Disabled Pride - Tumblr Posts

been getting into old web aesthetic and decided to make some stamps and blinkies for disability pride month
feel free to download/use! credit isnt necessary but reblogging so others can find them is appreciated š
(image IDs in alt text)
WHY are people being ableist towards Max? Like please. Max being blind and disabled from the waist down/their entire body does not make them any less of a good character. I'm hoping they end up okay and get a wheelchair and or cane because that would be such an important representation for disabled people everywhere. There's people literally saying "They should've killed off Max because they're gonna be weird now," like bro. You're telling me you'd rather have a character be literally killed then have them be disabled? Please. It's disabled pride month. Go cry about it.

Disabled pride flag colorpicked from Ziggy | requested by; @watchoutpaul-hemightkickyourhead
happy disability pride month to all!!!
to those who are professionally diagnosed
to those who aren't professionally diagnosed
to those who are self-diagnosed
to those who are physically disabled
to those who are mentally disabled
to those who are intellectually disabled
to those who are developmentally disabled
to those with one disability
to those with more than one disability
to those who don't use mobility aids
to those who do use mobility aids
to those who don't use sensory supports
to those who do use sensory supports
to those who don't use stim toys and stim tools
to those who do use stim toys and stim tools
to those who don't use aac
to those who do use aac
to those who don't use braces and splints
to those who do use braces and splints
to those who don't have medications to take
to those who do have medications to take
to those who need a caregiver
to those who don't need a caregiver
to those who can move out of their parents' house
to those who can't move out of their parents' house
to those who have a service animal
to those who don't have a service animal
to those who have an emotional support animal
to those who don't have an emotional support animal
to those who can't do things on their own
to those who can do things on their own
to those who are nonverbal or nonspeaking
to those who are semiverbal or semispeaking
to those who are verbal or speaking
to those who are hyperverbal or hyperspeaking
to those who are independent
to those who are dependent
to those who are chronically ill
to those who are in chronic pain
to those who love their disabilities
to those who hate their disabilities
to those who are visibly disabled
to those who are invisbly disabled
to those who prefer person-first language
to those who prefer identity-first language
to all of those who are disabled
you are valid
you are loved
happy disability pride month
~ Evan
When you want to learn more about a disability or disorder and does not have access to irl people, be it people with that disorder or doctors or Just a reliable information, what do you do? Google It?
As Google is Full of bias and ableism, with things like "retarded" or "narc abuse", you gotta go to a place where there are people who actually experience It. GO ASK YOUR TUMBLRINAS
Pixel flag divider requested by @mossfrogandratmushroom !
Disability pride flag

I hope you like it :)
Suggestions, tips, and requests are welcome!!! I don't do any NSFW but I'll create for any fandom. Feel free to use this for something if you want. A like, reblog, or follow if you do would be appreciated!

Some disability pride icon borders
so butiful<3
a short positivity post to remind you all that you are loved, important and valued in not only the therian / alterhuman community, but in life. take care of yourselves.

to the therians who use canes and wheelchairs, you are no less of a mobile creature for needing an aid. whether your theriotype is a fish, a domestic cat or a wild canid ā mobility aids are found in most, if not all, species out there due to the help from humans. if you had been born in the right body, you would be given the same sort of aid. i promise. it isn't shameful.
you have carpal tunnel and feel left out because you're a wolf who was born to run and hunt elk? that's great!! i bet you'd be great friends with this guy :0}

to the blind and / or deaf therians who are told that their theriotype simply wouldn't survive due to their blindness ā this simply isn't true. there have been many cases of blind or deaf animals surviving, look at this wolf as an example! and bare in mind MOST cases of blindness are partial, but this old gal is pretty much FULLY blind, and she's doing fine. why wouldn't you?

