Incorrect Tododeku Quotes - Tumblr Posts
At the Todoroki family group chat
Natsuo: time for our weekly how did you dissapoint father tournament, currently at the lead is Touya who is somehow still missing.
Natsuo : as this is Valentine's day, I wanted to do it more.... Thematic this year about romance. Sorry Shouto, the family baby and single in V day.
Natsuo: I'll go first, my girlfriend is quirkless.
Touya: I'm gay. And dating a hero dad would hate.
Natsuo : that's a wide range.
Touya : ik.
Fyumi : i was gonna say the same but I'm also a furry i guess.
Touya : miruko?
Fyumi: yup.
Touya : in that case I will step up to fucking a chicken.
Shouto : I'm like..... Seventy percent sure you're the villain Dabi.
Shouto : also fuck you natsuo not only am i dating someone I also have you all beat.
Fyumi : how?
Touya : how do you beat fucking a chicken?
Shouto : *image attached* this is Izuku Midoriya he looks like an elf but can and has the will to punt dad through the stratosphere. And is All Might's legacy /protege/ secret son.
Touya : holy shit
Fyumi : impressive
Natsuo : and with that Shouto is in the lead followed by Touya and and Fyumi in a tie. I'm in the last position i guess
Inko : And this is your father in law.
Shouto : *squinty eyes* hello.
Inko : and that's another one.
Shouto : Called it
Inko : And there's another one
Shouto : Sensei? I'm not surprised.
Inko : And there's another one
Shouto : is that Mic sensei?
Inko : Oh! Him too.
Shouto : Please step away from the supervillain
Inko : And him too.
Shouto : i thought Stain was in Tartarus?
Shouto : you look spooked Kirishima.
Kirishima : yeah. Just got a shovel talk from Katsuki's dad.
Shouto : oh?
Kirishima : i thought his mom would be scarier but apparently his dad is
Shouto : there there I guess?
Kirishima : it was scary man
Shouto : I'm dating Izuku Midoriya.
Kirishima : ...... Bro.
Shouto : Four dad figure shovel talks and not only is All might the least scary, but I didn't think Inko could be that creative about torture details.
Uraraka : Deku we would kill a man for you
Shouto : *Nodding along*
Izuku : oh, guys that's so sweet but-
Uraraka : no, really. We will
Midoriya : umm- ok but you don't have to-
Shouto : *sliding over Bakugo's picture* just say the word and they're gone.
Izuku asking for Shouto's hand in marriage
Izuku : *sees endeavor*
Izuku : *takes out phone*
Izuku : Hey Rei so you know Shouto and ive been dating for so long, and I was wondering if-?
Shouto asking for Izuku's hand in marriage
Shouto : *checking boxes*
Shouto : that's All Might and and Mic sensei down, next, Aizawa.
Post sports festival
Izuku : you're my friend now I've decided
Shouto : I'm your friend? Do I have a choice in the matter?
Izuku : nope!
Shouto : *choked up* ok
Dabi looking at Hawks eating chicken wings : *squinting*
Shouto seeing Izuku eat a cinnamon roll : *squinting*
Both staring at Miruko : Are you gonna order the rabbit stew?
Miruko : wtf no I am a rabbit
Dumbasses : so Todoroki S/O's can avoid cannibalism????
Shouto : Kirishima you're friends with Tetsutetsu right?
Kirishima : Yeah bro why?
Izuku : Todoroki please....
Shouto : I need you to ask him something
Izuku : I'm asking for my own sanity
Kirishima : Ok?
Shouto : What is his middle name?
Endeavor, post sports festival : I don't care if he got you to use your fire side, cut off ties with that boy right now!
Shouto : you know what, I think I'm gonna marry him.
Endeavor : All Might's successor will never be a Todoroki. I forbid it.
Shouto : Bold of you to assume I won't become a Midoriya.
Aizawa : Ok, just explain this to me how did it come to this?
Izuku, nervous crying: I don't know.
Ochako : I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner
Tsuyu : ocha please.
Aizawa : who started the Midoriya cult?
Class 1a : *unsubtle glances at Shouto*
Pro hero Shouto : *showing off an empty pedestal.*
Pro hero Shouto : And this is where My husband would keep his self preservation instincts.
Pro hero Shouto : *clenches fist* If he had any!
*Distant offended Pro Hero Deku noises*
Rando: Deku's quirk is very strong and destructive.
Rando : He could be very very dangerous.
Shouto : *knowing full well how unhinged his boyfriend is* Look at him he's a bunny.
Aizawa : *shoving paperwork about Hosu in a drawer* He wouldn't hurt a fly.
All might : *knowing he's just as if not more strong than him and twice as smart* He would cry if he accidentally stepped on a bug.
Shouto : What did we learn today?
Mina *shivering in an ice block* : That you're a protective boyfriend.
Shouto : We're not dating! What else did we learn?
Kaminari : Not to prank Deku or he'll make sad faces and you'll get revenge for him?
Mina : Also that you need to get over that denial dude.
Izuku : Oh my god my dad is the worst villain in history!
Shouto : Damn, Endeavor couldn't even be No.1 in the worst dad race.
Parent teacher meeting:
Endeavor : After he reaches proper age, I will find a girl with a beneficial quirk to be Shouto's wife so that he may further our family legacy.
Aizawa, Knowing Shouto has come second only to Kirishima to Who's Gayest in 1a beating Jirou : .....
Aizawa, knowing Shouto's dating Wut are Bones Mcgee : .....
Aizawa : *writing notes for the CPS* I see. And what can you tell me about his mother?
Imagine having to not cuddle you boyfriend cause it gets too hot, couldn't be me
-Izuku Midoriya clinging to his boyfriend's right side
Interviewer : What is your opinion on pro hero Endeavor?
Pro hero Deku : In all honesty, he can be tortured in the circles of hells and I would not lift a finger to help him even if I had literally nothing else to do.
Pro hero Shouto : Marry me.
Deku : Honey we're already married.
Shouto : Marry me again then
Izuku : when I was your age-
Shouto : when I was your height
Izuku : *pouty bunny noises*
Imagine not being able to be a heating pad for your boyfriend's chronic pain couldn't be me
- Shouto Todoroki holding his boyfriend's hand
Imagine having to not cuddle you boyfriend cause it gets too hot, couldn't be me
-Izuku Midoriya clinging to his boyfriend's right side
Uraraka : I wonder if Todoroki is the morosexual between them.
Iida : I don't know, it could also be Midoriya.
Momo, a tired woman : *slams her book down* they are somehow both sapiosexual and pure idiot for idiot and I don't know how they achieve that.