Heroin - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

DMT saved my life. If you're going through turmoil of any nature and you're thinking about trying DMT or ayahuasca this is just my endorsement for whatever it's worth. I'd be dead or in prison if it wasn't for trying DMT. I'm making this post and I will continue to make a similar post at least once a year just in case it helps anyone. I had a lot of issues but one of the biggest ones was that I was addicted to heroin. I literally couldn't go a day without it for years....one day I couldn't get it and someone gave me DMT saying it would help. It was 3:33 in the morning when I took that inhale alone in my bedroom later that night. I was desperate and honestly didn't think it was going to do much. That was 5 years ago, now. My whole life changed. I stopped using hard drugs literally instantly. It felt like my brain had been reprogrammed and improved. Keep in mind I haven't mentioned anything about the experience. I won't because it's just too much but ill say this: it lasted a matter of minutes, it was the most intense experience of my life, and afterwards I thought about it and personally prayed for 2 hours straight in awe of how much I had learned and experienced in such a short yet unmeasurable amount of time. If you're afraid of the experience, all I can say is it's worth it.

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10 years ago
Sarah Schoenfeld Puts Recreational Drugs Under The Microscope, With Spectacular Results!
Sarah Schoenfeld Puts Recreational Drugs Under The Microscope, With Spectacular Results!
Sarah Schoenfeld Puts Recreational Drugs Under The Microscope, With Spectacular Results!
Sarah Schoenfeld Puts Recreational Drugs Under The Microscope, With Spectacular Results!
Sarah Schoenfeld Puts Recreational Drugs Under The Microscope, With Spectacular Results!
Sarah Schoenfeld Puts Recreational Drugs Under The Microscope, With Spectacular Results!

Sarah Schoenfeld puts recreational drugs under the microscope, with spectacular results!

Source: It’s Nice That : Photography


2. Speed 

3. Ecstasy 

4. Ketamine

5. LSD

6. Heroin

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3 years ago

One of the biggest criticism the "enemies to lovers" tropes gets is that women want someone to fix.


I am and I have always been the tortured soul that has built an evil kingdom and crowned myself empress of the shadows and the dark. I am the one who was traumatized so badly I need to be fixed. Not the other way around.

I want the hero to fix me. I want them to see that I was once broken and frail. I want them to see that despite what I've become, there's still hope for me. I want them to see that I am not irredeemable, that I am not a lost cause.

For once, I admit that I wouldn't mind being a damsel in distress, waiting for someone to save her.

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10 months ago


Baltimore,  again.  8 AM, sweating, shaking  on the verge of puking up  stomach acid.  the car is dead silent.  are we early?  are they late?  is this how its going to be   forever?  who knows.  who cares.  i’ve been watching time  pass and slip through  the cracks between my fingers.  it seems more apparent  than usual.  we are parked at a gas pump.  each time i make eye contact  its quickly broken.  i know what they are thinking.  ‘what a shame.’  ‘my morning could be worse.’  maybe they even feel   gratitude.  as they finish filling up,  i watch them reach for   their phones.  i wonder if they are calling  their daughters and sons.  on the surface,  just to check in.  but inwardly,   thankful their children  aren’t heroin addicts.  no one wants their baby to grow up  to be  a junkie.  i steal a glance at my other half  she’s ill  but she’s beautiful.  she’ll feel better soon enough.  a young handsome black man  starts over  and my heart  skips a beat.  we exchange currency   for oblivion.  we drive away to find  somewhere to hit.  it feels like   my first kiss.  i can’t remember what makes me happy anymore.  my happiness is   artificial  and fits nicely  in a syringe.  when i get on,  i can breathe again.   i melt into the passenger seat,  successful.  i watch her try to find a vein,  in and out of consciousness.  she’s millimeters away from getting well.  she’ll get there.  i let myself nod but  for a moment,   i wonder  what that young, handsome black man  wanted to be   when he grew up.  i guess it doesn’t matter.  everyone crosses paths at the bottom.

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10 months ago

the second question but it could be both

Thoughts on the death penalty?

Thoughts on me marrying your wife for the bit?



give me enough heroin and i'll consider it

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1 year ago
''I Love Her With Such Passion. Every Day Is Agony Without Her. I Know Now It Is Possible To Die From

''I love her with such passion. Every day is agony without her. I know now it is possible to die from a broken heart. Because when you love someone as much as we love each other, they become fundamental to your existence. So I will die soon, even if I don't kill myself. I guess you could say that I'm pining for her. I could live without food or water longer than I'm going to survive without Nancy." -Sid Vicious

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