Oh, that's amazing. This has a whole fic worth of potential, I can just imagine Charlie accidentally doing something that gets the most important gangster at the meeting killed and Mam, now with the big issue out of the way, just barks some quick orders to the ones who are left and they wordlessly shuffle out the door, making sure to avoid Charlie in the process. Of course, this would all happen when Charlie's too young to remember and Mammon wants to keep it that way, he knows she wouldn't be proud of it

Great ideas, all around, as always!

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1 year ago

Im letting you know that you are probably the sole reason I made up an entire au where mammon x stella had children... Yes multiple. Twins. Insufferable little shits. I never had such a fun time writing anything in my life but im so scared to release it into the wild its extremely cringe lmao

Anon, I'm begging you, there's so little proper Golden Goose content, whatever you have on this idea, please, PLEASE post it.

The idea of Mammon and Stella having twins, especially their interactions with Octavia, is amazing!

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1 year ago

(Little Via with her parents at a celebration waiting anxiously for Mammon to show up)

Stolas:(into the microphone) well it appears that Mr. Mammon will not be joining us today so we will have to start already, let the celebration,

(Stolas stops when he hears screaming everyone turned their heads to the source of the noise. And right then Mammon comes shooting out of the pipes. After bouncing back and forth between banners he heads straight to the royal family, specifically Stella, and lands right on top of her head smooshed between her bosom)

Mammon: (muffler) hello Stella

Via: he made it!

Ahh, the idea of Mammon and Stella having interest in each other prior to Stolas and Stella's divorce isn't something I've done much with... This might just lead me to another Golden Goose wip, and make no mistake, that's not a bad thing.

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11 months ago

Here are some (mostly Mammon centric) thoughts I came up with when I probably should have been doing work for class:

Working off of some of my previous ideas, I really like the idea of Mammon and Bee previously having some sort acrobatic act together in the same vein as my idea Ozzie and Mam were once a comedy duo.

I like to interpret that a lot of Mam’s business ventures, while primarily rooted in greed, have a sense of sentimentality to them. Loo Loo Land for example is a blatant cash grab and pet project of Mam, but it’s also his (kinda weird & messed up) way of showing his respect for Lucifer (not to mention it was a place he and his niece made a lot of fun memories). Building off of this, his idea for making the Robo Fizz’s fully functional pleasure toys is him taking the advice from Ozzie that “sex sells” and running with it (Ozzie probably kicked himself when he realized this). I also like to think he has other business ventures that homage the other Sins, like a fast food chain that has a menu containing a lot of food Bee is/was fond of.

Also building off of the previous bullet, if Mammon ever finds out what really caused Loo Loo Land to burn down, he would personally March up to Pride and deal with I.M.P. Not to mention “taking care of” Blitzo would also be a way to indirectly get back at Fizz.

I can’t help but feel part of Octavia’s apprehension towards Mammon when he starts dating Stella stems from him being the creator of the Fizzarolli robots and maybe some level of coulrophobia given Mammon is basically the premier clown of Hell. I think it would be neat if he actually managed to help get over some of her fear as they start getting closer as father and stepdaughter, perhaps even through their shared distaste for the robotic clowns, even if it is for different reasons.

For the life of me, I cannot get the idea of the male Sins at one point or another growing facial hair. Like, just the mental image of Luci with a full beard and Mam with a Gomez Addams style mustache haunts me. Granted, I also feel like they probably look back on this period and laugh about given how it just doesn’t mesh with their aesthetics.

I know I’ve commented on what I think Mammon looks like under his hat, but the reoccurring joke of him never being bare headed gives me life. Him never being seen without his trademark jester’s cap is hysterical to me. Morning, noon, and night; rain, sleet, or snow, he’s always wearing it. The only exception being when he bathes… then he wears a shower cap.

Just this:

The Sins (minus Luci) are standing outside of the Hazbin Hotel, planning on giving their niece a surprise visit.

