Au Concept - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Danganronpa X Total drama AU

This AU takes place in a Non-despair AU but the characters dynamics or Backstories stay Somewhat the same.
This AUs Challenges will be a mix of Canon and Original challenges.
I hope you people enjoy it and I might make a elimination order in the future.
Season casts:
1 - Season 1: Thh cast
2 - Season 2: Goodbye despair Cast
3 - All-stars: Mix of previous 2 seasons + V3 cast.
The Frostrot concept

forgot to post this but here’s me and my friends talking abt a bsd x twd au ^_^ and Donald trump is what we call f Scott Fitzgerald btw💀 I wanna make concept art for this so bad RAHHHH
This happened to me when rewatching The Brave Little Toaster. The junkyard cars were and still are my favorite characters. The green pickup truck reminds me of my deceased grandfather. Plus they got more character development than the main characters didn't but got killed off way too early. In my opinion, if they had a few adventures with the MCs and had a family type of bond with them, then the fans would have been a bit more heartbroken, plus this could have meant more merch, and thus it would have been more successful as well as more fan content, and if they had a few memories and entire scenes of memories from their lives during that time before their deaths, and maybe one or two, maybe even three of them being rescued or hiding from the magnet they could have had little flashbacks if a similar event to the memory triggering said flashback, they could have had a more tearful farewell, and maybe even a few last words better than a song verse, or maybe even their verse could be sung during the flashback and they could have a last goodbye before their deaths such as for example the green pickup could sing his verse, and then he could have a goodbye along the lines of "I guess I must leave... It was nice getting to relive memories with my second family..." And him being carried off to his demise, small tears in his eyes, of maybe his headlights fogging like glasses do when you cry while wearing them. (maybe it's just me, but this always happens when I cry while wearing my glasses.) They could have been way more fleshed out as characters in general, which would have made the whole movie go from cheery to dark to cheery to sad to cheery, thus making it more emotional, and maybe even having the MCs become part of the family, and those who are spared at the end of the movie could have shown up in the sequels, such as the muscle car could be bought by Chris, or maybe even the wood-sided van and there could be more appearances, such as a reincarnated green pickup being the new car Rob and Chris bought and him remembering them and Kirby (if Kirby became basically his adopted son) getting emotional because of this and then throughout the sequels they meet reincarnated versions of the junkyard cars which would have made me happy because they are some of the best characters in the movie in my opinion.
Sorry about the tangent, it's just kinda me getting emotional and tossing an idea out there that I will write a fanfic based off of on its own blog dedicated specifically to it.

An AU where Hidan, Deidara and Obito are normal Shinobi to their respective villages. Obito works directly under Hokage Minato and watches over little Sasuke, Deidara gathers intel, sends messages to other Kage and teaches acedemy kids better chakra crontrol, and Hidan (being from a pacifist village) helps escourt important Shinobi and Kunoichi through dangerous areas and keeps them safe. They all somehow become friends and Obito is stuck with two dumbasses that are constantly bickering with each other
Zach: He has hawk wings that stretch out 1 handspan beyond his fingertips. They blue-grey with similar markings to a budgerigar. He loves to incorporate his wings into his parkour routines, but is able to maneuver them without the use of his wings. Though he loves using his wings, he doesn't depend upon them for anything, and is as fit as he is in canon - the danger in his father's workplace scares him and motivated him to be independent.
Bella: She has raven wings that are one and a half armlengths. The coloring is similar to a tawny frogmouth, though it is more pigmented, leaning closer to blue-black than a light brown. She is very adept at using her wings, and she uses her flexibility to hold them horizontal and often balances tools on them while working.
Freddie: He has slightly underdeveloped hummingbird wings. Since he is 9, and behind his peers, his wings are a sore point for him and he generally hides them. He has similar coloring to an adolescent magpie.
Wings in real life:
The wings vary in size from elbow-span to full arm span and bigger and sprout from the shoulder blades
They also vary in colour and pattern
There’re stereotypes for wing type
Just generic stuff like bigger wings = bigger genitals
But also stuff like “people with crow wings are untrustworthy”
Wing type and size can run in the family
“Yea, I got my dad’s colouring but my mum’s pattern”
People find different wing types attractive
“Damn! Look at the wings on that guy!”
