Avatar Neytiri - Tumblr Posts
That's a good idea as to why they might've removed it. The fact that it is fully rendered suggests it was a last-minute removal so I wonder why they did it.
My guess is that they didn't want to paint neytiri in a negative light and this version of the scene makes her less sympathetic than the original. However, I wish they had kept it in any way and not shied away from making their female mc do a bad thing. Having characters do bad things and make mistakes is how you create characters arcs that bring conflict and depth to the characters. Jake wouldn't be the character that he is if he didn't have to learn his lesson about lying to the omaticaya in A1 and trying to run away from his problems in A2. As much as I like neytiri, she is a pretty static character. We never see her grow or change or realize something. The closest we got to that was her forgiving jake in A1, but that conflict revolved more around her status as jake's love interest than her as a character. I would LOVE to see neytiri get some actual complexity and showing that she is willing to stoop to quaritch's level would've done that! James Cameron has been hinting at Neytiri getting an arc about learning to trust some humans in A3 and I think this would've been a WAY better way to kick it off. In the original version, it can be explained away by her just being desperate to save kiri, but in the extended version, kiri was already safe and it shows neytiri truly does harbor a deep resentment towards spider, who is an innocent party in all this. as Quaritch said "your fight's with me not a boy." Establishing that neytiri actually does hold an unfair hate towards spider would make any character arc she gets in the future much more satisfying.
Skip to 5:50 for the deleted scene
Holy shiiieeeet no wonder spider saved Quaritch after this scene, why did they not keep this in? It was so intense!! I was on the edge of my seat!
Jake and Kiri's shock as they try to talk her down and then Quaritch hiding his panic and trying to turn neytiri's anger back towards him, and then just the wild grief and anger in her eyes, and then spider staying completely frozen because he doesn't want to set her off... it's so cinematic!!
Seriously, THEY SHOULD'VE KEPT THIS IN!!! It would've fit Neytiri's grief/rage and Spider's desire to save Quaritch SO MUCH BETTER!!
@hyperfixatedfandomer @naavispider @ao3gobi17 @raving-raven-writing @mist--walker @dumbass--tumbler--cryptid @goodbyetothenight @lilt78
Hey guys according to what I've seen on reddit, the thing about Neytiri going to earth was misinformation. (sorry I don't have the actual source for this, it's just what I've seen on reddit and the avatar reddit community is usually pretty meticulous about getting info right so I trust them). There may be scenes that SHOW the state of earth in A4 or A5, but none of the characters are going to go there in person, like @be-the-glenn-to-my-maggie says, it would take WAY too long to travel there and back.
I think Neytiri and others might be shown footage of earth or talk to humans who just came from earth, so Neytiri will understand and sympathize with how desperate the humans are.
I know I've heard James Cameron say that Neytiri might travel to earth somehow. But if she were, what do you think this would mean for her character's development?
Great question, yes he has said that. Of course it will help with her development, to see the reason for humanities desperation. Feeling for the billions of regular people who have no chance versus the upper class who are ruining her planet. I can't imagine how horrified she would be. I feel like it would strengthen her hatred for the RDA, but might help her sympathize for the individual human.
I do have to say that I am not crazy about that idea, I don't really care to see Earth again when there is so so much going on on Pandora already. I don't care to see the Na'vi take a six year journey to get there omg, are we not busy what's gonna happen on Pandora while they're gone?? That's 12 years of time just fucking around lol.
Would you mind sharing a little bit more on why you think that scene would've been detrimental to Neytiri's character and framed her as less sympathetic than Quaritch? Because I actually feel the opposite, and I think the scene would've done more for her character rather than taken away from it.
I'm gonna repeat something I've already posted on this topic:
