Rad Inclus - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Here's A Mspec Lesbian/gay Supporter/ally Flag Made By @IdioticMikeland On Twitter/IdioticMikeland#4417

Here's a mspec lesbian/gay supporter/ally flag made by @IdioticMikeland on twitter/IdioticMikeland#4417 on Discord. We used the het flag for the triangle because we had pretty much no other options.. I say "we" as we brainstormed ideas together, but he was the one to make the actual flag.

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1 year ago

God I'm so fuckin tired of trying to find new xenogender servers to join and almost all of them are anti mspec lesbian/gay, anti endo, or both. Like Jesus Fuckin Christ, dude.

Anyway, if you're xenic and are an mspec les/gay or endo system (or supportive of mspec les/gays AND endo systems), please feel free to join our server. Yeah I got ya, this is an ad/hj

⚠️new plan for joining, DM me for a link to the server, as I am too bad at keeping up with replacing the link here⚠️

Also we're age regressor friendly.

Exclusionists, please respect that this is a safe space, so keep your opinions to yourself and leave us alone. Thanks. <3

Plain text: Exclusionists, please respect that this is a safe space, so keep your opinions to yourself and leave us alone. Thanks. <3

Oh, and any contradictory label havers/supporters are allowed. This includes, but isn't limited to, lesboys and gaybians. Hope to see you there!

Edit: so we've had a few people join and then leave — not that that's an issue! — so I feel the need to explain how to get verified if that has been or is a problem for anyone. You go to the channel labeled 'rules-verification' and fill out the form by interacting with it. Once the form is accepted by a mod, you'll be verified. Please note that you have to have an account (It can be on any platform, not just tumblr) that we can look at to ensure that you're chill (as in, not an exclusionist): this is a security measure to help keep this space troll free. Thank you.

Another edit: heads up, our mod team gets inactive at times, meaning the verification process can get rather slow. Additionally, if you're likely to just up and leave, maybe don't join the server; I don't mean to vague anybody, but we've had people do that and it causes me slight to moderate stress when people just… leave.

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1 year ago

If you ever feel invalidated by an exclusionist, please remember this post because I can assure you they don't know what they're talking about💀

⚠️trigger warning for of course exclusionist dumbassery, also this gets rant-y⚠️

I swear exclusionists have the most incoherent thought processes known to man dude cuz what is this shit

If You Ever Feel Invalidated By An Exclusionist, Please Remember This Post Because I Can Assure You They

[ID: purple header text reading he/him lesboy flag/ hesboy flag! Under this text is plain black text reading based on these two flags: •reclaimed lesboy •he/him lesbian. Under this, red, bold text reads DNI, followed by rad inclus, terfs/transmeds, anti he/him lesbians & she/her gays, male/men "lesbians" in black plain text. End ID]

'Lesboy flag' and 'no man lesbians' in the same post... my brain is melting. Also... these people 'reclaimed' the term lesboy? Just to exclude a group of people who are lesboys? You do know that lesbians who also consider themselves men are also included in the lesboy term? Apparently not to these people. Butches who also consider themselves men? Sorry, not lesbians anymore. Multigender man lesbians? Nah sorry you're men so you can't be lesbians./sarc

If You Ever Feel Invalidated By An Exclusionist, Please Remember This Post Because I Can Assure You They

[ID: blue header text reading Demiboy lesbian flag! Beneath this, quote text (at least I think that's what it's called) reads I couldn't decide on which ones to choose, so I'm posting all of them! Beneath this, much like the previous image, OP starts off their DNI with a bold red DNI, followed by black plain text. This text reads mspec "lesbians", radinclus, terfs/transmeds, radfems, men/male "lesbians", anti he/him lesbians and she/her gays. End ID]

Is that,, not excluding demiboy lesbians? Oh my bad, it's fine cuz they're only 'partially male' and therefore aren't ACTUALLY icky men invading lesbian spaces!/sarc

Also can I just say how fucking entitled it is to be all like 'mspec "lesbians"' with the quotes and shit? Like oh my god get over yourself, you aren't the leader of the lesbians™️ [trademark]. Bro thinks they're part of the lesbian council or some shit. 💀

Besides that, this has got to be one of the funniest examples of exclusionist stupidity I've ever seen. I can't get over it bro: 'demiboy lesbian flag!' 'Fuck off icky man lesbians!' In the SAME. POST. BAHAHA–


It's rare that I feel the need to take screenshots and talk about them on my blog, but these are so poetically idiotic that I had to make a whole post dedicated to them. So yeah, sorry about your braincells lmao. But just know you're valid regardless of how you identify as a lesbian, and these are the types of people who think otherwise. Needless to say, they aren't really that credible.