So there are bad pick up lines
“I’d ask you if it hurt when you fell from heaven, but with those wings, I doubt you could!”
New wing-related body language
People put their wings around their loved ones protectively or romantically
Wings expand to their full width when their owners are threatened
Flared wings = intimidation
People hide behind their wings
Wings change as people age
So there are youngin’s who are insecure that their wings look different than their peers
And this leads to the sexualisation of over/underdeveloped wings
Because wings won’t make humanity suck less
Wing growing pains
Sex-ed includes a part about wing growth and care
People missing one or more wings
Mostly in accidents or birth defects but removing someone’s wings can be a sign of dishonour
So there are prosthetics
There are some that match wings nearly perfectly and others that are bright and colourful to show pride in the missing parts
And other wing related disabilities
Some people can’t close up their wings to their back so they need aids to keep them from stretching too far out while indoors
Stimming by wing flapping
Rapid wing flapping is such an autistic stereotype that people do it to mock others and its listed as one of the “telltale” signs of autism
It’s not actually anymore common than any other stim, people just care more about it cause it causes the most property damage
Wings spasm and restless wing syndrome
The kid who sits in front of you in math has a wing spasm and hits you in the face
Imagine your OTP
Cultures where people cover their wings for the sake of modesty
Wing accessories
Like, can you not see a kid putting a good couple dozen tiny plastic clips and ribbons in their wings
Or flowing wing scarves
Wing fashion models
Dying of wings different colours
People change the colour of theirs to another natural colour like a darker or lighter shade of brown
But also people dying their wings 14 shades of purple
And there are different patterns that can be dyed into them
Hairstylists but for wings
Wing cosmetic surgery to change their shape
Getting gray feathers in wings with age
Male pattern loss of feathers
Buff dudes and gals with absolutely ripped wings
Gendered wings
Certain wing shape being considered masculine and some feminine
TERFs doing the whole “How to tell if X is trans by wing shape/size/colour”
Of course, this is all bs
Especially since different races have different wing types
Its all just racist, sexist, transphobic bs
It is very rude to touch someone’s wings without their permission
Depending on the context and place touched, its even assault
Getting to touch the underside of your partner’s wings with your hands is the equivalent of ‘secound-base’ or something
And close friends hug each other and cuddle into the inside of each other’s wings
“Jessie gives the best hugs. Their wings are just so soft”
“Please keep your arms, legs, and wings inside the ride at all times”
Man-spreading but with wings
Just people with wings in general
Can you tell I think about this too often
Hey look! A masterpost with almost nothing on it! This'll fill up eventually, but for now it's pretty empty.
Character Questions (some earlish character development of A New Infection trio)
Short stories/extras
Master list of AUs
Character Masterlist
Anyone using mobile, if you click on the tags below, it'll do what the links are supposed to do
Okay, I had to do this.
Sweetheart of a human who doesn't give two shits about gender struggles with an angsty power that caused them to be socially stunted.
Describe your favorite OC but like, really awfully.
I wanted to post something so I'm actually active. So here, a bullet fic set in an alternate universe and the world's first taste of The Perfect Family. (And a little more context, in this AU at the very least, Aster owns and regularly rides a motorcycle. This is the first time Freddie is taken on a ride on it)
- because of something that I'm not going to spoil, high speed vehicles are stressful, so a bit of panic at first
- but he would agree because he'd guess it'd make Aster happy
- they'd kit him in motorbike gear - heavy leather jacket and pants and a good helmet - it'd be too big and would hang off him
- when on the bike, he'd cling to Aster so tightly, like fingers white, no amount of force would break his grip
- his eyes would be shut the first 5 or so minutes and he'd be shaking
- Aster knows fear when she sees it so she knew that he was afraid, so she didn't do any fancy turns until he's enjoying himself
- eventually, he'd get over the g-force similar feeling (spoilery there, you're welcome) and he'd open his eyes and start to enjoy they freedom of flying down the road
- he'd probably yelp a bit when he realises the wind was messing up his hair
- on the first turn, he'd absolutely pAniC and cling almost as tight as before
- he'd be a bit stiff coming off the bike, so he'd waddle over to Vi and just stretch his arms out so she could help him take off the copious amount of protection
- later, whenever Aster would offer a ride, if you looked very closely the moment she'd suggest it, you'd see a very genuine and excited smile and a spring in his step
We're totally going to do that at some point. Totally, definitely won't take forever.