"I wish they had kept it in any way and not shied away from making their female mc do a bad thing. Having characters do bad things and make mistakes is how you create characters arcs that bring conflict and depth to the characters. Jake wouldn't be the character that he is if he didn't have to learn his lesson about lying to the omaticaya in A1 and trying to run away from his problems in A2. As much as I like neytiri, she is a pretty static character. We never see her grow or change or realize something. The closest we got to that was her forgiving jake in A1, but that conflict revolved more around her status as jake's love interest than her as a character. I would LOVE to see neytiri get some actual complexity and showing that she is willing to stoop to quaritch's level would've done that!"
This scene made me feel for her even more because it shows just how far all her losses have pushed her that she's willing to hurt an innocent party to get back at the people who've caused her so much pain. Having a character do a bad thing under bad circumstances doesn't mean they're bad or that the writers think they're bad (or that the writers think indigenous peoples are bad). It makes them realistic because EVERYBODY does bad things sometimes. I think anyone would've been tempted to do what she almost did after losing their son. Neytiri so far has been a pretty flawless character who's main character moments are coming to rescue Jake or her children. She deserves to have the same amount of flaws and complexities as the other characters get, and this scene would've been the first step to giving her those flaws and complexities.
The scene reminded me a lot of the episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender "The Southern Raiders" where Katara tracks down the man who murdered her mom for revenge. Just like Neytiri, Katara is an indigenous person who has lost so much because of colonizers, and she goes to harm someone, not out of self-defense, but purely for revenge. And just like Neytiri, Katara doesn't go through with it in the end. That episode was an amazing insight into Katara's character, she's normally the moral compass of the group so seeing her pushed to point where she wanted to kill someone and then pull herself back from it was super interesting to see.
Anyways, those are all my thoughts on why I actually think that scene would've been good for Neytiri's character. I'd love to hear more about your point of view and why you think it wasn't good! (I also totally agree that "Parents From Hell" is not canon)
omgg please tell me that you’ve seen the extended atwow extended cuts?? they’re phenomenal and canon and i can’t be told otherwise.
The Parents from hell one had me on the edge of my seat I was so scared even though I know the outcome, well now we know that Neytiri was definitely going to kill, not even to bargain for Kiri but for revenge and that’s just ughhh i can’t wait to incorporate this in my fanfic
I gotta say, I do fundamentally disagree, at least about the parents one. It's not so much of a deleted scene as a full rewrite of the scene. If Neytiri's goal was to kill Spider and take revenge over saving Kiri, why did they do with the version where she lets him go immediately? I don't know, man, to me it seems like they filmed that and then decided it didn't work with the character or for what they had planned. It definitely makes sense to me that they chose not to go with that version. Even the name, "The Parents From Hell," it makes it seem like it's a dark alternate universe.
But yes, scenes that were missing and not included I am all for thinking of as canon! But this is a full rewrite. It's not canon, because it's not what happened in the final version. I think the reason they chose to change it is more telling than the fact that it was filmed in the first place.
But of course, I am mad it exists. I wish they never released it. I don't like what they seem to think of Neytiri's character. I don't like the framing of her as less sympathetic than Quartich (even though a lot of idiots still took it that way which is still on the writing team as well), but I'm glad they understood they had to change the scene. I'm trying to withhold judgement until I see the full arc they intend for her, but as of now I'm not very pleased. She should be the heart of this series if it is to stay it's course as a true love letter to indigenous communities and what has happened to them. I hope they don't forget that.
THIS 100%!!!
The biggest legitimate criticism of Avatar is that the character development is lacking, and this right here is something that could've fixed it! They had the scenes! The scenes of her trying and failing to ride an ilu and then choosing to hunt only with her ikran are partially rendered and you can watch them on youtube! It was there! And it only took up less than 5 mins of screentime total!
Don't get me wrong, I loved getting to see Lo'ak and Payakan and the reef kids, but I would've GREATLY preferred if they would've cut out some of the teen drama and outcast angst to give Neytiri, THE MAIN FEMALE LEAD AND THE FACE OF THE SERIES, some character development!
