Hardcase - Tumblr Posts
501st user banners
212th, wolffe pack, and bad batch uploaded as well!

tried to include as many clone as i could, make sure to check out the others i uploaded as well since i did them in separate posts.
also surprise clone included in my bad batch upload ;) make sure to check it out
like and reblog to save a graphic designer’s life <3

someone take my computer away from me
Clone wars season 7 spoiler
Watching the deserter and crying over Jesse, Kix and Hardcase. My boys alive and then there’s Rex not being sad.
Lmao Umbara be like “live to fight another day” aha

Another comfy sleepy clone pile ^^
Oh wow, it's been so so many months, I hope you're still around Anon to see this! ❤️
Polyamorous/platonic poses
and the other drawings I’ve made for them
My favorite Star Wars characters in no particular order, categorized clone to non-clone; lemme know yours!
Odd Ball
The clone with Gearshift
Din Djarin/The Mandalorian
Plo Koon
Quinlan Vos

Do you think this matches their dynamic?
Unbelievable... actually no, that's very believable.😆

Hardcase lends Qui-Gon some of his ‘Special Blend’ he uses for hyperactivity.
It’s a lot stronger than he thought.

So. Another school project that consists of 13 illustrations of...clones ofc
The whole thing is still unfinished tbh, needs a lot of polishing, but i'd say i did a somewhat decent job considering i only had ONE FUCJJJVKDKKUD WEEK to finish all of them
i'm tired
[The Bad Batch]
[Coruscant Guard]
Hardcase in The General

