Feeling Lonely - Tumblr Posts
Poem: Ground Control #1
One of my favorite songs
Promises that it's okay
To drift along in space
And feel lost sometimes,
But the feeling of floating
Sounds awfully stressful
Because for how long do I need to drift
Before someone realizes and reels me home?
And how would they find me,
So far gone,
If I haven't ever mentioned
That I can feel myself slipping away?
And how can I tell them,
If I don't realize
Until I've drifted too far
To reel back in?
Part of the “Ground Control” series of poems, written while listening to the same song (“Ground Control” by All Time Low) several months apart
Poem: trying
sorry for my mess today.
i’m doing the best i can...
i know it’s hard to help me out
from the pit of my quicksand,
so sorry for my mess today...
i don’t mean to be a pain.
i’m trying to figure this out
on my own without drowning
in the rain. i’m sorry that
you had to see me this way –
is it more than you can stand?
i’m so sorry for my mess today,
but i’m doing the best i can.
j.p // If you’re reading this, I hope that you’re okay
It feels like life is always leaving me behind.
All my friends are with their lifetime partners. Some are family planning with their spouses.
And here I am, still searching for my person.