Seriously, JC! Just sacrificing five minutes of teen drama or whale hunting is all it would've taken to give Neytiri her own little character arc!
Y'all better have something good for her up your sleeves in A3 because Neytiri deserves more than screaming and crying every time the RDA hurts somebody 😭😭😭
Neytiri's inability to accept Metkayina culture, and why I LOVE it
Sadly Neytiri didn't play a huge role in ATWOW, which though is upsetting as a fan of her makes sense since the movie isn't really about her and is more so about the new generation. However, one aspect of her characterization that is prevalent in both the deleted scenes and the leaked early script is the fact that out of all the Sullys, she is the one that struggles the most in assimilating to the Metkayina lifestyle.
I adore this detail because it is such a deep understanding of who Neytiri is as a person, as well as a representation of all she has been through in her life. Neytiri, at her core, is a woman that dislikes change and views it as a harbinger of the worst to come. She is a woman that cannot be seperated from her culture and lifestyle as an Omatikaya because of how much of her indentity has been molded by it, and the few times she has been seperated from it has been by force.
For example: her inability to learn how to ride ilu. Riding ilu is essential in Metkayina culture because it is the most baseline way to hunt, and as Tonowari states, being unable to ride one makes you useless because you can't hunt. In one of the deleted scenes, Neytiri is trying to learn to ride ilu with Ronal but can't seem to get it down, only to eventually give up out of frustration. Ronal even makes sure to reiterate to her that ilu is not ikran, and ilu cannot fly, because fundamentally Neytiri is approaching riding ilu the way you would ride ikran.
The obvious answer as to why she does this is muscle memory, to Neytiri this would be like someone who rides bicycles trying to learn how to ride a unicycle – it may be similar, but approaching it the same way will yield wrong results. However I feel it is also because her experiences with ikran and losing her own has made her subconsciously hostile towards learning a new way of riding, because in her mind it is her again being seperated from her ikran. Seze's death was obviously traumatic to her, in that moment she not only lost a dear ally, but was forcibly seperated from a part of her culture and lifestyle by invaders.
So naturally, now that she has a new ikran, even if she wants to learn how to ride a different mount, her body won't let her. Her subconscious won't allow her to be seperated from the one thing she has left from her people since their relocation. I believe Neytiri learns how to hunt with her ikran, developing a diving technique which means she no longer needs to learn how to ride ilu. This not only feels very in character for her, but I also think it's just a sweet way to allow her to keep this part of her while also allowing her to contribute to the Metkayina way of life.
Another example of this is the bombing of the Omatikaya hometree – again, Neytiri was forcibly removed from a part of her lifestyle and culture against her will by outsiders. So her hostility to leaving their new hometree, even if it is for their own safety, makes more than enough sense. To her, she is yet again being ripped away from a part of her, yet again being forced out her culture and made to abandon a significant part of being of the Omatikaya. I wouldn't be surprised if she still struggles with being a part of the Metkayina clan in the coming few movies, because out of her whole family she is the one with the least positive experiences in change.
Throughout both movies, and some non movie pieces of media, change has brought almost nothing good to Neytiri personally, and accepting change has lead to more losses than wins. Her children are just that, children, so even through homesickness, they view Awa'atlu as a new start, because they never had to go through the loss of the first hometree, nor any of the losses Neytiri faced in the first film. Jake's entire character has been defined by him learning new cultures and ways of life, so to him, leaving the Omatikaya and seeking refuge with the Metkayina isn't nearly the life shattering decision it is for Neytiri; he's done it before, he can easily do it again. Neytiri though? Of course it would all be too much for her, and I doubt she'll ever fully integrate into Metkayina life.
TLDR: Neytiri's inability to assimilate to Metkayina life is very in character and I really like it actually. I wish it was touched on more but sadly there is no nine hour avatar cut so that won't ever happen. 😔

