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9 months ago

What Are You Ashamed Of?

What Are You Ashamed Of?
What Are You Ashamed Of?
What Are You Ashamed Of?

How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!

Gif credit: @hermit-frog and @losingbenni

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What Are You Ashamed Of?

Pile 1: Something from your childhood. This could have to do with your development, where you feel like you weren't cared for enough and/or had to constantly hide your true self. For some of you this negligence and abuse led you to take a long time to know your sexuality or be at peace with it. You are ashamed of never truly being safe.

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What Are You Ashamed Of?

Pile 2: You are ashamed of always having to be strong. I'm remembering Reesa Teesa when she said she wanted it to finally be her turn (in reference to romance). You could have had to be alone for quite some time while having fears around that fact. The shame comes from not feeling complete all by yourself.

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What Are You Ashamed Of?

Pile 3: Not being able to follow up on your words. You could have talked about plans that didn't/aren't panning out. Your shame comes from not knowing everything you need to know while constantly feeling like you need to move. Due to this, a victory never really feels like one.

💕Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

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7 months ago

What Do You Need To Face?

What Do You Need To Face?
What Do You Need To Face?
What Do You Need To Face?

How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!


Gif credit: @bo-kryzze

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What Do You Need To Face?

Pile 1: You are more likeable than you know. You are afraid of opening yourself up. You need to face the fact that you are not alone. You are not the only one who thinks like you. You are not the only one who feels the way you feel and wants to find community. Searching for others like you can be scary, but they are out there searching for you too.

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What Do You Need To Face?

Pile 2: There is more to you than your bad moments. It's OK that you aren't the perfect person you want to be. You are tied to the version of you that sees imperfection and flaws. You need to face your imperfect self and be fine with them. You also need to face the good things that you have been ignoring. You have good ideas that you sit on. It's time to seriously give them your energy.

💕Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading or curio, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

What Do You Need To Face?

Pile 3: You have to face your own judgement. If you come to the conclusion that things need to change, you need to face that too. The way you think is blocking you from evolving and getting you to the you that you really want to be. Facing this part of you can be difficult due to other people's influence, but it's important nonetheless.

💕Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading or curio, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

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1 year ago


💫Life Path Number💫

Shows the karmic objective of one's personal incarnation.

💫Birthday Number💫

Determines the best way to successfully translate this objective into reality.

💫Number of Destiny💫

-> Name & Expression Number

Reveals a person's true essence, their purpose on Earth and the natural given talents.

💫Personality Number💫

Determines how a person looks in other people's eyes.

💫Soul Number💫

-> Number of Heart & Hearts Desire

A person's true passion and the stimulus that incites a person to actions.

💫The Numbers💫

0 - Nothingness / Absence of manifestation 1 - Power / Courage & bravery / Resilence in life 2 - Refinement / Feminity / Delicacy / Flexibility / Partnership 3 - Imagination / Creativity / Lifestyle characteristic of celebrities 4 - Poise and balance / Consistency / Dillegence / Patience /Good organization 5 - Mobility / Versatility / Curiousity / Constant urge to change places / Sensation 6 - Harmony / Tranquility / Romantic personality / Family / Heart & home 7 - Path of explorer / Philosophical mind / Self-analysis 8 - Material personality / Wisdom / Confidence / Compromise 9 - Communicativeness / Scale / Universalism / Diversity 11 - Mystery / Magical power / Exorbitance / Self-will /`11´strengthened by potential of `2´ -> The unity of opposites 22 - Logic / Law / Well-Considered / Balanced- Actions / Deference

💫Karmic Numbers💫

13 - Excessive attention to one's own needs in complete indifference to the need of others / Absence of constraining principles that prevent the use of other people for personal purposes / Egocentrism / Elevated to degree of fundamental life principle.

14 - Extreme irresponsibility / Direct consequences of real damage (moral & material) to people around / Absolutely indifferent attitude to emotions of other people / Tendency to humiliate & suppress / Need for sensual pleasures over desire for spiritual growth

16 - Proneness to act contrary to the norms of morality & universal laws / Conscious damage to others / Refusal to bear responsibility for consequences of own actions / Degree of self- restraint & self-control absence proportional to degree of karmic dept severity

19 - Neglect of self-esteem and need for self- respect of others / Moral code unconditionally allows the use of their opportunities for realization of personal desires / No notion about justice / Abuse of power

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1 year ago

18+ PICK A CARD ⋆ how can you improve your sex life with your partner?

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?
18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?

reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.

BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips and feedback are highly appreciated!