Gifset Masterlist
The 501st were stuck on Hoth. It had been two months and they still had another month. Everyone was unhappy and moral was really low.
Ahsoka looked around at all of her men's sad faces before turning to her master and captain.
Both of them were still dancing around there feeling's.
Ahsoka wished there was away to get them together.
That was until an idea came to her. One that would get Rex and Anakin together and boost moral.
Excited by her new plan. Ahsoka quickly made her way to see the boys in Torrent and tell them her plan.
"Everyone stop what your doing."
Fives and Echo quickly put Dogma down while Tup and Kix glared at them and Jessie gave them a thumbs up.
"What's going on here?"
Everyone looked at each other before Fives spoke first.
"Nothing important commander. Now what can we do for you?"
I have a plan to help moral.
Kix perked up at that.
"How are you going to fix moral?"
"I have a plan to get Rex and Anakin together."
Kix wilted at that along with everyone else.
"No offence Commander but that's impossible."
"Not anymore Tho because I have a plan.
"And what plan is that Commander?"
"Thank you for asking Echo?"
"No problem Commander. But what's the plan?
Ahsoka broke out into a huge grin.
"There going to share a tent together."
Jessie looked confused while Echo got excited.
"I don't get it. How would sharing a tent get them together."
Echo quickly cut him off.
"Because Jessie. It's cold."
"That means there going to have to cuddle for warmth and since the General is from a desert planet and can't handle the cold well. Rex is going to help him.
"Okay but how do we get them to share a tent."
Fives grinned.
"I know how."
Dogma worriedly looked at Fives.
"By doing this."
Fives marched over to a bunch of tents and started pulling things out of it.
Kix was the first to shout out what was on everyone's mind.
"What does it look like?"
After Fives was done he grabbed a large stick and started walking to the fire.
"Dogma was the first to realize what he was doing.
"Stop him."
But it was to late.
Hardcase who had been on guard duty ran over.
"What's going on."
Fives held the flaming stick up.
"I'm getting the General and Captain together."
Then Fives threw the flaming stick at the tents.
Hardcase started to cheer while everyone else stared in shock.
Everyone turned to Fives who was grinning at the flames.
Before anyone could do anything Anakin and Rex rushed over and Rex was the first to speak.
"What happened?"
Everyone quickly stood to attention before Fives spoke first.
"A fire happened sir."
"How did a fire happen Fives."
"I don't know. I think it was the wind."
Hardcase cackled which caused Rex to turn to him.
"Anything you would like to say trooper?"
"Do you know what happened?"
"The wind."
Rex looked annoyed at that response.
"Echo what happened?"
"The wind sir."
"Commander what happened?"
"Rex it was the wind. We all saw it. Right guys."
Everyone agreed.
"Yep wind."
"Totally the wind."
"That darn wind."
Rex sighed.
"How many tents were burned ."
Dogma was the first to speak.
"Ten sir."
Rex pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Alright then."
"Who's tents were burned.
"Fives, mine, Jessie's, Your's, Matchstick, Copper, Ash, Chatterbox, Jex, Twitch.
"Okay then Fives you are going with Echo. Dogma your going with Tup, Jessie your going with Kix, Matchstick your going with Rio, Copper your going with system. Ash your going with Risk. Chatterbox your going with circuit. Jex your going with Drag and Twitch your going with Slip."
Everyone started moving around and doing things while Rex sighed and Fives walked up to Rex.
"Rex where are you going to sleep."
"I don't know."
Fives shrugged his shoulders trying to seem like he didn't care.
"Why don't you sleep with General Skywalker. Since your both officers."
Rex and Anakin looked at each other and both of them were blushing.
"I don't mind Rex. We can share a tent."
Rex looked at his still smoking tent.
"Okay, sir. I will take you up on your offer.
"Do you need help moving your stuff into my tent."
"It's fine I only have my backpack."
"Um, sir which tent is yours."
"Oh right. I will show you. Come on Rex."
Rex quickly grabbed his bag and followed his General.
"Here it is. You can make yourself comfortable while I go do something really fast."
"Okay, sir."
Anakin ran into the comms tent. His face was bright red but he quickly dialed Padme.
Ani what's wrong?
Anakin was bright red and he bursted out.
"Ani can you please repeat that?"
"Is that Anakin?"
Anakin could hear Padme's wife Sabe in the background before she popped into the screen.
"Hey Anakin, how's it going."
"Not well apparently all though I couldn't understand him because he was talking so fast."
"Oh right, sorry."
"It's fine just repeat what you said."
"Okay, well I said that Rex's tent was burned down so we are sharing a tent."
"That's very nice of you Ani."
"I think the real question is how did the tent burn down."
Padme gave Sabe a disapproving look.
"What I have questions and I need answers, so how did his tent burn down.
Oh well, Fives and some of the trooper's said it was the wind. They had a campfire going to stay warm and the wind must have blown the fire onto nearby tents.
"Mighty convinent his tent was burned."
"Anakin cocked his head. What do you mean?"
"Oh nothing. Why don't you continue."
Anakin thought back to the rest of what he was saying.
"The rest of that was just me ranting. It's not important."
"If you say so Ani."
Just then Anakin could hear troopers just outside of the tent.
"I have to go know."
"Alright Ani I will talk to you soon."
Anakin hung up.
The trooper's entered and saluted him while Anakin just waved them off and left.
He was going to be sharing a tent with Rex. The man he a huge crush on. He could do this.
Anakin walked to his tent. It was evening and pretty soon everyone would be in bed except for those on shift.
Anakin was about to open the tent but stopped himself.
He breathed in and then out before repeating to himself. That he could do it.
Anakin unzipped the tent and walked in.
The first thing he saw was Rex shirtless and his brain broke down.
Rex was hot and he was screwed.
I can't do this. But it was to late Rex had already seen him.
"Hello General Skywalker."
Anakin was bright red.
"You can call me Anakin. Were off duty right now."
"I will try."
"Thank you."
Anakin was going to put on his pajamas when he stopped and blushed.
His pajamas were a soft sweater dress Padme had gotten him. It was really warm and cozy. When ever he wore it he couldn't help but feel safe. It was the same color as his eyes.
Anakin had never worn it in front of anyone before because he was embarrassed. But that wasn't the only embarrassing part. He also liked to sleep with a collar on. It was a simple black color that had a bell on it. The color fit perfectly on his neck. He was always embarrassed about it and kept it a secret from almost everyone.
"Are you okay Gen-Anakin?"
"Yes Into fine."
"Are you sure."
Anakin bit his lip.
"If I tell you, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone or that you won't laugh at me."
Rex was confused but agreed.
"I promise."
Anakin looked really nervous.
"Okay but can you turn around."
Rex turned around and Anakin got ready.
He put his soft sweater dress on and instantly started to relax. He kept his leggings on and put on his collar.
Rex was confused when he heard what sounded like a bell.
"You can turn around now Rex."
Rex turned around slowly and choked in surprise.
Twas the night before Life day
Twas the night before life day, when all through the ship No one in torrent was stirring, not even Fives. The weapon's were hung on a rack with care, In hopes that life day would soon be there.
The troopers were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of victory danced in their head's. And Anakin in his robes and I in my blacks, had just settled our brains for a long hyperdrive nap.
. When out on a ship there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bunk to see what was the matter. Away to the mess I flew like a flash, Tore open the doors and threw up my hands.
The lights on the breast of the new-shiny metal Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,. But a miniature fighter, and eight foolish troopers.
With a little pilot, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be Ahsoka Tano. More rapid than Aiwha her coursers they came, And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
"Now Fives! Now, Echo! Now, Jesse! and Kix! On, Tup! On, Dogma! on, on Hardcase and Vaughn! To the top of the bench! To the top of the wall! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"