If You Ever Feel Invalidated By An Exclusionist, Please Remember This Post Because I Can Assure You They

[ID: a DNI banner with a purple background with lighter purple text reading DNI: system/queer exlusionists, TERFs/SWERFs, truscum/transmeds, anti recovery for harmful paraphilia, anti otherkin, anti self dx, pro cringe culture, pro-lifers, anti xenogender. A more detailed DNI is in my pinned post. A transparent png of Shadow The Hedgehog can be seen on the right, beside the text. He's holding his hand to his chest, his body facing the text and his eyes looking off to the distance. End ID]

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1 year ago
[ID: A Tumblr Post That Reads Reminder You Do Not Need Gender Dysphoria To Be Valid. Non-dysphoric Trans

[ID: a tumblr post that reads reminder you do not need gender dysphoria to be valid. Non-dysphoric trans people are just as valid as dysphoric trans people. End ID]

Reclaimed from an mspec lesbian and endo exclusionist, because you either respect all good faith identities or you're a fuckin poser<3

[ID: A Tumblr Post That Reads Reminder You Do Not Need Gender Dysphoria To Be Valid. Non-dysphoric Trans

[Banner ID: DNI system/queer exclusiomists, TERFs/SWERFs, truscum/transmeds, anti recovery for harmful paraphilia, anti otherkin, pro-lifers, anti xenogender. A more detailed DNI is in my pinned post. End ID]

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1 year ago

Queer Affirmations

[Pt: Queer affirmations end pt]

There is no such thing as ‘having too many’ labels. Your identity is your own, so have fun with it!

Queer experiences are highly diverse; no two queer people are exactly the same.

Wear what makes you happy!

Use whatever pronouns you feel comfortable with.

Label your attraction however you see fit.

Go by as many names as you want.

Being trans doesn't have to be defined by suffering.

Being queer is not something to be ashamed of!

Your identity doesn't have to make sense to other people for it to be valid.

You aren't ‘invading spaces’ by being yourself.

Love isn't what makes you human. Having sex isn't what makes you human.

Your body isn't an ‘error’ of nature.

Being a ‘cringy’ queer person is rad!

You don't have to change your presentation or body to be a valid trans person. You don't owe anyone androgyny.

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1 year ago

Exclusionists remind me of a preschool kid who refuses to share their toys with another kid. It's on the same level of stupid, immature entitlement to tell people what labels they can and cannot use, and it gives me so much secondhand embarrassment to see whole adults throwing tantrums over bi lesbians or some shit lmfao.

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1 year ago

Sometimes, someone isn't going to have a simple identity. That's fine! Being queer was never about fitting in boxes. So use that label, and use the other one, too. I can assure you that the random fuck that started screaming at you for your identity isn't the CEO of queer labels, and their opinions on YOUR identity are certainly not important.

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1 year ago

Don't be afraid to use the lesbian tag. Don't be afraid to use the wlw tag. Don't let the exclusionists scare you away from tags you're allowed to use! Besides, I myself still had an exclus find my shit even though I went out of my way to avoid tags I fear are swarming with exclusionists (without taking into the account that these fucking losers most definitely browse the mspec les/gay tags with the intent of badgering some random small inclusionist blog). I'm not doing that anymore. I have just as much of a right to use the ‘lesbian’ tag as a monosexual lesbian does, and you do, too. Sometimes you just have to say ‘fuck you’ to the people who want you to not exist, as well as those who swear up and down that you don't exist, and that you're harming the community. You've got to claim your rightful spot in the community… that's the best you can do at the end of the day.

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1 year ago

Normalize stealing shit from exclusionists. Flags, terms, etc: just fucking steal it. Reclaim it, make it yours, and fuck what the random person online thinks about your identity. Hell, they do that shit to us, so don't hesitate to do the same to them.

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1 year ago

I feel like I don't talk about mspec gays all that often, so… how are y'all? Any exclusionists giving you shit lately? Know that I support you, and there's a whole community of people who also support you. You've got a beautiful, complex identity that belongs to YOU, and nobody has the right to shit on that.

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1 year ago

⚠️trigger warning, violence mention⚠️

Thinking about the time I had an exclusionist reblog my post to tell me that queer people are dying, and then they proceeded to yell at me for being an mspec lesbian. 💀

They were unwittingly admitting that there are more important issues than somebody's identity, while trying to invalidate my identity lmfao. I suppose they thought it was some huge ‘gotcha’ moment, cuz ooh I'm so selfish for expressing my distress toward mspec lesbians such as myself being crucified for calling themselves lesbians, while people are facing REAL issues! Give me a break.

I know queer people face acts of violence, and mspec les/gays saying ‘hey guys, we'd like to be allowed labels and spaces too’ isn't in any way invalidating that. Exclusionists need to get over themselves.