Leviathan: Oh it’s going to be so nice to see Charlotte again. (To himself) I don’t get why she always has to go see her father, it’s not like it takes THAT long to visit Envy. Asmodeus: (Chuckles) You said it Levi. After all this time, I bet her face is gonna light up the second she sees her favorite uncle. Satan: Mammon? Asmodeus: Wha-NO! ME! (The others look amongst themselves before erupting into a chorus of laughter) Belphagor: *Click-Click-Click* That Does Not Sound Right. Asmodeus: Oh, Ha-ha-ha… Fuck you guys, we’ll see who’s her favorite. (Charlie walks out to greet her guests and face IMMEDIATELY lights up) (She squees and proceeds to charge at Ozzie… only to run past him and tackle/hug Mammon) Charlie: Uncle Mammon! Mammon: (Hugs her back) Charlie! Little Dingo! It’s so good to see you! How’ve you been? (Mammon proceeds to flip Ozzie off behind Charlie’s back) (Ozzie seethes as the other Sins stifle another round of laughter)

Hope you enjoy these, I’m probably going to be pretty inactive for a while.

Thanks for more goodies!

That's a pretty neat idea, also, reminds me of my idea for Levi's role in the troupe is an escapist/stuntman, since his slimy serpent body makes him very adept at it.

Aww. This actually reminds me of my own idea for a fic of Mam consulting Via while brainstorming ideas for the rebuilt Loo Loo Land to give it some more actual identity. Since that would make the parallel with the original LLL being tied to Mammon's relationship with Charlie and the new one being tied to his relationship with Octavia. I generally like the idea of Via inspiring Mammon to express his authentic self a bit more.

I think he'd also go after Wally, since I have the headcanon that Wally just snuck in and used a spare cart for his own torches, since if he actually worked there, he would have to split it with the park.

YESSS! Via's reaction to learning Stella and Mammon were dating at all must've been something else. I'm honestly surprised I don't see more people exploring coulrophobia as a character trait for Via. I'm also a sucker for Octavia-Mammon bonding ideas, they're always so cute!

I actually have a dilemma about this, on one hand, Luci looking like he has an exact wig of his hair glued to his face after neglecting himself in favor of his duck making is a great visual, but I also find the thought of Luci being naturally baby-faced really funny.

I think Mam would sleep without his hat, but he would still only take it off after getting in and locking the door so any passing house staff don't see him without it. It's not even that he's insecure, he's just that committed to the bit/brand. Very few have lived after seeing his gently electrified locks, speaking of which, I like to think that, like his webs, his hair produces a soft static tingle to the touch.

Yes, just so much yes.

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11 months ago

Sorry for taking a while to get around to this, but I really wanted to think about your ideas and add some of my own!

First off, I adore Merch and would happily draw so much art of him if I could replicate the style to my satisfaction.

So let's start;

I think Merch would have a pattern similar to the darker pattern in Stella's hair, which could be in his electric hair/mane, also, building of my idea for Mammon having gold claws on his hands and needle-like feet, I think Merch's would be more akin to crystals. Also, I love the general idea of him being a peacock spider, specifically.

Thinking about it, Merch would probably be great at making (and, should the need arise, manipulating) friends, given that both of his parents are extremely extroverted people.

Also, he would have both electric and crystal powers, so he could really make a mess when he feels like it.

I feel Merch would very much be the type of kid to remind a teacher there was homework, he just loves being active, just like his dad.

For his older self, the idea of Merch becoming an imagineer is amazing, but I just want to add the concept of him wearing suits that evoke both glittery 60s and 70s stand up comedians and something to do with electricity, like a simplified circuit pattern.

I'd love to explore the dynamic between Octavia and a slightly older Merch, especially as he would quickly outgrow her. I could imagine they playfully mess with each other quite often. I could see Merch gently resting his arm on Via's head, sarcastically asking where his big sister could be.

You mentioning Charlie made me realize that if Merch eventually found out what the original hotel looked like, he would never let Charlie hear the end of it.

Leviathan would also do everything he could think of in an attempt to be Merch's favorite uncle.

I can't help but think Merch would have a slight soft spot for Andrea, since he might notice how much the time they spend together means to his uncle.

Merch would also take every chance to slip Fizz's hat off in front of others, because he knows how uncomfortable it makes him.

Yeah, I don't think anyone but Stella and Mammon could properly manage the chaos of baby Merch.

When it comes to Stolas, I think Merch would absolutely arrange for some elaborate event as a big front for setting up a humiliating experience for Stolas. Naturally playing dumb about both the prank and the fact he knows what Stolas did the whole time.

