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5 months ago

Official into of Max!

Official Into Of Max!
Official Into Of Max!
Official Into Of Max!

Name: Max/Maxwell

Pronouns: no pronouns preferred, but he/him is fine

Genders: transmasculine, boyflux

Sexualities: cupio-aroace, pansexual

Personality traits: flirty, kind, outgoing with friends, reserved/defensive with strangers, dark/stupid humor

Features: warm dark tan skin, black hair, red streak at front, black earrings, fluffy hair at front, red eyes

Other things to note: hypersexual, quick to anger, overprotective, likes making new friends, sometimes has golden retriever puppy vibes, grunge aesthetic clothes, typing quirk (u -> v)

I will have Max post soon ^^

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5 months ago

Jvst fronted in stvdy hall, why tf was Neb playing โ€œCareless Whisperโ€ so lovd in ovr ears???

Like, I know that mvsic helps me front more/better, bvt why so lovd?? Why Careless Whisper??


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I hate how syscourse means that I miss out on speaking to cool people on both sides of the conversation. There are cool people behind the labels on both sides!

Both ways you end up on someone's DNI list and miss out on their side of the conversation because you're on a DNI!

Say you're anti endo? Pro endos don't want to hear from you and same goes the other way around. I want to hear from pro endos why they believe in endo systems, and to do the same from anti endos why they believe they don't exist!

I want to hear from an endogenic system how they experience plurality and comipre to ours. I don't want to believe that many people would fall for misinformation as anti endos claim.

Aw anon, I'm so sorry. Sending hugs if you like hugs ๐Ÿ’•

I feel this so so deeply though, man

Syscourse does mean you miss out on cool people and it does mean that people are bullied unnecessarily. ~ blurry but probably ๐Ÿ”ฅ, ๐Ÿš, or ๐Ÿ’œ (or some mix thereof)

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Random (sometimes rather specific) system shout outs!

You can totally be more than one <3

And hey, some of these can apply to alters individually, but I'll probably do hyper specific alter shout outs eventually lol

Shout out to systems who like animals but can't be around them for some reason

Shout out to late discovered systems

Shout out to systems who form extremely close friendships or want to but don't have anyone

Shout out to bilingual or multilingual systems

Shout out to trans fem systems

Shout out to enby systems

Shout out to trans masc systems

Shout out to systems who experience gender dysphoria but don't know where they fall on the gender spectrum (or if they do at all)

Shout out to systems who don't give a shit about gender

Shout out to cis systems (cis-tems.. heh)

Shout out to LGBTQ+ systems who don't like labels

Shout out to LGBTQ+ systems who love labels

Shout out to straight systems

Shout out to chronically ill systems

Shout out to systems who adore a particularly obscure fandom

Shout out to sapphic systems

Shout out to achillean systems

Shout out to straight aromantic systems

Shout out to aroace systems

Shout out to systems who can't get diagnosed

Shout out to systems diagnosed with PSTD

Shout out to systems with small head counts

Shout out to systems with lots of fragments

Shout out to questioning systems

Shout out to undiagnosed systems

Shout out to autistic and ADHD systems

Shout out to polyam systems

Shout out to systems that use mobility aids

Shout out to systems over the age of 25 (y'all are NOT appreciated and talked about enough in this community)

Shout out to systems that developed chronic illness due to their trauma

Shout out to systems who experienced disassociation their entire life and didn't understand it

Shout out to systems who can't/don't want to date

Shout out to systems who despise mirrors

Shout out to systems who are at or are going to university or tertiary study

Shout out to systems in the trades

Shout out to systems who can't work, either temporarily or permanently

Shout out to systems who are 'out' about being a system

Shout out to systems who love literature, film and art

Shout out to creative systems (whether that's visual art, dance, music, writing or anything else!)