Anakin burst into the mess hall before shouting out.
Everyone looked at him strangely but he ignored them. Instead he went to his usual table.
"Hello Cyare. What are you up to?"
"It's New Years Eve."
"I know."
Rex looked at him amused.
Obi-Wan looked over at him before saying.
"Anakin, why are you wearing white?"
"It's New Year's Eve."
"Oh, of course it's New Years Eve. That explains everything."
Anakin looked at him unimpressed.
"If you wear white on New Years Eve it's supposed to bring you luck and I could use lot's of luck this year."
Fives quickly looked up at him.
"Yep, wearing white is lucky."
"I have had a terrible year. Bring on the luck."
Fives got up and started running away.
"Fives where are you going."
"I'm going to put my armor on. It's mainly white."
Echo stared at him before sighing and finishing his food.
Jesse laughed and looked at Kix.
"Maybe you should wear white today."
Kix looked at him unamused.
"Shut up. I only slipped on that mud because you were the idiot who decided to get there arm stuck."
"That's not my fault. Hardcase pushed me and my arm got stuck inside."
"Hey, I did no such thing."
"Yes you did."
"No I didn't."
"Shut up both of you."
"Sorry Kix."
"Yes Kix."
"You should both wear white. With all the stupid things you two do. Your going to need all the luck you can get."
Kix went back to eating while Tup smiled and looked at the General curious.
"Are there other ways of getting luck."
"Yeah, you could wear lucky underwear."
"I don't have lucky underwear but, Ahsoka does."
Ahsoka was looking at the ground embarrassed.
"What special underwear snips."
Tup happily explained to the general.
"Oh you know. The yellow one with lace on it. When we asked Ahsoka about it she said it was lucky underwear. Speaking of which, can I borrow some of your lucky underwear?"
Ahsoka quickly ran out of the room.
"Ask me layer. I have to go bye."
Anakin looked at her confused.
"What special underwear does she have and can he wear it."
Hardcase made a loud noise before saying.
"Sorry I didn't mean to do that. Is there anything else you can do for luck?"
"You can make a lot of noise."
"Oh, you'll be great at that Anakin."
He turned this master and stuck his tongue out. He also noticed Hardcase looking really excited for some reason but, shrugged it off.
"More things you can do is eat 12 grapes, smash a plate, put cash in your wallet, open your doors and windows."
Everyone stared at him.
"Maybe not that last one."
"Oh, we could do my favorite. Which is running around the ship with an empty suitcase."
"Is there anything else."
He blushed.
"Well there is another thing I really like to do."
Obi-Wan blushed while everyone else looked confused.
"On New Year's Eve when the clock hits zero you kiss someone."
"I'm definitely doing that."
Cody looked at Obi-Wan and smiled.
Obi-Wan blushed and looked away.
Rex looked at him before smirking.
"I think that's the best one you have said so far."
Rex smiled and pulled him close.
"Because I get to kiss you."
"Eww gross get a room."
"Shut up Fives."
Rex kissed him before pulling back and looking at Fives.
"I see your back."
"Yep, what did I miss?"
Anakin excitedly explained everything else.
Later that day. Everyone was counting down until it was midnight.
"Happy New Year!!!!!"
Everyone cheered and celebrated. But it was all drowned out by Rex grabbing him and dip kissing him.
Small Oneshot for when I'm board
The 501st were on some random outer rim planet. They had just finished a long campaign. When the natives had come to greet them. One of the natives, a large Dathomirian male walked over and started checking out the General.
At first he only watched from a distance, while Anakin talked with his men unaware that he had an audience.
However the 501st were extremely aware especially Rex. They all tensed when the Dathomirian walked over to the General and grabbed his butt.
The General quickly turned around glaring. The Dathomirian however only smirked while leaning in and whispering something to the General.
The General didn't look happy and had a frown on his face. It looked like the General was about to walk away. When the Dathomirian grabbed his arm smirking.
"Where are you going, little slave?"
The Dathomirian pulled the General against his chest. While looking directly at Rex and smirking.
Rex looked pissed and he started marching over. When a small group came forward and blocked him.
"Let me through."
One of the guys smirked.
"No, our boss has decided who he wants and he gets whatever he wants."
Rex didn't even hesitate to punch him while growling.
"Get out of my way."
The group looked angry and started trying to attack him. Fives instantly jumped in and started fighting as well. The 501st ran forward and it soon started becoming a big fight.
The General tried to use the force, but a force suppression collar was put around his neck. He snarled and tried to bite the Dathomirian.
"Let's go somewhere more private, my little slave."
Anakin tried to get away, but he was dragged away by the Dathomirian.
Jesse and Hardcase saw there General being dragged away and rushed toward him. They fought the Dathomirian while Kix removed the force inhibitor collar. After that it was all over. Anakin used the force to stop the fighting.
The 501st arrested the culprits and Rex walked over to his General. Making sure he wasn't okay.
"Are you okay, Cyare?"
"I'm fine."
Rex kissed his General and one of the group members laughed.
"Now I see why they rushed to your aid. Your sleeping with them."
The man laughed and Rex marched over, ready to kill him.
The man smirked.
"Enjoy your little slave, I bet he bends over for anyone."
General Skywalker knocked the man out, while saying.
"I'm not a slave."
He looked at his men and said.
"Let's throw them into the bridge. We will deal with them once we are back on Coruscant."
General Skywalker waddled over to them. His scent was sweet, but his stomach was large. The young Omega was pregnant and he definitely looked the part.
He smiled at them and they watched Rex hold his pregnant Omega. The war had only ended five months ago and they did not waste time.
As soon as the war ended and the troopers had rights. They had gotten busy and now General Skywalker was pregnant.
He was rubbing his belly and smiling, while Rex kissed him. They had recently found out it was going to be twins. Which was a huge shock for everyone.
The 501st had been helping General Skywalker get ready and we're excited to become uncle's. Hardcase kept holding up fruit and saying.
"This is what size the baby is."
General Skywalker suddenly gasped and felt his stomach. Rex looked at him in concern and General Skywalker said.
"It's moving."
Kix instantly turned into medic mode and started asking questions. Ever since he found out General Skywalker was pregnant. He had been researching everything about it.
General Skywalker looks at his belly and says.
"It feels like a weird fluttering sensation."
Rex had him sit down and Kix said.
"You should stay off your feet. This is common at your stage."
General Skywalker nodded and Kix looked him over.
Hey could I get a bad batch or 501st matchup? I’m 16, male, gay/mlm, and my pronouns are he/they. I am 5’8, I have medium length black wavy hair and always wear a snap back hat, I’m skinny, and i wear glasses. Personality wise I am quiet, laidback, but I do try to make conversation when I don’t know you, and will listen to you but once I know you I can never shut up, especially about things I’m interested in. I really like bugging everyone around me about anything and everything. A big part of me is I like to tease a lot, (teasing in my culture means that we care about you) sometimes from people that don’t know me they can think it’s mean when it’s actually the complete opposite. My mbti is ENTP. I can get really competitive at times like sports or games. I have social anxiety so that messes me up at times where I’m like “should I even talk to this person about ____ what if they think I’m weird” and “I bet everyone’s looking at me I shouldn’t have came here”. Lol on another note in my free time I enjoy reading comics, watching movies, baking, drawing, and playing video games. Baking is a way I like to relax and just chill. The thing about movies/comics/games I really like is because I get to escape from this world for a bit and day dream about how things would be in let’s say a movie or comic. And finally I listen to music often to reminisce or again day dream random scenarios.
Also thank you for doing this, I hope this isn’t too much info but here ya go, again thanks!!
You can have both a 501st and Bad batch one ^^.
I match you with.... Hardcase

