Useful For Later - Tumblr Posts
Honestly, having team Gai as my current special interest, I think this is the most useful post I have ever seen
do you have any episode that involves team guy or anyone from team guy that you like a lot?
Some Team Gai, Maito Gai, Tenten, Neji, and/or Lee episodes! Under the cut, in case I add any later!
When I say “focus,” I just mean which of them is relevant in the episode, not that they’re the main character of that episode. This is broadly a list of episodes where their characters appear.
When there’s an “&” that means the episode has moments of the bond between said characters. Sometimes when it’s just the general bond of the team I’ll just put “Team Gai” instead.
If there’s an asterisk (*) it’s one of my faves.
Keep reading
I love how expressive they are!
Gonna use that someday

My “draw the squad” memes so far
[ID: Eight pictures of a step by step recipe on how to make moss graffiti.
First picture: Words "MOSS GRAFFITI"
Second picture: Person putting moss in a blender with water. The measurements read "3 handfuls moss" and "3 c (700 ml) lukewarm water". At the bottom of the picture is written "Crumble moss; pour water".
Third picture: Person adding the ingredients in the blender. Measurements: "2 tablespoon water-retention gel". Bottom of the picture: "Add water-retention gardening gel".
Fourth picture: Person adding more ingredients in the blender. Measurements: "1/2 c (120 ml) buttermilk". Bottom: "Add buttermilk".
Fifth picture: Person blending the mixture with the blender. On the right is a chronometer labeled " 2-5 min". Bottom: "Pulse blender until gel forms".
Sixth picture: Person painting the mixture on a wall with a brush. Bottom: "Paint onto wood or rough concrete".
Seventh picture: Person misting their painting. On the top left is a calendar with a red cross on every Tuesday. Bottom: "Mist weekly".
Eighth picture: Three examples of the moss graffiti on brick walls.
End ID]

Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide
Tldr: To fall asleep fast, relax all your muscles(face, arms, legs) until your whole body is dead. Then try to think of nothing. Focus on a static image like sitting in the dark. It'll work better the more you do it.
I'm used to hypnosis and this is actually one way to get in a relaxation state. Once you're in it if you just let your consciousness drift away it's very easy to fall asleep.

Hii!! I just want to ask if you have any tips or resources in writing character relationships?? Like I want to build a relationship between two characters in a relatively short time but i dont want it to feel rushed,,,,thank you so much!! Your blog has helped me alot!!
I have quite a few resources and advice on the topic of building romantic relationships in a story, so I’ve linked some relevant resources below that you might find useful:
How To Fit Character Development Into Your Story
Creating A Love Interest For An Introvert
Writing Opposites Who Attract
Resources For Plot Development
Guide To Plot Development
Describing Heartbreak
Developing Complicated Plots Around Characters
Writing Great Fanfiction
How To Write The Perfect Kiss
On Romantic Subplots
Resources For Romance Writers
Tips On Writing Skinny Love
Guide To Writing Friends To Lovers
Guide To Writing Enemies To Lovers
Guide To Writing Faded Love
Resources For Writing YA Fiction/Romance
Guide To Writing Will-They-Won’t-They
Rivalry vs. Abuse
Guide To Writing Forbidden Love
20 Mistakes To Avoid in YA/Romance
Balancing Fluff and Conflict
Best Friends To Lovers Resources
How to develop an Emeies-To-Lovers story
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$5+ Patrons receive the following immediately upon pledging: early access to all wordsnstuff content, participation in polls to choose upcoming wordsnstuff content, downloadable PDF articles, requests prioritized, direct advice chat with me, Access to patron discord server with fellow writers, and much more!

[image: FB screenshot of mine, text as follow:
I found the ultimate ADHD life hack for chores
There’s….There’s no rules, y'all
You don’t have to do… everything at once
You’re in the bathroom for a few minutes? Just put a couple of things away and wipe down the faucet and then leave. You don’t have to clean the WHOLE THING at once
This is both an ADHD life hack AND a disability life hack
SO OFTEN I feel helpless and useless because I can’t do chores. But. What if. I do. SMALL things. I can wipe a countertop down while my coffee brews. I can sweep up just a small area. I can only put away half my clothes.
ANY progress is good. ANY AT ALL!
R e v e l a t i o n
Don’t make fun, my “GET THE WHOLE JOB DONE OR DON’T BOTHER AT ALL” mentality drilled into my brain for years isn’t easy to overcome ;)]
[ID: Tweet from "The economist".
"Why aren't millennials buying diamonds?" And a picture of fingers holding a diamond with a black background. End ID]