to the therians who have some sort of learning disability, it does NOT make you an idiot. i tend to see a lot of critters with stereotypically intelligent animals (think elephants, border collies, etc) as their theriotypes and feel worried due to their disability. you aren't dumb, you aren't "mentally not there", you aren't any of the mean things you've been called throughout your life. there ARE animals with learning disabilities, you would not die in the wild for having one just the same as you would not die in a domestic household for having one (or many)

and to those who have any other disabilities that i didn't mention in this short post, you are enough. you don't have to prove your therianthropy to anyone. if someone ever insists that you can't possibly be your theriotype because you are disabled? ignore them, they're lying and just trying to make you feel terrible about yourself. it's hard being disabled, it's hard waking up in pain and never not being NOT in pain, it's hard knowing that there are folks out there that'd demean you just for being disabled, it's hard needing mobility aids and not being able to afford them, it's hard when people think that you're stupid or less deserving of respect because they don't deem you "all there".
i love you all, those hardships are something that you shouldn't ever have to experience.
take good care of yourself if you can, and if you can't? get yourself that sweet treat you've been wanting, eat your favorite candy before a savory meal, give yourself a well deserved hug and watch your favorite show.

July is disability pride month!
there's a common joke that after gay pride is gay wrath, but in reality, it's disability pride. However, as a disabled queer person, I'd like to personally invite some wrath against ableism while we're being proud of disability.
; I can't believe I have to say this but pride flags are not exclusively a LGBTQIA+ thing. They're pride flags, they're for showing pride of who you are or about something ( like a disability, etc ) that is apart of you or significant to a community. Especially real for minorities that are often forgotten or discriminated against !!
; I'm saying this because someone on Tiktok posted an intro and included the disabled pride flag ( along with some other pride flags ) and someone asked what it meant, and when told by a few people that it was the disabled pride flag, their response was literally " the lgbt is getting out of hand. What are you, attracted to disabilities ?? Or what you want to be disabled ?? " like no. The lgbtqia+ was literally not mentioned once. It's a pride flag, but not necessarily a pride flag meant to represent an lgbtqia+ identity. Thank you.
; the flag in question was this btw