girl you missed a lot of somethings! But it's cool, I'll catch you up to speed on all the leaks. It's a little late at this point, but 🚨SPOILER WARNING FOR AVATAR 3🚨
Varang using kuru mind-control: @spider-socorro-stan was able to make out some of the very blurry writing on this script page that was accidentally shown in BTS footage. As far as they could tell, the first line says "Varang wills Quaritch's arm to... bulging, as his hand opens and he..." which makes it sound like she's controlling him somehow. This led people to speculate that Varang might use tsaheylu to control others. Out of all the "spoilers," this one has the least amount of evidence supporting it so take it with a grain of salt.

2. Norm taken prisoner by the RDA: in this BTS image, two Na'vi in Ash attire stand with another Na'vi wearing an orange prison jumpsuit in the RDA control room. A lot of people believe that it's Quaritch and Wainfleet taking Norm prisoner.

3. Neytiri also in Ash People clothing: in this BTS image, Jake stands next to a Na'vi woman wearing Ash People attire, with Spider wearing... whatever the fuck that jumpsuit thing is in the background. It's hard to tell with her face hidden, but most people think the woman is Neytiri based off her height, build, and proximity to Jake.

4. The betabridge: this is the spoiler we have the least information about. According to the leaked script, right after Jake and Quaritch have their civil conversation while Spider is breathing the air, Quaritch leaves them (probably scared cause Neytiri showed up lmao) and flies back to Bridgehead with Wainfleet. There, they witness a massive machine that looks like "an oil rig crossed with a nuclear reactor." It lets out a loud noise and Wainfleet remarks that it is working now. We have no other information on what the Betabridge is other than what it looks like, but if it was built in Bridgehead, it can't be good for the Na'vi. Here is a transcript written by twitterX user AkumuHoshi based on what they could read:

@spider-socorro-stan also has a nice guide to all the script leaks pinned on their blog if you want to read more!

Even more old avatar art I never posted. I think I was supposed to do one of Jake and Tonowari wearing dad grill outfits but I never got around to it lol
And if it's possible for you, could you make a story of Avatar 2 by Neytiri and Spider Socorro together mother and son, please?
When I first saw the prompt, I was shocked, because I'd never thought of writing something like that before and it felt out of my comfort zone as I haven't written Neytiri much. I almost deleted it. But for some reason, it kept sitting in the back of my head and I finally decided just to give it a chance and write a little one shot. And that one shot turned into a two shot. Which turned into a three shot. So by the time I realized I had enough for three separate chapters I figured I might as well commit to making this a proper fic.
This was seriously the hardest thing I’ve ever written. When I first decided to attempt the prompt, my first thought was an AU where they adopt Spider right from the beginning, but then I thought it would be more interesting if I tried to keep things canonical but diverge from the main storyline instead. I tried so hard to write both Spider and Neytiri true to how they behave in canon while also trying to create a scenario where they would realistically bond like a mother and son. It’s really difficult since they have such a rocky relationship, I deadass think it would’ve been easier to write a Quaritch X Jake romance that sticks close to canon lmao. I'm not sure if the end result is exactly what anon had in mind, but this is what came of it, so I hope y'all enjoy!
and yes, I know I also said I would continue Special Treatment and Lucky Number Five. I am planning to continue them, my life's just gotten a lot busier, so I can't make any promises about updates unfortunately.
And as for Common Enemy... 😭😭😭 I think I intimidated myself out of finishing it, I might just go back and clean up the sketches and then post the comic as it is right now, you guys will still be able to enjoy the story, it'll just have sketchy art instead of the usual finished product, cause I bit off way more than I could chew with 15 pages.
James Cameron has written Neytiri and Spider's relationship before...
Recently I went on a kick of rewatching old sci-fi movies, including the James Cameron ones of course, and I noticed an interesting little pattern in JC's storytelling:
In Terminator 2 we have our protagonist Sarah Connor. In the first movie she was almost killed by the first terminator, so in the second movie, when she meets the new terminator, she's understandably distrustful of it even though her son, John, trusts it. However, the new terminator proves itself to be loyal to John, so she realizes she doesn't have to be distrustful and even comes to rely on it in the end.

Then in Alien 2 we have Ellen Ripley. In the first movie, Ripley was almost killed because of the android Rook, so in the second movie, when she meets a new android, Bishop, she's understandably distrustful of him even though the other human characters trust him. Just like the new terminator, Bishop proves himself to be loyal, and Ripley realizes she can trust him and they become friends by the end (and stay friends for the rest of their lives because I like to pretend Alien 3 didn't happen 😭)
Now we have the Avatar sequels and Neytiri. In the first Avatar, Neytiri was almost killed by Quaritch, so in the second movie, when she's around his son, she's extremely distrustful even though her family members trust Spider... hmm I wonder how James Cameron is going to resolve that conflict? 🤔

