Promises - Tumblr Posts
in celebration of me making a looot of stylistic progress these few couple of weeks, i wanted to hand over these never to be completed hotlock wips i thought were cute enough to put up here.....
Wait, you are a scientist and you believe in God? How is that possible?
… trivially?Although to be honest this answer’s got shades of Radio Yerevan; I’m not a scientist but rather a science journalist drawing on the vast archives of an obscure research institution which may or may not have been founded as a tax dodge/adventurer’s club back in 1894, and I don’t follow the Abrahamic God but rather a vast pantheon of ancient deities which far precede (and are largely indifferent to) humanity.
More than I can keep track of, that’s for damn sure. I’ve actually been meaning to write about the major ones with whom I try to keep in good standing but unfortunately the art fund has been embezzled (by me, i was denied fee waivers for getting my identification documents updated) so unless one of the artists I had to withdraw commissions from will accept an IOU it’ll be a bit before I can properly talk about them. I’ll see if I can throw something together for next week but no promises, aye?
Okay you know what? Screw you, buddy. i’m gonna write about bird gods because I am Nikole Elena Ancona and I am the Lead Ornithographist for The Academy of Bird Sciences. Ain’t a single godsdamned person who can tell me how to run this venerable institution except Edith, and I’m pretty sure she skipped town months ago because some police came by with a warrant. So really that makes me the 83rd de facto Administrator of this pillar of cross-species knowledge and I will run it how I see fit. Step off.
I'm waiting for someone to make the connections about me being small, loving plants, loving twisting words, loving making promises and deals (which I don't forget ie. Someone from college 3 years ago still owes me taco bell and a girl from freshman year of high school still owes me $2.) and also being allergic to iron. Like, bro. Come on.
Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month
Hello All, How have many of you been enjoying the first full month of Spring this year so far? Well this world the great mother or father Earth is alive in a meta sense with us and for us. Or are we alive for the Earth or just for our selfish whims? Recently the human tragedies in Chile with a Volcano erruption and in Nepal with a devastating earthquake. For a society barely with sufficient infrastructure before the quake is now facing the horror Haiti endured just a few years ago. The Earth is to be respected and not feared as a living meta-organism. How humanity co-exists with the Earth spells more for our well being or lack thereof for us than for the Earth. For the Earth will out live our species for billions of years to come. Today's triple play of "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements are on the topics of: Worship, Promises, and Good & Evil as a whole. In the series of #1072-1074, derived from what is included in the published "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Volume 3". As always may you not just think your way to a better fuller life, but feel your way into the same. For life isn't just meant to be an intellectual exercise it is to be deeply felt mostly in goodness. All the rest beyond our control is an action of faith for those that worship a power or force greater than themselves in this life right now. Amen. Expand your horizons for this offers both curiosity and well being when the inquiry is valid in grace. -------------------------------------------------- Worship:
1072) Those that seek to deepen their holy relationship with God the divine may do so through three valid approaches in life. The ever popular one is regimental prayer be it verbal or silently to oneself as a tool of confession, adoration, and supplication by the devotee. There are as many methods of prayer as there are stars in every Creation uttered by God. Every form of worship is made in the Image and Likeness of the religion and its cultural societal norms. Not necessarily in the true Image and Likeness of God himself in earnest.
With such an awareness in worship next comes that of sincere meditation. It is in a complete cleansing of the spirit within only to be bathed by the rays of the holy soul in each of us. Most meditate to become completely nothing in need and want with utter detachment. That is to invoke a sacred paradox from nothing becomes the whole absolute in truth. It is a circular truth known to the masters of every spiritual philosophy.
Finally the last form of devout worship is that of contemplation where thought is created to deepen consciousness by an intentional anchor. To grip onto our minds firmly in a cradle seeking to fathom an understanding by grace. This is where prayer and meditation is to surrender ourselves in spirit. Contemplation is to seize ourselves in deep thought and release any preconceived notions of what should be real. Imagination, consideration, and simplicity are the keys to a thoughtful form of truthful contemplation in reflection.