I can't wait to share everything though
youve talked about a ton of aus. share your favorite? or one your working on right now
FRICK hskpaupa I have so many favorites,,, the perfect family is, of course, perfect,,, and also I love the family au we have, which eve described here,, and right now we’re working on one that deals with a character eve has hinted at but not formally introduced,,
eventually, I will post a complete list of aus, which I will update whenever a new one is created
Summary: Another one of my OCs tries to comfort Anabella. Does it go well? You'll have to read and see. A couple of things to note! This is set in the Fusion AU (explanation here). Fera is an empath and also has pathokinesis that primarily comes into play when she's overwhelmed, it's not something she controls; she only deals in negative emotions, so life is kinda tough. She is the sunshine I referred to in the tags the other day.
"Oh, hey Fera." Anabella hastily wiped the tears from her cheeks. She was sitting on a plush mini sofa in the back corner of the library. She took an obvious, shaky breath, trying to compose herself enough to be presentable to others. Hatred from breaking down oozed from her. Fera, who had felt the concentration of the potent emotions from half the library away cocked her head, trying to get a better read on the distressed girl in front of her.
"You're not okay. But you will be," Fera's statement was decisive, as strange as it was.
Bella's forehead crinkled as she considered the brighter girl's words, "Excuse me?"
Fera shrugged, "I'm an empath that helps the school counselor. I know these things, even if I don't want to sometimes."
“Huh. How has your day been?” clearly in uncomfortable territory, Bella attempted to redirect the conversation.
Fera recognized what she was doing, but decided to play along, "Pretty good. We got some seeds that came in for gardening club, and I had a quiz that I think I did okay on. What about you?"
Bella swallowed before replying, carefully monitoring her tone, "Good enough. I had some spare time in study hall to work on a side project that I submitted to a local expo last week for approval." Her voice was low with scattered pauses as she attempted to regain control.
"Have you gotten the results back yet?" sensing she was nearing a part of the issue by emotional surges, she pushed on.
"Yes," Bella's voice was small and thick with unshed tears. She cleared her throat, composing herself again. "I found out about an hour ago. I didn't make it."
"Are you okay with that?" Fera prodded.
Bella's voice shook, "I'm fine." She grew angry at her lack of control.
Fera hid a smirk. As awful as it was, and as unpleasant as it was to battle someone else's inner turmoil, she found some satisfaction in helping people with their problems. Like weeding out a garden, so the nicer plants could grow. "I'll repeat what I said earlier: it's okay not to be okay. And eventually the un okayness will pass." Bella wrinkled her nose at the grammatic fault.
"And you're sure?" Bella's skepticism of Fera was palpable as she eyed her.
"Pretty sure," Fera shrugged again. "Statistically, you know it's true. And I've seen it myself. You'll feel better eventually."
Bella mumbled incoherently against her knees, which were pulled against her chest.
Fera squished in beside her, resting a comforting hand on Bella's back. She silently grimaced as she sensed the broken ball's emotions turn for the worse. Her hand rose and fell on the back beneath her palm.
Bella snapped up, throwing Fera's arm back. "But what if I'm never going to feel better?! People keep saying I will be, but I'm not okay. I don't have a social life -" She cut off Fera as her mouth opened to protest, "It's faked. Any success you see is because of study. No one else studies to talk to their peers. NO ONE SAYS PEERS IN A CASUAL ENVIRONMENT!!” Her fury died down the minute it started, like a raging waterfall collapsing into a slow-moving trickle. “I just… I wish I was normal.” She collapsed into Fera’s embrace, her shoulders shaking with silent tears. Fera ran her fingers through the chestnut brown ringlets cascading just past the jacket-clad shoulders.
