Aot Hanji - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

…okay so is it just me or does Hange radiate the same vibes as Miss Frizzle?

I’m rewatching s1 and this is one of my profound revelations I have come across

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3 years ago
@deathocean Ofc! I Love This Sm

@deathocean Ofc! I love this sm<3. I did headcanons for this, I hope you don't mind. I wasn't really sure how to end this so sorry if the ending seems abrupt or random😅. I hope you enjoy!!!

Genre: fluff

Warnings: modern AU, enemies to loversish? In the dumbest way ever


Hanji w/ a S/O who loves science + doing experiments

@deathocean Ofc! I Love This Sm

You met at a science festival

You were at the same stall arguing over the last t-shirt that says ‘I wear this top periodically’ with a picture of the periodic table above it

Eventually, the owner of the stall took away the shirt from the both of you and said “if you can't decide who will have it then I will let someone else have it”

You both let go of the shirt and went off in opposite directions with a “humph”

Eventually though, you realised how stupid that argument was so you went back to the stall to see if you could still buy the t-shirt to give it to...whatever there name was

No luck

So instead you bought a t-shirt that said ‘I’d tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction’ and a bento box from a Japanese stall

Then you went off to find them

After half an hour of searching you finally found them

“Hey, um, sorry about the argument earlier- about...the t-shirt. I realise now how stupid I was and I wanted to make it up to you by buying the t-shirt but someone already bought it, so I got a different one and a bento box for you as a apology”

You hand them the t-shirt and the bento box

“Oh. T-thank you. I wasn't expecting this” they reply

They take the bento and t-shirt from you

There's an awkward silence surrounding them

“Uh, I'll get going now-”

“Wait!” they say before you can leave “I want to give you half my bento as a thank you”

“What? No, you don't have to, it's yours”

“Come sit” they pat the seat next to them “you bought it, therefore, you have to have some”

You finally caved and sat next to them

“Oh, by the way, I’m Hanji, and you are?” Hanji introduced, holding out their hand for you to shake. You accepted their handshake

“I'm Y/N”

“Nice to meet you Y/N!” they beam “I hope we can become friends”

You smile


You spent the rest of the day with Hanji

Turns out their really fun to be with and you have a lot in common

That included your love for science

You were blown away that there was someone out there who loved science just as much as you do

When you had to leave you two exchanged numbers

“We have to meet up again some point soon!” Hanji says

“YES! We must” you say

Skip forward a couple months and you two go on your first date

It was Hanji who asked, you have wanted to ask them on a date for a couple weeks now but didn't have the courage

Hanji takes you out to the Alchemist in London (yes I searched this up for this, I am dedicated. Tbh you should search it up, it actually looks pretty cool)

You were blown away. You have always wanted to go here and now you actually are!

After that, you go on two more dates with Hanji until you ask them to be your partner

They are over the moon that you asked them and they immediately say yes

Now you two are like that one married couple who is scarcely perfect for each other

You two often experiment together but you have learnt from experience that when you two experiment together you have to secure the whole room to make sure nothing brakes

Sometimes, when you are about to fall asleep, you remember that if it wasn't for that t-shirt you probably would've never met Hanji


‘Thanks, t-shirt’ you think

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3 years ago

Hi i have idea about Hanji x reader. Reader has ptsd and afraid yelling people. And i think about situation when Hanji yell at reader and the reader runs away and closes, for example, in the bathroom. Romantic relationship, fem or g/n afab reader. Rather canonverse. Sorry for my bad english

I love your Hanji x reader requests. Especially this one because you have opened up my newfound love of angst. Who would've thought I like writing angst so much! I hope you enjoy!!<333

(sorry this is short)

Genre: angst to fluff

Warnings: yelling, flashbacks(?) to trauma, Hanji is a bit of a ass at the beginning


Hanji yells at their S/O who has PTSD + is afraid of yelling

Hi I Have Idea About Hanji X Reader. Reader Has Ptsd And Afraid Yelling People. And I Think About Situation

“Oh for wall's sake Y/N!” Hanji hollered “you just dropped our last titan injection!”

“I-I’m sorry,” you said quietly

“Ugh! What are we going to do?! What are we going to do?!” Hanji panicked

“I'm so sorry Hanji, I-I know how important that injection is and I truly am really sorry- I- I didn't mean to-”

“Yeah? Well now it's gone!” Hanji said angrily, their head swiftly turning to you “so tha-”

“Nks for that” your mother's voice entered your head

“I'm sorry I-”

“Well sorry isn't going to fix anything, is it?”