Shout out to systems who will never tell anyone that they are a system

Shout out to systems with a bunch of littles

Shout out to systems with no/few littles

Shout out to systems where their main fronters don't match the shared bodies age

Shout out to systems who need a nap

Shout out to systems who struggle with being vulnerable

Shout out to systems who overshare and then immediately forget what they said

Shout out to systems with hidden alters

Shout out to systems who are insecure about their headcount

Shout out to systems still in abusive or unsafe situations

Shout out to systems who like "kids'" media

Shout out to systems who carry a safety item (whether that's a sensory fidget or a teddy bear or anything else)

Shout out to systems who struggled in school

Shout out to systems where their favourite fandom became unsafe

Shout out to systems who like chickens

Shout out to systems who can't drive

Shout out to systems who work full time

Shout out to systems who like dragons

Shout out to systems who related a little too much to Inside Out and/or Inside Out 2

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Hi! I'd love a rundown of why you use PluralKit and Tupperbox! I've not looked much into did management apps before tbh

Awesome! This is adding on from this post about SimplyPlural.

Your main options for tracking apps are SimplyPlural and Octocon.

Octocon is currently only available on android while SimplyPlural is on web, android, iOS and can be run as a program/pinned to taskbar on Windows (I don't know how but one of my sysmates installed it as a web app program ๐Ÿ˜…).

Main options for discord proxying (or messaging as an individual); PluralKit, Tupperbox and Octocon. All three are added to a server as a bot, and allow for a proxy/app message that displays as a different username but remains linked to your account.

Hi! I'd Love A Rundown Of Why You Use PluralKit And Tupperbox! I've Not Looked Much Into Did Management

Using commands specific to each application, users can find out who posted each message.

Okay so back to the question

Why do we use TB and SimplyPlural instead of the alternatives?


Super easy explanation: we've been using SimplyPlural longer than Octocon has been around. We've got about 16 months worth of tracking data, friends, 40 or so custom fields saved in it, along with all our alters and personal info. Making the switch to Octocon was something we tried when it was first announced, but we decided against it after giving it a test run as both an app and as a discord bot. We had some issues with importing custom fields and image hosting.

For those of you who don't know, custom fields are categories, or questions that you can ask an alter to fill in; some come built in like favourite colour, food etc, however you can also add your own as needed. Ours include everything from name, internal relationships (e.g. alter A hates alter B but adores alter C, alter C is alter D's child, alter C and B are siblings etc), skills, favourite things, and positive/negative triggers, amongst other things. We use them all the time, and a fair number of our alters have filled in the questions - losing that information was not something we wanted to do (..or heaven forbid... copying all of it over from existing SimplyPlural profiles). I suspect this is something that Atlas, the developer, is working on.

Presently, Octocon doesn't have the functionality we need/are used to from SimplyPlural. Sooo, onto some positives; things we adore about SimplyPlural

>The ability to host images within custom fields and alter descriptions, using '![xx](paste image url)' allowing us to do things like this...

Hi! I'd Love A Rundown Of Why You Use PluralKit And Tupperbox! I've Not Looked Much Into Did Management
Hi! I'd Love A Rundown Of Why You Use PluralKit And Tupperbox! I've Not Looked Much Into Did Management

Kaden learnt how to do this and posted about it at the time, since then he has since been slowly explaining to the rest of us how to do it.

Our SimplyPlural profiles are one of the places where we can be fully ourselves without worrying as much about the collective's outward appearance etc; some of us dress our profiles up with collages, fancy text, banners, and flags while others just have a bit of information or an empty bio; it's completely up to the individual (and not being biased or anything, but our personalities really show up in profiles).

> Front history

Having a full breakdown of fronters past (as long as they log it) is super helpful, especially when our therapist wants to check in on triggers etc. It also helps us to figure out when an alter may have gone dormant or may only appear at specific times. I specifically like that it gives you a visual breakdown of who was fronting during what time, and it holds information on individual alter profiles about when they fronted, and for how long.