Fera started reciting a version of the words she’d heard so many times sitting in, or sitting in on a counselor session, “It’s okay not to be okay. But it’s also okay to ask for help.” A fresh wave of melancholy washed over her as Bella heaved a choked up sigh. “It’s okay to not be perfect, and no one will hate you for that. Talk to one of us before you have another breakdown like this, okay?” She felt the flow of fear and anxiety slow. Going with a hunch, she continued with her soft words, “Repressing your emotions isn’t helpful.” Nothing. The deep well of emotions coming from Bella disappeared. The void was disconcerting. She could almost feel the rumble of deep, uncontrolled discontentment. “It may seem helpful in the moment, but it’s not healthy.” A flash of melancholy broke though, quieted almost immediately. Slowly, Bella rose. Her eyes were still puffy with tears, but she had an expression of measured calm on her face.
“Thank you,” she said simply. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.” Her voice was rough from the tears, and she felt her emotional wall slipping, but she pushed past, denying it. Her footsteps echoed through the nearly empty library as she walked towards the exit. As the sun hit her, she almost believed the calm and content façade she kept up. Almost. She’d have to talk to Fera again. Sometime. Someday when she had time to dedicate to more trivial things in life, like emotions. Someday.
Hero AU
Zach is 17 and goes by the hero name "Bladed Officer"
his powers are the same as canon (will the name clue anyone in? send in your guesses)
Zach is an independent branch of government protection force chiefly dealing with supernatural threats
it's called Miranda's protection service, after his mother
it's existed for a little longer than 2 years
Freddie is 14 and is infamous under the name "Manic Alchemist"
he's causing havoc in order to make a name for himself
he's overshadowed by his parent's achievements
he's been a villain for about 2 years
after attempting to submit patents and gain fame the "right way" he failed to gain enough traction
so he sourced out Bella, bought some tech, and sent a chemical explosion to a vacant government building
his deed was in every conversation, on the tip of everyone's tongue for weeks
and he loved the attention
so he's been doing it ever since
Bella is 20 and goes by the name "Scarlet Maiden" when doing hero business
and "the Crimson Programmer" when doing more shady business
she has the most experience - 6 years of villain/illegal tech distribution
which means she is the most well known
seriously, she's a household name - her nanites are infamous and used as a bogeyman
"Got to sleep now, or crimson nanites will take your new toy"
she provides tech support for Zach
she's been working with him since the beginning
half the tech is her own invention
and the other half she has tinkered with, improving it in many ways
she wants to get out onto the field, since she has the capacity and the desire to help people
seriously, she has funky tech she's been itching to use
she also continues to help Freddie with tech
almost 3/4 of his stuff is her tech
she intends to cash that in at some point, especially if he starts shortchanging her
all her tech has a manual override button that only she can access remotely, in case anything is used too brutally
unfortunately, her moral greyness in this au is hyped up, so she will take any deal, and can be paid off to some extent to interfere less if she's given a small fortune or access to something obscure
aus for my ocs are so much fun that I have nine of them
Is it bad that i have 2 aus of some of my ocs? It's a mix of being too lazy to make new ocs and wanting those specific ocs to be in new situations (like a modern au or a monster au)
I love making aus for my ocs so not weird at all!
Day 1 - love letter
A hundred thanks to @creativepromptsforwriting for the incredible prompts i rely on so much. Thank you
Unfortunately, this is just a snippet as it’s part of an alternate universe that will be posted soon on @pagesofcursive and my collab blog @eve-and-briar so if you want to see the rest shameless plug go follow us there
In the past, Bella had found the most effective way to process her feelings was to write them out. She’d vomit words onto the page and read them back to herself in hopes of getting a hold on the swirling mass of thoughts.
Hundreds of pages had been filled with loopy, excited script as her projects gained recognition within her family, at school, and in the professional world. Successes tumbled into each other as Bella gained drive and passion and skill. There was no punctuation, no uppercase, no consistency in size, angle, or shape of the letters. Those were her favorite pages.
