Saftey - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

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4 years ago
Srsly Tho This Is Absolutely A Thing That Dudes Do All The F***ing Time

srsly tho this is absolutely a thing that dudes do all the f***ing time

like where if he knows a girl doesn’t necessarily want to give him a hug, he will trap her in this position in front of witnesses where she has 2 options- both of which are undesirable for her, while simultaneously desirable for him

if she doesn’t want to hug him, whatever she does, it will suck for her.

she can 1. say nah and be the fucking asshole in front of other ppl or 2. forsake her corporeal boundaries and allow unwanted intimate contact

it’s a f***ing trap

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2 years ago
Brad Thought About Getting Guards For His Nipples But He Was Nearly Certain They Only Bled If You Were

Brad thought about getting guards for his nipples but he was nearly certain they only bled if you were running in a marathon. That whole notion was just downright freaky.

Well, he’d ask Chris later just to be sure. Right now his ass was looking really hot.

It was then Brad realized between his fine ass and mirrored sunglasses, the two shirtless boys that bladed by not two minutes ago prolly didn’t see him wink.

Hmmmm… well. Notated for next time. Certainly, another round will come. That’s when Chris tapped Brad on the shoulder scaring the Bejesus out of him. Yikes!

Well, the hot boys may have skated by, but at the end of the day, the possession was over. Chris and Brad were both thankful for that.

Buh-bye Bejesus.

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2 years ago

resources for staying safe online

always important, but i feel like especially recently. particularly stuff that’s a bit more than just the usual “don’t post personal info”

feel free to share this post on twitter or anywhere else, staying safe is important - direct links to delete accounts

how a photo’s hidden exif data exposes your personal information

have i been pwned? - check if your accounts have been compromised in a data breach. CHANGE ANY ACCOUNT THAT USES THE SAME EMAIL AND PASSWORD

online harassment field manual

form for removing personal information from google (for the eu), see also: “remove your personal information from google”

extreme privacy: what it takes to disappear (personal data removal workbook)

filter lists for ublock origin, and more

restore privacy - online privacy resources center

online spyware watchdog

how secure is your password?

defensive computing checklist

cloudflare dns

non-technical tips on staying anonymous

webrtc leak shield - chrome, firefox

web safety tutorials by the electronic frontier foundation

crash override network - resources for victims of doxing and online harassment

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11 years ago


I'm scared, sitting here in MY home, with all the doors and windows locked, with the alarm system on, with the sun shining outside, and I'm terrified. Why? On the website we've been using for our D&D campaign, where I've been posting long write-ups about my character and her reaction to events during the campaign, a stranger favorited our campaign. They didn't respond to anything, they didn't make any comments, they just favorited the campaign so that they could follow it, and probably the posts that I've been making. DM said that he already planned to nuke the site, and would do so sooner if I gave the word.

This. Is. Not. Rational.

But it is. I don't know this person, and those posts directly relate to a time and place that I can be found every week - if the person did their homework, there is a possibility that they could find me. And just, randomly, show up one day. 

The fact that ANYONE could do that scares me, but this is hitting some buttons that go WAY deeper than that.

So, my father was mentally and emotionally abusive. He never raised his hand to me, but his greatest weapon was doubt, and he was escalating when I left. Since getting away from him, I've rooted out alot of the damage that he did to me, but he affected me my whole life growing up. I realized a couple years ago that I inadvertently internalized his voice - all those thoughts that say "you're not good enough," "You're doing something wrong," "You're not doing it right," they speak in MY voice. I FEAR him, that he'll pull me back in one of these days. When in college, I presented a poster on some research I did - the poster was put online like all the others, and it was because of that poster that my father was able to find me and contact me again, after I thought I'd gone invisible. So now, any time a strange username shows up, or I get a weird comment form someone I don't recognize, a thrill of panic races through me, even if I"m able to explain it away.

But it's not just him I fear... again, when in college, my mom was the victim of a home invasion. The bastard impersonated a cop. He promised her that if she went to the police, he'd find and do the same thing to me... For the next couple of months I went nowhere without someone else around - weather my roomate or my boyfriend at the time - for fear that he'd do exactly as he promised. I'm a loner by nature, I generally preferr to be alone, and being constantly surrounded by people... it saw me in the hospital. The fear, the constant terror, the looking over my shoulder and wondering... will it be tonight? Will he find me tonight? Will he do that tonight?

I know why the narcolepsy got so bad all of a sudden after I married. It was because, finally, for once in my life, I was safe, and I didn't have to keep pushing just to survive. I. Am. Safe. Here. Even with demons climbing in through the windows, at the very least, my physical body is safe. 

But if I leave, if my husband isn't here... That's where alot of the anxiety comes from. That uncertainty... you can take as many precautions as you want, but eventually... something will just happen. Someone will get through. And with my body being unreliable as it's been... well, if something DID happen, would I be able to handle myself?