So, this brings me to a big idea I haven't mentioned anywhere, I like to think that Mam's palace is on an island just off the coast of Greed's mainland, a part of the island which was previously empty is converted into a bit of an arcade type spot, for Via and Merch to entertain friends at.

Mammon would also make sure Merch knew how to defend himself without using his powers, in case he had to do it in a hidden form, without drawing attention.

In addition to the cent thing, instead of the playing card diamonds, I think Merch would be associated with the more typical 5 pointed from the side view, flat topped diamonds.

Personally, I think Merch would be slightly taller than Stella and Octavia, but still notably shorter than Mammon, mostly as most spiders are a good bit bigger than peacock spiders.

I can't even express how much I LOVE the idea of Merch having a shilling tick, I don't think Octavia would really mind, at this point she'd have long since embraced the "corporate shame" she used to be annoyed by, she can, for lack of a better term, see the appeal.

Merch would also follow his family's tendency towards music, his first instrument would be bongos, again, because peacock spider.

I think Octavia would actually get really invested of taking care of little Merch, because it wasn't until she learned about the egg that she realized she had an internalized wish to have a sibling.

A Golden Goose Idea

After putting some thought into it, I’ve decided to hop back online for a moment and share some ideas I’ve had for a Mammon X Stella fan kid. I probably won’t do much of anything with with the character, but I felt like sharing my vision of a gremlin child for this glorious ship, while also borrowing from some of the ideas posited by @prof-ramses.

Ideas Under The Cut:

While Stella had experience from when Octavia was still an egg and was for the most part pretty reserved during the incubation period, Mammon’s nerves were shot and his dread over something going wrong before the egg hatched led him to act (more) aggressive and impulsive towards those outside his family. During the months leading up to the hatching day, Greed as a whole was walking on pins and needles for fear of provoking its ruler’s fury.

When the day finally came, Mammon and Stella welcomed a bouncing baby boy into the world and in that moment both felt like they were at the top of Hell.

They named him Merch.

Physically, Merch takes heavily after his father (same general build and four arms, but his head is more blocky and he has four visible eyes), with some attributes from his uncle Andy (he has some sparse crystalline/icy feathers). Overall, he draws a lot of inspiration from a Peacock Spider (Arachnophobia Warning).

Personality wise, Merch has the innocent, but chaotic energy of Spooky Month’s Skid and Pump mixed with the scheming and quick thinking of Louise Belcher. Merch is also possessing of a boundless sense of curiosity and a complete lack of understanding of boundaries or warnings, often resulting in him leaving chaos in his wake when left unattended.

Has a really close relationship with both of his parents, often helping his mom with her art projects and being overjoyed whenever his dad takes him to any of his various businesses (especially Loo Loo Land).

I like to think Merch eventually grows up to be an architect/engineer/imagineer that specializes in making fair rides and amusement parks as a tribute to both of his parents’ interests.

His relationship with Octavia is a bit distant given the significant gap in their ages, but the two get along pretty well and often turn to one another as someone they can vent to.

When it comes to his extended family, the Sins are (for the most part) overjoyed to have another little one running around they can dote on and guide towards eventually becoming a new superpower in Hell and Charlie just lights up whenever she sees him and he’s always excited to hangout with his cousin.

As for uncle Andrealphus, Merch follows in his dad’s footsteps in stringing him along and subtly insulting him to his face. Mam has definitely taught him to do the same to Ozzie and Fizz under the guise of it being a game.

While Camio and Furfur are overjoyed that Stella and Mam have another kid and they do genuinely care for Merch, after their first (and last) time babysitting him, they prefer to be around him with his parents or sister also being present.

The only person Merch legitimately dislikes is Stolas because, even if Merch doesn’t know all of the details, he knows that Stolas hurt his mom and sister. Stolas is probably the only person Merch actively schemes against in the hopes of making his life more difficult.

While Stella and Mammon are pretty involved and present parents, Merch is pretty much free to wander and explore Greed unattended, the same applying to Octavia, with no fear of either of them being in any real danger. Everyone in the ring knows better than to mess with them because, unlike Ozzie, Mammon would be far more active in ensuring either of his kids’ safety, even if it means cutting a bloody swath through his own territory.

In terms of voice, I can only really picture him as sounding like Pump.

I really like the idea of Merch wearing clothes emblazoned with a cent sign as a nod to Mammon’s design incorporating dollar signs.