Dozens more had been filled with sporadic pondering. Curiosity Bella held about the world, unabating and passionate. The limits of space, the capacity of human empathy, true randomness, interactions with other people, and other questions that chased each other around her head day in, day out. All written in a precise, perfect font that she could return to years in the future in the hopes she’d one day discover the answer.
Scores of pages had been written in a short time; frustrating and disappointing circumstances occurred within close proximity to each other. They weighed on Bella’s shoulders, sat like a stone in her gut, anchored her erratic brain in the worst ways. Angry scratch filled every white space on the page, venting. She’d spend hours hunched over a book, writing so furiously the paper wrinkled and tore under her pen. Recording what she wished she could scream to the wide expanse of space as her internship dreams were crushed, student debt multiplied faster than thought, and customers grated on her nerves at the coffee shop.
A/N: Feast your eyes on part one of five in a Superhero Au official arc! This is going to be my first official finished project, and takes place relatively early in any planned universe lore. Without further ado, I present

Part I: Opportunity
Bella’s leg bounced under the desk as she tweaked with her newest creation. Her hand threaded through her chestnut hair, which was frizzy and mussed after working through the night. The door to her office slid open and her head snapped up to meet the gaze of who was entering. She gazed, unseeing, unblinking, at the person in the doorway.
Zach stepped into the room, dressed in his navy blue and muted yellow uniform, holding his limp mask. After staring vacantly too long, making Zach shift uncomfortably, Bella finally beckoned Zach inside, not standing to greet him, as social propriety demanded.
“Are you okay?” Zach blurted after sitting down across from her. He perched awkwardly on a flimsy, foldable chair.
“Hmm?” Bella rubbed the heels of her palms against her eyes as she tried to focus on the real world. Finally processing Zach’s question, she said, “Oh, yeah. Just a little” – she broke off with a yawn – “tired.”
“So, what did you call me in here for,” asked Zach, eyeing her cautiously, as if he was afraid she’d keel over and pass out.
Bella waved her hands vaguely at the slate-gray glove displayed on a stand. Dim red and blue wires crisscrossed the insulated fabric like veins, connecting to barely covered over processing chips in the pads of the fingers. Grounding herself, she inhaled sharply, the acrid smell of the Bladed Officer, Zach’s, suit filling the room.
She said, “I made these. For me. On the field.“ Prepared for the inevitable disappointment she added, “I know I’m not allowed, but what’s the harm in trying. Again.” And again and again, she thought, bitter from rejection. Fixing a lazy glare at the boy in front of her, she seethed. He dared reject her as she tried to do some good in the world, after years of prosperity and success in the market of villains, as if she was a green programmer, as if she hadn’t improved the company tenfold, as if he was better than her. Distantly, she wondered why she put up with the treatment she suffered in the company.
Despite her doubts and trampled hope, Zach miraculously seemed to consider her offer. He placed his chin in his hands and his elbows on her desk. “Explain,” he said. “And simply, please. I’m not as smart as you.
Picking up a glove, Bella pulled it on. Its manufacturing was perfect as it slid onto her hand, given she had spared no expense on it. The glove was cool, and the currents running through it made her blood hum more than usual. Biting her lip, she mentally tamped down on the tirade she could easily go on about the device. It was nice to be listened to, but she shouldn’t push it. Zach didn’t need to know about logistics, he didn’t care about the intricate programming, he just needed to know what it did. “These can take control of anything with an electric current just by touching it,” said Bella. It was almost painful to dumb it down so much. Beyond the electric current making the hairs on her forearm stand up, she barely felt it; something so complex and advanced was revolutionary in its physical simplicity. It had taken months of work, dozens of sleepless nights, but for the sake of her employer, she could only convey its brilliance in a single sentence. She stifled the urge to scream.
Zach leaned forward. “What?” he asked, baffled. Good, a chance to elaborate.
“Look,” Bella said, reaching out on a whim and grabbing his covered forearm, gripping the place she had installed his comms. She tapped a button on the holographic screen that appeared above the glove.