Hardcase is the class clown to your quite kid. But he's also the type to throw you over his shoudler and walk out of a meeting.
He will steal your caps and wear them or hold them out of reach until you pay him in kisses.
Once you and him become friends it's next to impossible to get away from him, he's the type to handcuff you to himself so he can have you close by and just smiles the whole time.
You gave both been dubbed Menaces of the GAR.
Tease him and he will tease you back. The two of you a very dorky but the boys all find it quite amusing.
Marker forbid when squadron Spots come around, you and Hardcase are always going all out to try and beat each other or teaming up to take on Echo and Fives or Boil and Waxer.
Please teach hardcase to draw he really want to make his own little comics from his adventures and he would love you to read them or look at them.
Trace his tattoos and this man will melt in your arms, he may be a little crazy to the rest of his brothers but he really does love being around you and will make time for you every chance he gets.
"Cyare!!!" Hardcase calls as he walks in the door of your small appartment, he is quick to discard his Armor.
He almost trips on Himself discarding some of it. But once he is freed of the constituting white and blue armor his legs carry him to the kitchen.
He smiles to himself watching you move aroudn the kitchen with music playing thought your headphones. A evil smile works it's way to his lips as he quickly makes his way behind you.
Us I arms wrap around your waist making you jump and yelp before you look over you shoulder to see the handsome clone trooper. You quickly remove your headphones to hear the man laughing at your reaction.
You roll your eyes. "Thanks Hardcase, take more years off my life span" you tease only for him to turn you around and press you into the kitchen bench. "Sorry Cyare, I did call out but you didn't hear me. Missed you" he chuckles as he leans in to press a gentle kiss to your nose.
"Missed you to you evil ass" you chuckle and wrap your arms around his shoulders. "Movie might tonight or do you have to get back to the Barracks?" You ask.
"I am stay here, don't care if Rex has a supise meeting I'm enjoying my time with my lover" he hums lightly pressing his forehead against yours as he holds you close.
"So what are we gonna watch tonight, or do you want to be a cowboy tonight and play some RDR2" you ask smugly knowing he would pick the gaming over movies.
"Is that even a question. You have Yee'd your last Haw"
Bad batch
I match you with.... Wrecker

