Ashamed - Tumblr Posts
What Are You Ashamed Of?

How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!
Gif credit: @hermit-frog and @losingbenni
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Pile 1: Something from your childhood. This could have to do with your development, where you feel like you weren't cared for enough and/or had to constantly hide your true self. For some of you this negligence and abuse led you to take a long time to know your sexuality or be at peace with it. You are ashamed of never truly being safe.
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Pile 2: You are ashamed of always having to be strong. I'm remembering Reesa Teesa when she said she wanted it to finally be her turn (in reference to romance). You could have had to be alone for quite some time while having fears around that fact. The shame comes from not feeling complete all by yourself.
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Pile 3: Not being able to follow up on your words. You could have talked about plans that didn't/aren't panning out. Your shame comes from not knowing everything you need to know while constantly feeling like you need to move. Due to this, a victory never really feels like one.
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I cannot help but feel I have betrayed feminism, and all the strong women in my life. A better woman would have left. I am a disgrace.
Too much information.
There is talk of sex under the cut. It is not graphic, and it is in reference to my recovery. But I mention orgasms and shaming.
My woman wants me to climax. I love her for it, and I can usually oblige. However some days my body is a bit more stubborn than others.
"What do you need?" She asks me. "What can I do?"
And this is another spot where I feel the depth of the damage he caused me. Many times, I don’t know what I need or want. It has never really been about me.
Most times, though, I just don't have the ability to communicate it. I open my mouth but nothing comes out.
My brain swirls with too many bad experiences where I wasn't allowed to want anything. He rarely asked, even conversationally, what I actually liked. When I was asked and responded, I was corrected as if I didn’t know my own body, or he said “oh” in a disappointed tone, as though he was expecting/hoping I’d say something else.
Occasionally my response disgusted him; he told me he it was so awful he couldn’t continue unless we proceeded the way he liked it. So I learned to ask for what he wanted, to ask for the things I knew would get him off quickly, and off me. Sex was best served swift and efficiently.
I am not there. But I hope she keeps asking. Maybe one day I'll be able to tell her.
Please reblog if you are a girl and have ever been made to feel ashamed of one or more of these things (wanting to prove a point to some asshole):
-your weight
-your clothing choice
-your amount of make up
-having sex
-not having sex
-breast size
-having your period
-saying no
-not appreciating catcalls
-body hair

"Trágame tierra y escúpeme en Júpiter"
"Swallow me earth and spit me out on Jupiter" pretty please.
© [ig] manflifla ✧
Guys, pls be productive and NOT like me when you hv the house to yourself....
Reminiscing on my “coming out.” I was so scared. So small, so shaky. So, so scared for so long. It had been over a year of sexuality related anxiety and OCD taking over my life. It almost drove me to take my life. I didn’t want to be who I knew I was that much. Finally…one day, I got the courage to tell someone. I told my sister. I really said it, I said the words “I’m gay” out loud. I did it. It felt like a relief. I was still terrified and shaky, but I was glad to have another person to hold this with me. And then…that same night my sister outed me to my entire family. She didn’t mean to hurt me. I found out that she had been cutting herself, so I told my mom for her safety. In an effort to take my moms attention off of her cutting, she outed me. In front of her friends and my mothers friends. It hurt me so much because this meant that she viewed being gay as something so bad and horrible that it could top her harming herself. I remember getting that text from my mom, feeling my heart drop out of my chest, feeling my throat tighten up. “____ is saying that you’re a lesbian. Is that true?” my mom texted me. She sounded so accusatory, like she was hoping my sister was lying. When they returned to the house, they looked at me differently. They acted nervous and unsure around me. Like I was some caged animal that could break out at any moment. I will never forget that night. It took me so long and it took so much courage for me to tell my sister, and I needed her support because I didn’t have it in me to give it to myself. But she didn’t give me that. She took my chance to come out on my own terms away from me. And she made it more dangerous for me. My family already treated me differently than my other siblings, but this pushed them over the edge. It was just another thing to other me, to separate me from others. I really understand the pain she was in and the reasoning behind her doing it, but I can’t forgive that. She took something from me that can’t ever be given back.
Not to mention…my mother took it upon herself to inform my dad, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, and pretty much everyone she could think of about my sexuality. I was not ready. I was so terrified and I told my sister I was gay as a start. I was not ready to come out to everyone in my life or to exist as a gay woman yet. It should have been my choice. It should have been on my timeline. I am very very angry at them. My sister was a child so I can understand it more, but my mother? She was a grown adult. And she thought that she should tell everyone my own deeply personal information without so much as asking me if it was okay. I felt so out of control that day. I never had so much anxiety in my life. My whole body felt shaky and it felt like I was having a heart attack. It just…shouldn’t have happened that way.
Reminiscing on my “coming out.” I was so scared. So small, so shaky. So, so scared for so long. It had been over a year of sexuality related anxiety and OCD taking over my life. It almost drove me to take my life. I didn’t want to be who I knew I was that much. Finally…one day, I got the courage to tell someone. I told my sister. I really said it, I said the words “I’m gay” out loud. I did it. It felt like a relief. I was still terrified and shaky, but I was glad to have another person to hold this with me. And then…that same night my sister outed me to my entire family. She didn’t mean to hurt me. I found out that she had been cutting herself, so I told my mom for her safety. In an effort to take my moms attention off of her cutting, she outed me. In front of her friends and my mothers friends. It hurt me so much because this meant that she viewed being gay as something so bad and horrible that it could top her harming herself. I remember getting that text from my mom, feeling my heart drop out of my chest, feeling my throat tighten up. “____ is saying that you’re a lesbian. Is that true?” my mom texted me. She sounded so accusatory, like she was hoping my sister was lying. When they returned to the house, they looked at me differently. They acted nervous and unsure around me. Like I was some caged animal that could break out at any moment. I will never forget that night. It took me so long and it took so much courage for me to tell my sister, and I needed her support because I didn’t have it in me to give it to myself. But she didn’t give me that. She took my chance to come out on my own terms away from me. And she made it more dangerous for me. My family already treated me differently than my other siblings, but this pushed them over the edge. It was just another thing to other me, to separate me from others. I really understand the pain she was in and the reasoning behind her doing it, but I can’t forgive that. She took something from me that can’t ever be given back.
the ghost you left behind
Someone else sleeps On your side of the bed. Everything got worse Before it go better. Is it better? I'm not as strong As I used to be. I don't like crying When I do I'm afraid it will never stop I died with you I am no longer Your "us" "We" "Our" My wife loves me She looked at me And said without saying There is not enough room For the three of us.
Hey, everyone.
Brazil was taken by surprise on Tuesday (3) with a sentence in the rape case of Mariana Ferrer. The decision was that André de Camargo Aranha committed a “culpable rape”, something never before seen in the Brazilian courts.”

CREDITS BY @pr_scila on instagram =

Do you wanna help for Mariana Ferrer? Sign the petition by clicking on the link:

We can't save you...... sorry 🖤 #ashamed #restinpeace #riphumanity (at Bhubaneswar, India)
5 Letter - Lingle Challenge 5/6 ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟨🟩⬛🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 by The Word Finder
Took me way too long 😭😭😭

Play our Feysand themed WORDLE! Each day this week, you’ll find a new wordle game to get you in the feysand spirit!
Below the cut, you can find two helpful clues if you need them! Reblog and let us know how you did!!
Hint 1: noun
Hint 2: Starfall-core