All three avenues to the divine have variants that can be mixed one with the other to deepen your faiths. The best worship is strictly personal in nature not dictated by outside influences which may in the end confuse more than aid your efforts of spiritual unification. The sublime is not beholden to one particular religion nor spiritual tradition. In fact it is beholden to the infinite variety as the true face of God in a singular oneness. Learn to laugh at the folly of mortals and you'll soon remember your deepest grace is that of a soul of God alive with him. It is such that God(dess) is within your every love in all our lifetimes with a delightful smile valuing our presence in his loving arms. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Promises:
1073) For those of us that need a promise to be made to ourselves by another person. You must realize what you are asking by seeking first a promise from a responsible person with a willful good conduct. It must indeed be a trustworthy request sought out by one's solicitation. Even though when a promise akin to a verbal contract beyond what is humanly possible is pursued. Don't be surprised by disappointment when circumstances reveal another result entirely different instead.
Know that we can't make promises that only God can keep by his holy authority and permission in any reality. A noble promise made out of guilt will soon find itself a shallow promise indeed irrelevant of its original intentions. One must know the difference of what is sincerely possible and what is clearly wishful thinking alone. Otherwise only disappointment and heartaches will follow out of setting expectations that cannot be true in any given circumstance. Be truly wise and know the boundaries of what is sensible and what is not when making any sort of promise worth its substance in gold. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Good & Evil:
1074) Know this truth that when turmoil persists for a period of time it may seem to last for an eternity in spirit. When woe and pain appear to be commonplace know that such a misery will only last for a time and no longer. Anguish always seems to arrive first, if not horror when evil occurs amongst a just and noble people. Evil by its own nature much like its twin opposite of goodness is both hidden and publicly known in reality. It is however when evil strikes, it strikes first at its own time table of choice.
It is always the good that will come towards the very end of the turmoil. In order to offer benevolence at every turn so as to correct, heal, and especially offer numerous avenues of great potential for all. Such is the spirit of evil that may occur overnight, but know goodness is like a living investment taking years to fully blossom in God's truth. By the good deeds you will know the divine children of God as his worthy heirs. When anyone complains about the lack of efficiency in every potential good be mindful not to listen to their venom. Have them get involved instead to take a rightful share of the growth of good that will certainly yield when they commit to the tasks ahead. Like any yeast within a baked loaf of fresh bread of true life all perseverance will yield always back to God in such positive results. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. ---Martin Luther King, Jr..
The same pain that can blemish our personality can act as a creative force, burnishing it into an object of delight. ---Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. "Alchemical Wisdom".
Healthy discontent is the prelude to progress. ---Mahatma Ghandi.
The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and their destination. ---Joan Schaar.
Each of us can become a blessed channel of peace for the healing of Earth's wounds; We can awaken from apathy and find creative, non-violent ways to transform the abuses rampant in today's world. ---Nam Merrill with Barbara Taylor. "Peace Planet: Light for our World".
Reality is permeated, indeed flooded, with divine creativity, nourishment, and care. ---Marcus J. Borg. "Conflict, Holiness, and Politics".
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. ---Jalaluddin Rumi. "The Essential Rumi", translated versions by: Coleman Barks.
I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell.
Walt Whitman, “Song of the Open Road,” (9.31), Leaves of Grass, 1867.
Right man will always try their best to live up their promises, while this fake boy make commitments easily but seldom keep them.
oh what i wouldn’t give to be sitting in a hammock lightly intertwined with a beautiful boy who has a warm smile and hands, contrasting cool night air while we listen to the beckons of nature creating a soundtrack to our new inside jokes and ideas of life, becoming unknowingly fond to the notion that these will develop to plans and promises
Listening to Peter by Taylor Swift and just knowing that a year ago this song would have hurt you so much more than it does now because you had to leave them behind. You didn't have a choice. You were growing and they weren't and you couldn't be the only one trying anymore. It hurt too much to wait for them.
And at the same time it hurts in a completely different way now. It aches of healed wounds and time and perspective. You understand why and that you are in such a better place then you were at that point.
But you still wonder. The anger and sadness have dulled but you still revisit it. Wondering. Waiting. Questioning.
And a small part of you knows that you are never going to get those answers. That the why's and ifs and when's will always be there. But instead of haunting you, they are just whispers now.
And thats ok. You can handle the whispers - brush them off, even. But this song will always take you back to that place, that person. And it hurts, but you'll still smile.
Yeah, you'll still smile.
One broken promise at the time...
I don't understand people that say : '' I can't do freaky stuff with my partner I have to much respect...'' WTF do u mean ? You are ready to let a random weirdo hit it raw going for round after rounds and nut in while u are crying for a random one nigh stand... Y'all need to be FUCKING FRL. The stuff I WOULD DO TO MY FOREVER is actually crazy and the way I can't even get moist a front of a random handsome man because I'm not HIS.
this user loves summer salt and beach bunny