A robotic voice rang out. “Calling Dad.”
“No!” Zach sputtered. “Stop.” His cheeks were bright red.
Immediately, Bella released his wrist, letting her hand fall onto the desk. Seized by another idea, she gripped the lamp on her desk. A slider projected in front of her and she swiped her finger back and forth on it, the lamp dimming and brightening and accordingly. Zach’s eyes widened. His pupils expanded and contracted, more than likely mirroring her own.
“Okay,” he said, wincing as Bella froze with the lamp on its brightest setting. “You can go out.”
“What?” Bella said. Every thought screeched to a halt.
“I said,” Zach repeated, “You can g-”
Finally processing his words, Bella cut him off. “Really?” she asked, hope flickering in her chest against all odds.
“Yes,” said Zach. “That glove clearly only fits you, and the stuff it would be used on will be too complicated for anyone but you to understand. At least in our company.”
“O-okay,” Bella said, still stunned. She made to stand up, but Zach caught her wrist, the fibers of his thick glove chafing, and tugged her back down to sit.
“Hang on,” he said. His words rang out in the silent room as Bella stilled. “When I said you could go out, I didn’t mean with me. Right now. You need a little more experience before you go public.”
Stifling a snort at the irony of his words, Bella nodded, indicating for him to keep talking.
Chewing the inside of his cheek, Zach finally continued, “I’m going to have to confirm with the higher-ups, but I think it would be best if you start with a tamer mission.” His comms beeped. He glanced at it, sighed, and got up. As he made his way to the door, he said, “If you find a smaller villain, one that doesn’t put you in a lot of danger and arrest them quietly, we should be able to consider you for more field work.”
That made sense. Who knew what kind of legal mess would be made if some office worker was killed immediately after going out. Not only that, but it would spell doom for the company’s publicity. “Perfect,” said Bella, already hatching a scheme. Warehouses of equipment and veritable phone books full of villain contacts were at her fingertips.
Catching the gleam in her eye, Zach sternly said, “Just wait until I talk with management. Please.” It was difficult to take him seriously, no matter how intimidating he tried to be with his teenage face still spattered with acne.
“You got it, boss,” Bella teased.
His expression softened. Stepping into the doorway, Zach turned back and said, “And get some sleep.”
Bella rolled her eyes, which were dry and aching with exhaustion, but nodded. The adrenaline from his news was fading, leaving her energy drained and thoughts moving at a snail-like pace. Zach’s shoulders slumped with relief and he strode out. Mere seconds after he disappeared from the door, Bella heard a clatter, a thump, and a grunt. How someone so clumsy was such a competent hero, she’d never know. She snickered, packing up her tools and equipment, finally heading home to crash. Her hopes coming at last to fruition, she left the building with a small smile and a metaphorical spring in her step.
What is pizza head's role in the greasy appetite au? Is he just getting blamed for everything that happened , like when peppino turned Scottish, by everyone, or does he still have hope and believes he can change? I believe the latter would happen
Glad you asked! Pizzahead turned Peppino into the way he is simply enough by existing by his side! In basic terms, what will happen if you stick around that Pizzahead'ed fella for too long, pure corruption (unless you were already as insane as him, you'd be great friends with him)
Frankly, he is expected to get blamed for everything. Offering the offer to work with Peppino himself, showing him around and turning Peppino into a madman by his absolute craze of a tower he had created, didn't even notice the change he turned Peppino into until he got kicked out of his own tower. And did he hold any regrets? Absolutely none, even after realising the monster he turned Peppino into, he'd consider of being proud of himself rather than have any remorse
Course, as the storyline goes from the start of the game, he ran to Gustavo to get his tower back rather than showing up to say "I turned your buddy into an evil version of himself and I'm so sorry, please save him", although Gustavo's goal was to bring Peppino down just to save his buddy and at least kick that slight bit of corruption greed out of his head, Pizzahead was definitely crying for his tower

idk what i was thinking just take it

horrorfell concept me and my friend @littlehappyrabbit thought up (srry about the blurriness, couldnt get a clearer image of it)