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?


cards · strength, nine of pentacles, ten of wands, eight of swords, five of cups (reversed). waning moon: let go of that which is causing you inner turmoil. now is a time for casting away emotions that are no longer serving you. moon totem – wolf: beware of letting your wilder instincts spin out of control.

my dear group one ♡ one way that you can improve your sex life with your partner is to take a more proactive role and be the one who takes control and initiates change. your partner may not be feeling either way about your sex life as it is, thinking that it’s a bit dull or unsatisfying but to be expected as time passes and as you have sex with the same person over and over.

that’s not to say that they do not enjoy it, rather that you both would benefit from the excitement that exploring new things can bring.

sex can be many things, and one of the best things about being with someone for a long period of time is that you two get to explore the world of sex together. grow and learn together.

it will be a good decision to talk to your partner about where they find sex lacking and what are some things they would like to add or change. create an open discussion between you and your partner and decide what the two of you can try out together. remember, too, that sex isn’t one-sided or only about your own pleasure and that is okay to put yourself a bit out of your comfort zone for your partner’s pleasure—especially if you are expecting them to push themselves a bit out of theirs.

also do not forget that improving your sex life is not just about penetration and what you two can do in sex, but about fostering intimacy in all areas of your life.

where are you not making your partner feel loved, cared for, and appreciated on the day-to-day? how are they not making you feel loved, cared for, and appreciated on the day-to-day? how could this be affecting your shared sex life?

open and honest communication is key! even if it is hard. 

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?


cards · two of swords, five of pentacles (reversed), the tower (reversed), eight of wands, death. waning moon: let go of that which is causing you inner turmoil. now is a time for casting away emotions that are no longer serving you. moon totem – cow: a new beginning, or even a new life.

my dear group two ♡ you are currently feeling as if sex with your partner is boring and that it is your partner who needs to do something in order to make your sex life exciting again.

you’re looking at them and thinking, “well other people talk about how their partner does this in bed and my friend talks about how their partner does that to them,” but you’re not actually telling your partner that you’re unsatisfied or doing anything to make bring some pleasure and satisfaction back into your shared sex life.

your partner is not psychic! they will not know what’s wrong if you don’t tell them!

in order to improve your sex life with your partner, you are going to need to change your approach to sex before casting judgement on your partner and what you perceive as their failings.

is it even fair for you to look upon them in this way, when you should be looking at them with love, understanding, and kindness? when you should be making efforts to at least try to meet them halfway and figure out if they are also having issues with your sex life as it is?

to be blunt, my dear, it isn't all about you and it is unfair to place the pressure of your pleasure completely on your partner’s shoulders without even trying to communicate with them first. 

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?


cards · the tower (reversed), king of pentacles, the devil, six of cups, ten of pentacles (reversed). moon totem – owl: a crisis will allow you to look into yourself and make an important revelation. moon phases – half to full moon: embracing high levels of motivation and energy will bring feelings of empowerment and satisfactions.

my dear group three ♡ you may have had somewhat of a bad sexual experience with your partner lately, maybe you were walked in on or disturbed or had your plans for sex disrupted by work or other obligations.

your life is so busy, which makes sex almost unenjoyable—especially for those of you with kids who, while you love your children, would like just an hour or two to enjoy time with your partner and experience the kind of intimacy that you two crave. even for those without children, you do not have the time you want to have to be with your partner in the way that you both want or need. rather, you do not make time for this.

it is so bad that even the idea of sex seems like a chore. you schedule that this thursday you and your partner will have sex, and you spend every day leading up to that day looking at the calendar and wondering if you’ll actually get to spend time together or if something will come up at the last minute. or if you’ll both be too drained and tired to even look at each other with any sexual desire. one way that you can improve your sex life with your partner is for the both of you to consciously decide to devote time to each other. not just an evening at home, in and out and roll over and go to sleep. something more like a weekend away would be more suited for the two of you in order to rekindle the spark that has been lost.

it doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant or that far from home, just something that reminds you two that you are people with desires before you are partners or spouses. during this time, spoil each other and pay special attention to each other. 

because, my love, if you feel like this relationship is suffering and needs special attention, imagine how your partner feels… try to make this a habit. something you can look forward to not only to find healing as a couple but as individuals with busy lives!

18+ PICK A CARD How Can You Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner?


cards · nine of wands, eight of wands, six of cups, the devil, nine of pentacles. blue moon: now is a powerful time to set long-term goals and sow seeds for the future. moon totem – cat: make time to focus on your own spiritual wellbeing and connect to the metaphysical world around you.

my dear group four ♡ the simplest way for you to improve your sex life with your partner is to create a to-do list together of the things that you’re interested in and want to try together.

i actually see a powerpoint presentation, and envision you two having a presentation night, laughing as you describe in detail the things you’re interested in experimenting with or trying!

put together a plan for the next few weeks, months, or the year—maybe a collaborative list on google docs or notion which you both can freely edit whenever a thought pops into your mind—as it will give you both something to look forward to.

especially if you’re both fairly sexually inexperienced or are trying new things sexually, such as bdsm, and aren’t really sure about what you’re doing. 

sex doesn’t have to be daunting or methodical or boring! it can be fun, it should be fun, most of all when you’re sharing this beautiful experience with someone you love and care about and who loves and cares about you. 

creating a list or plan will make this more exciting for both of you—as well as will make you feel less overwhelmed by the idea of sex with your partner!