“I” your voice started wavering “I”

You run. Run out of the room and into the bathroom. You lock the door and slump down to the floor, your knees brought up to your chest with your arms wrapped around them.

You take a couple deep breathes to calm down but they don't work as memories of your childhood plagued your mind

“Out of all the children in the world, I got a child like you? How disappointing”


“I didn'tdo that, your imagining things”

“How *hic* could you say no *hic* to your own mother! You're always so *hic* unreasonable”

“I take such good care of you. You have no reason to be sad and angry. Your life is perfect”

“I'm sorry I didn't-” you feel something warm and salty flowing down your cheeks, it took you a second to realise you were crying “I promise- I- I didn't mean to” you sobbed

“Y/N?” you heard from behind the door. You then hear a slumping sound from the other side of the door “Y/N it's me, Hanji. Look I'm-” Hanji sighed

“I’m sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to shout at you, and I now realise that I was being a complete asshole earlier. I know you don't like yelling because it reminds you of your mum, and I just wanted to apologise for that. You don't have to forgive me now but maybe later when you've calmed down we can make some tea or something? Or we could prank call Levi again? We haven't done that in a while. I know last time we did it he wasn't happy about it when he figured out it was us but we could try and put a more convincing accent on” you chuckle at the memory.

You sniffled and wiped away your tears. You stand up and unlock the door then you slowly peaked open the door. You looked down at Hanji with a soft smile on your face “maybe we make tea first” you said

Hanji looks up and smiles at you

“C’mon then, let's make some tea,” they say as they hold out their hand for you to take

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1 year ago
Some Hange Zoe Doodles Cause I Love Them So Much
Some Hange Zoe Doodles Cause I Love Them So Much
Some Hange Zoe Doodles Cause I Love Them So Much

Some Hange Zoe doodles cause I love them so much 🗿🗿🗿


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1 year ago

Volví después de 3 meses :3

Volv Despus De 3 Meses :3

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9 months ago

*Y/n and Levi training*

Levi, wiping the blood from his lips with a smirk: “Oh yeah? Is that the best you can do?”

Y/n, holding back tears: “Yeah actually, I’m trying really hard..”

Levi, standing up straight, shocked: “Oh.. ok.. hey— it’s ok—“

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1 year ago


imagine them dancing to ariana grande's fantasize, full energy, disgustingly serving cunt flawlessly and making sure your eyes were on them. not caring about how their movements sent a pang of heat and desire shooting down between your legs and the urge to fold them like a lawn chair to rail them until their brain melts....

they just wanted to show you how well they can learn a simple dance and they ate that shit up... 🤷‍♀️

(if y'all don't know what I'm talking abt just look up the song's TikTok dance-)

MIKASA, PIECK, Annie, Sasha, Hange, Momo, Mina, Mirko(?) + ur faves

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3 years ago

ice cream

hange x reader request

Ice Cream

thank you for the request @addiesshrooms hope u enjoy x

tags: soft dom! hange // fwb relationship// some general car smutt


you stared down at your cup of half melted ice cream, not knowing how to continue the already awkward conversation. you and hange were friends with benefits, nothing more nothing less. this is something you both knew but, when they offered to go on a ice cream date for a change you couldn’t say no.

the two of you would typically only hang out at hange’s place, though there wasn’t much ‘hanging out’ going on, unless being fucked raw by hange’s strap could be considered hanging out. having casual sex was the farthest your friendship reached, so you felt quite surprised when they brought up doing something that involved going out in public together.

internally, you began to question if this date was a good idea. the two of you knew each other's body all too well, but sitting in the ice cream shop you realized that neither one of you knew each other beyond the realm of physical intimacy.

hange tried to think of anything to say, feeling uncomfortable sitting in silence, “you know a lot of people think it’s not possible to split an atom! hah! but what they don’t know is that it is very possible. ya’ ever heard of nuclear fission?”

you shifted in your seat slightly, not understanding the question, “um.. no i don’t think i have.” you tried to shoot them an apologetic smile.

hange let out an exhausted breath, “fuck this, i give up.”

your eyes went wide at the change in their demeanor, not knowing what to say.

hange reached for your hand as they stood, “get up, i’m fucking you in the car.”

you felt excitement bubble in your stomach as they quickly guided you out of the shop.

hange quickly opened the back seat of their vehicle, shoving you inside. you squeaked as you landed on the soft seats. not wasting a moment, hange quickly moved between your legs working your pants off your body.

leaning down just inches away from your mouth hange smiled teasingly, “maybe we should have started with this and got the ice cream after.”

you laughed as you craned your head up to theirs, initiating the kiss you have been waiting for all evening. the kiss was softer than usual, hange took their time, savouring the taste of your mouth as they reached up palming your still clothed breast.

hange broke away from your mouth, your lips were already swollen from the tantalizing kiss.

