Inclusive Feminism - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Do you ever think you'll stop drawing fanart? No offense it just seems like the kind of thing you're supposed to grow out of. I'm just curious what your plans/goals are since it isn't exactly an art form that people take seriously.

Ah, fanart. Also known as the art that girls make.

Sad, immature girls no one takes seriously. Girls who are taught that it’s shameful to be excited or passionate about anything, that it’s pathetic to gush about what attracts them, that it’s wrong to be a geek, that they should feel embarrassed about having a crush, that they’re not allowed to gaze or stare or wish or desire. Girls who need to grow out of it.

That’s the art you mean, right?

Because in my experience, when grown men make it, nobody calls it fanart. They just call it art. And everyone takes it very seriously.

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4 years ago

Emotional Vulnerability Theory

On November 27th, 2020 at 7:43 a.m. I created a theory about whether or not people are capable of emotional vulnerability.


Back in ancient times, women were expected to maintain their household and children. Society demanded that men went to war and hunted for food. From this information, I concluded that being capable of emotional vulnerability depended on your society and their expectations for your sex. An emotionally vulnerable person to me is someone who can feel any emotion (depression, anger, jealousy, etc.) and then communicate that emotion to others without fear of judgment.

Historically, men expected to partake in war and hunting. That made them less capable of emotional vulnerability. The reason being, war and hunting both require one thing: being able to kill. Killing another being demands that you disregard your humanity. To become proficient at killing, an individual disregards any feelings of remorse. From this, it was reasonable that men could not allow themselves to be emotionally vulnerable because experiencing the vulnerability of any kind made them appear weak or incapable. With war, sadness, anger, and remorse were an experience. Since being sad and remorseful were and are considered signs of weakness, men turn and have turned to anger. Being angry meant that you were strong and capable of slaughtering an entire army. Men were strong, hardworking husbands and fathers. Men repressed feelings of sadness and remorse regarding their actions. And so that was what they did.

The emotional vulnerability of women fluctuated throughout history. In some societies, they expected women to be reserved. Due to this standard, women in these societies repressed their emotions. Other women were allowed to express themselves, so they felt anger, sadness, etc. Women expected to tend to children and the household. Women were supposed to be loving mothers and wives. Because of this, women allowed themselves to feel and experience sadness. Being sad was not a sign of weakness, it was another emotion that got felt. 

If the roles of the two were reversed, with men being the caretakers and women the providers, history would have unfolded still. Wars. Empires and kingdoms and territories and tribes. Agriculture. Children. Education. Cultural exchange. Science and mathematics. Men would have struggled for their rights like women did and currently are. Sex has nothing to do with anything. Vaginas and penises are only sex organs. Because you are biologically male, you do not have to repress your emotions. Because you are biologically female, you do not have to take care of your household. There was a choice here, and it cannot depend on your biological sex. It should depend on you and what you want to do. Do you want to be emotionally vulnerable? Okay, cool. Do you not want to be emotionally vulnerable? Okay, cool. As long as this was what you wanted, then others should respect your decision.

Aside from societal expectations, there is a multitude of factors that could influence the capability of emotional vulnerability. Some important things to consider are an individual's childhood, mental health, school life, friends, morals, etc. Let me emphasize again how sex is not a contributing factor to someone's emotional capability. 

Here’s an articulated version of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “We Should All Be Feminists”:

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It’s enough men

there are no innocent men similar to how there are no innocent cops

Each one benefits from the system as it stands now

I do not feel a superiority complex at all.

I am hurt by everything our society does to raise up men and degrade women.

Also, I do believe men have been abused, I never said I didn’t.

The fact that you feel the need to include that already turns the conversation to something else it isn’t entirely.

Toxic masculinity, what makes men feel like they can’t express feelings, why their rapes are ignored is something that is PERPETRATED BY OTHER MEN.

You’re just trying to turn it back around and say not all men in a long winded paragraph and honestly it’s exhausting.

The fact that you have to turn around the conversation proves that you’re offended by it, and if you are you’re probably one of the people that should be.

Stay mad

Hating men is not:

- Progressive

- Inclusive

- Intellectual

- Open-minded

- Helpful

- Justifiable

Hating men is:

- Sexist

- Cruel

- Unnecessary

- Prejudiced

- Harmful

Friendly reminder for the next time you spew hate at an entire group of people because of something they can’t control.

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3 years ago

Women should be in the draft

The reason women weren't in the draft when it started ,was because women were considered 2nd class citizen (same reason we weren't allowed to vote )

Women should be in the draft ,

Women love their country , and should help protect it

As a women , i think the draft should include women ( though the draft should be only for emergency ) ---> both for men and women

The only issue is the alarming amount of sexual abuse female's get that goes undedicated or not punished , ( once that's fixed , both women and men should serve their country )

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1 year ago

A big point to note if you live in a place where people can see through your windows or be able to identify them from outside especially people who live in apartments (not a society but just one building next to a street) never turn on the lights as soon as you reach home. If anyone is standing outside and staring, they’ll be able to figure out what floor and even what unit you live in. Also invest in blur film for your window, it’ll block cameras and anyone peeking.

Also if you see anything strange on your car as you’re coming out of a store don’t pause to look! I repeat DONT PAUSE TO LOOK! Just get in and drive, that’s how people (traffickers) mark and abduct victims.

alwaysboredsworld - Always_bored

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5 years ago
Today's Video Upload The Womb Is No Longer Safe | LINK TO VIDEO ---> Https://

Today's video upload The Womb Is No Longer Safe | LINK TO VIDEO ---> Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share. Click the link above #abortion #plannedparenthood #prolife #prochoice #roevwade

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