Ana Dinner - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

i feel like such a fatass and like I binged but I didn't I had some hot chocolate and a tiny bit of mac n cheese and I'm still under my limit but I feel so disgusted rn. i hate eating

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1 year ago
Day 5:

day 5:

i want to lose weight for others to notice. do I want to lose it for myself? yes, i do. but I want to be so thin strangers stare or tell me to eat, I wanna look like i belong in the hospital or like a walking corpse.

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1 year ago
Day 8:

day 8:

i don't really have a super specific one but I do 15 sit-ups whenever i think about eating (if i can obvi) and i usually follow this: (but i do other kinda random stuff, lots of jumping jacks)

Day 8:

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11 months ago

just came back from a trip and i feel like shit. i ate so much over the trip and while i didn't gain i didn't lose either. i want to be small for summer and id my fat ass can't pull it together i won't be

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9 months ago
Day 16:

day 16:

I tried a decent amount in middle school, but this time around I started 12/1/23 till now

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