“let’s get rid of this, yeah?” they said as they pulled your top over your head. you were so grateful that you decided to go braless today. your nipples immediately began to pebble when coming into contact with the cool air inside the vehicle.

“mmm.. yeah, we definitely should’ve started with this.” they said as they leaned over your body once more, immediately rolling one nipple between their fingers and taking the other into their mouth.

your back arched, as hange elicited pure pleasure from your body.

you sighed when their fingers quit their tender ministrations on your nipple. hange teased you by slowly grazing their fingers down your stomach, and circling the outer lips of your pussy.

you instinctively bucked your hips forward, your cunt already in desperate need of attention.

“so needy..” hange teased as they finally granted you your wish. using one thumb to work circles on your already swollen clit, while the other hand was being put to work by pumping deep inside you with two fingers.

your whole body sang in pleasure,“ohh.. fuck.”

hange looked down upon your body feeling pleased with themselves as you came undone on their fingers, “yeah?.. feels good huh baby?” you could only nod in response, not being able to form words.

hange changed rhythm, they began to curl their fingers to tap your g-spot in a ‘come here’ motion.

“ah! that’s it, right there!” you screamed as heat pooled in your lower belly.

hange’s voice was full of lust as they spoke, “that’s is baby, want you to cum all over my fingers, ‘kay?” you wailed as your orgasm began to roll through you, causing your cunt to latch onto hange’s fingers tightly.

hange let you ride out your orgasm as they placed a kiss on your forehead.

when you finally caught your breath, hange looked at you playfully, “so should we try getting ice cream again?”


as always, feedback is appreciated. love y’all x



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4 years ago

fucking iconic. [repost]

“Kiss me,” Levi says, and Erwin does.

“No, kiss me,” Hange says, and Erwin does.

“Kiss each other,” Erwin says, and they do.

“Do you think we’re confusing people?” Levi asks, picking up his wine glass. Hange ignores him, poring over the menu, and Erwin glances slyly across the restaurant to meet a sea of baffled faces.

“Yes,” he says, and Hange looks up, smiling.


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3 years ago

being best friends with hange zoë headcanons


in these headcanons, imma make the reader also a commander.

CW: minor spoiler up ahead! (from S1) and light language. possible trigger warning: quick mention of migraine.

gn! reader. happy reading :)

Being Best Friends With Hange Zo Headcanons

i love hange san sm pls look how cute they are 🥺🥺 ^^

they would greet you every morning with updates on their new experiments

if you’re a late riser, hange definitely is your alarm clock and wakes you up


you and moblit have to comfort them after sawney and bean die </3

you three bond so well pls

levi thinks you two are the most annoying brats ever. you guys give him migraines worse than ones he gets after late nights without tea. (he still deeply cares for you two, but won't admit it.)

hange is extremely smart and innovative! they’d make you random things that help with whatever’s troubling you as a gift or just out of the blue. (did that make sense??)

ie. if you were cold at night they’d make you a heated blanket to heat you up.

since commanders do hella paperwork and stuffs late at night, they would visit you to make sure you’re pacing yourself and taking breaks.

they love stopping in when they’re taking a break themselves, and appreciate if you do too.

you guys train your squads together and you guys partner up a lot for personal practice too.

you guys definitely have bets/competitions like who can get to the other end of the field with their ODM gear quickest, and who can pin the other to the ground in a spar first, etc.

is very affectionate towards their friends! they love hugging you throughout the day. i also think they'd like to hold your face in their hands and squish your cheeks.

if they're done updating you on the rest of their titan research, the conversation won’t stop there.

hange will find something else to talk about. they never run out of conversation topics, which makes conversing and being around them easy. think of it as the "talks a lot; listens" dynamic.

they really love and appreciate that you listen to them every time esp since others don’t really want to listen to what they have to say.

of course when you aren't busy, you'll help hange out with research in the late hours of the morning.

you guys would do sleepovers too. they'd prepare so many sleepover games, have stories, and sneak in some snacks for the two of you.

helping them clean their room (you doing most of it) because you have to side with levi, it's really bad.