I also like the idea of Merch just generally being larger than the rest of his family as an adult, while keeping most of his easy going and cheerfully chaotic personality despite maturing.

Merch has a tendency to say corporate buzzwords and shill Mammon brand products. He doesn’t really understanding what he’s talking about, he just wants to imitate his dad. Mammon and Stella find this habit adorable, while Octavia is left more than a little exasperated by it all.

Merch is every bit as touchy-feely and has the same personal space invading tendencies as his father.

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11 months ago

Some ideas for Merch

For the uninitiated, @thatguywhodoesstuff made a Golden Goose fankid named Merch and We've been exchanging some ideas about him recently, so I decided to dump a bunch of my own concepts for him here, or rather, under the cut

Mammon's is immensely excited and nervous about the prospect of having a biological child prior to Merch hatching. During this time the other Sins, mainly Lucifer and Beelzebub, do their best to help him get through his rough patches.

When Merch does hatch, Mam gives Glitz and Glam a 2 year long roadmap of events to attend since he won't be there to directly manage their act with a new baby in the house. He also makes it very clear what will happen to them should they stray from it in an significant way.

As a kid, Merch wears a lot of baggy clothes and often takes Via's old stuff or at least he would if he liked the colors more).

When Merch starts manifesting his many powers, Mammon devotes extra time to teaching him to control them and even how to strengthen them should the need arise.

When Merch is a tween, he starts being a bit sassy towards his family, which is nothing special, but when he starts learning about Stella's background with her ex husband, he lightens up on it a little, especially towards Stella. There's an unspoken agreement in the rest of the family that they know why he calmed down but none of them point it out.

You might think Merch's fondness of annoying him and Fizz would make Ozzie stop trying to be his favorite uncle, but it's quite the opposite. Asmodeus thinks his nephew is just generally mischievous and thinks that if he plays it off like Merch's pranks don't get to him, he might be seen as the "cool uncle". Merch finds these misguided efforts hilarious.

Merch doesn't see himself as ever seeking out a relationship and considers himself fully content with just the family he has now and his businesses. Mammon sees a lot of his younger self in this behavior and lightly jokes about it with his son.

While it's very rare for Merch to get outright angry, it's not too rare to see him at this scariest, which is actually when he's extremely excited for something, usually the launch or opening of a project. He goes into full cackling super villain mode and takes the moment to relish his own business acumen.

Somewhat adjacent, he has Batman levels of contingency plans for every toy line he owns. In addition to having several episode of a tie-in cartoon made before they even hit stores, he will have paid some desperate artists peanuts to make a pilot for a spinoff series for each main cast member in case they become popular enough to sustain their own line. He convinces them to do this by promising that the animators will also profit from this one character inevitably becoming a fan favorite, he, of course, keeps every team he has working on these "preparations" unaware of the others. And that's all just one example.

When Merch is frustrated, electricity of several colors emanates from his swept back crest/hair, in a way similar to a plasma ball

This last one is more of a premise for something else, but Merch fits very well into it. He sets up a domain in preparation for his attempt to convince uncle Fizz to return to performing, and when he refuses, turns it into a Fizz trolling forum. One frequent patron of the forum seems to take to it oddly well, and this is not lost on Merch.

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9 months ago

Helluva Boss The Full Moon Review

So, some episode huh? In all seriousness, I'm glad to say I enjoyed this episode far more than I expected, likely due to the fact that most of the episode isn't about what I expected.

The opening number is among HB's few non-diegetic songs and a really good one, it's packed with good jokes and leads into something we'll get to later.

Bringing back both the cherubs and agents is something I would've likely advised against in a vacuum, but with the way it's done, it feels natural and gives us a lot of great humor. All 5 personalities get a moment to shine in their short interaction and the visuals of the new DHORKS base, with it's captive cryptids and lab grown "battle priests", are very memorable and distinctive.

But easily my favorite thing about the episode is getting a look at the Lust ring through the eyes of an non-exorcist heavenborn. It's one of those ideas that takes full advantage of the setting in the way only my favorite episodes do.

The action scene this time around was incredible and the idea of the rest of IMP stalking Blitz to make sure he didn't ruin their business was both brilliant and hilarious.

