It/its/ze/hir/they/them/cor/corpse/haunt/haunts/hallow/hallows/rot/rots/hell/hells (any pronouns are fine, however. ask which nounself sets are okay, I tend to lean away from sets like bun/buns). Adult. Not a safe space for TERFs, the labrys flag is not your hate symbol by the way. I use this blog for whatever I want, mostly screaming into the void and uplifting obscure queer identities. Warframe and Sonic content likely. Scary transandrophobia truther. More in pinned. [Profile picture ID: a monochrome cutout of Satou Matsuzaka smiling with a striped bow in hand, with a background featuring the most common lesboy flag. End ID End ID][Header ID: A GIF of a wolf howling in the snow. end ID]
1781 posts
Because The Very Possibility Of Men Being Involved In Someone's Lesbianism Is Enough For The Baby TERFs
because the very possibility of men being involved in someone's lesbianism is enough for the baby TERFs in lesbian spaces to lose their shit. There's definitely misogyny in gay spaces but jesus christ is the anti man crowd of lesbian 'feminists' really loud.
why is it so much harder for people to accept bi lesbians than bi gays
harmlessmediocrities liked this · 6 months ago
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nonspicychickenramennoodles liked this · 7 months ago
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sirenium reblogged this · 7 months ago
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More Posts from Sirenium
'a man can't be a woman' watch me
All Trans men are men, but not all Trans men aren’t women.
All Trans women are women, but not all Trans women aren’t men.
Gender can be far more complex and less binary for many folks 💗
when people like me say we're pro sex work we don't mean we're pro sex industry. We want to see heavy improvement with how that industry handles its workers, and trying to abolish sex work makes things fucking worse. If sex work is outlawed, sex workers will have even less legal protections, you dumb fucks. Y'all claim to be for women's rights until a woman goes into a line of work you think is icky. you claim being pro sex work is 'pro rape', because certainly people advocating for better atmospheres for sex workers definitely want to abolish consent too (heavy sarcasm). It's irritating, these people are irritating.
god fucking damn i am so angry at stupid people on this stupid website. transandrophobia/anti trans masculinity is real and i am so tired of trying to explain this.
I'm all of the above, so ofc

Reblog is this is a safe space for the identities theses flags represent pls follow too
Hehehe I’m a demiboy <3
'oh, so I'm a queerphobe now because I think xenogenders and neopronouns are fake?' yes.
'I'm queerphobic because I think mspec lesbians, turigirls, and the like are invalid and appropriating the labels of lesbian, bi etc?' yes.
what you are doing is misunderstanding a queer identity, failing to enlighten yourself, and weaponizing your own ignorance against a queer person and painting them as the problem. You are writing off the existence of a queer person because you don't understand, or maybe do not even want to understand, their identity. You brush it off as fake and nonsensical. You think it's appropriating your own experience.
That is precisely what transphobes do to all trans people, what transmeds do to the 'wrong' type of trans person. That is precisely what homophobes do to all lesbians and gay men. Make no mistake, that bigotry affects you too no matter how much of a 'good' or 'correct' trans person/gay person you are. And if you are an ally espousing this kind of blatantly queerphobic rhetoric, I hope you feel ashamed. Where you claim to be in support of the LGBTQ community, you throw certain members of it under the bus because it's too much for you. You don't get to make that call; you either support all queer people in their identities, or you do not support queer people. That makes you queerphobic.