loves to make you smile and happy! especially if you're feeling down, they'll do ANYTHING to get you to laugh :)

likes to prank you a lot. however, if they aren't pranking you, you're helping them play pranks on other comrades.

gives BOMB advice. like if something is troubling you and you tell them about it, they'll be really helpful, offer advice, and support you in your decisions.

they care for you sm. if you're sick or hurt they're literally travelling at the speed of light to get you medicine, bandages, or anything to make you feel better.

all in all, hange is the bestest friend ever and is always there for you no matter what you need :)

aot masterlist

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4 years ago

Can you do Jean or Hange spicy hcs? Or if you aren't comfortable some comfort hcs pls😳👀🙏🏾

Hi! Thank you for requesting! I do have in my rules that I won’t be writing NSFW fics atm, so I did comfort hcs. I hope that’s alright!! ☺️



Jean is a natural born leader, Marco said it himself

This is because of his ability to interpret his peers, and if you were his s/o, he would be extra attentive

The longer you are together, the better he’d notice your little tells

However, if you were trying to get the message that something was bothering you purposefully…

I think it’d take him a lot longer to figure it out

Even if he could tell that you needed comforting, he’d be horrible at approaching it

He’s too straight forward and hot headed to be soft and cuddly

If you were upset because someone had said something hurtful towards you, you bet he’d be seeking them out to give them a good beating

But if you were suffering due to your own thoughts, and the only person he could beat up was yourself, he’d be at a loss

Tell him that you want to cuddle, or if you want him to just sit with you as you pour your heart out and he’ll do it

That’s not to say that he’s not restless

This man is used to fighting away his problems, even though he wants the easy life

He’d listen to you complain, cry, or talk yourself down

That is one thing he will never let you do

You try saying that you thought you looked fat in your uniform that day or you think the most recent deaths of your comrades were your fault, and he’ll compliment you so hard

He tolerates no such thing, telling you everything he loves about you

Sure, it may be said in a loud and almost angry way, but it’s because he cares for you and wants to prove that there is no reason you should feel that way

When this happens, please thank him and say it helped

That way he’ll think he’s done his job

As time goes by and the two of you have a very healthy and loving relationship, he’ll be able to adjust to comfort you exactly the way you need him to

He’ll get used to how you react to certain types of comfort and change accordingly

Over time, he’ll surely get softer, being able to just lay together and cuddle if you need it

He’ll whisper about how much he loves you if he thinks that’ll help the most

Or, he’ll stay quiet and let you cry into his shoulder

He wouldn’t be as restless during times he needs to comfort you

That’s not to say that once you feel better or if you fall asleep beside him he won’t leave and beat someone or something up

Depends on what has put you down, he’ll comfort differently



Queen of comforting you

Extremely observant, she could probably tell that you were bothered by something by the pace of your breathing

When she’s cheerful and what is bothering you isn’t too serious, she’d want to distract you

She might bring you to see her latest titan experiments or to go annoy Levi

Don’t even bother trying to tell her that you need to talk to someone, she’ll show up at your door in the morning because she “sensed” that you needed it

Honestly, her massive smile and excitedness are almost enough to cheer you up

Cuddles, and lots of them

Depending on what you were down about, the longer the cuddles are

She is also no stranger to the feeling of discomfort and stress after being in the Survey Corps for so long, so she’ll be able to tell what’s bothering you

Hange is also totally up to beating someone up for you

If Levi was a little harsh to you one day you felt a little sensitive, the midget better run

Most of the time, it’s playful revenge, unless what they did was absolutely awful

It’s just her way of letting you know she loves and cares for you

Definitely able to snap out of her boisterous mood if she discovers it’s irritating you when you’re not feeling like yourself

If you were lost in your own thoughts of self-consciousness or had an existential crisis, she’s much more calm

Very willing to talk to you for hours, debunking all your insecurities and worries

Most of the time, she’s honest and hopeful that everything will be fine

However, if you happen to be struggling with something that she’s been bottling up, she’ll open up too

It turns into a little couple’s therapy session, which is very relaxing

On expeditions, if you need her, she’ll be there

She’s probably the best person to be with when taking down titans, as she has such a carefree and refreshing way with titans

That’s instead of being dark and gloomy all the time

If you’d been dropping signs all day that you were bothered by something, she’d burst into your room and push you onto your bed to cuddle

Either that, or drag you out to join her in the lab

If you were crying, she’ll have you laughing in seconds

Hange has so many different ways to comfort you and is never dull

Every time you go to her, she’ll support you in the way you needed it most

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