Please Dont - Tumblr Posts

… wait are you trying to tell me something here..?
Yes I don’t love you ☺️
Okay this whole time I’ve just kind of assumed that Imodna would go the way of BeauYasha and they would get their happy ending but that was dumb and naive and stupid of me because we’re going to get a Vax’leth aren’t we :(
...I don't like this
....I can't help it if I kin a Mha villain plus I'm not a big fan of the heroes so

Help me
ever think about a mic and thirteen team up
yeah empathy is great and all but tell me why am I crying when I see someone pluck a flower? Hmm?
Ok, so I just read a really really really really (thats 4 reallys) good 2012 tmnt fic and I wanted to comment so bad but I got nervous.. It was one of those "If The Power Inside Her went differently" fics and I LOVED IT!!!!
I was gonna say that it was really hot and sexy of them and that I'm making out with them. Passionately. On the mouth.
But I got nervous and worried little random things like "what if they don't get it?" "what if they're uncomfortable?" "What if a child wrote this? I can't call a child sexy that's awful! What is wrong with you Axton? Why are you calling children sexy?" I'm not by the way. I never sent the comment and I did not know they were a child. Possibly. It is not confirmed whether or not a child wrote it.
The fic was great btw! If the writer of the fic happens to see this, it's fantastic, I loved it, I'm adding it to my list of favorite fics and I'm looking forward to the next fic in the series!
Anyway, Master of Rats, I am not kissing you but the fic is great, have a nice day!
Having a bruise is great it’s like a second clitoris but it only does masochism
bethesda bring back centaurs challenge you fuckin cowards
they should give you a paid leave if you're in love
you know this song. every word. every syllable. every letter. every accent. every punctuation. every pause. every beat. every time signature. always reblog.
remember in the manga where the twins are speculating what kind of cake they'll have for their birthday?

Look at the birthday cake Sebastian makes for the dead Ciel in the Kuroshitsuji Red Valentine event 😭

are those strawberries or are they actually raspberries? i assumed they were strawberries but i could be wrong
Life Tip #23
did you just finish a crying session but don’t want people to know about it? carry around a batch of poison ivy and rub it all over your face after you finish crying so that way your eyes will get red and puffy because of the poison ivy and no one will suspect a thing!!
*Actually happened as I was adjusting the chemical levels with HCL*
*Much older guy cat calls me from the other side of the fence*
Me sarcastically: Oh yes. Please continue catcalling me through the fence. It is *greatly* appreciated. It’s not like I feel uncomfortable or anything what with me being in a bikini as a uniform and you being fully dressed. Yes *please* do FUCKING continue.
Me in complete seriousness and fear for my own safety being that I was a minor at the time: Bitch come in here and keep talkin shit like that and I swear to god I will slap you I the face with a rescue tube, and break your spine over the water pumps. Don’t make me swing this liter of Hydrochloric Acid your way, boi you know I fuckin’ will.
if your sweaty please don't hug people I'm sick of this bullshit.