Hargreeves Children - Tumblr Posts

Do you see these kiddos? Yeah, they all deserve better than Sir. Reggie’s reign of terror.
*grumbles reluctantly*
Fine, even Luther
Happy Birthday Hargreeves!
I feel like Vanya is the person to apologise to a mannequin if she bumps into it.
On the other end of the scale, Klaus is the person who strokes the clothing on a mannequin before realising it is a real person.
In my personal opinion, all the Hargreeves siblings could be slightly gay and I would not argue. They were oppressed their entire childhood, they’re gonna explore at one point.
klaus: *gets pulled over by a cop*
klaus: officer, i’m colorblind. i didn’t know it was a red light.
cop: okay, but you stole this car.
klaus: you need to remember to love yourself.
ben: but don’t you hate yourself?
klaus: yes but this is about you, stay focused.
diego: yeah, well, I hate you
klaus: no, you don't
diego, bitterly: no, I don't

Thank you so much @princesskittenoftardis for letting me draw your Runaways AU
I had a blast drawing this even if it killed my hand. Happy New Year!!!
(not posted on my insta yet)

He can do what he wants, he baby 🥺🥺💕
(Not on my insta yet)

the hargreeves children’s tragedy
(song: jenny of oldstones - game of thrones OST)
They say that once you hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up but I’ve got my pickaxe and I’m ready to dig
- Klaus at some point
i miss my emotional support ghost, who is also my sleep paralysis demon. one in two. i miss him. i miss ben. how dare you kill a ghost. this is so f*cked up you just killed a person who’s already dead. he died twice. just imagine vibing in heaven for 2 hours and- oh shit my siblings messing up the timeline and u go back to ur own time, but you have weird hair, you’re mean as fuck and you’re dad’s favourite. bring double hoodie ben back i dont want weird emo ben.