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2 years ago

🌸🌸🌸 emoji spell for finding a lover 🌸🌸🌸

I find the perfect partner for me. I manifest unconditional love and understanding. I manifest someone who respects my boundaries, loves me completely and remains loyal. I manifest a meaningful relationship and a deep connection that is worth waiting for.

like to charge 💕 reblog to cast

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4 years ago


sagittarius 🔥✈️🎰


♐ i also met him in that math camp in 2019

♐ liked smoking

♐ the class clown™

♐ always had some weird story to tell

♐ gave really decent relationship advice

♐ liked hiking and running

♐ had really fluffy hair

♐ and he let me mess with it which was super cool haha

♐ we played many pranks on others together

♐ somehow brought a copious amount of alcohol to the camp

♐ im talking 4 bottles of wine and 12 cans of beer

♐ he let me drink too so i obviously didn't snitch haha

♐ overall, really fun to have around

♐ and a very loyal friend


♐ she was one of my classmates

♐ highly religious but wasn't preachy

♐ we had some really cool philosophical talks

♐ a literal bookworm

♐ very gossipy

♐ didn't care much about school because she was really rich

♐ crackhead energy™

♐ VERY lucky

♐ really generous and kind

♐ loved giving hugs

capricorn 🌱💼🪐


♑ she was one of my classmates

♑ a bit scary

♑ super cold and unapproachable

♑ unless she was with her boyfriend

♑ really good at cooking and baking

♑ amazing at math

♑ boss lady™

♑ a bit of a teacher's pet

♑ hates it when people criticize her

♑ is very sad and lonely deep down but puts on a tough mask

♑ tries hard to be popular

aquarius 🌬️🔮🛸


♒ a very special person to me

♒ really amazing fashion sense

♒ had a very powerful voice

♒ had many pets

♒ really brave and strong

♒ a bit hot headed

♒ had a unique aura

♒ texts in a cute way

♒ very understanding and compassionate

♒ extremely musically talented

♒ i loved every single song/show she recommended to me

♒ witchy vibes™

♒ REALLY smart

pisces 🌊🐚💫


♓ he was in my creative writing class

♓ very emotional

♓ really good memory

♓ didn't have any striking traits

♓ had a gift for reading poems, rather than writing them

♓ a bit stubborn

♓ VERY shy

♓ liked to hear what others have to say

♓ never lies


♓ she's my mom

♓ very spiritual

♓ clairvoyant

♓ no one can lie to her because she will sense that you're lying

♓ holds grudges

♓ a vault for secrets

♓ really scared of cats and dogs

♓ nothing truly surprises her

♓ the most understanding person i have ever met

♓ believes that everyone must live their own truth

♓ extremely open minded

♓ always ready to fight

looking for part one? got you covered!

may the stars guide you
aries 🔥🏆😎 ♂️ ♈ he was a classmate of mine ♈ his best friends were a leo, a cancer and a gemini but he never liked me too much ♈ he was quie

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5 months ago
What Is The Difference Between A Cathedral And A Physics Lab? Are They Not Both Saying: Hello?
What Is The Difference Between A Cathedral And A Physics Lab? Are They Not Both Saying: Hello?
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What Is The Difference Between A Cathedral And A Physics Lab? Are They Not Both Saying: Hello?
What Is The Difference Between A Cathedral And A Physics Lab? Are They Not Both Saying: Hello?
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What Is The Difference Between A Cathedral And A Physics Lab? Are They Not Both Saying: Hello?

What is the difference between a cathedral and a physics lab? Are they not both saying: Hello?

Paolo Giordano, “The Solitude of Prime Numbers” / Antonio Tonelli / Laura Giplin, “A Toast to the Alchemists” / Dennis Overbye, “Music of the Heavens Turns Out to Sound a Lot Like a B Flat” / Carina Nebula / Marie Howe, “Singularity” / Alan Bean, “Is Anyone Out There?” / Bill Bryson, “A Short History of Nearly Everything” / Garrett Lee, “Canyon” / Whit Bronaugh, “The Trees That Miss The Mammoths”

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2 years ago

Ok this is like my first post on here or whatever and I've been wanting to post for a long time but I usually have nothing to say until now. So I'm on a shadow work journey and I'm gonna post it so hopefully I become consistent in doing shadow work finally. I can't wait to take you along on my journey!

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