Obviously, Neytiri/Spider's relationship is more complicated and ugly than Ripley/Bishop and Sarah Connor/the second Terminator, but the story beats are still lining up the same. We don't know the conclusion to Neytiri and Spider's relationship conflict just yet, but looking at James Cameron's other works, I think he may be setting up to follow the same pattern as Alien 2 and Terminator 2.
Having a main protagonist realize she was wrong about someone and change her views on them is a story beat James Cameron seems to enjoy writing, and it's one that works really well. Giving a character flaws and having them grow and change is what creates compelling character arcs!
Avatar co-writer Amanda Silver even commented on the narrative purpose of Neytiri disliking Spider in an interview: "Neytiri is a fully fleshed-out character. She’s got flaws. So it’s okay to let her have flaws, we think. And that’s where Jim was coming from."
All this is to say that no, we are not going to see Neytiri murder Spider in Avatar 3 like many young fans hope, that would be a horribly depressing conclusion for her character arc; to never be challenged on her biases and never have to reflect on her views and grow. I for one am really excited to see how James Cameron and co resolve their conflict since their relationship has a lot more bad blood than the other two examples did!

silly avatar sketch dump
Neytiri referenced on sideshow collectibles sculpt bust
the original went to @kubotaclogs 🍀


introduction master list series master list
— summary ! a new family was coming to the small town called stars hollow. they were moving into a new house. it was rumored they have four kids and filthy rich. victoria still going to stars hollow, she saw them moving in and saw their older kids moving boxes. she passed their house and waved. victoria became friends with them, because it was a small town.
— authors note ! jake is not in a wheelchair, they are rich and this is their home. (linked) i also have no clue how to write a summary without spoiling the whole thing. their face claims are just what i thought they would look like ! their face claims are from pinterest. no use of y/n they have an actual name but it’s still your pov. (using “ you” instead of “i” pronouns.) this is human! sully family, and stars hollow! au/gilmore girls au (?). probably gonna change (series master list) this around a bit unsure. lower case is intended in each chapter. chapters are really long. this is my first time writing something as a series so sorry if it’s bad or doesn’t make sense… outfits/other things linked are just suggestions, you can imagine the outfits/other things how ever you like.
— status ! currently stopped updating
— parings ! popular! an'oung x female reader x athletic nerd! neteyam (love triangle)
— disclaimer ! here’s the link to a disclaimer for each of the chapters.
— chapters ! 2/18
— profiles, descriptions
— welcome
— the gilmore’s first day (wip)
— kill me now
— the deer hunters
— cinnamon’s wake
— gilmore girls birthday parties
— kiss and tell
— love & war & snow
— victoria’s dance
— forgiveness and stuff
— paris is burning
— double date
— concert interrupts
— that damn donna reed
— christopher returns
— star-crossed lovers & other strangers

“A son for a son”

Songs that remind me of Neytiri’s rage
Avatar: The Way Of Water

Number of poems: 7
Author: Rouge
A/N: having spent several days writing, I’ve decided to share some of my poems about Avatar: The Way Of Water with you. As this is my first attempt at writing poetry, please be gentle with me. Please also note that English is not my primary language.

In the depths of the ocean blue, Lo'ak met a creature pure and true. A tulkun, a being so rare, And with it, a bond beyond compare.
Payakan, a name to behold, A friendship worth its weight in gold. For the tides may rise and fall, But this connection will stand tall.
With every dive and every breath, Their bond grows stronger, defying death. And though the world may never see, Their brotherhood is real, as real can it be.

Neteyam, a young Na'vi with a heart so true, A warrior in training, a spirit anew. With every step he took, he felt the land, The forest's whisper, the pulse of its grand.
With bow in hand, he'd take aim and shoot, Honing his skills, his path ever astute. And in his mother, Neytiri, he found a guide, A beacon of wisdom, a pure love that would never subside.
Together they explored the world around, A bond so strong, a union so profound. Neteyam looked up to his mother with pride, Knowing her teachings would always be his guide.
As the future of the Na'vi, he held a great role, A leader in waiting, with a warrior's soul. With every challenge, he rose to the task, His spirit unbroken, his courage steadfast.
Neteyam, a symbol of hope and light, A champion of his people, a warrior of might. In our hearts, his legacy will remain, A tribute to his spirit, forever we'll retain.

