Fuck Sexism - Tumblr Posts
17 year-old Juliane Koepcke was sucked out of an airplane in 1971 after it was struck by a bolt of lightning. She fell 2 miles to the ground, strapped to her seat and survived after she endured 10 days in the Amazon Jungle.

After ten days, she found a boat moored near a shelter, and found the boat's fuel tank still partly full. Koepcke poured the gasoline on her wounds, an action which succeeded in removing the maggots from her arm. Out of 93 passengers and crew, Juliane was the only survivor of the LANSA flight 508 crash that took place December 24th, 1971.
🔗Her story in her own words: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-17476615
Transphobia hurts all women, including cis women.
Statistics show that harassment and violence against cis women have increased ever since transphobes started to intensify discrimination against our trans sisters, trans brothers, and trans siblings...
This is because, as people have been encouraged to police and persecute trans folk, it has increased the ways in which people police the bodies, rights, and behaviors of women, and to demonize femininity, across the board.
Look it up.
Little cis girls have been harassed on sports fields, in schools, and on playgrounds for being tomboys and "appearing" to be trans; and some cis women have even been murdered on the mere suspicion of being trans.
The solution is NOT to be even more transphobic and find "better" ways to discriminate. 🙄 That is TRASH.
The solution is to stand firmly against the sexism that stands at the ROOT of homophobia, transphobia, and queerphobia to begin with; by standing against transphobia and discrimination against trans people.
The gender binary isn't real, bioesentiallism blows (not in the good way), and patriarchal structures are not worth defending.
Let people be whatever hue and color and texture of gender they are, stop policing them about it!
If bigots really were "naturally superior", then they wouldn't have to oppress anyone.
It's a shame that their beliefs -- that, "only those who are 'superior' should be able to live and thrive" -- drive them to then have to try to be in a superior position at all times….in order to stroke their own egos, and to soothe the deep insecurities that they themselves have made insurmountable and untenable, by endlessly pursuing vectors of pointless domination in the hopes that they can convince everyone to let them hoard the plentiful resources which they refuse to peacefully share.
The world would be so much better if everyone was allowed to just live, and be who they are, and be allowed to be comfortable with each other; without breaking their bodies and minds and spirits to "earn" the birthright of existence and thriving which the Earth simply offers us for free.
fuck transphobia, R.I.P. Leelah Alcorn. You were a beautiful woman, and the message you showed the world was even more beautiful.
sexism is real. act like it is.

Original comic by Rasenth
matriarchy is just as bad as patriarchy. a world where one gender is 'better' or 'more important' than another will always be bad. This is why feminism even exists, to fight gender inequality. why in God's name would you want to just fucking replace patriarchy with matriarchy? 'women better' is just as bad as 'men better'. How about instead of pitting the genders against each other we realize that unity and equality is the way to go? I cannot believe this is a take that can get me told to kill myself, but here we are.
#fuck sexism
- a girl who loves to wear only suits
(because she can)

Original comic by Rasenth
The only gender we should have is ~knife~

ostrich memes 6-9 because i made a lot
T - Transphobic
R - Racist
A - Ableist
S - Sexist
H - Homophobic