378 posts
Virgiltheemoraccoon - Virgil_TheEmoRaccoon - Tumblr Blog
Patton: You know what, we're smart to smartypants
Logan: Then what's the difference between a gametes and a zygote?
Roman: Don't fall for it Pat! He's just making up words!
Deceit & Remus: -2, 1! Happy new year! *Kisses*
Logan: It's April! Stop making out everytime the microwave goes off!
Virgil: Why are Patton and Logan sitting back to back?
Roman: They had a fight
Virgil: Why are they holding hands?
Roman: They get sad when they fight
Roman: *Sneezes*
Remus: *Sitting on the ceiling* Bless you
Roman: God?
Deceit: Virgil is not my son!
Logan: Then why do you have his report card on the refrigerator?
Deceit: He got all A's. I was proud, so what?
Patton: What about that crayon drawing next to it?
Roman: Wait, Virgil did that? It looks like a child did it. I thought it was Remus's
Deceit: Excuse me! My talented son worked very hard on that beautiful drawing and if you don't take that back right this second I will kick your a** all the way to the f**king core of the earth!
Everyone: ...
Deceit: ... I mean I don't like them either *Awkward laugh*
Deceit: In a game with no consequences, why are you still playing the 'Good' side?
Thomas: *Playing a video game* Because being mean makes me feel bad
Logan: 23 hundred years of philosophy and this motherf**ker gets it in one sentence
Roman: Do you or do you not still have me saved as "Disney Reject" in you phone.
Virgil: your makeup looks amazing today
Roman: Oh thank you- hey don't change the subject!
I just had a thought,
What if in the next episode Remus is in he appears behind the TV again and like in the blooper video he gets stuck. I can just imagine the video continues but in the background you can just hear Remus desperately trying to get unstuck. And when Roman is talking you can see Remus behind him trying to wiggle his way out.
Sorry if this doesn't have the best grammar. The thought just made me laugh.
Remus:*Standing at the top of the stairs with a ball up his shirt* IM PREGNANT
Logan: With all of the options. Why did I pick you?
Roman: So I'm going to grab a healthy breakfast
Logan: Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?
Roman: Breakfast burrito, but yeah
Logan: I pity your dentist
Roman: Jokes on you! I don't have a dentist
Logan: You guys are crying over a dude who has a 3rd grade reading level. He's not ignoring your texts, *Points to the twins* he's sounding them out! Give him a moment!
Virgil: *Holding a dog treat like a cigarette* ya know. in the scheme of things. houses are just tupperware and we are just gods leftovers.
Emilie (his therapist): *visibly shaking* How did you get in my bathtub?
Logan: Virgil are those hickeys?
Virgil: *blushing* They are... um... kisses from the universe!
Logan: Kisses from the universe? Are you stupid or-
Roman: Ask Logan
Patton: *turns to Logan* Logan can you give me kisses from the universe?
Logan: ...
Logan: *walks away because he's blushing* I hate you all!
Roman and Remus: *Fighting to death over a slice of cake*
Virgil: *In the corner having a midlife crisis*
Patton: *crying*
Logan: *just trying to get everyone to stop*
Deceit: ...
Deceit: Best Birthday Ever
Patton: What do you want to be when your older?
Remus: A dinosaur!
Patton: Oh Remus
Remus: *Running around as a T-rex*
Patton: I should have listened
Deceit: I was wondering when you'd show up... *turns around and no ones there*
Deceit: *turns back around* I was wondering when you'd show up *turns around and nobody's still there*
Deceit: I was wonderin-
Roman: *Runs in* I'VE GOT YOU NOW!
Deceit: Darn it!
Kid Virgil: Yeah that's the point, that's definitely the point, were totally not here to steal it and use it to get hella b***hes
Remus: You still play with crayons Vee, you don't even know what hella b***hes is!
Kid Virgil: Yeah, Its where you get a bunch of female dogs and pet them all at once
Deceit & Remus: *Laughing there a**es off*
Kid Virgil: What do you mean I love dogs! I WANT A PUPPY! YOU PROMISED ME A PUPPY IF WE DID THIS!
Logan: OH REALLY? IS *does a cute anime pose* AN EMOTION?
Remus: *Blushes* IT CAUSES THEM!
Logan: So basically um what I was thinking was
Remus: *Rips Logans teeth out*
Logan: Oh f**k, I can't believe you've done this
Roman: Its always the same 2 blue eyes comparisons. The ocean or sky. Like come on at least be a bit creative.
Logan: His eyes were as blue as the blue liquid used in commercials for cleaning
Virgil: His eyes were as blue as my tumbler dashboard
Patton: His eyes were as blue as a really blue thing
Patton: And no underwear left on the stairs Mr
Thomas: I don't like that word!
Logan: Too bad. Stairs, Stairs, Stairs!
Patton: ...He meant underwear...
Logan: ...
Logan: oh
Logan: *Cuts his finger* Ow
Patton: Don't worry I got you! *Kisses Logan's finger*
Logan: *Blushing* what...
Patton: On things I've watched parent's give there kiddos kisses when they hurt themself to make them feel better
Roman: *Writing*
Logan: *Kicks the door down* ROMAN I NEED YOU TO PUNCH ME IN THE MOUTH
Roman: *Confused screaming*
Updated angst theme songs
Virgil: Brave As A Noun ~ Andrew Jackson Jihad
Roman: 100 Bad Days ~ AJH
Logan: Born Without A Heart ~ Faouzia
Patton: Little Girl ~ Faith Marie
Deceit: Stupid & Anxious ~ Joel Faviere
So today it snowed for the first time this year and I've naturally been online all day and didn't know so i went to take out the garbage in bare feet and stepped in an inch of snow and i just yelled "What the fUCK" and i just heared Patton yell "Oh my gosh hes outside!"
~Virgil Sanders