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1 year ago

In case you didn't know, Emily Gwen — the creator of the 'sunset' lesbian flag — is mspec lesbian exclusionary. This isn't a call to stop using the flag; I hate flag discourse, and believe that if you like and feel represented by a flag, you should use it. However, I felt it necessary to make this post, so I did.

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1 year ago

[id: an image with an assortment of queer identities, including xenogenders. At the top, it reads '"Queer identities are getting insane nowadays"' in bold white text with a black outline. On the bottom, in the same text, reads 'Good'. End ID]

We don’t owe you simplicity.


We Dont Owe You Simplicity.

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1 year ago

(Shameless self promo, I apologize)

Alternative Black cat lesbian flag

Alternative Black Cat Lesbian Flag
Alternative Black Cat Lesbian Flag

[ID: seven stripes, top to bottom: magenta-ish purple — with the next two stripes being creating a gradient by being slightly darker each time — crimson, dark blue — with the last two stripes creating a gradient by being slightly lighter each time. The left version has a black silhouette of a cat, with a white 'shadow', and the right version does not. End ID]

Definition: a lesbian that is seen as harmful to the community, much like black cats are seen as omens of bad luck.

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7 months ago

'oh, so I'm a queerphobe now because I think xenogenders and neopronouns are fake?' yes.

'I'm queerphobic because I think mspec lesbians, turigirls, and the like are invalid and appropriating the labels of lesbian, bi etc?' yes.

what you are doing is misunderstanding a queer identity, failing to enlighten yourself, and weaponizing your own ignorance against a queer person and painting them as the problem. You are writing off the existence of a queer person because you don't understand, or maybe do not even want to understand, their identity. You brush it off as fake and nonsensical. You think it's appropriating your own experience.

That is precisely what transphobes do to all trans people, what transmeds do to the 'wrong' type of trans person. That is precisely what homophobes do to all lesbians and gay men. Make no mistake, that bigotry affects you too no matter how much of a 'good' or 'correct' trans person/gay person you are. And if you are an ally espousing this kind of blatantly queerphobic rhetoric, I hope you feel ashamed. Where you claim to be in support of the LGBTQ community, you throw certain members of it under the bus because it's too much for you. You don't get to make that call; you either support all queer people in their identities, or you do not support queer people. That makes you queerphobic.

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7 months ago

so I got an 'anti good faith identities' blog recommended to me. Tumblr, what makes you think I, a user of good faith identities and hardcore supporter of those who do, want to see something like that on my dash? I mean, hey, it's a free report and block in the very least, but I'm here to enjoy my stay thank you very much.

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7 months ago

ID: a tweet by user @/jesterhat03 that says 'people tryna tell me that by being a bi lesbian I'm forcing men into lesbian spaces. what lesbian spaces? my bed?? girl, mind your own business' end ID

sirenium - I will bite for multiple reasons (and I have rabies)

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5 months ago

I got a coward in my inbox crying about how a certain post (link) of mine sounds like 'conversion therapy' before supposedly blocking me, lol. at some point closemindedness and lack of reading comprehension ceases to be my problem, but as I have issues with how I worded things anyway I'm making this post.

when I said, 'give me more lesbians who date men, too' and 'give me gay men who also date women happily', I did not mean 'all lesbians and gay men should do this'. I know that some people would take it that way regardless of if I worded it better, but I was referring to mspec lesbians and gays being more out and proud with how they break the norms of what's expected of them as lesbians and gays. regardless of if you think these people are 'just bisexual', at the end of the day there are lesbians who date men and gay men who date women. again, this doesn't mean every single lesbian and gay does this or is obligated to do so, and I hate that my little post about inclusion and celebration of all queerness was taken as me trying to force queer people to do things they don't want to. I hate that I even feel the need to explain myself.

Alas, misconceptions are to be expected if your post is put on the radar of exclusionists. I could have worded it like 'allow the lesbians that want to date men to do so and let the gay men who want to date women do so, too' but I'm sure a problem would arise from that as well. It's saddening, as well as irritating, that there are people who go out of their way to misunderstand an inclusive post, but that's also why making these kinds of posts is important. It is important to stand in the face of exclusionary rhetoric and say 'we exist'. in a world that wants all queer people dead, it is important to uplift those who feel outcasted by our own community, and I don't care if I sound like a broken record here. I will never stop unapologetically being in the corners of m-spec lesbians and gays, lesboys and turigirls, and all of the other queer individuals that are pushed away for being too 'complicated', 'contradictory', and/or 'invalid'.

we exist, we will continue to exist, and we have always existed. we are as worthy of support and respect of our identities as anyone else. no identity is more worthy of scrutiny than another, and the true homophobia/queerphobia is pretending that there is a single 'invalid' queer person.

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8 months ago

jesus christ i do not have enough spoons for the hate i'm getting in my inbox for being a lesboy my identity has nothing to do with you..!

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