Hargreeves Children - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Do You See These Kiddos? Yeah, They All Deserve Better Than Sir. Reggies Reign Of Terror.

Do you see these kiddos? Yeah, they all deserve better than Sir. Reggie’s reign of terror.

*grumbles reluctantly*

Fine, even Luther

Happy Birthday Hargreeves!

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5 years ago

I feel like Vanya is the person to apologise to a mannequin if she bumps into it.

On the other end of the scale, Klaus is the person who strokes the clothing on a mannequin before realising it is a real person.

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5 years ago

In my personal opinion, all the Hargreeves siblings could be slightly gay and I would not argue. They were oppressed their entire childhood, they’re gonna explore at one point.

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4 years ago

klaus: *gets pulled over by a cop*

klaus: officer, i’m colorblind. i didn’t know it was a red light.

cop: okay, but you stole this car.

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5 years ago


The Hargreeves Childrens Tragedy
The Hargreeves Childrens Tragedy
The Hargreeves Childrens Tragedy
The Hargreeves Childrens Tragedy
The Hargreeves Childrens Tragedy
The Hargreeves Childrens Tragedy
The Hargreeves Childrens Tragedy

the hargreeves children’s tragedy

(song: jenny of oldstones - game of thrones OST)

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4 years ago

i miss my emotional support ghost, who is also my sleep paralysis demon. one in two. i miss him. i miss ben. how dare you kill a ghost. this is so f*cked up you just killed a person who’s already dead. he died twice. just imagine vibing in heaven for 2 hours and- oh shit my siblings messing up the timeline and u go back to ur own time, but you have weird hair, you’re mean as fuck and you’re dad’s favourite. bring double hoodie ben back i dont want weird emo ben.

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