All I can say is be prepared to be smothered with affection. He is the most touchy feely of the bad batch.
He's great with kids and with people in General. Hand holding in public is his favourite thing ever becuase he just loves having you close.
You get to ride around on his shoulders but you have to take turns with Omega even tho Wrecekr could carry you both he doesn't want either of you to get hurt.
The boys in the bad batch are all very competitive with things hell Wrecker and Crosshair had a full on bet over droid.
Man loves just grabbing you randomly and just picking you up and kissing you. It's his way of showing affection.
If you tease him he will tease you. Call him big buy, beef pie and just things about how beefy this man is. He will call you twig, tiny and cure little nicknames.
Please play video games wirh him, both him and Omega just sitting with you in awe as you play.
Both you and Wrecker teaching Omega how yo play certain games and then she beats both of you with her tactics.
Please kiss his scars and tell him how handsome he is, man will melt when your fingers trace the raised skin.
"Wrecker, Y/n. How do I get passed this level" Omega ask looking towards the two of you with the controller in her hand.
"Oh this ones a puzzle peice you have to turn the claw over and read the symbols and them put them in that order on the door" you say with a smile as you lean back against Wreckers chest.
Omega smiles to you both before focusing back on the game quickly figuring out the pattern and moving on further thought the game.
"You will have a fight coming up soon do be prepared, once you get to the wall it will be the first boss fight" Wrecker says leaning forward to watch as his arms wrap around you tighter.
The boss fight is quick and both of you are cheering on Omega when Echo makes his presence known. "I thought you were meant to be in Bed Omega" he says with his arms crossed.
Omega give a shy wave as both you and Wrecker look to him. "She'll go to bed when she's ready, no use forcing her when she will just run around Istead. Besides she's having fun" you say and Wrecker seconds it.
"Come on, come sit down and watch she's a natural at this game" Wrecker calls and pats the ground.
Echo rolls his eyes with a smile but make this way in to watch her play as you curl up closer to the large clone. You rest your head on his chest and let out a soft yawn as yoy snuggle closer.
"I might have a bit to a nap if that's ok Wreck" you say lightly only for him to smile. "Rest up Tiny"

Hardcase is finally finished and will be added soon! (The painting is a little off but this is just a sample😬)

arc trooper hardcase, it’s what he deserved