Anger cuts through the cataplexy for me, which is comforting. And I decided a LONG time ago that I'd rathar be angry than scared, than sad. So...

Fuck my father. Fuck that man. Fuck that guy that randomly favorited our campaign, and fuck this fear. I'm going to get angry, and it's going to fuel me. I will be terrifying, and if anyone tries to do anything, well.... it'll be an excuse for me to let loose this well of anger that I hold. Turn the pain to energy, turn the fear to anger, and USE it. We have weapons in every single one of our rooms, and I'm prepared to kill. I'm not putting up with this fear any more!

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5 months ago

hi quick question ,is there a way i can block certain tagsor like inaproriate content al togtaher? like i know acoounts can b blocked but like evrytime i am scrolling down a normal fandom tag or some other tag like climate change,feminism, etc etc inaproriate content comes up, and i dont like to see that . is there that stuff cann be permantly blocked? @tumblr staff

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5 months ago

I miss him.

But not because I still love him, but because I could trust him. Because he made me feel safe.

He is the first and only person I ever told everything to.

And today when I had flashbacks and a panic attack, all I wanted was him to hold me.

Because to me he means safety and trust.


Even if he is not here anymore.

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7 months ago

Need more of these

mrgaminduck - I am duck who likes games. that is all

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1 year ago


This is not my usual content I would post but it needs to be said. Earlier today I was at Walmart to pick up purple shampoo and a loaf of bread. I decided to browse their makeup to look for a new blush and there were maybe three other people in there: a mother and her daughter and a young woman, maybe in her mid twenties.

While I was standing there the young woman came up to me and very nervously asked if she could walk around with my while I finished my shopping because she thought a man was following her in the store. She told me what he was wearing and his build and said that she had been weaving in and out of aisles in the store and everytime she changed aisles the man would follow her from a not so subtle distance. Where I live there has been a rise in human trafficking in a few nearby areas and she told me that she had seen a lot of that on the news and I could tell she was extremely nervous. I let her know that she could walk around with my while I grabbed what I needed and even offered to walk with her to her car just in case. She ended up just walking with me to get my stuff and then we separated when we both needed to checkout; per her assurance that she would be fine.

Being another young woman alone in the store I was very alert and mildly nervous walking to my car alone even though I have been there a million times by myself. I made it to my car safe and as I was pulling out of the parking spot I saw the same woman walking out to her car, alone and safe as well.

The point of this is that people, women and men and everyone else, shouldn't have to put up with the fear of being kidnapped and sold while simply shopping, or anywhere else for that matter. While this should never happen, the sad truth is that it does happen, and please if you notice anything suspicious going on or see someone in need of help do not hesitate to step in to help or clear up any confusion on a situation.

And if you are ever in a situation like this, please please please, don't wait for something to happen, talk to security or an employee, ask to walk with someone for a few minutes, find something to do to PREVENT NOT DEFEND. Don't wait to be the person on the news that has everyone else worrying.

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8 months ago

I know this is completely irrelevant to my usual posts but I really need to get this off my chest because I’m super scared right now.

Mentions of, kidnapping, fear, following, chasing, crying, and assault, dying, paranoia. Mention of private parts…

I don’t really want minors to read this but it needs to be out there so feel free to.

So I was at the park right? Doing my daily walk as I usually do since I’m preparing for the army and this guy walks up to me and starts flirting with me and he was pretty old so I told him my age (17 going to turn eighteen in one month) and he was like your legal enough and kept flirting with me and he wouldn’t leave me alone. He asked me for my number and told me he was 59 yo and I walked off after telling him no and he started scratching his dick like bro wtf then he started following me and everything so I started walking faster and mind you my phone just got turned off yesterday because of personal reasons so I couldn’t call the police. I looked back and this man is running behind the trees so I start crying and panicking so I saw this girl and I called the police off of her phone and they escorted me back home and now I’m paranoid because I feel like I’m being followed and watched.

When I tell you he was sprinting to hide behind the trees and literally made me bust out in tears like omg. Never in my life had I been scared of dying but that doesn’t mean imma let a door open to it possibly happening. I felt like he was trying to kidnap me.

It really felt like he was chasing me (he was) I really can’t do anything to calm myself down and I’m home by myself now. My aunt and brother are out working and today is my day off so being at home right up the street from the park where that man chased me makes me wanna rip my hair out and cry again.

Maybe I’m being dramatic but I feel like my reaction is pretty justified because of what happened. The police are now searching for him.

Guys please be safe for real. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else because it’s not a good feeling. Paranoia can really cause damage in trust and all sorts of things and safety is really important. Please keep a defense weapon on you at all times. Please. Like seriously.

And believe me I’m not trying to scare anyone by any means but I want to put it out there to be safe wether your a female, male, non binary, or other.

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