>Privacy buckets

This is something I posted about a few days ago. The current beta version has reworked the privacy settings from public (all friends), trusted friends (selected people) and private (your system only) to entirely in the user's control. Instead of having 3 options, you can make specific categories for groups of friends, or even label each of your friends with one bucket and choose each alter, custom field and custom front they can see.

@persmo made a really detailed post on this in late August that I've linked here.


The ability to change the amount of data friends are able to see (eg. ee shared members, see fronter etc)

>Message Boards

Each profile has their own message board. Messages left on boards send a notification to the phone when that specific alter fronts, meaning if someone forgets to check the shared chat, they still get the information. Notifications will continue being sent every time they mark front until that alter marks the message as read.

Being able to leave messages for each other has been a literal lifesaver.

>In-system Chat

SimplyPlural has a section where you can chat solely within your system. It functions a bit like Discord in the way that you set up sections with individual chats inside of them.

Hi! I'd Love A Rundown Of Why You Use PluralKit And Tupperbox! I've Not Looked Much Into Did Management

We use them for fun things like silly quotes, reading logs, infodumping, as well as more serious things - if something happened to someone we love, we'd mark it in there to make sure the information is passed on to those who need to know.


Alter groups are incredibly helpful for us, even though we're a relatively small system. We use them as tags for interests, roles, ages and tagging sources for our few introjects.

Hi! I'd Love A Rundown Of Why You Use PluralKit And Tupperbox! I've Not Looked Much Into Did Management

Tagging interests and roles often ends up looking like this ๐Ÿ˜† I promise it makes sense to us... ish.

Hi! I'd Love A Rundown Of Why You Use PluralKit And Tupperbox! I've Not Looked Much Into Did Management


System analytics is one of the features we use a lot in therapy, especially now that we have more than 6 months data saved in SP tracking. We can see at a glance how much one alter has fronted in a set amount of time, and how many times they have tracked as fronter.

>App reminders

SimplyPlural allows for users to set reminders at specific times (eg. everyday at 3pm take your meds) but also that the reminders are sent after an action happens. We have an automatic reminder set up for a set amount of time after someone marks front, to make sure they are still fronting.

>Honourable mentions

System polls

Switch notifications (both for our friends and for when our system friends switch)

'Quick front entries' - adding a member to front history if they didn't track

User reports; reports generated by SimplyPlural that remain attached to a URL that can be sent to family, friends, therapists etc without giving your SimplyPlural username or making them get the app.

Cross platform support: SimplyPlural runs on android, iOS and web, meaning as long as our friends have a log in they can use it... and we can run it on all our devices.

I've totally missed some things, but they're the most important points


This section is shorter, promise.

We chose TupperBox over PluralKit and Octocon as we didn't want to have any personal data (beyond names) linked to our discord. PluralKit has the capacity to have member profiles, however the trade-off is having a system ID number that is attached to every member profile (no matter how tight your privacy is) that can be used by anyone to pull up any linked information that's marked public. More information on why here.

PluralKit makes users automatically public with commands and the online portal being the only way to change it. Unfortunately, many treat PluralKit as if it's private and often include extremely personal things in their descriptions (triggers, sexuality, etc). More conversation on that here.

Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with Octocon's integration on Discord, but I have heard pretty good things about it.

Tupperbox has less functionality than PluralKit and Octocon in that it's mostly streamlined for role-playing simplicity. All that displays when you send a proxy message is the name of the tupper/user and an optional profile picture, which we drastically prefer. It sucks not being able to bring up a profile to say who we are, but we'd rather have that than have our PluralKit leaked.

All of this is personal preference, use whatever you find works best! :)

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I genuinely don't know any systems who aren't queer in some fashion - all of us seem to be either be not het or not cis (I do have thoughts on why but it's too late at night for those).

I might do a future poll just for systems that breaks up whether whether just one or two members ID as queer or whether it's the collective but for now please count this as collective identity (or as I heard someone call it the "singlet-sona")

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