Now, what I know you've been waiting for, my thoughts on that ending. I can hardly believe I'm about to say this, but I genuinely don't take issue with anything Stolas does in this episode.... in a vacuum that is, because at this point, his epiphany is too little too late, due to the retconning in The Circus and his awful performance in season 2 up to this point, I can't look past it to focus on his genuine regret, had the retconning not happened, and this scene happened in his first major appearance in season 2, dare I say, it could have salvaged him in my eyes, I wanted to like Stolas, but at this point I just can't. Though the miscommunication in the scene feels a pinch forced but in a way that I can still buy for these characters.

There is one more thing about this scene however, the implications it has for Octavia's character, because it implies that she is going to be a higher priority for Stolas for the rest of the season, which is something I will be keeping a very close eye on.

One last point, given everything that happened in this episode and what little we've seen of Apology Tour, I am slightly concerned that the show will fall into the trap of resolving this plot thread too quickly, but I hope I'm wrong on that.

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9 months ago

Helluva Boss Apology Tour review

In retrospect, it's pretty funny that my expectations for this and The Full Moon ended up being reversed, the episode I expected to by focused on character interaction ended up being more action focused, while the episode I thought would be action focused ended up being mostly character interactions.

For those who just want my thoughts on the plot developments: Once again, I'm pleasantly surprised by how Stolas is handled, with a few moments sticking out for currently neutral reasons (it'll make more sense later).

Now, do get to the details:

I felt the opening sequence was slightly longer than needed, but I feel that was somewhat intentional, evoking a sense of unease.

The montage of the bulk of Blitz's apologies is a lovely tribute to what amounts to the first third of the show, this is easily the most callback heavy episode, but I'd say it feels earned given its place in the story. And I simply can't gloss over the brief acknowledgement of all the people who ship Martha and Mayberry, for someone like me, who has a love of those tongue in cheek fandom gags, it's a real good treat.

Speaking of references, don't think I missed Grandpa's cameo when Blitz gets to Earth, oddly enough, it's not even the characters first interactions with the hellaverse, as Brandon's channel has a sketch of Blitz and Moxxie going after Grandpa.

The song was perfectly serviceable, even if I'm not a fan of Bryce Pinkham's voice in general. I'll also take this opportunity to say I loved both the joke of an actual Blitz plush being burned and the brief shot of the last "party" Stolas attended.

The major point of the episode is obviously the conversation between Blitz and Stolas at the party, and I certainly have some thoughts on it. The first moment that stuck out to me was Stolas saying he wants someone to care about him and want him in their life, only for him to clarify a moment later that he meant it romantically feels like it was done to show that he's, at least on some level, aware that he's neglecting Octavia, which I can't wait to see catch up with him, hopefully by the end of the season. The second is when her doubles down on wanting to be wanted, the exact moment when I came up with this question:"Stolas why do you think no one wants you in their life?" And this is exactly what I hope is built on, Stolas has drowned himself in self pity for so long that there's very little to him as a person to the point that no one sees any real benefit in having any relationship with him, not just romantically, but platonically as well.

This is all building to my point, I'm genuinely starting to think that Blitz and Stolas' relationship will ultimately end on a mutually respectful break up, and if that does turn out to be true then I might genuinely end up somewhat respecting this plotline, despite the major road bumps in the first half of the season.

The last major point I want to hit is Verosika, who manages to be both more extreme and more subdued than before while still feeling completely natural. While I don't have any concrete ideas, I am very curious to see where her character goes in the future.

In conclusion, while I think I prefer The Full Moon, this is still a better episode than roughly half of season. I just hope they can keep it up in the last three episodes as well as the three shorts we'll be getting in July, August and September, which are indeed a thing, in case you weren't aware. That's all for now, feel free to leave any of your own thoughts below.

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8 months ago

I’ve been in creative dry spell when it comes to Golden Goose and starving to see more of it, so I was wondering if you had any new ideas regarding the pairing. I really hope I don’t sound demanding in this ask, I just thought I’d see if you had any ideas you felt like sharing.

So, with all the stuff we've been taking about recently and that recent community post, I think I finally have enough to say to actually answer this.

Not all of this will be strictly Golden Goose, but most of it will be.

Early into his friendship with Stella, when Mammon first started having deeper feelings for her, he was extremely anxious because he wasn't sure if how deep they were, whether they were just a brief sensation or something more. What helped him embrace these feelings is spending more time around Stella, but also those around her, Camio, Furfur and Octavia especially.