writing prompts for writers with no motivation
pick a topic you know nothing about and write about it like you’re the expert. just make stuff up. Tell us all about the complicated history of scissors or whatever and how left handed scissors were banned by the Catholic Church until 1978, or something
Create completely over-the-top self indulgent OC’s. Write about the magical half-unicorn witch with rainbow hair and sparkly purple eyes that you wanted to be when you were 14.
Write a negative review of a book that doesn’t exist. Just make stuff up off the top of your head to complain about.
Write smut, but like, intentionally bad smut. make it as unsexy/pretentious/purple/unrealistic as possible. Find the most convoluted metaphors for your characters’ genitalia that you can possibly conceive of.
pick two of any kind of work of fiction (movies, books, etc) and come up with an “X meets Y” style blurb for a hypothetical work of fiction theory??...meets the two in the middle.
lists of names in a specific style, but they get progressively more ridiculous. examples: pirates, supervillains, Vikings, Fantasy(tm) taverns, puritans, settings on a Fantasy(tm) map, boybands, YA dystopian protagonists, warrior cats, any category you can find on a name generator website really
Make up some unhinged political opinion or conspiracy theory for a fantasy setting. spend a paragraph in the persona of some elf antivaxxer arguing that wizard staffs make you gay
make titles (and if you want, synopses) for books that don’t exist. you can base them on real books if you want
write fake sayings, inspirational quotes, fortune-cookie sayings. Make them sound almost like they mean something at first glance but they’re incomprehensible when you try to delve into them. Or make them just weird.
In a similar vein as the SCP Wiki’s Log of Anomalous Items, come up with magical or “anomalous” versions of everyday objects. You can start with stuff on your desk if you like. Water bottles that fill up with horseshoe crab blood if left unattended. or whatever. Include details on where they were found if you want.
write about questionable super heroes with weird or overly specific powers. Like the little known Blue Footed Booby Man
write a “horror” story or creepypasta but it’s stupid and not-scary as possible. Dont just depend on “the twist/scary thing is super cliche and predictable” for it either, see how you can take an actually effective concept and make it unbearably dumb
invent swear words/insults, the more complex the better
plagiarize. By this I mean write something that’s completely made from sentences from other things and try to make it coherent
write one (1) scene from the most outrageously cool and epic hypothetical story you can imagine. just try to cram as many references to magical flying wolf bounty hunters and inter-dimensional dragon priests and time traveling samurai as you can with literally no regard for anything
Take a sentence or paragraph and replace every word you can in it with a synonym. either try to make it as weird and uncomfortable as possible, or just keep doing this in a telephone game sort of fashion until it’s no longer comprehensible.

So you might be saying: Lion why a guide on drawing black people? Well young blood it’s because a lot of people cant…seem…to draw…black people..Amazing I know.

Racist (caricatures) portrayals of black people have been around forever, and to this day people can’t seem to draw black people like they are human. If your artwork resembles any of the above even remotely your artwork is racist and offensive. If you try to excuse that as a stylistic choice you’re not only a terrible artist, but racist too!!! Congrats.

Whitewashing is also a problem. A lot of people refuse to draw black features on canonly black characters. While this example isn’t colored, lightening the skin-tone of a character is also considered whitewashing. So lets start with features!

Now all black people have different noses thats a no-brainer, but black noses tend to have flatter bridges, and wider nostrils. Please stay from triangular anime noses and small button noses. Your drawings should not depict black people with abnormally large noses. (Especially if you do not draw other characters this way)

If you feel like the way you draw lips on black characters is offensive or resembles a caricature,it probably does and you should change it. ABSOLUTELY AVOID PLACING LIPS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FACE.

Hair is so diverse! Please get used to drawing braids, locs,kinks and coils! If you can learn to draw ringlets and long waves you can learn how to draw black hairstyles.

Add clips! Learn how to draw baby-hairs and never be afraid to add color Pinterest and Google are free my dudes! Also try using square brushes for blocking in coils.

do you have tips for drawing black ppl? not like refs or anything bc thats obvious, but stuff like colour picking and how to properly colour someone of colour.
glad you asked!! Well theres a tutorial by my friend Jojo here about drawing black folks (there isn’t a post for tumblr soz), one by chuwenjie here about drawing asians (i think its predominately south east asians) and one by peachdeluxe here about avoiding whiteashing darkskins when drawing darkskins as zombies etc! Another friend of mine on things to avoid here! (in terms of racist caricature). I included the asian one since I feel its a good tutorial…! These tutorials are really informative, the last one is common sense but apparently not for a lot of artists, so its there just to be careful.
As for general tips, look at references, colour picking is NOT a crime, its not accurate but its better than actually white washing them and it can help get the best shade! Most poc have red-orange-yellow undertones, so grey-ish colours aren’t really great or a direct darker shade isn’t the best.
um for how I draw darker skinned people and pick my colours will be going under a read more!
Afficher davantage