; image description begin: the disabled pride flag. A grey rectangle with the colours green, light blue, white, yellow and desaturated red going vertically from the top left to the bottom right of the flag. :image description end
; happy disabled pride month everyone <3 I wanna make a larger post ab this but ironically enough I'm really overstimulated rn and doing stuff / thinking / looking at a screen / holding a phone / everything in existence is very hard rn lol. ( imagine being disabled during disabled pride month !!? Couldn't be me /lhs ) But yh happy disabled pride month to me and you and everyone else !!
People who think that ableism against mentally disabled people either isn't real or is "mild" have never been...
- restrained and yelled at during a meltdown
- denied the ability to transition because people won't let them make choices about their own bodies (and then have that issue get completely ignored by neurotypical trans people)
- abused by their own parents for behaving in ways that look weird or rude even though they can't help it
- sent to an underfunded and often neglectful special ed school so their neurotypical peers don't have to see or deal with them
- forced to constantly focus on acting in a way that feels unnatural and stressful to them in order to mask their disability and avoid further abuse
- physically assaulted for things like "acting crazy," having hallucinations, taking medication that neurotypical people think is scary, etc.
- denied accomodations at school or work because people decided they're so stupid they're not worth the effort
- locked up in a psych ward against their will
- unable to shower, shop for groceries, or other basic care needs because of overstimulation, executive dysfunction, and other mental health issues.
- treated like subhuman because they have an intellectual or developmental disability and need people to take care of them 24/7
... And it shows.
Mental disability is not fucking Disability Lite. If you think that the only ableism we face is occasionally being called a mean word, you're part of the problem. We have every right to be angry about the way we're treated.
And no disabled people, whether mentally or physically disabled, should have to be all smiley and positive just to make the people who constantly abuse us comfortable.
some reminders as we go from queer pride month into disabled pride month:
queer disabled people exist! we're not special rare unicorns collecting shit that "makes us special"
a lot of queer events aren't disability-friendly and a lot of disabled events aren't queer-friendly, sort yourselves out because once again, queer disabled people exist
queer liberation and disabled liberation are connected, you can't have one without the other
queers don't have a monopoly on pride, disabled pride month existing isn't appropriating fuck all from queer people
abled queers: please stop centring yourselves in july by calling it queer pride month 2.0, disabled pride month is already way less visible and you're not helping
the queer community has an ableism problem and the disabled community has a queerantagonism problem, leaving queer disabled people feeling unsafe and unwelcome in either and being stuck in tiny fringe communities
it's not "pride month and disabled pride month". disabled pride month is literally also pride month. june is QUEER pride month. again, queers don't have a monopoly on pride, queer pride is not the default
july is not wrath month, it is pride month
stop using "autistic" as an insult for queer people you don't like
queer disabled people are awesome
If you want to call yourself "madpunk", "cripplepunk", "neuropunk", etc, your activism better not stop at the things you find "bad". People with no empathy. People with personality disorders. People who need their aids in daily life. People who have extreme fluctuating emotions. People with paraphilias. People with dissociative disorders. Psychotic people. People who have different modes of eating, excreting, having sex, etc. Homeless people. People who wear diapers. People who have violent urges/thoughts. People who you think are "dangerous". People who use drugs. People who need medication to survive and live. People with physical deformities. People who have delusions. People who struggle with feeding themselves, cleaning, working, etc.
If you think any of these factors make someone "abusive", you are ableist. Abusers are abusive. None of the above things make someone an abuser.
Madpunk and cripplepunk aren't just "adhd and autism punk". Or "mobility aid user punk". Keep that in mind.
some reminders as we go from queer pride month into disabled pride month:
queer disabled people exist! we're not special rare unicorns collecting shit that "makes us special"
a lot of queer events aren't disability-friendly and a lot of disabled events aren't queer-friendly, sort yourselves out because once again, queer disabled people exist
queer liberation and disabled liberation are connected, you can't have one without the other
queers don't have a monopoly on pride, disabled pride month existing isn't appropriating fuck all from queer people
abled queers: please stop centring yourselves in july by calling it queer pride month 2.0, disabled pride month is already way less visible and you're not helping
the queer community has an ableism problem and the disabled community has a queerantagonism problem, leaving queer disabled people feeling unsafe and unwelcome in either and being stuck in tiny fringe communities
it's not "pride month and disabled pride month". disabled pride month is literally also pride month. june is QUEER pride month. again, queers don't have a monopoly on pride, queer pride is not the default
july is not wrath month, it is pride month
stop using "autistic" as an insult for queer people you don't like
queer disabled people are awesome
if upon being told about someones illness/condition, your first thought is to say āhave you tried X?ā i want you to step back for a moment and think to yourself āif i thought of X after hearing about this condition for the very first time, the person who has this condition very likely has thought of this and possibly tried it alreadyā
we are tired of constantly being told to try the same things by people who didnt know our condition existed five minutes ago.
you dont need to offer any solutions or try to fix us. i know it might seem like a polite thing to do or that it shows you care, there are other ways to show us you care.
shout out to āgrossā disabled people.
people who canāt shower/bathe people who canāt shave people who canāt wash their clothes people who need help going to the bathroom people who have nasty habits (biting nails, picking nose, etc) people who canāt brush their teeth people who canāt go to the doctor people who canāt clean their room people who canāt make their beds people who vomit a lot people who wet the bed people who constantly have diarrhea people whoās physical deformities are seen as repulsive
and every other kind of person I missed that deserves to be here too.
you are people, first and foremost. your thoughts deserve to be heard, discussed, acknowledged, no matter what. you are not lesser. you are just another person. you should never be ignored for what you can/canāt do. you deserve care.
to abled people: check yourself. make sure you listen. and you can reblog, just donāt derail. maybe donāt add on, either.

Happy Disability Pride Month! This comic was never meant to be pretty or neat, but rather meant to tell my story with internalized ableism and dealing with medical trauma. It's a very personal story, and even making it was a tough decision, but I went through too much recovery not to do so.
Happy pride month wishing everyone a very donāt forget about disabled queers