Meanwhile, Stella is also hesitant because she knows that rebounds are a thing and Andre's drilling into her that she has no real experience with forming a romantic relationship.

They're both cutely awkward in this phase and I think there's a lot of potential for some lighter minor conflicts here, including Octavia's fear of clowns.

I think that once they were all in the Greed ring, Via started being a bit more outgoing at social events and actually started making some friends, despite what you might expect, Mam wasn't overprotective of her at this time, mainly because by then he knew her well enough to know she could handle herself. Despite this, Stella often stresses to her that she can openly tell them about any problems and Via takes it as a forgone conclusion that her mother knows how to pick up some subtle things she herself might miss.

Another idea I've been pondering is something happening to Fizz and Mammon dropping his teasing to support Ozzie, and Ozzie himself is taken aback by it. But despite the open dislike that Ozzie has for him, Mam still sees him as his little brother and knows when Asmodeus needs him.

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9 months ago

Blizø really is the textbook definition of an unreliable narrator, not because he’s the villain or is being malicious in his intent, but because he’s all too human (or imp I guess in this case)

We’re all biased naturally. It just be like that, but trauma can take that part of human nature and just run with it.

It’s why I love Stolas and Blitzø, they’re just so perfectly imperfect. It’s such a well written example of what it’s like to love somebody who’s so utterly broken, and love them anyway. Stolas isn’t using Blitzø, he’s navigating loving someone that is not currently capable of loving properly, while also being very much broken himself.

And I love Stolas because he’s surprisingly emotionally mature if you think about it.

Family wise, for someone who seemingly never had parental love modeled for him, he’s doing damn well with his daughter. Is it a train wreck? Absolutely, but the intention is always loving and he can communicate about that with her.

Like at Loo Loo Land. That went awfully. He realized his mistake and tried to talk it out. Even when he didn’t have the words, he made it clear how much he adores Octavia, and validated her emotions. He also took the time to learn her more current interests. Did he understand her love of taxidermy? (or whatever it was, I don’t remember exactly) No not at all and his face made that clear. But he understood she’s a teenager now, and he agreed to take her to her new favorite place.

With regards to his love life, and this is honestly the most admirable to me, no matter how many times Blitzø is blinded by his pre conceived beliefs of himself and Stolas, Stolas doesn’t leave. He takes the time to understand Blitzø doesn’t mean to hurt him, and is hurting himself (emotionally) if anything. This isn’t Stolas’ burden to bear, but he loves Blitzø, and he just won’t let him suffer alone.

For examples please see almost every Stolas and Blitzø episode. There’s too many examples to choose from.

Blitzs Entire Life Spent Being Unwanted. So He Adapted, And Learned How To Be Something Needed, Something
Blitzs Entire Life Spent Being Unwanted. So He Adapted, And Learned How To Be Something Needed, Something
Blitzs Entire Life Spent Being Unwanted. So He Adapted, And Learned How To Be Something Needed, Something
Blitzs Entire Life Spent Being Unwanted. So He Adapted, And Learned How To Be Something Needed, Something
Blitzs Entire Life Spent Being Unwanted. So He Adapted, And Learned How To Be Something Needed, Something

Blitzøs entire life spent being unwanted. So he adapted, and learned how to be something needed, something to be used.

Which is why I think he firmly believes he is being used by Stolas. He simply cannot fathom a different reality, one in which he is wanted for once in his life.

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This kinda' gave me an idea and here me out for a second.

Either Octavia runs away from home or she get's put up for adoption because she was a girl and the heir had to be a boy so Stolas had to ditch her when a male heir was born, the idea is that Via is 14/15 at the start and she is up for adoption at the time that blitzø goes to the Hellhound adoption center to get a Hellhound, she is left there because It's an easier place to hide an unwanted goetia, and besides she will get put down at 18 so it's convinient.

(I'm gonna go with the former cus' It makes more sense)

When Blitzø goes there Loona isn't there (IDK how to write her out) and he sees Via, he noticed how small and cornered she looks in comparation to the other hellhounds, she looked frightened, he asks the lady in charge about her and she says "oh Octavia, yeah some royals came in and drop of barely a year ago, said that they don't need her anymore or somethin' and just told us to treat her like any other Hellhound, but between you and me, she won't make it another month, the others pick on her cus' she can't defend herself so she can barely get some food, if you ask me, She isn't gonna' amount to anything useful". And immediately after that he adopts her.