Eywa, the goddess of the Na'vi land, Bearer of life, her touch so grand. Her spirit flows through every tree, And echoes in the breeze that all Na’vi see.
Her song so pure, her will so strong, A force that carries life along. The Na'vi sing to her every day, In reverence and in gratitude they pray.
Through her, the land is made complete, A living, breathing, vibrant feat. And all who dwell within her care, Find peace and love beyond compare.
Oh, Eywa, the goddess of all we see, We honor you, on bended knees. May your light forever shine, And guide us through the passage of time.

Jake, a warrior brave and true, A hunter skilled in all he'd pursue. With bow and arrow, he'd take aim, A protector of his people's reign.
With strength and grace, he'd move with ease, In tune with Pandora's gentle breeze. And when his heart was touched by love, He found in Neytiri his true dove.
Together they roamed the forest green, A pair as one, a unity supreme. With Jake by her side, Neytiri knew, Their love would forever bloom and renew.
Jake, a hero of the Na'vi land, A soul so pure, so brave, so grand. In our hearts, his memory will forever remain, A tribute to his spirit, forever we'll retain.

Pandora, the moon, a world so rare, A place of wonder, beyond welfare. With skies so blue and forests so green, A paradise like none we've ever seen.
Amidst the trees, the Na'vi roam, A people in tune with this world's home. In harmony with creatures of all kinds, Pandora's beauty, a treasure to find.
With floating mountains and bioluminescent lights, A world that glows, in its own unique delights. A place of magic, where the heart can soar, Pandora's charm, forever we'll adore.
So let us journey to this world so rare, And let us marvel at its beauty so fair. For Pandora, the moon, a gem in the space, A testament to nature's boundless grace.

In the depths of Pandora's seas, Where the currents flow and the creatures tease, Lived a gentle-giant, a creature of grace, Tulkun, a whale-like being, with a majestic trace.
Its skin was gleaming, reflecting the light, A beauty unmatched, a marvel of sight. Its movements were fluid, with a powerful grace, A creature of wonder, in this underwater space.
Tulkun swam the oceans, with a gentle pace, A being of peace, a guardian of the place. Its song echoed through the waters, a melody so pure, A gift to all creatures, an invitation to cure.
The Metkayina would gather, when Tulkuns were near, They'd raise their spears and let out a cheer. For Tulkuns were more than a creatures of the sea, They were a symbol of nature, a spirit so free.
The seas would whisper, when Tulkun would pass, A message of hope, a reminder to last. That in this world of wonder, of ocean and land, We are all connected, by Eywa's loving hand.

In Pandora's land of vibrant hue, Stands Neytiri, strong and true. As a tsakarem, she leads the way, Her bow always ready to fight and slay.
Born to Eytukan and Mo'at's line, Her spirit fierce, her heart divine. A warrior skilled, with arrows bright, She stands for her clan with all of her might.
Through danger and trial, she remains unbroken, Her courage and strength, always outspoken. With honor and wisdom, she leads her clan with grace, Neytiri, a true inspiration of Omaticaya place.

I haven't done her human form yet but this will be slightly self shippy but anyway here's the girl
Also I'm trying to find an Avatar fix I read awhile ago,the plot was basically The reader was either adopted or born human daughter between Jake and Neytiri and Neytiri didn't like the reader because she was human and the reader got hurt by a Thanator and Neytiri found her injured.If someone finds it please link it to me 😭,it was on Tumblr

I haven't done her human form yet but this will be slightly self shippy but anyway here's the girl
Also I'm trying to find an Avatar fix I read awhile ago,the plot was basically The reader was either adopted or born human daughter between Jake and Neytiri and Neytiri didn't like the reader because she was human and the reader got hurt by a Thanator and Neytiri found her injured.If someone finds it please link it to me 😭,it was on Tumblr

Avatar 2: Way Of Water
⚠️No spoilers ⚠️
What a roll coaster of emotions!!!😭 I can’t wait for Avatar 3. I got done watching it almost an 30 minutes ago. My heart and eyes hurt from me crying! I’m such a crybaby when my favorite characters get hurt!!!!