I know I’m not the best artist and I have a cartoon art style, but I still hope this helps someone! I’ve also never drawn a tutorial so like idk if this makes a whole lot of sense.
Edit: Regarding the last slide, while true for some people this doesn’t apply to everyone, i based it on “personal experience” and was informed that with some the colour stays the same throughout, my bad :/
How do you deal with executive dysfunction? I live alone and I guess I've been spending all my energy with work and university, so everyday I get home absolutely exhausted and unable to do anything. I haven't showered in 2 weeks, and I've been living off of chicken nuggets the past few days and I have none left now. I'm using baby wipes to clean myself for now, but I need to wash the dishes so I can cook some actual food, but I don't have the energy to do so. (btw I'm taking adhd meds now)
I dont know sorry
Personally, everytime I'm feeling bad and don't know why, I drink water. Even when it doesn't solve the problem, it distracts from the pain and I get more hydrated. It also helps me with aknowledging that something's wrong and actually doing something about it even if it's just taking a sip of water. I think it's very important when you're disabled(especially undiagnosed) and have been taught your whole life to ignore your problems so you don't inconvenience others.
Hey! Fellow ND people!
Do you struggle to drink water/stay hydrated?
Here's something I'm trying out, it might help you too.
y'know drinking games? Generally done with alcohol
Do them with water
Pull up your favourite show and every time they say the name of a character you like, drink some water.
Open up your favourite youtuber and every time they do something that makes you laugh, drink some water.
I'm like...80% sure that's how drinking games work
even if they don't, it can still be useful to you!
unhinged YouTube channels to quench all your thirst for chaotic sciences stuff
TheBackyardScientist- pretty straight forward, a lot of ridiculous what if videos as in “what if we filled a pool with molten lava or dry-ice, electrifying sand etc. pretty chaotic, they destroy A LOT of fish-tanks in their processes
Styropyro- You like fire? you like LASERS? You like literal death-rays build from stuff you can buy from e-bay? Also sometimes there is completely unhinged science recipes (like making rocketfuel from sugar and stump remover) taking from late 19th-early 20th century DIY science books that make the anarchist cookbook look kind of lame
Michael Reeves- Fun weird robotics and coding, robots build from household items and whatever you can salvage anywhere, not as informative as the others mentioned but very fun and unhinged, also coding tutorials
JLservideos- cool gadgets and build inspired by pop-culture like Superhero movies, fairly in-depth explanations on the building process, still easily digestible, wall climbing shoes, taser gloves and human flying drones are just a few of the very cool projects
The Thought Emporium- The closets thing to a RL mad scientist YouTube has to offer, straight up bioengineering at some points, very bio focused in general, manipulating viruses, growing synthetic flesh and silk, and using human neurons to build a computer
Sexy Cyborg- Machine coding and 3d printing, hiding cool gadgets in everyday objects, building automated bartenders etc. self build anti-surveillance tech
Do you remember how it was briefly touched upon how Kakashi and Obito’s sharingan were connected so they could occasionally see what the other one was seeing? Kakashi probably had visions without realizing it and figured that they were jumbled hallucinations. In addition to his nightmares, he’d see a lab filled with dislocated sharingan eyes, faces that he didn’t recognize contorted in fear, maybe even seeing an image of himself sleeping at night, tossing and turning in a sheen of sweat. Nothing makes sense but it only adds to his anxiety and PTSD. It makes him even more afraid to sleep at night.
How long did team 7 exist before Sasuke’s defection?
It is not clear what time of year Naruto graduates. And there is no remark on the passing seasons. No birthday celebrations.
Let’s have a look at Sasuke’s mission report to see what the timeline is like:
Afficher davantage
Dealing With Executive Dysfunction - A Masterpost
The “getting it done in an unconventional way” method.
The “it’s not cheating to do it the easy way” method.
The “fuck what you’re supposed to do” method.
The “get stuff done while you wait” method.
The “you don’t have to do everything at once” method.
The “it doesn’t have to be permanent to be helpful” method.
The “break the task into smaller steps” method.
The “treat yourself like a pet” method.
The “it doesn’t have to be all or nothing” method.
The “put on a persona” method.
The “act like you’re filming a tutorial” method.
The “you don’t have to do it perfectly” method.
The “wait for a trigger” method.
The “do it for your future self” method.
The “might as well” method.
The “when self discipline doesn’t cut it” method.
The “taking care of yourself to take care of your pet” method.
The “make it easy” method.
The “junebugging” method.
The “just show up” method.
The “accept when you need help” method.
The “make it into a game” method.
The “everything worth doing is worth doing poorly” method.
The “trick yourself” method.
The “break it into even smaller steps” method.
The “let go of should” method.
The “your body is an animal you have to take care of” method.
The “fork theory” method.
The “effectivity over aesthetics” method.

“So which ship dynamic is your fav?”