Blitz and Via don't have the best start, mainly because Via is terrified about what's gonna happend to her, but after some time they genuinely bond, Via loves blitz old clothes and cd's and blitz makes space so that Via can get some plants in the apartment and with time they consider eachother doughter and father, as if they were always that. Sure, Via does miss Stolas and Stella and even her old house, but she starts to realize that she prefers the crampt up apartment to the cold palace walls everyday, she favors the dad that drops his job the second she might be in danger and teaches her to defend herself, instead of the parents who are always busy with the royal life and can't spare a second for her doughter. And Blitz loves her to bits, she's his little girl that has taught him how to grow emotionaly because she needs him, the owlette whom he tresures more than he hates himself, who convinces him to stop bluring himself in pictures cus' she is worried about him and the little girl who brings the best of him so he can protect her.

So about the book, blitz gets the idea not because of his past with stolas, but because he sees Via doing magic and he wants her to have the means to learn it properly, when he asks her about the magic he tells him about The Grimoair and where Stolas keeps it and right there and then blitz has the idea of stelling it. They map out the castle based on Via's memories of the place and the make an actual sucesfull heist.

While Via is practicing with the book she discovers a spell to keep them hidden from the goetia family, basically making the spells untrackable and it's Via who proposes going to the human realm to gain notoriety. At first blitz is against Via getting involve on the job (she's no older than 16) but he gets persuaded when Millie and Moxie suggest that she becomes a secretary and just help that travel, instead of participating in the killing, so he reluctantly agrees, besides Via gets to practice magic so win win, and that's how they start.

I know it's a bit of a rant, but I really enjoy the idea, especially because it help both characters getting proper motive to better themselves and some actual character develoment, like:

blitz wanting to go home at time cus' Via is still young, and thus' working on his coping methods so he gets to be with her.

Via working on her abandoning fear, because even tho' the Goetias left her to die, she has a wonderful dad that checks on her every chanse he gets and who has everything on the calendar so he dosn't forget anything important and Moxie & Millie that make sure she learns about diferent things, moxie with the hole "fancy" stuff and millie teaches her about about how to deal with creeps and is more of a mother figure to her.

Blitz talking about his problems to his doughter so she doesn't feel like it's her fault about blitz comitment issues and Via getting constant reasurance that nothing that her dad does should afect their relationship, unless she wants that change.

Blitz who learns to apologise, not because he's doing it out of pettiness, but because her daughter wants everyone to see what an amazing father he became and how much better he is, and most of all, to help her dad realize that it's not always his fault.

Again, sorry for the rant but I love this idea.

Loona and Octavia have had one very brief, extremely short conversation where Loona just said “get over it. At least your dad hasn’t disowned you” and via just said “okay” yet thousands of people call them “sisters??”

I actually think Loona abuses and beats Blitzø up as badly as Stella does to Stolas, including throwing objects and backhanding. But it’s funny when it happens to Blitzø??? He even does the same placating behaviour holding his hands up, that stolas did in looloo land.

If Octavia moved in with these people it would just be more domestic violence terrifying her. She looked scared when Loona kicked him after they reunited. Stolas looked worried at his injury but said nothing. As if Blitzø just deserved it?? Then stolas the shitty dad, gets a hug!? It wasn’t Blitzøs fault he didn’t see Octavia break in, or that he simply asked Loona to try at her job and not take it for granted. Then to top it off he was scared to call stolas because stolas might hurt him next. Holy shit he was mistreated terribly. With fans saying ‘that’s what you get for Ozzies’

That moment at the end though was so weird and toxic, I think it’s everything wrong with the show. Blitz and Via wrongly blamed for everything. Is women abusing men funny or not to you, show? Because just like Stella, Loona had no choice but to accept Blitzø as her dad and she has trauma. But you guys said trauma isn’t an excuse? Apologism even? With Twitter user dreamer even saying that “not believing women can physically abuse men like stolas is misogyny actually” and “Stella is the most violent person to exist” (Viv approved btw, wow) but Loona isn’t???

Octavia deserves better than Stolas, better than Loona, better than this show. So does Blitz. We all deserve better.

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